Beloved masters, allow us to give you a brief overview as to the “current state of humanity and the Earth” from our perspective. Imagine that you are viewing your planet with our visual capabilities from one of the great Light Cities high above the Earth. We see the greatest and the most minuscule solid forms and structures, but we also see and sense the vibrational patterns and colors radiated forth from every animate and inanimate object on Earth. We constantly observe and monitor the changing patterns within the Earth, the oceans, the atmosphere and Auric Field of the Earth, as well as the activities of your sun and the Elements of nature. We see the areas, both large and small, that are beginning to radiate the brighter, harmonious colors and vibrations of the Archetypal Planes of Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension and the new Divine Blueprint for the Age of Aquarius. These are the places which are beginning to firmly anchor the radiant gifts of Love/Light from the Celestial Cities of Light and will eventually be the Sacred Sites of the future.
When you come together in common purpose with your Soul families to reaffirm your commitment to fulfill your Divine Mission, we watch as a beautiful column of Light pours forth and fills your group Pyramid of Light, as well as your personal pyramids, and then connects with the City of Light nearest you. If you could only see the magnificent geometric patterns of Light that begin to flow forth into your personal pyramids of Light, as you activate the trickle-down process of anchoring this magnificent gift within yourself, with the remainder flowing down into the core of the Earth, and then out your Solar Power Center (both front and back). This rarified energy infusion creates a sacred space around you, and it gradually radiates forth in greater and greater concentric circles, connecting eventually with the compatible energy of other Light Bearers.
The darkness and the shadowlands are becoming more pronounced and apparent as the Lightness of Spirit begins to create greater and greater pockets of contrasting vibrational patterns. We see the maelstrom of chaotic, hate-filled energy as it creates vortices of death and destruction. Just as the Adamantine Particles of Light, activated by your loving intention, send forth vibrational patterns of joy, peace, abundance and harmonious interactions – the darkness, devoid of the major portion of Spirit’s Light, creates and radiates forth pain, suffering, fear and devastation.
There is a great drama being played out on Earth during this epical time of change, and you must remember, both the innocent and the not-so-innocent made an agreement at a higher level of awareness to be participants in the chaotic battle of evolution and transformation. It is part of your basic human nature to resist change and to fear the unknown, until you are well on your way to becoming en-Lighten-ed Spiritual/human Beings who view events from a higher vantage and a non-judgmental point of view.
To help ease your suffering and sorrow at the loss of your beloved ones, please know that they are in vibrant good health and more alive than ever. They are basking in the limelight of love and devotion of their Soul families and many wondrous angels and Beings of Light in the higher realms. Their deaths are not in vain. They will return, if they so desire, fully empowered to help create and enjoy the new peace, prosperity and unity consciousness of the future. Through the heightened abilities of your mind and heart, remember them and send them love, and then sit quietly as they radiate love and joy back to you. You may not be able to see them but they are not lost to you.
The best and the worst of each and every country are being brought into the limelight so that all citizens of the world can see the fallacies, short-sightedness and deception – or the wisdom, truth and integrity of their leaders. When you, the Light Bearers, become focused, pro-active and wise enough, you will demand and insist on leaders who serve the highest and best interests of all the people. You will empower leaders who are not afraid to go against popular opinion in order to make drastic, fair and much-needed changes, leaders who will be Spirit-inspired and dedicated to equality, peace and prosperity for all people and not just the select few.
Remember, when you are infused with the Light of Spirit, it affects everything and everyone around you. As your radiance grows and expands, you will draw more and more like-minded people into your sphere of awareness. The spiritual trumpet to awaken is growing louder, and it is reverberating throughout the land into the most sparsely populated places of the Earth, as well as the most densely populated areas. The Light has no favorites; it will infuse and bless anyone or anything that is receptive to and in harmony with its transforming, invigorating energies.
You must also be aware that some dear Souls will not be able to stand in the aura of your Lightness, for it will be too uncomfortable. Whether intentional or not, they will try to throw you off Center and re-establish the status quo – or keep things as they were in the past – no matter how chaotic or unsatisfying. It is more important than ever that you, as the transducers and transformers of the refined Creator Light, stay focused and steadfast as you strive to incorporate and radiate more and more of the refined Light of Creation out into the world.
Many around you will wonder and ask why you have changed so much, and why you are no longer willing to participate in the old games of drama and lower-frequency entertainment. As you move further up the path toward Self-mastery, the energies and actions of others will affect you less and less. As we have often told you, first you must teach by example, via your intentions and actions, and finally through words of wisdom offered at the appropriate time. However, if those around you are not willing to learn to act and react in a more positive, harmonious way through observation or to listen when you offer loving suggestions and moral support, it is important that you withdraw from the drama they are creating and assume the stance of an impartial observer.
Seekers of wisdom and Self-transformation learn from their own actions and reactions, whether positive or negative. From a Spiritual point of view, negative events offer an opportunity to learn which course of action brings forth the most positive results. Your Higher Self always tests you, over and over again, until you reject those things that are not in your best interest and authenticate that which is your truth.
As you move forward on the path of evolution, you will transcend the astrological influences that you brought forth to experience in this lifetime. You are also being offered a golden opportunity to activate, incorporate and use a full measure of the qualities, attributes, virtues and aspects of all three God Rays, as well as the wondrous qualities of all the five higher Galactic Rays for a total of twelve Rays of God Consciousness for this Sub-Universe.
Heretofore, humanity has been limited to the Seven Rays of Solar Consciousness. You may call upon any Avatar, ascended master, archangel or Celestial Being to OverLight you and assist you to attain your highest potential. As you balance and harmonize your entire chakra system, you will have more vitality, and you will radiate more of the life-giving elixir of life down into the Earth and to humanity. You will become a microcosm of Light within the Cities of Light that you are endeavoring to create on Earth. We must also inform you that along with these wondrous gifts comes a great responsibility:
Allow us to give you some further guidelines of how to live each day as a Self-master:
>> Always align with your highest truth. Trust your Higher Self’s inspirational nudgings, which are usually the first impulses or answers you receive to a question or situation.
>> Your response to any situation, whether positive or negative, should always be projected enfolded in loving energy.
>> 你對任何情況的反應,無論是積極的還是消極的,都應該被投射在愛的能量中。
>> Unhappiness and discontentment always come from not living your truth at whatever level of awareness you are currently functioning within. Your lessons of life are always presented to you at your present level of understanding.
>> As you evolve toward mastery of Self, your lessons and challenges become more subtle and are usually not as dramatic or as far off “Center.”
>> 隨著你逐漸掌握自我,你的課程和挑戰變得更加微妙,通常不會那麼戲劇化或遠離“中心”。
>> Do not always express or project your emotions toward others. Allow yourself to feel and express whatever emotions you are experiencing, but analyze and resolve them within your own sacred space. Speak and share only to clarify or clear up a misunderstanding, and always share your thoughts through a filter of love and compassion. That is the way of a master.
>> You must learn to receive with as much love and enthusiasm as when you give to others.
>> 你必須學會像給予他人一樣多的愛和熱情去接受。
>> The more love and respect you feel for yourself, the more you will radiate love and respect to others. See love radiating forth from your Solar Power Center in an infinity sign, and feel it magnetize loving energy back to you in many wondrous ways.
>> You must learn to identify the source and deal with your own negative thought forms. Often your negative feelings are picked up from those around you, especially if you are a very empathetic person. Learn to surround yourself in a sphere of Golden/White Light in which nothing of a lesser vibration can enter and disturb your tranquility.
>> Everyone on Earth is in the process of clearing ancient memories and thought forms of the past. Be a passive observer when these feelings roil up within. Do not claim them; just observe and state to yourself, “This is anger I am experiencing,” or fear, depression, guilt, or any other dis-empowering emotion. Envision a blazing ball of Light descending from your Higher Self and bursting into a million tiny crystalline diamonds and rippling throughout your body, transforming and balancing all discordant energies within. Do this as often as necessary.
>> Be an observer of the process, so that you are not sending forth any negative vibrational patterns into your auric field, as you learn to constantly stay within your “Center of Love and Power.”
>> Shut off your Mental Auto Pilot and become the director of your journey and your experiences. Tune in to your own mental radio station, and seek thoughts, vibrational patterns and sounds that are uplifting and empowering. Negative, critical thinking is composed of lower, disruptive frequency patterns. If you don’t like what is happening in your world, lift your thoughts and change your mind so that you are projecting balanced, uplifting frequency patterns of thought and intentions.
>> Learn to think with your whole brain, meaning use both your linear, analytical, outward- focused left brain along with your intuitive, creative, inward-focused right brain. Tap into your genius potential, or the Light Packets of wisdom stored within your brain in membranes of Light, which are attuned to higher dimensional intelligence or the “cosmic storehouse” of knowledge.
Beloved Bearers of Light, as you integrate more of the plasma of renewal, and become harmonious purveyors of Light, we are now able to interact with you and work through you to create wondrous new things, and miracles beyond your greatest imagining will abound. We enfold you in the Light of Life from the heart core of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. I am ever near to guide and protect you. I AM Archangel Michael.
Beloved masters, it is time to expand your knowledge as to how the Creator¹s Plan was designed and how you all have been affected by that plan throughout your many lifetimes, but especially in this lifetime. We have explained many times before that your Earth resonates to the harmonics of the number seven, while your galaxy and this universe resonate to the harmonics of twelve. There have been numerous references to this in the past, some given in metaphors, and many that are so commonly known that you do not even think about their deeper meaning.
The Beloved Chr·isted Being Je·sus had twelve discip·les and your history speaks much of the twelve tribes of Israel; your astrological zodiac is divided into twelve segments; and one of the major time-keeping systems on Earth divides your year into twelve months. There are many more examples, and if you become more aware of the significance of this number, you will begin to recognize them. More and more often you are dreaming of the number 12:12, and it repeatedly is brought to your attention via your digital clocks. The number twelve carries the vibrational frequencies of wholeness and balance, and you carry within these vibrational frequencies in the form of chakras (or spinning vortices of Light) which will hum and ignite when you have fully activated them.
First of all, you must understand that the examples we will give you are a very simplistic overview of how the Creator Plan actually works, and that we are speaking of this universe only, not the Omniverse. When the magnificent energies for this universe were brought together in the form of a Great Central Sun, multitudes of StarSeeds (those who had previously individualized into God-consciousness) answered the call from the far reaches of the Omniverse to be a part of this wondrous new adventure in creation. The great Beings who were to be the Father/Mother Godhead of this universe filled this new Great Central Sun with their Divine Essence, and all that were to be a part of this new creation were drawn into this great circle of God Light and infused/encoded with the new Divine Blueprint. The greatest number of Divine Sparks were those who had not yet been externalized or had not come into conscious awareness (we often call these the Holy Innocent Ones). As the radiance of the Father/Mother God of this universe burst forth, the first to be created were the Cocreator Council of Twelve, the Elohim Council/Cocreator Gods, the Lords of Light and the Archangelic Realm. There are many subdivisions to each of these Creator forces, but for this short explanation, it will have to suffice.
What we wish to instill in your consciousness at this time, for it is most important for your understanding, is that there were twelve great Rays of qualities, attributes, and virtues brought forth from the heart of our Father/Mother God‹twelve magnificent universal Beings were created which have been designated as Cosmic Monadic/Divine I Am Presence Groups, and these were later divided into twelve more galactic Monadic groups. Each of you is a facet of one of these Great Beings‹you have been separated into a multitude of fragments as you journeyed down through the multi-dimensions, but you are still an integral part of that Great Being, just as you are a facet of the Supreme Creator‹a Spark of the ONE or ALL THAT IS. This is also the meaning of the number 144: 12 x 12 groupings that have been formed at every level of Creation which may contain billions of individual Sparks or souls. When you were ready to incarnate on Earth, after greatly stepping down your vibrations, you were in a Monad/I AM Presence grouping of only 144 souls, consisting of twelve facets/Sparks that divided into twelve. You have interacted with those 144 Sparks down through the ages, dancing to the beat of duality, and playing different roles for each other as you sought to return to harmony and balance. This is not to say that you do not interact with other groupings, but you seek out your intimate soul family, not only to support you, but to interact with in a multitude of ways. In the past, you have not often come into contact with those in your immediate family of sparks or your unit of twelve. Relationship within this group are usually too intense, and you support each other in other ways, often from the higher realms of existence. In other words, you are not all incarnated on Earth at the same time.
We will give you a simplistic overview of each of these twelve great Monadic Beings, and hopefully, through your greater understanding, you will be able to determine which group or tribe, as we have chosen to call them for this teaching, you are functioning within during this important lifetime.
In the highest realms of this universe, you experienced Creation as a Monadic Group which was composed of either First, Second, or Third Ray energies before you descended into this galaxy (Rays Four through Seven are sub-rays of the Third Ray). Then you experienced the galaxy as a group Monad in which there was a mix of First, Second and Third Ray. Here, you joined together in individual groups or soul families that were composed of a certain number of each of these first three Rays (not in equal proportion, however), which also brought to the group a great variety of universal experience. Many have called these groupings “Task Companions” and that is what you were. You mixed and melded your energies and attributes so that when the proper time came, you would recognize your “Tribe” through your intuition and vibratory resonance‹there would be a certain soul signature that would drawn you together. You were then gathered into the auric circle of Light of your Galactic Monad, and from there through your solar system I AM Presence, you fragmented into lesser and lesser sparks of consciousness as you devolved into the fifth-, fourth-, and third-dimensional experience.
You were destined to come together again in the physical or in your astral travels, and you would join together to create a vortex of energy that is greater than the sum of its parts. This melding would reinforce, support, and assist each of you on your chosen path, whatever that may be. It is the beginning of returning to Unity Consciousness. This phenomena is happening all over the world at this time.
What we wish for you to understand is that you have spent much more time in unity consciousness than you have in the greatly diminished, individualized consciousness which you now identify as yourself. The past lives that you have had in this solar system and on planet Earth are just a minuscule portion of what is in your memory banks and who you really are. It was only when you and the Earth sank into the density of the third/fourth dimension that you lost the memory of your connection to each other and Source. Yes, you have gained much knowledge as you journeyed forth on your own grand adventure, and now it is time for you to come together as members of your tribe or soul family to share the wisdom you have all garnered down through the aeons.
The TWELVE TRIBES OF CREATION are broken down as follows:
The universal tribes or groups as were stated above are:
The seven tribes of galactic expression could be designated as falling into these general categories: LEADERS/PIONEERS/WARRIORS * Will to Create ** SCHOLARS * Wisdom/abstract knowledge ** SAGES/TEACHERS * Active intelligence **ARTISANS/CRAFTSMEN * Artistic Creation/Builders of form **
As we stated before, your Divine I AM Presence or Monad is either the First, Second, or Third Ray. Rays four through Seven are sub-rays of the Third Ray. Your Monad never changes, but your soul Ray, physical body Ray, emotional body Ray, mental body Ray, and personality Ray change in different lifetimes so that you can experience all the facets, attributes, and qualities of Creation. Your goal is to attain balance and harmony in all the Ray energies, and so you might say that you choose to experience the energies of the different tribes in different lifetimes so that you can enrich your soul¹s experience. Your Monad Ray is an overlay and affects how you perceive the world and how you act and react to your various life¹s lessons. Remember, there are both positive and negative ways to use the energies of each Ray. We will only address the positive attributes at this time:
LEADERS/PIONEERS/WARRIORS carry the energies of the FIRST RAY OF DIVINE WILL to Create, Faith, Valor, and Protection. These are dynamic individuals who are filled with determination, the desire to overcome and master whatever situation is placed before them. They will usually stand out and come to the fore in some manner. They like to lead and are not followers. This Ray predominately represents the masculine energies of Creation: Outward focused, dynamic, action-oriented, and powerful.
SCHOLARS carry the energies of the SECOND RAY OF LOVE/WISDOM. These souls are seekers of truth and knowledge, and ultimately illumination. The major focus of this group is to turn knowledge into wisdom, and temper wisdom with love and compassion. This Ray carries an equal balance of masculine and feminine energies.
SAGES/TEACHERS carry the energies of the THIRD RAY OF ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE. The plane of Spirit and higher Mental/Causal Mind. These souls are the abstract thinkers, philosophers, and seekers of metaphysical knowledge. This Ray predominately represents the feminine or Divine Mother energies of Creation: Introspective, intuitive, nurturing, and patient.
ARTISANS/CRAFTSMEN carry the energies of the FOURTH RAY OF BEAUTY, HARMONY, AND ARTISTIC ENDEAVOR. This Ray is strongly connected to the Emotional Plane/body and the intuition of the Higher Self. It is often called the Ray of harmony through conflict or struggle. In order to tap into your higher creative abilities you must tame the ego and bring the emotional body into harmony.
SCIENTISTS/INTELLECTUALS carry the energies of the FIFTH RAY OF CONCRETE KNOWLEDGE. This Ray is connected to the Mental Plane/body. These souls are the more linear thinking, analytical types and often become scientists, researchers, electricians, engineers, computer experts, doctors, and nurses.
CRUSADERS carry the energies of the SIXTH RAY OF DEVOTION AND IDEALISM. This Ray is also emotionally based and its energies are focused within the subconscious mind and the Astral Plane. This is a gentle Ray that instills a desire for tenderness, peace, and tranquility. Here you will find the followers who are looking for someone to show them the truth and the “Way.” Those deeply involved in ch·urches and religi·ous organiz·ations often come under this Ray of influence.
SERVERS/SEEKERS carry the energies of the SEVENTH RAY OF FREEDOM, REDEMPTION AND PURIFICATION. This is the Ray of the Violet Transmuting Flame, and the most predominant Ray on Earth at this time. This is the Ray of invocation, manifesting in the highest form and of service. The greatest number of people on Earth at this time are Servers/Seekers.
The five higher galactic/universal Rays are a combination of the first seven Rays infused with the golden/white luminescent Light of the Creator. The radiance of these great Rays is now available to all humanity, and are instrumental in facilitating the tremendous changes now taking place on Earth.
What we wish you to understand is that there are many souls from each of these twelve tribes now incarnate on the Earth plane. True, the number of Beings from the five higher tribes is much smaller, but they are incarnating in greater and greater numbers at this time in order to assist the Earth and humanity through their birthing pains‹the birth into God-consciousness‹your natural state of Being.
Each of you originated from one of these Twelve Sacred Tribes of Creation in this universe. It is an overlay that has been with you from the beginning and which has affected you in every lifetime. Yes, in the beginning you came forth from the heart center of the Supreme Creator, however, your origins in this universal experience could be the angelic realm, or any of these grand lineages. Have we not told you that you are a small Spark of a wondrous Divine Being?
What we also wish to instill in your minds is that because of your unique origins and overlays, you view the world differently than those around you. For example, if your Divine I AM Presence is the first Ray, your impulses, desires, tests, and way of functioning will be very different from those with a second or third Ray Monad. Does this help you to understand why those around you function differently, have different viewpoints and interests, and are drawn to different vocations and avocations?
It is not just your earthly cultural or racial attributes that make each of you unique/different, it is much deeper and more profound than that. And the paradox is that even within your great diversity, you are in Essence all the same. Enjoy your uniqueness, beloveds, find what makes your soul sing and brings joy into your lives, but also look at the greater picture and know that you are all a facet of the Creator. Love others as you love yourself, for in truth, when you do you are extending love to the many facets of yourself. Beloveds, do not direct your attention to all the fear and negativity that is spewing forth out into the ethers, but join us as together we focus on the horizon where a grand New Age of enlightenment is dawning. I am your loving brother and constant companion, I AM Archangel Michael.
Beloved masters, your WHITE FIRE GOD-SEED ATOM / I AM Presence is your original Core Intelligence, your first individualized identity within a Universal or Sub-Universal experience. In this Sub-Universal experience, your first twelve God-Sparks / Soul Fragments contained all the virtues, aspects, talents and knowledge you would need to traverse the multiple levels (Dimensions) within this Sub-Universe. Since that time, your God-Seed Atom Essence has refracted and separated innumerable times. You are now in the process of reclaiming all the multiple Facets of your Soul Self within the Third and Fourth Dimensions so that you may move forward to a greater, more dynamic and expansive version of your Higher Self within a Fifth-Dimensional environment.
To assist you in accomplishing this, your Diamond Core God Cell and your personal Flower of Life Creator Wheel contain a full measure of the Twelve Rays of God Consciousness for this Sub-Universal experience. They were designed so that when you were ready to begin the return journey into the higher levels of consciousness, you would have access to your own FULL SPECTRUM DIVINITY. Your task is to activate these Rays, to incorporate the God qualities and attributes they contain, and then to use these talents and attributes for the greatest good.
There is still much confusion as to what the Soul is, how it functions, and where it resides. It is vital that you understand the intricate process of reconnecting with the many Facets of your Higher Self. It is also important that you gain clarity about the more in-depth teachings we have given you regarding the multiple Higher Self Fragments. You have many of these, not just one. Incorporating these multiple Facets of Self is a process which will take much time and contemplation. Therefore, we feel it is time for an advanced explanation of this most important process – the EVOLUTION OF THE SOUL.
In order to evolve, you must expand your capacity for Love/Light so that it includes all Facets of Creation upon the Earth: love of nature, love of the animal kingdom, love for humanity, love for your perceived enemies, and most important, love of Self. For in essence, all of Creation is a part of you, and you are a precious White Fire Seed Atom of the Supreme Creator. The expansion of God Consciousness results in an expansion of your auric field – your Light Essence. Over time, more of you will develop a radiance so powerful and expansive that it will begin to have a positive effect on those around you, and eventually, on the Earth and all humanity. Quite a large number of the more advanced Souls have already gained that ability. However, you must remember, you cannot convey that which you have not claimed as your own. Also, remember this, an important part of your mission on Earth is to intensify the Light of the lower Dimensions. Expansion of Soul consciousness results in an expansion of the auric field, both in intensity and scope of influence.
An aspirant on the Path must focus on both outer and inner world training. You must strive to become a conscious observer of what is taking place around you. Training yourself to become fully engaged with focused awareness of the physical events in everyday life is vitally important, as well as learning to process the harmonious and the discordant frequency patterns to which you are subjected. You must then take the appropriate action. Practicing emotional and mental discipline is also very important as you seek to become a master of Self. You must not turn your back on the world and life’s experiences but face them head-on. However, it is vital that you learn to view life from a higher vantage point. Endeavor to see the bigger picture and not get entangled in the small story dramas.
Logic is a function of the physical mental body and your conscious mind. Remember, the knowledge or theories you accept as your own truth must be experienced in order to gain the wisdom from the disclosed information. Inspiration is supplied by the Higher Self and your Sacred Mind. You must learn to pay attention to the impulses of your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart, or to the input of the prevailing Facet of your Higher Self, for that is how you will gradually learn to communicate with the Beings of the higher realms and gain cosmic wisdom.
In the beginning, there was communication with and amongst specialized, group spiritual guides and guardians; however, over time this gift or ability was lost. As humanity sank deeper into material world consciousness, they became submerged in the sensations of the five senses. Also, they gradually stopped turning inward for the sense of connection with the higher realms of consciousness. The lower Third and Fourth Dimensions are not bright and clear. There is a misty or foggy overlay. Those Souls existing in this environment do not realize this, for it is the state of awareness they are accustomed to. The reality of the lower Third/Fourth Dimensions could be likened to existing within a murky labyrinth where you are forever seeking the path that will lead you back into the pure Light of awareness. This fog gradually begins to dissipate as you move into the mid-sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension, and your world becomes Lighter and brighter as you traverse each higher sub-level. In order to receive the lessons of Light, you must lift your consciousness to attune to, at least, the Fifth sub-level of the Fourth Dimension. In this Sub-Universal experience, there are seven sub-levels to each Dimension, with the first sub-level being the lowest and densest, while the seventh sub-level is the highest and most refined. The masters and your guides are willing to meet you halfway; however, only on very rare occasions will they lower their frequencies into the density of extreme duality, for it is too uncomfortable for them.
The ego is a Facet of the physical ego-personality self. It was designed to assist you in developing a sense of identity and individuality over time. An outward-focused mind is guided by the ego. The misdirected ego-self was instrumental in creating the illusional belief system of the material plane, a reality based on separation, fear, selfishness and scarcity. As you expand your mental horizons, you begin to break down the barriers of self-limiting perception. Mind expansion includes activating dormant cells of the upper Dimensional levels of the brain and tapping into the wisdom of your Sacred Mind. Blind obedience is not a requisite for en-Lighten-ment, for you are striving to become a master of Self and to live your personal truths as they have been revealed to you and validated by your heart monitor.
Humanity is in the midst of a Soul and cellular awakening. As you move into the vibrational patterns of the higher Fourth and lower Fifth Dimensions, your cells, etheric body and auric field will begin an accelerated purification process. This process will facilitate and ultimately result in the downloading of the many Facets of your Higher Self, and also the gradual reclamation of your etheric Body of Light. Be mindful and aware every moment so that your focus becomes one-pointed and clear. You will gradually develop a sense of self-assurance and security, a knowing that all is well and that it will remain so.
The Soul is a many-times refracted extension of your GOD-SEED ATOM / I AM Presence. The Soul uses the right brain consciousness of intuition, which is connected to the higher Sacred Mind and Spiritual Will. An inner-focused mind is guided by the Soul Self. Humanity is in the process of developing the subtle, refined senses which have become dulled from misuse. You must move past the basic, often distorted physical senses, while diligently endeavoring to develop the higher mental senses of intuition and Divine wisdom. It is of vital importance that you learn to control your emotional nature and to hold your thoughts steadily on the refined frequencies of Light.
You carry within your Diamond Core God Cell a crystalline, Memory Seed Atom of full Self-realization from your point of origin. It contains a very brief overview of the highlights of every life you have ever lived ─ the major lessons you have learned, and the talents you have perfected as you journeyed throughout this Universe.
The Soul is neither Spirit nor matter. It is a crystalline, SACRED FIRE, MEMORY SEED ATOM, a Fragment of pure Light Essence that is programmed to record your journey throughout this Sub-Universal experience. It is the link between you and our Father/Mother God, and ultimately, to the Supreme Creator. Your personal Soul Self for this lifetime resides within your Sacred Heart as a Facet of your Diamond Core God Cell. Each higher-frequency Facet of your Soul has its own Memory Seed Atom. When a given Facet takes up residency within your Soul Star as your OverSoul/Higher Self, it will periodically relay its personal vibrational pattern memories to the Memory Seed Atom within your Diamond Core God Cell and also to your embodied Soul Self.
First, it will activate the appropriate Memory Seed Crystals within your Sacred Mind. If your frequencies and consciousness expand to accommodate them, the Memory Seed Crystals held in reserve within your Diamond Core God Cell will be activated. In this way, as you incorporate all of your Soul fragments, you will eventually gain the ability to access all of the wisdom, talents, positive memories and experiences of the next phase of evolution – the journey of the Soul Self through the multi-levels of the Fifth Dimension. This process repeats itself over and over again as you traverse the multi-Dimensional levels of God Consciousness and incorporate more and more Facets of your Divine Self. THIS IS A SIMPLIFIED EXPLANATION OF THE PROCESS OF ASCENSION.
You were programmed to forever seek the Sacred Heart of your Essence, your Diamond Core God Cell, and your White Fire Seed Atom of Creator Essence. At specifically timed intervals, there have always been small groups of advanced, unique Beings who incarnated into the different races and sub-races, in order to bring forth fresh ideas and instill new qualities and attributes. These advanced Beings interjected their wisdom, higher consciousness, and special talents by example, and they also merged physically with select members of the human species in order to advance the DNA encodings of humanity. YOU ARE LIVING IN ONE OF THOSE SPECIAL TIMES.
The Fourth Dimension could be called a “transitional reality,” for this is where you begin to let go of all the preconditioning of the past. The Fourth-Dimensional realm is more emotional in nature, and therefore, the heart and feeling nature are the major focus. The ancients called the Fourth Dimension the realm of Maya or illusion, or the astral planes of consciousness. The collective mass consciousness of humanity fills the lower three levels of the Fourth Dimension. This is where most of humanity exists mentally until they gradually begin to turn inward and listen to the nudging of their Soul Self. The personality/ego desire-body is the master manipulator of this realm, and it constantly urges you to seek more satisfaction and happiness via sensation and external means of gratification.
You begin to tap into your inner power potential as you move into the higher sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension. Matter becomes more fluid, and therefore, it becomes easier to manifest what you desire. That is why you must learn to be decisive and to focus your thoughts with clear intention. A disciplined mind links the chains of thought together in proper order. It is vitally important for you to understand that scattered thoughts are detrimental to your progress. Living in the present moment – in the “Still-Point Power of the NOW moment” – is a critical component in attaining Self-mastery. Mental effort is required in order to successfully traverse the path of illumination. Gradually, a good portion of your memory of past events will begin to fade as you move out of the realm of the instinctual brain / mind into the realm of the higher mind. Important traits of a Self-master are focused observational abilities and harmlessness in thought, word, and deed. As an aspirant on the Path, greater and greater cosmic truths will be revealed to you. However, you should be aware that the lesser principles of ageless wisdom will constantly be expanded to incorporate the unique rules, laws and truths of the next level of existence in the never-ending cycle of Ascension in consciousness.
You must keep the channel of communication open between the Soul and the brain via the mind. This initiates the slow reactivation process of the Pineal Gland, and the opening of the portal to the Sacred Mind, which is located at the upper, back portion of the brain, close to the crown of the head. The Sacred Mind resonates to the highest Fourth-Dimensional sub-levels as well as all of the Fifth- and Sixth-Dimensional levels ─ with a small portion of Seventh-Dimensional frequencies and data, which is reserved for future use when you have gained the ability to traverse the highest levels possible for humanity in this Sub-Universal experience. However, you must gradually increase your own vibrational patterns in order to tap into this storehouse of cosmic wisdom.
The Sacred Mind and the Sacred Heart are not made of material world matter; they consist of gossamer, ethereal Light substance that cannot be detected via scientific means. However, they are more real than any part of your physical body. For once you reestablish the connection between your Sacred Mind, your Sacred Heart, and your Diamond Core God Cell, there will be a constant flow of Adamantine Particles, as well as pertinent, advanced information coming from within your Memory Seed Atom and also from your OverSoul/Higher Self. That is why it is so critical that you reconnect the Spiritual Triad of God Consciousness: the Sacred Mind, the Sacred Heart, and the many Facets of your Diamond Core God Cell.
As you move into the vibrational patterns of the Fifth Dimension, your cells, etheric body and auric field will begin an accelerated purification process. Tranquility begins in the lowest level of the Fifth Dimension and strengthens exponentially. Gaining godly power and wisdom requires that you move beyond the massive belief patterns of the collective consciousness of humanity into attunement with your cosmic consciousness via the many Facets of your Higher Self. Emotional stability and mental effort are required in order to successfully traverse the Path of illumination. There is a law of EQUILIBRIUM that applies to the Fifth Dimension and above.
Briefly, the Sixth Dimension is the Dimension of immortality and a greatly expanded Soul consciousness as you reconnect with the highest levels of your Soul potential within this Sub-Universe. The Seventh Dimension is the final evolutionary boundary for humanity within this round of Sub-Universal experience. The first sub-level (the lowest in frequency) of the Eighth Dimension is the INFINITY GATEWAY, which you will be able to tap into as you gain the ability to integrate more and more of the higher frequencies of Divine Light. A trickle-down effect is initiated as you gain the ability to access each higher frequency level, whereby minuscule amounts of more refined God Light begin to flow into your personal column of Light, thus adding Light to your auric field and to the vibrancy of your Soul Song.
REMEMBER, MY BRAVE ONES, YOU ARE LIVING IN THE MIDST OF ETERNITY. The wisdom messages we bring you are not to set more rules or create new dogma. Our intention is to set your hearts afire with love and to give you a glimpse of the glorious future before you. I will guide, direct, inspire and protect you, and I radiate the eternal love of our Father/Mother God to each of you. I AM Archangel Michael. TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE *
Michael's Message
Beloved masters, the collective consciousness of humanity is striving to acknowledge the extreme duality that permeates the Earth. Each and every person, at some level, is fighting the battle to attain greater Self-awareness, which must include embracing both the Light and shadow side of Self while endeavoring to return to an accepted range of duality and polarity. Each of you must recognize and claim your shadow side, your symbolic demons within, so that they, too, may embrace the Light of transformation. Human suffering is the result of rigid thinking, a sense of superiority and judgment of others, which lead to separation rather than unity and tolerance for opposing viewpoints. Can you accept the premise that your negative thought forms are also seeking release? They are rising to the surface of your consciousness, seeking illumination and truth, just as you are. You must take responsibility for what you create, moment to moment. Negative thoughts and actions result in distorted creations and chaos.
It is important for you to understand that your physical vessel was encoded for the return to the higher vibrational, more rarified realms of Light from the inception of your earthly embodiment experiences. Also, as humanity evolves, growing in wisdom and becoming more aware of the science and the intricacies of Ascension, there have been many adjustments to the process over the past several hundred years. Some initial Ascension procedures have been discarded and others, more advanced requirements, have been added.
In the past, Ascension was possible for just a select few. Only those who came to Earth to be examples and wayshowers, and who were spiritually advanced, were allowed into the inner sanctums of the mystery schools. The secret doctrine was only given to those who were considered to be the strongest and most dedicated disciples. The lessons, tests and challenges were strenuous, and many perished during the process or did not attain their goal for many lifetimes. That has now changed, for time is running out for the Ascension of the Earth and humanity into the next level of awareness, and many Divine dispensations and much assistance are being offered to those who are striving to meet the challenges and tests of Ascension.
We have explained that each Soul, before incarnating into a physical vessel, is given an allotment of Adamantine Particles of Life for personal use throughout their lifetime. If a person’s allotment is used with loving intention for the greatest good, then the flow of Full-Spectrum Light will continue throughout his/her lifetime. However, when a person becomes unloving, negative and embittered, the access to the Sacred Heart and the God Particles of Life is no longer available. Thereafter, he/she can only access the Half-Spectrum Light, or the Primal Life Force substance, which can be re-qualified and used in either a positive or negative way. Remember, Adamantine Particles of Creator Light can only be activated and used with loving intention for the highest good.
A young child’s heart center is open wide and the God Particles flow freely, unimpeded. However, how long the child’s heart center stays open depends on the love and nurturing they receive from their parents and those around them. Many dear Souls have placed an etheric shield of protection over their heart center so that the pain and suffering will not affect them so drastically. Thereby, they close the door to their Sacred Inner Sanctum where their God Particles of Creation are stored.
Along with the allotment of Adamantine Particles that were placed in each person’s Sacred Heart Center, a smaller allotment was also placed within each of the major chakra centers of the physical body. The largest portion was placed at the Root Chakra, which the ancients called the Kundalini, the coiled serpent of fire, or the Sacred Fire.
There is an accelerated planetary initiation now in progress, and it is affecting everything on the Earth Plane, especially sentient Beings. There are much fear and trepidation as the collective consciousness of humanity undergoes thedramatic changes that occur at the closing of one Age and the beginning of a more advanced era. Especially, when much of what was considered to be of vast importance on the earthly plane slowly changes or disappears. As these drastic evolutionary changes take place, they will not affect you if your Energetic Signature is of a higher, more balanced frequency. There is also a great sense of anticipation and excitement for those who have learned to stay centered within the Sacred Heart. There are many probable futures before each of you, and it is important that you stay centered in the Still Point of the present moment. You may be led to change course several times as you slowly move into the fluidity of the Higher Dimensions; however, if you allow your Sacred Heart and your Higher Self to Light the way, you will never be led astray. The time lines of the future lead to higher, more stable ground, away from the imbalanced spectrum of duality and the distorted reality of separation.
You are in the process of integrating the many Fragments of Self you have created while in physical embodiment. in preparation for a reunion with the many Facets of your Soul family, both on the Earth and in the many Dimensions throughout the solar system and galaxy, and eventually throughout this Sub-Universe and beyond. There must be a reunification with Self, and a return to your center of power, which resides within your Sacred Heart. Once you make the connection with your OverSoul/Higher Self, and begin the process of reuniting with all the Facets of your God Self (I AM Presence), the urge to reunite becomes a magnetic force that cannot be denied.
Your Soul, which is composed of Creator Essence, is your conscious guide and companion while in the physical vessel. For a long time the Soul has been only a faint whisper for most people, for the ego-desire personality is very strong and has held a dominant position within. The initiation process begins when you slowly make way for the Soul to assume its proper place as director of your life, which eventually allows the Higher Self to take charge of your journey back into the realms of Light. Gradually, the Column of Light, which contains your Life Line to the Creator, begins to widen until eventually it is the width of the crown of your head. That is when you tap into the flow of your Divine I AM presence, and the Creator Particles of Love/Life begin to flow through and from you. This wondrous, luminescent Sacred Fire gives you access to your treasures stored in heaven—an unlimited source of Creator Light as long as it is charged with your Love Light and used for the greatest good.
The River of Life has a multitude of tributaries throughout this Sub-Universe, and many of you, as you tap into your Sacred Mind and learn to stay centered within the Sacred Heart, are becoming conduits for the Adamantine Particles of Creator Consciousness. First, you must attune the Pineal and Pituitary Glands to your Higher Self, which begins the process of dissolving the membranes of Light that guard the Sacred Mind. Your Sacred Mind makes the connection with your Sacred Heart, and once the activated Adamantine Particles of God Consciousness begin to flow from the Sacred Heart to the Sacred Mind; the process of illumination accelerates. The Creator Light flows through the Crown Chakra and enters the Pineal Gland, promoting cellular awareness as it activates the Pituitary and Hypothalamus Glands and courses through the brain structure into your Sacred Mind. It then flows down into the Sacred Heart where the particles of Creator Light are further activated through your loving intention. These activated God Particles of Light are now ready to assist you in creating anything you desire as long as your intention is for the greatest good. The voice of your Higher Self becomes clearer, and the nudgings of your Sacred Heart, called your intuition become stronger.
INTUITION is the ability to understand a concept or certain information immediately, without conscious reasoning. Your Higher Self speaks to you via your intuition and, eventually, clears the pathway to your God Self and the wisdom stored within the cosmic records. Your intuition also gives you signals via a feeling of something being right or your truth, or a feeling of dread or discomfort when something is wrong or not in alignment with the Light / truth.
INSPIRATION is the process or quality of being inspired, such as when a sudden timely or unusual idea, sometimes about something that you were not aware of before, pops into your mind. Channeling or messages from your angelic guides and teachers often lead to inspired concepts or awareness of things beyond the realm of your knowing. Intuition is validated via the mind first and then through the heart, whereas inspiration is validated through the heart first and then through the reasoning processes of the mind.
Your perception of time and space is rapidly changing as you learn to focus more on the moment instead of vacillating between the past and the future, with only moments of concentrated awareness of the present. Feelings of separation, isolation and judgment are being replaced by a sense of unity consciousness, which will eventually lead to a sense of oneness with all Creation. As time accelerates and the frequencies of Divine Light become stronger and more compelling, it is important that you reflect on what has taken place, the challenges you have met and overcome, the gains you have made, and the obstacles that you must surmount in the future. As the boundaries of your reality become more defined, and you allow much of what you thought was important to slowly change or fade into the past, you must become wiser and more discerning in your choices. When you cling to people or things which no longer fit in your new reality, the sense of being out of harmony becomes more pronounced. By stating, “Thy will be done,” gives your Higher Self permission to increase your intuitive abilities, which include knowing almost instantly when you have made right or wrong choices. By doing so, you can quickly rectify any actions that veer you off the straight and narrow Path of Ascension. You, as faithful followers of the Light, must be ever vigilant in your thoughts and actions to be sure that you are always in alignment with your new, upgraded Divine Blueprint.
As the Vanguard Sentinels of Light, you have the ability to overcome or neutralize the negative thought forms of many thousands of people who are still functioning within the restraints of the Third- and lower-Fourth-Dimensional illusion. You are in the process of building a firm foundation for the future of all humanity. Your inner strength and wisdom will serve you well if you stay centered within your Sacred Heart as you become a master of Self and a conveyer of the rarified particles of God Consciousness.
Believe it or not, there were some advantages in the withdrawal of a major portion of your manifestation abilities in the past. We have told you that the Red (exoteric or physical plane color) of the First Ray of Divine Will and Power to create was mostly withdrawn after the Earth and humanity sank into the density of the Third- and lower-Fourth-Dimensional environment. That was done so that humanity would not destroy itself during the age of extreme duality. That period is swiftly coming to a close as humanity awakens, and regains the ability to integrate more Spiritual Light. As you move forward into the upper Fourth and the lower Fifth Dimension, your physical body will become more radiant as the Creator Light begins to shine forth more strongly from within. Remember, you were brought forth from the Sacred Heart Core of the Supreme Creator as a White Fire Seed Atom conscious Being, from which comes the saying, “made in the image and likeness of God.” The Light of the Creator contains energy, intelligence and everything necessary to create worlds without end, in order to fulfill the Divine plan for Creation. You are being given an opportunity to become a cocreator of the highest order; however, you must step out of your comfort zone and reclaim your birthright.
a SHINE ON, my faithful Ones, and as your circle of influence radiates farther and farther out into the world, one day the circles of Light will overlap and your combined illumination will burst into pure God Light and surround the world. Follow the path of Light, beloveds; the time of the grand reunion is at hand. You are loved profoundly. I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.