

傳導作者:Asara Adams、Victoria Cochrane
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.反攻看不見的敵人 (20201231)
《2》.選擇你的現實 (20210112)
#NickChan #VictoriaCochrane #AsaraAdams

傳導作者:Victoria Cochrane.
譯者:Nick Chan.

The world is under attack – we acknowledge your concerns about the Corona Virus and the rampant spread of Covid 19. If you feel helpless, that is understandable, but the energy you send now is more powerful than you can imagine. Lightworkers, starseeds and those who are awakening, you can all make a difference to the world by sending energy to transmute the corona virus in your country or other parts of the world.
We ask that, when you pray for the world that you do so from the 5th Dimension only. Go to your pyramid and then to the World Pyramid and call in the masters of light, the angelic real in its entirety and the starseeds from Pleaides. They are the ones who best know the encoded knowledge to thwart these continued attacks.
The world is being alerted to the ‘truth’ that no-one is save unless they can be isolated. This may be so on the Earthly Plane in the face of a pandemic, but connection to the unconditional love of the Universe is the only way to stay above and immune from the fear plaguing humanity and keeping it mired in the 3rd dimension. Daily meditation is a recommended practice for those of you who find it more difficult to ignore the lower energies that can so easily disrupt Divine flow.
There are terrible things happening on the Earth, that is true, but if you allow your energy to become enmeshed in them then you cannot be of any assistance. Sending love and the Violet Flame is always a powerful thing to do but, with the world in the grips of a particularly virulent virus, we offer this strategy for you. If you do it at a particular time every day and invite others to join you, you will be activating the Law of Group Endeavour, making the healing particularly powerful. Make sure, to avoid intervening on anyone’s free will, that you are sending energy into the Human Collective Consciousness or to the virus itself, not to any particular individual or group of people.
Visit the World Pyramid daily and write down the information given to you by the masters. It will entail a specific country or region and alphabetic and/or numeric codes that will transmute the virus in that area to harmless. The energy will be sent to areas without specifying individuals, but always ask for it to be done for the greater good in the highest and best way with Divine ease and grace but for your highest and best (so your energies are protected). Ask the masters to witness it if you cannot. If you do not know how to go to the World Pyramid, hold the intention that you are taken there and it will be so.
I AM Archangel Michael.

傳導作者:Asara Adams.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you Blessings of LOVE and LIGHT, in this NOW Moment, and we invite you to open your Heart to our message for you...
The world is undergoing a Massive Change.
The separation between the "Matrix" (lower vibrational third dimensional world) and the NEW Divine Earth of the HIGHER Dimension has BEgun.
It is NOW up to each individual in which world you wish to reside.
You have Free Will to choose...
How do you Consciously move towards the world of your choice?
Your Focus and Attention is Reinforcing your Reality.
Your Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions are Reinforcing your Reality.
You can choose, which pieces you wish to allow into your Reality and which pieces you wish to leave out.
Perhaps, you might be experiencing a reality that is less enjoyable.
NOW, you can BEgin to choose what you Think, Feel, Read, Watch, and Talk about with others.
Each time you make a choice, you are either moving closer to your desired Reality or further away.
When you BEgin to choose one direction consistently, you will create a Powerful Momentum.
"What about world events?" you might ask.
We would like you to try an experiment to leave the "Matrix":
For a moment we invite you to imagine a Bubble of LIGHT around you and your immediate world.
What if, you BEgin to focus only on your Bubble of LIGHT and stop reinforcing what is not in your immediate world and not in your control such as world events.
What if you would stop watching the news and social media posts that are designed to keep you in fear and stress?
What if instead, you would Meditate more to turn the power over to GOD?
GOD has All the Power, not humans and circumstances...
As long as you are giving all the power to humans and circumstance in your world, you will be disappointed.
But, if instead, you are giving All the power to the Almighty GOD, you are employing Powerful Forces to assist you BEyond BElief...
That takes consistency and after a while, your connection to GOD will BEcome unshakable and your world, humans and circumstances will follow the command of GOD, who is Divine LOVE only.
What if you would do this for just one day?
Would you feel a little bit better?
Would you be a little less anxious and stressed?
Your vibrational Frequencies would BEgin to Raise.
Your Energies would BEgin to BEcome more Positive.
NEW Solutions and Ideas would BE able to enter your world because you would BEgin to BEcome a vibrational match to them.
Before your experiment, you would be a vibrational match to the problems you are interacting with and more problems would be able to enter your reality...
But NOW, you would BE a vibrational match to the solutions, ideas, and the Almighty power of the Loving GOD, to bring you All the Blessings you are asking for.
You can continue this experiment for as long as you wish.
For many it has BEcome a way of life and what a life they have created, together with all Loving GOD...
KNOW That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking BEside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are Loved BEyond measure. Always.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you this TRUTH.


