

【大天使麥克、聖哲曼St. Germain.】
#JamesMcConnell #MarleneSwetlishoff #NickChan

傳導作者:JamesMc Connell
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Archangel Michael. And I am here at this time to continue to assist you in working through everything that is occurring in your lives now as you focus more and more as how things are changing with your loved ones, your surroundings, everything that is happening to move you to a point where you are needing to become more and more unattached to everything that is yet a 3-D illusion of this third-dimensional paradigm that is, indeed, an illusion.
Everything you are watching on your internet, on your televisions, everything you are hearing is largely a part of this illusion. It is a show or a movie, as you have heard many times, being played out in front of you.
But the whole reason for this is not to bring grief, certainly not to bring fear, but to be a part of this Great Plan which is bringing you closer and closer to move through this transition that you are in, and move through your ascension process. As you are, indeed, in that first wave of ascension right now.
Have you ascended? No. If you feel an attachment of any kind, you have not ascended.
And as your discussion was earlier about your loved ones and those that may or may not be exiting as a result of those choices they are making, you do not need to be concerned about them. They have their own life path. They have their own soul path to follow. And they are following that, just as you are following yours.
You must come to understand that more and more that you have no control. No control at all. Just as I have no control. Sananda has no control. Saint Germain has no control. The One Who Serves … on and on. No one of us has any control over any of you, nor would we even want to begin to have control. That is a third-dimensional illusionary process.
Those that want to have control, they want to control the entire planet. They want to control the world. How much folly is that? But they are not to be allowed to do so.
You have heard many, many times, the Light has already won. And, indeed, in has. In the higher dimensional frequencies, it has already won. It has already happened. You have already had the Solar Flash in the higher dimensions. But it has not filtered down yet. And you have heard it will not be in the third dimension, and it will not be. It cannot be. For if the Solar Flash were to happen now in your third-dimensional illusion with the veil still up, you would not survive. Most, if not all of you, and the Lightworking Community included, would not survive it. This is why it had not yet happened.
But rest assured that when it does happen, you will be ready for it. And the consciousness of mankind will have progressed enough. For there are those things in the works now that are bringing about this Great Awakening. This Great Awakening is leading to higher consciousness, higher vibrations, and a movement out of the third-dimensional illusion, a movement to bring the veil down. And when this happens, the Solar Flash will also happen.
Will it take a lifetime? No. Will it take many years? Most likely not. But it could take months, and yes, even years for this to occur. But again, it is all on what you call ‘God’s time.’ Not your time. It is all in Divine timing. Even I, Archangel Michael, I do not know the timing for this. And if I did, I wouldn’t be allowed to tell you.
Because you must live it. You must live your lives day by day, moment by moment. But that is what you came here to do. You came here to live. You came here to express, express life. You came here to anchor the Light. That is what you are all doing to one degree or another.
It is true: it is not up to you to manipulate or to help to change anyone’s soul path. It is their soul path. It is your soul path.
As you move closer and closer on your soul path to coming back, and I say specifically “coming back” to remember who you are, and to remember the connection to your Higher God Self, when you have fully realized that, and you have let go of all of the attachments that hold you to this third-dimensional illusion yet still, then you will have ascended into and even beyond, at times, the fifth-dimensional frequency.
If you want to, if you wish to, call upon me, Archangel Michael, that I would come with my Flaming Blue Sword of Truth and sever any remaining psychic ties that still may be holding you down to this third-dimensional illusion. So that you might once and for all move beyond this game, end this game for yourselves, and move into those higher vibrational frequencies for good, not to keep going back and forth.
Unless you wish to do that. And many of you, as you have heard, will wish to do that. Once you have ascended, you will want to come back, many of you. Come back and assist those loved ones that are still lagging behind, and help them to cross the finish line, just as you will have.
I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you now in peace, and love.
And know that I, and many, many of us, and you know of who and whom I speak of here, all the ones that you call upon—we are always here, just a whisper away. Just ask, and we will be with you.
Peace and love be with all of you. Blessings.

揚升大師.聖哲曼(St. Germain.)信息:
傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan 

I come on the wings of love! On the path of Light that you walk upon, many possibilities are presenting themselves and coming into your awareness. This means you are attuning to the Divine flow for your soul journey and it is incumbent upon you to stay the course and stay true to your path. Do not look elsewhere for the answers, for they are all contained within you. What is the right way for you may not be the right way for the path of another and so we do not judge self or others as we all continue the ascension process. Your own Eternal Divine Essence guides you every step of the way and we from the Ascended realms of Light are here to assist you wherever and whenever we can.
There is a plethora of information that abounds upon the web of knowledge and ideas known as the internet. Anyone can research any subject they have interest in and find the answers that resonate as truth to them and then do further explorations into paths they did not conceive of before but which in some mysterious way, they are led to and given insights that were needed. This current time is a period when each soul learns more about self, what makes them unique and special, what they have in commonality with others in their sphere of influence and even further afield into cosmic and universal concepts that apply to all souls in this universe and beyond. Truly, the magic and wonder of creation is just beginning to unfold!
As they delve into the mysteries of themselves and all of creation, they find some essential truths that cannot be ignored. One of these is that their planet is the home that they live on and it is where they experience their soul journeys and soul lessons and they see that this essential connection must be appreciated and nurtured as one that is necessary. Our planet is destined to become a luminous star in the cosmos and the ascension process is part of the larger picture of what is written and foretold in the annals of cosmic knowledge. Each soul then begins to see that their individual conscious contribution to this greater unfoldment of expansion and spiritual growth for all helps to accelerate the process for the entire collective of humanity who is reaching for greater heights on their spiritual journey.
It is in this current period of time that great acceleration, expansion and growth of potential within each soul is occurring. The knowledge and insights that used to take a lifetime or even many lifetimes to achieve can now happen within hours, days and months! Such is the impetus of the Light that is streaming into the Earth's atmosphere. Each soul that can recognize this opportunity for advancement in soul evolution is now stepping up to the plate and focusing their attention on their current state of being and where it is they wish to go from here. It is good...it is as it should be and it means the individual is on track with the destiny they have chosen to walk the path of in this current lifetime.
For many individuals, this is the completion lifetime of the former cycle of incarnational rounds in the experience of duality in its various forms in matter. Much has been learned about what it means to be a responsible God being and they have discovered that they must embrace and love all of it as an integral part of their spiritual journey. They have learned to discern the middle way and to walk their path with high integrity, truth, respect and honor in a harmonious, peaceful and balanced way. This has created more Light within their physical bodies and this Light is radiating in ever greater concentric circles of circumference which ultimately joins with the circles of Light radiating from and within others of like mind. This has created a unity field of consciousness that has great potential for positive development.
I AM St. Germain.


