

#RebeccaCouch #DancingDolphin #KjerstinSisilla #NickChan

傳導作者:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan


Creative One,
What times are these that challenge you from every direction? They are the ones that you have been preparing for millennia! The time is nigh. There is no greater test for these times than to test your resolve in the fire. We do not make light of the depth nor import of this, but we do know how powerful you are and how victorious you will be in this task! Stay strong, Stay clear. Stay vigilant for the light. Use all of your faculties, physical and extrasensory. Trust your instincts and your promptings. Ask for help on all fronts and know that it is given. You are not alone in this; you are guided and protected by legions. If you only knew that you are Generals of the Light each in your own right, leading the charge for all who share your conviction as a Light Warrior.
Collect all about that you that is right and true and good. Remember the magic of life, the power of the light and the goodness of all things. Inherent in creation are all aspects and it is the master’s perspective that knows it requires all expressions to be complete. Do not fear the darkness, for it is just the absence of light, and you are warriors for that purpose too. You are divine alchemists and warriors for the cause of high vibrational creation now. It is your sole (soul!) purpose to represent what is of the miraculous, dynamic, extraordinary, in-depth, spectacular, all-powerful, emanation of the purest and highest light. The choice point is now. Humankind no longer requires the opposite in order to learn, that aspect of its journey is complete. For those who answer the call, it is now the time to eradicate that aspect of creation from their experience in order to evolve into higher expression and creation. This is a grand graduation! It is those who have come to this point in their evolution that are responsible for creating the next phase. That which is no longer in service to higher evolution must be dissolved by nonconsent, and that which is in honour of the higher opportunity must be manifested!
This is not the time to be sitting and waiting for someone or something outside of yourselves to make things right. It is YOUR time to make things happen at the metaphysical level! Yes, you are that powerful. It is vital that you come to this full innerstanding and action. Start wielding your power to create all that you desire. Use it for its highest good to create a magical world of higher everything: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, Earthly, Godly, universal! If you really let yourself go to the highest heights of creative expression and you were really a fully expressed God of Creation, what would you create? Do that. Just keep going. Keep dreaming. Keep manifesting. Keep calling in assistance from the higher realms. Keep talking to your ancestors and angels and ascended masters and galactic family and to God. Remember, you are a co-creator…keep talking to your divine colleague: God. How can you co-create without working directly with Creator?
This is the time for the most intimate connection and relationship of all…for it will only deepen and evolve from there. Like any relationship, it starts publically and goes into deeper and deeper inner intimacy and eventually is expressed at every level of your being that you are able to sing and dance and shout this KNOWING from every aspect of your being. This is the relationship you must have with Creator, so that you are living, breathing, being, thinking, loving, seeing, feeling, knowing, acting, deciding, choosing in complete tandem. You are a powerful, dynamic, active agent of the Divine in all that you do…how could anything about that be or go wrong?! This intimate relationship is the only way you know that…and this is what you take with you into the New Earth. The one you are creating as a divinely-inspired creator, being an experience of creator being creation. Get it?
There is nothing more important for you to be being right now than this.
We are with you all the way.
The Council of Light Within.

傳導作者:Dancing Dolphin
譯者:Nick Chan 

母神-您的解放日快到了!(Your Liberation Day is Almost at Hand!)

Dearest Diana, thank you for contacting me on this auspicious day. I AM your Mother God, the Divine Mother to All. Your Father, the Divine Masculine is here with me and of course, is represented in my words to you. For yes, I would love to give a message to my Children on Gaia.
Dear Children, time is running short. The great cosmic clock has been set and is counting down to your sweet liberation from tyranny!! You are just seconds, minutes away from your freedom!!!!!
Things will begin to change in a very short time and you may be stunned. It is because much has been going on behind the curtains, much has been hidden from you and now you need to see the truth. This refers to the truth of such things as what your “leaders” and others have told you. You have been deceived these many millennia.
You may ask why your Father and I would allow this to happen. Why would we allow your “leaders” to lie to you? We set up Gaia as a “free will” planet from the start and as such, we have not interfered with the affairs of our children...until now. We did step in recently (in the last 50 years or so) after hearing the cries from our children and from Gaia for assistance. We cannot and will not give you all the deep, dark details. However, those who have been controlling you have had their way for much too long and we decided that it must be stopped so that Gaians could have their chance to Ascend.
Gaia herself called to your Galactic Family who has been monitoring her for thousands of years. She asked for their help and we gave our blessing. In turn, your Galactic Family formed what has been called “The Alliance” which is another name for a group of good hearted Souls who wished to free Gaia’s inhabitants, our children. The Alliance is comprised of both Gaians & Galactics who have been working together these many years to upset the apple cart of the dark ones who have been in control. Things are not always what they seem, dear hearts. Life on Gaia has been much for difficult for you than was intended by us. These dark ones love fear and they used it to manipulate you for centuries.
The Alliance is very intelligent and they used their minds and hearts to craft a plan to break up the power of the dark ones. They have been very patient and determined in their work. Many, many, many lives have been lost in this battle for your freedom, dear hearts! Please send those Souls who gave their lives your gratitude and love. These are not the ‘Veterans’ of the military that you know and love. These are the ones who have been working behind the scenes and under-ground, fighting a war that 99% of the world’s population does not know about. Your loved ones are indeed also loved and appreciated for their service! But at this moment, I AM telling you about those who also sacrificed themselves in their dedication to the Light.
In the coming weeks and months you will be shown things that you had no idea existed and tales that you will be shocked to hear. Please know that I and your Father are with you and will assist you get through this difficult time. And as always, our Angels are on call for assistance also. This time will pass quickly! It is necessary to clean out the cupboards and sweep up before moving to a lighter, brighter plane, do you see? The dark deeds, lies and betrayals all must be exposed for healing. Only then can you as a collective YOU, our children, move on and Ascend.
Again, please give thanks to The Alliance and those who have worked so diligently on your behalf. These Souls number in the billions over many years. Even if they sacrificed their lives, they will still feel the love of your gratitude if you send it.
I AM your Mother God. I love you all more than you can ever imagine. Call on me. Call on your Father God too! I leave you now with our love and with our joy that your Liberation Day is almost at hand!! Be in JOY!

傳導作者:Kjerstin Sisilla
譯者:Nick Chan 


Hello all wonderful earthlings – no one mentioned and no one forgotten. Tim here. As always, I am grateful to reach this channel. Beloved Brothers and Sisters. You all know why you chose the, sometimes very difficult, tasks that you have chosen to perform in this mortal life. You are the ones who NEVER GIVE UP.
Because you all knew that you would be able to carry out your assignments, you really wanted in your heart to be born into this very life, in this time, in this place and in the family that you have chosen. Sometimes you have all asked yourself why you did not choose an easier life. But as you know by now (I just want to confirm it for you) everything has been adapted to your own wishes to be able to develop for EVERYONE’s best – including your Beloved Mother Earth of course.
You are the empaths, you are the future / returning Masters, you are the most Beloved of nature and the earth. You are the ones who worked for the return of Light in many lives. You are the ones who have gathered the darkest, heaviest experiences and the deepest wisdom. Everything is now transformed into Light and you begin to see the Whole more and more, see the Source / God’s purpose with Gaia’s development.
More and more people wake up every second, rub their eyes and wonder why they did not have eyes to see. Only now, in this time, is everything revealed. The truth goes straight into the hearts opened by the Light.
You Lightworkers, it’s time now to step forward and confirm the discoveries of these newly awakened souls. Confirm the Light and Love that has always been there. Tell us that you have now all left the power of darkness and that you are FREE.
The time of joy is NOW. Celebrate, dance, play and enjoy this fantastic transition phase.
The frustration, the vacuum and the feeling of stagnation / that nothing happens, that you all probably feel sometimes – it is an illusion, a last remnant of slower energies. Follow the flow of Light, enjoy the NOW. Have confidence that EVERYTHING GOES ACCORDING TO GOD’S PLAN.
Beloved Brothers and Sisters, we will soon meet again in the physical. Until then, we maintain contact through messages in various ways.
Pay attention to what your Heart and thus your intuition tells you. You know; there you all carry your Truth. The Truth About Everything, Unity.
Learn from the kids. As our friend Jesus said, “Be like a child.”
Learn from Mother Earth, from the four elements. Be in the elements. Grow, swim, light candles and fires, be out in nature, in the air and in the Sunlight. See the message of nature and animals. Listen with your heart and you will get the encouragement and the confirmation you need to be able to move forward in the moment, in the NOW in your heart.
I love you, all Earthlings.
With Love, admiration and respect. See you later.

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


