

【佛陀、大天使加百利】 有些近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔 0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》佛陀-每一個好或壞的體驗都有用(20210524) 4:13 《2》加百利-不要處於恐懼中(20210524) #ErenaVelazquez #ShelleyYoung #NickChan

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings Dear Ones,
I am Buddha and I am very happy to be channeled today. It has been awhile, since I spoke to all of you. I want to share my wisdom with everyone.
I want to specify that I am here to help humanity with their Ascension Process. Your bodies are in transitional phase and changing to high dimensional ones. What does that mean during your daily life? Your bodies can experience Ascension symptoms such as extreme fatigue, physical pains and etc.
Please, don’t get alarmed by this, it’s nothing new, it has been happening for a while now. I would recommend for you to take it easy by having nice breaks for meditation or naps during the day, as your body requires a lot of rest in this sacred process.
I am bringing this to your attention, so you would have a balance in your daily lifestyle, which has been missing for a while now. Over a year humanity has been living under all of sorts of restrictions, which is taking a toll on everyone mentally and physically. It’s very important to bring a balance back into your presence. Daily meditation, good food and rest are very crucial during your journey into a New Era on Earth.
I spend many hours before my enlightenment under my favorite bodhi tree. Please, understand my dear ones, it requires discipline and dedication. Your daily lives put you under a lot pressure, because of the system your living in, which was created by the Darkness. Most of your time goes toward work that majority of you don’t like. Meditations are going to help you to remove low vibrations and move you to higher energies, what is needed in these transitional times.
Treat your bodies as a temple with love and respect. You need to learn to stay well and happy no matter what is going around you. After all of the suffering and abuse that humanity went through, your well being should be number one on the list.
I learned through my experiences on Mother Earth that I am the only one, who can take care of the physical and spiritual parts of my being. Both parts are needed to be in balance. These are the times, when you need to be a little self centered, to help you to have a quicker and a safer transition to 5D.
It has been a long and a rocky road for the humankind to their freedom, you are almost there. Nothing comes without a price, your sacrifice and hard work is going to pay off. Your near future is going to be amazing and happy without Darkness. You will be only lead by your own Light. Please, never forget that you are Light and Love.
Every experience good or bad counts and makes your soul wiser. I am Buddha and I am grateful to speak to all of you today. Thank you.
Stay in Peace and Light.
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傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan

Many of you are at a point in the integration of the new energies that you will be starting to experience super accelerated flow. This is due to the fact that you have released much of the old and have been poised and waiting for the wave of transformation to sweep you forward into the new. That wave is now catching many of you and carrying you forward.
Despite the fact that many of you have been in a pregnant pause or a lull phase for what feels like a long period of time and have been waiting for forward movement, this sudden movement can come with its challenges. You may feel excitement/anxiety much like riding a roller coaster. You’ve been in line waiting for your turn so you know you are more than willing for the experience but your reactions can be multifaceted once you get into the energy of the ride.
It can be disconcerting to be in a slower energy of a lull for a period of time and then suddenly have to start thinking on your feet because you’ve entered fast flow. Even though you have spent a lot of time in preparation, it is still swinging the pendulum to the other end of the spectrum and it can take a moment to orient yourself. It is much like needing your full awareness after being suddenly woken up from a long, deep sleep.
You can think of the long lull so many of you have experienced as the training period and now you are actually starting the race. There are demands on your body that must be met in order to be able to keep up. Hydration and nutrition are key to support your body, as is tending to your emotional state through the guidance of your inner wise one. You are spiritual athletes! Focusing on taking things one now moment at a time with clear but broad intention is key.
These are the times you have been waiting for. Be ready to move and enjoy what is opening to you, for you have worked hard to arrive at this place. There will be plenty of time to process the nuances and implications of your discoveries when the flow slows again, as it always will, to support your highest good and overall balance. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
A common current message in the collective lately is don’t be in fear. If you understand fear is a contraction and contrary to your flow, you can see that fear is not a forward moving energy. But simply telling others not to be in fear is not necessarily helpful if they do not have the tools to move beyond that fear. In fact, it can put them into a deeper state of powerlessness because they will know that the fear is not helpful but they will feel even worse about themselves for not being able to shift out of that fear. It puts them into even deeper resistance to themselves and their emotions that are simply seeking acknowledgement and healing.
Fear is simply an activation that occurs when a part of you feels unsafe. Berating yourself or others for that natural feeling will only compound the feeling of the lack of safety. You simply cannot resist anything into healing because healing is a flow and resistance is contrary to flow. So what do you do about fear?
The first thing to do is to ground into your present moment. The vast majority of the time your fear is a projection into the future but the reality is you are fine in your now moment. Using your awareness to notice all the things that are working for you in your present moment takes you out of the energies of the wounds of the past and the unknowns of the future. Breathe. Find the things that are supporting you and feel the safety that exists for you in that moment.
When fear rears up it is because there is a part of you, an inner child aspect or fragment, that is desperate for your love, attention, and protection. Imagine that little aspect of self. What does he or she need from you? What did they need that they didn’t get that you are now fully capable of providing as an adult now? Hear them. Acknowledge them. They have had to get really loud to get your attention. Now that they have it the healing can begin. Open your arms and gather them up and feel the relief they experience when they are accepted and reintegrated into your loving care.
Fear can also activate when the future is unknown. The way to settle this fear is to deepen into your faith and trust. Work with your guides. Use the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust to navigate the new energies. Be willing to receive. Start to open to the idea that change can bring in wonderful things for you. Remind yourself that you are a piece of God, and as such, precious and cherished and lovingly guided at all times. Align with higher vibrational energies in whatever ways help remind you of your own wisdom and connection.
The way beyond fear is to lovingly shepherd yourself forward as the wise and conscious adult you have grown into. Big changes don’t have to be done all at once, but rather by making your best choice one now moment at a time. Call on your higher guidance, give the parts of yourself the love and reassurance they need as they need it, and simply take one empowered step at a time and you will be amazed at how calmly and confidently you can start to navigate your world. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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