

《1》十字路口 (20171214)
《2》無法阻止的雪崩 (20171218)
#GenovevaCoyle #JamesMcConnell

傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle
翻譯:Nick Chan

Greetings my dearest and beloved friends! I am Mi-ka-el, Archangel of Love and Truth, bringer of the peace in your hearts and in the world, your brother, your ally and protector, always.


I am here my wonderful friends, I am here to let you know that I am with you in every single way of the word. I am with you cheering and applauding your progress. I am here protecting thee from any harm. And when I say to you that I am guarding you it means that there is an absolute and complete shielding of you and of your dear family and all of your possessions. I am always by your side so nothing will ever interfere with your mission of light.


Some of you find your dear self at a crossroad and you find yourself a little confused as to where and how you would want to proceed next. There is a new freedom that you found but there is also a new and unexpected type of challenge.


There is this feeling that you are going backwards somehow but this is really very far from the truth. In fact, you are quite advanced in your expansion and there is this hesitation and some distress in finding your new center and balance.


It is almost as if you have graduated precociously from grad school and then progressed and moved on to this new ivy league college. And yes, you are skipping high school because you can and because you are capable to do so in the Mother’s new time.


And so, there is great excitement to find yourself empowered and advancing so fast, but at the same time you do not feel quite comfortable with the new responsibilities. It seems to take you forever to adjust to the new environment and to the New You. In a way, you keep on questioning your sweet selves and your competence to complete this new adventure. There is lack of trust in self and there is fear of failure. There is doubt in your ability to keep the course straight and whether you would be able to tend to every part of self and to your obligations and promises.


Your new tasks seem to be completely different to what you have assumed them to be, and this is why we are encouraging you not to have any expectations especially in these times of chaotic and somehow turbulent changes.


Dearest and bravest hearts, your work involves so much of the unseen type and takes place in many simultaneous realms and dimensions that you are not able to comprehend completely with the human senses and with your current brain capacity. There are remnants of debris that you bring back to thee in this conscious reality that makes little sense, and it can become quite disconcerting, but rest assured that these are only a few clues that you are indeed working overtime in cleansing and purifying this third and the lower fourth dimensional realities. Your guardians and higher selves, your closest guidance is making every attempt to fill you in and give you a picture of your advancement and a sense of moving forward along your path.


On the conscious level though, there are times when it seems that your work involves past issues that you thought you had successfully resolved. Know that these are only your further attempts to clear more and more of the same baggage for the close family and for the collective rather than falling back into the old patterns. It might take you by surprise, it might get you a little discombobulated, but you always find your way back to clarity and balance.


Remember that I am here with thee. Remember to use the shield and the sword I have given you eons ago to cut through the illusions and veils. Never, ever, allow the thought or feeling that you are failing to enter your mind! Pull out the mirror that I have given you in love, gaze into it and see me smiling back at you. See me reflecting back and showing you how much you are glowing and shining. See the magnificence of who you are before you give any other thought to the idea that you might be failing or deviating from the course of light.


Ask for assistance and for more clarity until you get familiarized with this new refined balance. Know that you have all the strength and wisdom to take your journey to the next level and to complete the tasks at hand in no time literally. You are exactly where you needed to be and in perfect timing.


Proceed with confidence and joy! Trust yourselves, trust your knowing to guide you in every moment.


You are loved and appreciated beyond measure! Until next time. Farewell.


傳導作者:James McConnell

ArchangelMichael via James McConnell, December 10th, 2017



I AM ArchangelMichael. It is these times that we come together that are both wonderful for usas well as for you for it is a merging of our consciousness with yourconsciousness. We are all One together.

And those of you thathave felt the separation from the Source Energy, from your Creator Being for solong, now many of you are coming to understand this sense of oneness that haseluded so many for so long. The remembrances or the memories are returning toyou. Some slower than others some much quicker than others. But it is all aprocess that is in a continuing union of all of us together bringingconsciousness together as One.



You speak oftimelines. I have spoken of timelines. I have spoken of the merging oftimelines and the splitting of timelines previously. And what is happening nowis that there is a program running, you might say, a program that has created amirrored world here. In other words a level of consciousness that is associatedwith all of you at one time. It is almost as if there is a new simulation thathas been created to hold the place for those of you that are continuing on inthis process which is the collective humanity at this time.

Whereas Earthherself, Gaia herself has moved on into the higher vibrations, is operatingmostly entirely in the fifth dimension, she has opened a space for all of youthat are still here held within this third dimensional illusion, although manyof you have moved into the higher fourth dimension and even into the fifthdimension at times. And you are experiencing what is ahead and also what is inthe now moment.

All is in a processof evolution and you are all moving through this evolutionary process. Somefaster, some not quite so fast but all is in flux now. All is in motion. Andthat motion that you are feeling leads to continued awareness. And as youcontinue to increase your awareness your consciousness grows. So too then dothe memories start to return to you.
而地球自身,蓋亞已經進入到更高的振動,主要運作完全是在第五維度,她已經在這裡為仍然存在於這個第三維度幻相中的你們開辟了一個空間, 盡管你們中的很多人已經進入了更高的第四維度,甚至有的此刻進入了第五維度。你們仍然正經歷著眼前的一切,以及當前的時刻。


So too does the otherworlds, you might say, the other dimensional worlds open up to you so thatwherever there is an opening in that dimensional barrier something may slipthrough. I do not speak here of something negative although that can be. But Ispeak of the opening of the barrier, of the veil that is really no longerthere. And objects can slip through. Objects that are meant for you to bringyou along to the next level of your being, to the next level of consciousness.

This is what isoccurring now for many of you. And many, many, more to come here will begin toexperience these things almost as if the dimensional barriers are not onlydropping but are merging together. And you will begin more and more toexperience what before had been called glimpses but now will be more than justglimpses. Now you will begin to more and more see into those otherdimensionals/ dimensions.


Patience is stillrequired at this point. But knowing that everything is in process, everythingis in motion and that motion cannot be stopped at this point. That momentumcannot be stopped. It was given over your Advance that an avalanche cannot bestopped. And this is an avalanche now that is gaining momentum, moving down themountain taking everything in its’ path, merging with everything in its’ path.And you can no longer stop an avalanche than those who would want to could stopthis advancement of the Ascension.



You are all a part ofthis now and you are all becoming even more a part of this as you allow theprocess to happen within yourself first. Find that level of surrender withinyourself, within your selves, and allow that to continue to move you along intothe higher vibrations. It will be as if when you surrender more and more to theSource within you it will open up the higher vibrations readily and easily toyou. It will be a seamless transition. That is what we are all working towardfor all of you: a seamless transition as much as is possible.

I AM ArchangelMichael. I do enjoy these times that I can be with you and look forward tothose times yet to come where we will much more be with you in a way that youcan appreciate so much more than what it is now.




