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顯示具有 Genoveva Coyle 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


《1》十字路口 (20171214)
《2》無法阻止的雪崩 (20171218)
#GenovevaCoyle #JamesMcConnell

傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle
翻譯:Nick Chan

Greetings my dearest and beloved friends! I am Mi-ka-el, Archangel of Love and Truth, bringer of the peace in your hearts and in the world, your brother, your ally and protector, always.


I am here my wonderful friends, I am here to let you know that I am with you in every single way of the word. I am with you cheering and applauding your progress. I am here protecting thee from any harm. And when I say to you that I am guarding you it means that there is an absolute and complete shielding of you and of your dear family and all of your possessions. I am always by your side so nothing will ever interfere with your mission of light.


Some of you find your dear self at a crossroad and you find yourself a little confused as to where and how you would want to proceed next. There is a new freedom that you found but there is also a new and unexpected type of challenge.


There is this feeling that you are going backwards somehow but this is really very far from the truth. In fact, you are quite advanced in your expansion and there is this hesitation and some distress in finding your new center and balance.


It is almost as if you have graduated precociously from grad school and then progressed and moved on to this new ivy league college. And yes, you are skipping high school because you can and because you are capable to do so in the Mother’s new time.


And so, there is great excitement to find yourself empowered and advancing so fast, but at the same time you do not feel quite comfortable with the new responsibilities. It seems to take you forever to adjust to the new environment and to the New You. In a way, you keep on questioning your sweet selves and your competence to complete this new adventure. There is lack of trust in self and there is fear of failure. There is doubt in your ability to keep the course straight and whether you would be able to tend to every part of self and to your obligations and promises.


Your new tasks seem to be completely different to what you have assumed them to be, and this is why we are encouraging you not to have any expectations especially in these times of chaotic and somehow turbulent changes.


Dearest and bravest hearts, your work involves so much of the unseen type and takes place in many simultaneous realms and dimensions that you are not able to comprehend completely with the human senses and with your current brain capacity. There are remnants of debris that you bring back to thee in this conscious reality that makes little sense, and it can become quite disconcerting, but rest assured that these are only a few clues that you are indeed working overtime in cleansing and purifying this third and the lower fourth dimensional realities. Your guardians and higher selves, your closest guidance is making every attempt to fill you in and give you a picture of your advancement and a sense of moving forward along your path.


On the conscious level though, there are times when it seems that your work involves past issues that you thought you had successfully resolved. Know that these are only your further attempts to clear more and more of the same baggage for the close family and for the collective rather than falling back into the old patterns. It might take you by surprise, it might get you a little discombobulated, but you always find your way back to clarity and balance.


Remember that I am here with thee. Remember to use the shield and the sword I have given you eons ago to cut through the illusions and veils. Never, ever, allow the thought or feeling that you are failing to enter your mind! Pull out the mirror that I have given you in love, gaze into it and see me smiling back at you. See me reflecting back and showing you how much you are glowing and shining. See the magnificence of who you are before you give any other thought to the idea that you might be failing or deviating from the course of light.


Ask for assistance and for more clarity until you get familiarized with this new refined balance. Know that you have all the strength and wisdom to take your journey to the next level and to complete the tasks at hand in no time literally. You are exactly where you needed to be and in perfect timing.


Proceed with confidence and joy! Trust yourselves, trust your knowing to guide you in every moment.


You are loved and appreciated beyond measure! Until next time. Farewell.


傳導作者:James McConnell

ArchangelMichael via James McConnell, December 10th, 2017



I AM ArchangelMichael. It is these times that we come together that are both wonderful for usas well as for you for it is a merging of our consciousness with yourconsciousness. We are all One together.

And those of you thathave felt the separation from the Source Energy, from your Creator Being for solong, now many of you are coming to understand this sense of oneness that haseluded so many for so long. The remembrances or the memories are returning toyou. Some slower than others some much quicker than others. But it is all aprocess that is in a continuing union of all of us together bringingconsciousness together as One.



You speak oftimelines. I have spoken of timelines. I have spoken of the merging oftimelines and the splitting of timelines previously. And what is happening nowis that there is a program running, you might say, a program that has created amirrored world here. In other words a level of consciousness that is associatedwith all of you at one time. It is almost as if there is a new simulation thathas been created to hold the place for those of you that are continuing on inthis process which is the collective humanity at this time.

Whereas Earthherself, Gaia herself has moved on into the higher vibrations, is operatingmostly entirely in the fifth dimension, she has opened a space for all of youthat are still here held within this third dimensional illusion, although manyof you have moved into the higher fourth dimension and even into the fifthdimension at times. And you are experiencing what is ahead and also what is inthe now moment.

All is in a processof evolution and you are all moving through this evolutionary process. Somefaster, some not quite so fast but all is in flux now. All is in motion. Andthat motion that you are feeling leads to continued awareness. And as youcontinue to increase your awareness your consciousness grows. So too then dothe memories start to return to you.
而地球自身,蓋亞已經進入到更高的振動,主要運作完全是在第五維度,她已經在這裡為仍然存在於這個第三維度幻相中的你們開辟了一個空間, 盡管你們中的很多人已經進入了更高的第四維度,甚至有的此刻進入了第五維度。你們仍然正經歷著眼前的一切,以及當前的時刻。


So too does the otherworlds, you might say, the other dimensional worlds open up to you so thatwherever there is an opening in that dimensional barrier something may slipthrough. I do not speak here of something negative although that can be. But Ispeak of the opening of the barrier, of the veil that is really no longerthere. And objects can slip through. Objects that are meant for you to bringyou along to the next level of your being, to the next level of consciousness.

This is what isoccurring now for many of you. And many, many, more to come here will begin toexperience these things almost as if the dimensional barriers are not onlydropping but are merging together. And you will begin more and more toexperience what before had been called glimpses but now will be more than justglimpses. Now you will begin to more and more see into those otherdimensionals/ dimensions.


Patience is stillrequired at this point. But knowing that everything is in process, everythingis in motion and that motion cannot be stopped at this point. That momentumcannot be stopped. It was given over your Advance that an avalanche cannot bestopped. And this is an avalanche now that is gaining momentum, moving down themountain taking everything in its’ path, merging with everything in its’ path.And you can no longer stop an avalanche than those who would want to could stopthis advancement of the Ascension.



You are all a part ofthis now and you are all becoming even more a part of this as you allow theprocess to happen within yourself first. Find that level of surrender withinyourself, within your selves, and allow that to continue to move you along intothe higher vibrations. It will be as if when you surrender more and more to theSource within you it will open up the higher vibrations readily and easily toyou. It will be a seamless transition. That is what we are all working towardfor all of you: a seamless transition as much as is possible.

I AM ArchangelMichael. I do enjoy these times that I can be with you and look forward tothose times yet to come where we will much more be with you in a way that youcan appreciate so much more than what it is now.




《1》.源頭 (20180925)
《2》.所有存在的真理 (20181230)
#JahnJKassl #GenovevaCoyle #釋迦牟尼 #NickChan #佛陀

傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

Anger you reject, rage you refuse and hatred that leaves you untouched, will release elsewhere.


Floral wreaths you are handed, praise you receive, and affection you are presented with, will unfold their sweet fragrance elsewhere if you remain untouched by them. Because someone who has awakened knows life and knows himself – and hence does not attempt to own what is not his.


Beloved humans!


The path to enlightenment is defined by realizations coming from deep inner spiritual experiences. That is how life serves you, and every day is handing you issues on the platter of life.


Inner growth is only possible when outer circumstances are considered and respected. Respect the unpleasant and the pleasant events in your life and look at everything that touches you one way or another.




This approach demands of you an alert state of consciousness along with the realization that everything you resonate with will reach you and everything you reject will manifest elsewhere.


The awakened one knows how to relate to things. Anger is endured for the sake of not transferring anger to others, rage is accepted so that it can’t release elsewhere, and even hatred gains access to the awakened one so that it can’t disastrously spread elsewhere.


The awakened one knows when and why he brings about this or that – and so the weight resting on his shoulders is never his own heaviness but the burdens of those he loves unconditionally.


However, the awakened one also knows how to relate to praise and homage. Affection and rejection are observed by the awakened consciousness and have no effect whatsoever on the awakened one.


That is how the awakened one walks among other human beings. Without leaving a trace, he serves a world that needs him, and serves those who come to him.


While they themselves are unchanging, awakened ones enter a world that is undergoing change. While they themselves hold still, they move other people. While they themselves are non-involved, they engage in everything.


Are you ready to get to this source? Then come! Because truly:


Eternal life comes to those who look for the source and drink from the source.




傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings dearest ones! I AM Lord Buddha, your teacher, your family, and friend, and I come today to speak to you about this process of ascension and what it really means to you and to your beloved human collective.


Simply said, ascension is to “Be love!” And then when it comes to how to do this simple and straightforward thing, you – in human form – tend to get entangled in half-truths, complicating things and confusing yourselves to exhaustion, and really it should not and need not be like this.


You are saying it is ascension, and we see it as more of a descent of your higher vibrational selves into your physical forms, If we were to describe this realistically, it is a process of you, each and every one of you, reaching up and down, but by focusing your attention inwardly to release and let go of the dense parts and particles, the solidified thoughts and memories that keep you trapped at a certain level of superficiality and unsatisfied living. For when you let go of them, everything else will begin to flow easily and gracefully, taking you to your next step, or to your next level of consciousness and growth.

你說它是揚升,我們看到的更多是你更高振動的自我下降到物理形態中, 如果我們要實際地描述它,這是一個你自己的過程,你們每個人,向上和向下伸展,但通過專注於內在來釋放和放下稠密的部分與粒子、固化的思想和記憶(將你困於特定的膚淺層面和不令人滿意的生活)。因為當你放下它們,一切都會開始輕鬆、優雅地流動,帶你進入你的下一步,或者下一個意識和成長層面

The reason we are always saying that this is not meant to be work – not even light-work – is because all that there is for you to do is to be constantly alert and aware of what is heavy, dense, restrictive, and limiting to your being. Then, seeing that it is not of love, let it go, or to stop doing it!


This will result in you having more space within, and more time to be love, to be free, to do all that you have chosen to do in this lifetime. It is really simple and straightforward. But the ego and parts of the human mind want to make it complicated, so they offer you many reasons why you can’t strip away and shed all of the falsehoods within yourselves.


Most of you do say and intend every day, and in every moment, that you want to be free, but then you find millions of excuses with which to divert your attention. And so, you keep on coming back to where you are finding yourselves in this moment – really and truly working hard to maintain the status quo. All of those excuses are merely fear-based decisions and are attempts to delay your discovery of the truly magnificent selves that you are so that you do not have to step up and into your divine authority and power.


And yet your soul is in charge, for the New You has arrived, and it will show you where you, willingly or less consciously, are giving your power away: When you insist on being right, therefore implying that others are or were wrong; when you have to prove your wonderful good-willed intentions, despite having triggered your soul family members who only needed that stimulus in order to do some overdue and necessary cleansing of themselves; whether you worry about the future – personal or global, about money and bills, or health issues, or the path and the faith of yourselves, your children, parents, spouses, or humanity at large…it matters not…you are spending so much energy you are literally giving your creative stamina away.


You are trying so hard to avoid even brushing by the negative spectrum of duality in the world that you are living in, which is time and energy consuming, and can thus be quite distracting from your path and purpose. Your paths and the journeys of those you love may have to contain some negative experiences, but it is the way you react to these events that matters, not the fact that you are attempting to avoid them at all costs.


If you could keep in mind that all that you resist, or fight, and work hard to overcome, are only blockages that can be easily removed in the silence and the peace of your heart. Do not allow yourselves to go down into the old third-dimensional paradigm of drama, despair, and discontent, as you wonder who is nudging you to go there, and why they are doing so.


Be lighthearted and optimistic at all times, knowing that there are plenty of opportunities for you to experience and learn, and ultimately expand your capacity to love yourselves and others. This is what will take you faster to where your soul is directing you in every moment, and where it wants you to go.


Come and sit with me in silence in this now moment and let me give you the strength and the deep insight into the truth of all existence!



傳導者:Genoveva Coyle、Kerstin Eriksson
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.耶和華-你是勇敢的先驅 (20180107)
《3》.阿波羅-你真誠的愛有著振奮人心的影響並改變了一切 (20180111)
#GenovevaCoyle #KerstinEriksson #NickChan #Yahweh #Zeus #Apollo

傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings my dearest ones! I am Yahweh, your Father, and I come to thee on this end day as a new one arises offering you new opportunities for new beginning, to speak to you about gentleness and to encourage you to be more loving and forgiving, first of yourselves, and then of everyone else.


I am here to say to thee that you are doing wonderfully well and that being in human form is not as easy a journey as you might have expected it to be. So be gentle and love yourselves unconditionally, regardless of what is happening or not happening in your lives, especially in these times of chaos and transformation of all of humanity.


Never before in Earth’s history were changes and the need to adapt and accommodate happening so rapidly, and for the brave forerunners like you there are times when it becomes quite difficult to bear.


Whenever you feel low and under the weather, turn to me my children! Come to me for reassurance and for strength, for there is never a good reason to feel that I would see you as less than you are, precious and perfect children of mine, perfectly courageous and beautiful in every single way.


Let me show you that whenever you feel that you are failing somehow it is because you have been testing yourselves greatly, and perhaps the load that you are attempting to carry in the moment might be unexpectedly heavy for you. It is not baggage that is unbearable or too heavy, for that is not possible, because I made you in my image, and therefore your power is indeed unlimited.


But when you try, all of a sudden, to take care of an entire village or of a big community at the same time, for instance, whereas previously you used to be in charge of only one or two souls, or just few people asking for your assistance, then the increase in the weight of the load may just take you by surprise, and therefore you need to become accustomed to this new increase in the complexity of your responsibilities.


There is nothing more to it dearest ones, this is not failing by any means, this is just pushing your limits and stretching your comfort zone in so many ways, just as you love to do and in fact have been doing for quite some time. Your physical vessel and brain, your human mind, needs to catch up with that ever changing and growing New You, and as you usually do, you will be flying high, wide, and far afield in no time at all.


Do not allow these few moments of doubt to undermine all that you have accomplished so far. See how much you have grown in your awareness and in your ability to hold and share with so many such a tremendous amount of loving energy. You have become such wonderful healers of souls and hearts, you are giving hope and love to children of mine who have been lost and wandering in darkness and fear for thousands and thousands of years.


You are constantly opening pathways of love in spaces that were deeply immersed in the density of the third. Your bright light is seen from afar and there are many coming to you, and to your sweet and peaceful heart song, because you are so close to the pure heart of the Mother and of course, Me.


Just by you sitting quietly and in stillness, others can also remember the way and then find Me, for I am with and in everyone.


The Mother blessed you just recently! She gave you a vision of Herself, so you that could see the light and beauty that exists in everyone. You can perceive and understand that no matter what one does or says to you, or to another child of Mine, and especially when it seems to be not of love, that there is only one way to respond to them. And that is to respond with the utmost love, compassion and kindness, for even when they are angry or in rage, that means they are hurting and in pain.


What they are really saying to thee, and to the entire world, is that they are desperately looking for acceptance and love. They are looking for peace and harmony.


I am here to give you and bestow upon you the strength and the power to follow that gentle voice of the Mother’s love that it is anchored within you, so that you respond and act only with kindness and compassion, regardless of the way in which you are being addressed. In truth, others are simply asking for assistance, whether it is in a respectful manner, or in a fearful and angry manner.


I am giving you the power to choose only love and compassion instead of the old ways of making defensive and fearful responses. Take my word and my light into your world! Take my strength and the power of my love wherever you go my dearest ones! Take my smile and joy everywhere, for I am with thee always!


Go with my infinite love and fortitude! Go in peace and start new worlds of light! Farewell.


傳導作者:Kerstin Eriksson
譯者:Nick Chan

The terrain changes as you walk through different landscapes!


You walk on narrow roads and also into deep walleys and up to high mountains.


And sometimes it rains and you can’t get any glimts of the clear blue skye.


And other times there are so much sunlight that you find yourself to be very thirsty.


This is a part of your life, your path, that you walk, where the scenery changes constantly.


Sometimes you carry burdens, of different feelings, and now I say, take it easy, sit down for a while. See your path as a beautiful road, and you have 2 sides to your road. Sit down in the green grass beside your path, and take your time, to smell the flowers that grow there. You have planted them there yourself but you have forgotten about them! Now you put your bagage down, you don’t have to carry all those bags of worries, guilt and more, just for now, take your time to smell the loveliest of flowers for a while.


Give yourself time, to feel joy, to enjoy your own path! Along the way you have planted so many beautiful seeds and they are in full bloom right now. They have the loveliest scent of divine radiance. And they await your presence and your joy.


When you meditate you can always sit in your beautiful garden just by the side of your path, life path, it is there, it is your private paradise. You have it in your heart and it is a living place, you visit it in your dreams!


I am Zeus and I love you dearly


I hold you to my heart always!




阿波羅Master Apollo信息:
傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings dearest ones! I am Master Apollo and come to greet you today in love and appreciation for the wonderful work of love that you are doing.


You see, there were some that saw and perceived me as a god but I do not introduce myself as such, for I do not want you to feel that I consider myself in any way, shape or form, on a higher or different level than you. I am a teacher, I am your close friend and family, I am here as much as the rest of the Council of Love to assist and send you that loving energy of the One, the Source, to bring you some encouragement until you completely and permanently align yourself with the knowing that you are Gods and Goddesses, that you are masters in your own right, just as much as we are.

你看,一些人視我為神,但我並不如此介紹我自己,因為我不想讓你感到我在任何方式中認為自己,處於比你更高的層面或不同的層面,形態或形狀。我是一名教師,我是你親密的朋友和家人,我在這裡就像愛之委員會的其他成員,是來協助,發送你一,源頭的愛之能量,帶給你一些鼓勵,直到你完全,永久地將自己和你就是神 / 女神的知曉對齊 --- 你就是自身權利中的大師,就像我們

You know that the Mother and Father will not bring into manifestation anything less glorious then the perfection and the beauty that mirrors the One, and this is who you are, you just need to gently remind yourselves of this truth. And even though you are intending, declaring and willing to be that love and that perfection, you are still saying to me, “ Dear brother, I can’t seem to feel this truth in my heart, and as much as I want to be and respond only with love, there are times when I feel so depleted and so numb that all I want to do is retreat and be left alone.”


And this is what I am here to talk to thee about dear ones: You do need to remember to come home often to be replenished, and to be filled with love and joy.


You need to understand that it is your nature to go overboard doing so much at every level, helping everyone, giving all of your energy and more, and then feeling that you have not given enough or that you could have helped more. You feel that the entire world is sitting on your shoulders and that should not be the case. While you are immersing yourselves and working within the lower densities there is a great expenditure of light and love energy, for this is in great demand, and there are few that give it so freely and to everyone as you do.

你需要明白這是你的本質,在每個層面上過度地從事,幫助每個人,付出你所有的精力等等,然後感到你沒有被充分地給予或者你本可以幫助更多。你感到整個世界都坐落在你的肩膀上,這不應該是這樣。當你沉浸 / 工作於較低的密度時,有著一個巨大的光與愛能量的消耗,因為這是被極大地需要,有著一些人和你一樣大量地給予它,給每個人

The world that you are working with in this now moment, your beautiful Gaia, is lightening up, no question about it, but there is still need of more and more anchoring of the light so the newly awakened souls can see through their fears and veils. Most of them are taking huge amounts of light from you dearest ones, and you are attracting and bringing close to thee more and more of them every day because you are so diligent in this work of growing and expanding yourselves, thereby increasing your light quotient and the amount of love that you can anchor and transmit to others.


And this is exactly what you should be doing! Give love, and give light, and give blessings to everyone the same, both to loved ones and to the ones who are reacting with fear and anger, without discrimination. Let go of the judgements and of trying to predict or figure out when your loved ones, or the ones not so close to thee, will shift and see the truth! Your genuine love has uplifting effects and works regardless of your awareness of this fact, it doesn’t need you to focus on it and spend more energy on this kind of detail to make it do what it’s supposed to be doing. Love knows what it is doing, and indeed it changes everything.


Also, let go of the worries of not being able to fulfill this minor task, because indeed this is only a part of what and who you are. You have that wonderful capacity to refill your energy in an instant, so do not worry about how much it is appropriate to give to others, knowing that however much you give – love, time, support, or money – you always have enough left for yourselves.

還有,放下擔憂無法完成這個小小的任務,因為確實,這只是你所是的一部分。你有這個奇妙的能力在瞬間補充你的能量,所以不要擔憂給予他人多少才是恰當的,知曉無論你給予了多少 --- 愛,時間,支持或金錢 --- 你總是有足夠地留給自己

Those worries are of the old paradigm of fear, separation and limitation. But you dearest ones, know that this is not the case, that the truth is that everyone has unlimited access to the abundance of all sorts from heavens.


Your hearts are wide open and it takes only a moment to come home and receive all that you need. Better then, that endeavor to see yourselves and your hearts as the source of that abundance, as the sun of your reality and of the world, and that it is constantly renewing, replenishing, faster and faster, so there is always more sunshine, smiles, love, and abundance to be sent out.


Whenever it seems to take longer to manifest anything in your realities it is because you are still having some subconscious blockages and fears, and that needs to be acknowledged and neutralized. And you are already addressing these fears with patience and love for your powerful selves.


Endeavor to be the source and the sun in your home, in your circle of friends and family, in your entire community, and in the world in which you live!


We are here with thee to support you and hold you in our hearts with limitless love!


Until next time, farewell.



傳導作者:Ronna Herman、Leslie Anne Menzies、Genoveva Coyle
譯者:Eleisia、Nick Chan
#RonnaHermanVezane #Eleisia #LeslieAnneMenzies #GenovevaCoyle #NickChan

傳導作者:Ronna Herman Vezane


過去被大家所熟知的淨光兄弟(Great White Brotherhood)宇宙委員會是默基瑟德天使聖團的一部分,是由一群來自這宇宙所有境界之高度進化,非物質之靈性存有、以及天使國度中揀選的成員、許多地球上的揚升大師,也有不少高級的地球入門者代表所共同組成的。










傳導作者:Leslie Anne Menzies
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones,


You are well aware that Mother Earth and ALL Humanity are currently in a pattern of transition and transformation. You are witnessing extreme weather patterns, hurricanes, earthquakes etc etc. All perfectly aligned to bring the Earth back into balance and to redistribute the “Waters” of the Earth.


Balance is KEY!


You are also witnessing Humanity (Self and Others) as this rebalancing takes place within your own Be-ing. So much anger, rage, fear, resentment all being “released” from your bodies in order to assist in Humanities move into Well-Being. All the old energies are leaving your bodies after lifetimes, this is what is required for you to “lighten-up.” You are moving from the very dense carbon to the new crystalline version of YOU. You cannot take the old with you, and that is a challenge for the human Be-ing.


So Dear Ones, Balance in all things is priority right now.


Become aware of what YOU need on a daily basis, to find this balance within, and then that will reflect out to all who come within your radius.


This is a time of massive change and transformation. Within these next 3 to 4 years, all that is NOW, will be unrecognisable (including YOU.) You are learning to accept the changes more readily and are going more easily with the flow that is required to accommodate such change.eraoflight.com


NOTHING will be the same in the near future and you are being prepared on a day to day basis to adapt and accept all that is unfolding.


A Reminder Dear Ones – you CHOSE eagerly to be here at this time to be the CHANGEMAKERS!!!!


These changes are necessary for the positive outcomes for Mother Earth and ALL her inhabitants. So we remind you once again to focus your Intention and Attention on the LOVE you are, and the LOVE you hold in your hearts for each other. It is only through and because of this LOVE, these changes will come into perfect alignment.

這些改變對地球母親和所有居民的積極成果來說是必要的。所以我們再次提醒你專注於你所是的愛, 你在心中為他人持有的愛。只有通過愛,出於愛,這些改變會進入完美的對齊

We have spoken of the changes which are leading toward the ABUNDANCE that you are and always have been. The PEACE that you find within your own heart space and then share with others. The WELL-BEING that is being created by you through your willingness to change your thoughts to those of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE for who you truly are.


It all starts with YOU. YOU loving and accepting yourself alters your DNA and allows for Well-Being within and without as a consequence.


IMAGINE when you have a Planet of Beings who truly LOVE AND HONOUR themselves, and each other, living in PEACE AND HARMONY.


This is why you came Dear Ones.


This is what you came to achieve for YOU, and ALL HUMANITY.




It all starts with YOU, the work you do to allow yourself to be the LOVE you are, and then radiate that out to your fellow Beings.


What can you Create Dear Hearts?


A pristine Canvas awaits you.


The choice is yours.


How do you wish to proceed?


As always you are never alone, accompanying you on this journey are so many Beings of Light, Star Brothers and Sisters, your Loved Ones in Spirit, the list is endless. Other Galaxies are watching in awe all that is unfolding.


Standing beside you, we await your Call.




傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings my dearest brothers and sisters! I am Mi-ka-el, your beloved family, protector, and companion always for I have made this promise to you and to the Mother a long, long time ago…to be with you and guard you with my light and love until our mission is completed, until the very last and final human soul on Earth is free, whichever way they choose to become so.


And so you see, there is no time that you are not closely watched over and kept safe…you and your entire soul family! I know you have an absolute trust in me and in all the legions of light that are out there with thee, in the deepness and in the lowest of the density to assist and keep you company and to attempt to make this journey fun and playful – as it should be.


The questions is, “ How much do you trust yourselves?” You are extremely hard on yourselves for not doing this or that, for not going through this lifetime the way you might have expected, especially when you compare yourselves with the ones that seem to have a smoother and less eventful journey.eraoflight.com


Dearest hearts, you just don’t know the entire picture and the complexity of the Divine Plan, but this is exactly as it should be! When you judge yourselves harshly for not measuring up to whatever you might believe was set for you to accomplish and achieve, then you are hurting yourselves unnecessarily and the unfoldment of your missions slows down.


Be at peace beloveds, for I am here to reassure you that you are on track, that you are exactly where you were meant to be at this time.


Trust yourselves and the world around you will be reflecting back your trust and confident demeanor. Keep your heart wide open and use the knowing and the wisdom that comes from within to access and briefly analyze whatever comes into your awareness.


There are situations that arise on your path, there are people that are coming to you and challenge you greatly. But, do understand that you have every single piece of information that you need, and the tools to see the truth and the solutions to the challenge, and then to swiftly move through it and advance on your path.


Each and every one of you, my brave warriors, are here to work on dismantling the programing and the very foundation of the old and suppressive third dimension that was heavily manipulated and misused in hurting and enslaving humanity for so long. And so, when I say to thee that you are advancing and moving forward on your path, it really means that you are being entrusted and given the Blue Flame of Divine Will and Power to go lower and wider into the density where the light was almost forgotten, for there are many that need that loving hand and help.


Trust your knowing and your intuition to guide you through these unexpected rescuing missions. Use your internal guidance and the Blue Flame of Truth, the Silver, and the Golden, it matters not, but do not doubt for one split second that you are being misdirected or off your path. It is your deepest desire to serve and the intent to be love at all times that is taking you wherever you need to be and at the same time it keeps you safe, regardless of what your ego might say to thee.


You do understand that your ego is always teaching and showing you where you are still in fear and what else needs to be let go of, released and transmuted, and so be grateful and gladly welcome his/her input.


Endeavor to lighten up and realize that there is no enemy out there, but only misunderstanding, lack of awareness and misperception of the tough and unconventional teachers that you have chosen. Have more fun, play, laugh and dream big while seeing this current journey on Planet Earth as the most exciting and fulfilling lifetime of all, for indeed it is, and you would not want to miss the ride.


You are loved and cherished more than you will ever imagine.





傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle、James McConnell
譯者:Nick Chan
《2》.你處於偉大覺醒前的時刻 (20180224)
#NickChan #GenovevaCoyle #JamesMcConnell

傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings dearest ones ! I am Mi-ka-el, Archangel of love, bringer of the truth, warrior of the peace and light, your brother, family and protector, your constant ally.


I am here to celebrate with thee this day! I am here to encourage you to let go of all the remaining untruths and to all that is holding you back from seeing and feeling that you are already where you have been working so hard to arrive…yes, you have arrived home, at last.


And what that really means is that you are home in that experience of being in unity with all of us and with All That there Is, the Mother/Father/One. But now while you are in physical form, while you are in that seemingly separated and earthly form, you are feeling and perceiving that you are separated but at the same time you are standing and being in the oneness as well.


Dearest hearts, you have arrived and you are now consciously aware that you have never left home because it is impossible to be severed from the Source. You know that you are always one with everyone and with everything regardless of how many veils you placed around you and all others. You desired to undergo separation, you needed to experience the feeling of being isolated and alone because you wanted to better define your wonderful self in this way.


In other words, you felt that you can better find and appreciate who you really are while being away from the Father/ Mother/ One, uncovering yourselves piece by piece and placing little or big parts of yourselves together according to a brilliant divine plan that you designed eons ago.


Being on Earth at this time of tumultuous changes and transformation, having to assist so many with their own self-discoveries, is but another small part of your divine plan, which nevertheless, is a great and extremely important catalyst to your rapid growth and expansion.


You have moments when you focus greatly only on some aspect of your mission; you have times when you feel stuck in your growth, but this might be because you think of your dear selves as small, or at least you tend to compartmentalize your self too much.


You can look into different parts of self and into a variety of connections and relationships you have formed with soul family, and set the intention to flow with the truth, and with that which is being revealed to thee in every moment that is for the highest good of all, even if you cannot make any sense of it. Accept it and love it, and then detach from it without much in the way of expectations, knowing that it will bring you more understanding when the time is right.


It has been said that you do not have to really understand and sit too long with that which you are accomplishing, nor do you have to ponder on it when you feel like moving forward.


Let go of trying to make sense of everything, but only strive to keep on the course of love and light in joy and in peace. You are teachers indeed, but not the kind that has to tell others what to do or how to travel their own journey, for you are the teachers of the heart sharing their experiences and not the “how to” rules and manuals, except when prompted by their higher self offering guidance.


You have chosen to be the teachers that show others how to hold on to their love of self and others while being seemingly separated from the Source, while they are going through their journey with compassion and kindness for their selves and for the entirety creation.


You are all part of the One, and you can all be in unity with each other and at the same time experience life as an individual spark of love with other ones, your family and friends, loving each other as there is no one else out there, as there is no other time than this now.


Congratulations my wonderful brothers and sisters! Well done dear warriors of light and truth!


I will leave you now with my infinite love and eternal gratitude for your courage and fortitude. Farewell.


傳導作者:James McConnell.
譯者:Nick Chan.

I AM Archangel Michael.


I AM pleased to be here with you at this time, in this moment, in this flux that is occurring within many of you. Many of you are feeling the energies moving through you. Many of you are feeling the energies all around you.


And all of you are beginning to realize that the time is near, the time is now. For we are all in this together. We came here together and we will leave here together.


That is not to say that you will all leave here, this planet, and go back home because you will have a choice. There is always freedom of choice. This is a free-will zone. You will always have a choice as to where you will find yourself. Whether it is continuing on here with this planet or moving up into ships going back to your various homes, what you would call your home, seeing many long-lost friends, relatives.


For many thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago as measured by this sense of time, but as you know you are moving out of this sense of time. You are moving into a sense of ‘no time’. And many of you are finding that seemingly time is speeding up and in your understanding it is. It is both speeding up and slowing down at the same time. You are all here, now, in this moment, in these moments to do what you came here to do.


Many of you find yourselves, all of you find yourselves now in this group. You are not here by happenstance, by accident. As you have learned now there are no accidents. Everything is being orchestrated. And you are here in this group to train, to learn, to begin to move about your mission. All that you came here to do you are now here to accomplish. The time is now. You are in the moment, the moments before the revealings become more and more to all of you.


To those that have eyes to see and ears to hear you have already been seeing and hearing. But for many out there that do not yet have those eyes and ears even they are beginning to get an inkling. Just a whisper coming in to them telling them that not all is as it appears to be and they are beginning to awaken. Consciousness is awakening across the planet. And as consciousness continues to awaken, the old paradigm, the old three-dimensional illusion that you have been a part of for so long is crumbling all around you.


And it must crumble. It must come down to be replaced by the new, the new understanding, the new love, the new consciousness, and the re-awakening of all that is to be, always was, and is now.


As I say, you are in the moments prior to this great awakening. When we say moments you might say weeks and months. But it is yet a relatively short time, as you measure time, for all is about to be revealed in many ways and coming from many different directions. For those of you that have been training and working within this group, have been working on yourselves, now is coming the time where you will begin to help to work with others, to help awaken others as you can as they are ready. And many, many more will continue to awaken and be ready just as you awakened some time ago. Just as the alarm clock went off for you, so too will it go off for many more. And as they begin to come into their own, begin to remember, they will reach out to you just as you reached out to us. Because all is a process of symbiosis. And as we say many times, all is being orchestrated and you, all of you, are a vital part of that orchestration. The full orchestration, the full concert cannot be as beautiful as it can be without the music generated by each one of you. Not one of you can be separated from this. Always know that. You are all vital parts to the whole.


I AM Archangel Michael. There is much more yet to come in the times ahead, in the times leading up to that next Advance (formerly called retreats) of yours. For we will be very much a part of the expression that occurs at that time. And much that does occur at that time will depend on everything that happens prior to it.


All of my peace and love be with all of you. I AM Archangel Michael and my Blue Sword of Truth is set upon all of you now as the Truth continues to come forth.



傳導者:Genoveva Coyle、Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan
#GenovevaCoyle #NatalieGlasson #釋迦牟尼 #NickChan

傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings dearest ones! I am Lord Buddha and it is with love and excitement that I am coming here to address thee this day. It is a pleasure to come and assist you with this process of effortless creating that you are so eager to move into.


Yes, effortless is the name of the game, effortless is how love works, and it is with great joy that all is intended to flow to thee when you are willing to receive the same and more. And so, are you ready? Are you willing to receive that which you have been preparing and working on for quite some time?


This is why we are saying to thee that you need to love your sweet selves first before you can truly love others. This is why we are reiterating that you need to give to yourselves first, whether that be love, or nourishment and healing, or education and money, and you can add to this list everything that you would like to share and give to others. But before you can adequately be the ones that give unconditionally, you need to give all to yourselves first so that you never need recognition or reward for your giving.


You see, when you give to yourselves first you feel that you have more than enough, you feel connected fully with the Source of abundance and love. You then let go of your fears and of the scarcity mind set and you expect nothing from others as you have no needs of any kind, and thus no conditions are imposed on others.


The joy and the love that is seen at the receiver’s side is such a nourishment to your soul that you would want to find more ways to give and spread your love and talents. But it has to start within and it has to be joy that you give to yourselves first; then everything else will flow out from you without reservation, without resentment, and without fear of being depleted.


You can allow the love and the light energy of the Mother/Father/One to flow through you and send it to everyone out there. You can send it as a thought of pure love, or you can attach an intent to it, such as wishes for the healing and well-being of the ones that are to receive it, or as peace, harmony, clarity and inspiration for them all. Or you could form a construction of light and mold the particles of love into so many beautiful shapes and forms. You can create visible and palpable gifts and surprises for your loved ones, for your family, friends, and for humanity in general. You can create simple worlds or complex universes and galaxies just as easily. You are indeed as creative and powerful as that. You are the creators and you are the sun and the center of the world that nourishes and warms up the hearts of all.


Will you take my hand now and start this fascinating part of your wonderful journey? Let’s proceed and let’s enjoy this journey at last, just the way it was meant to be!


I will leave you now with my love and peace! Farewell.


傳導作者:Natalie Glasson.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings, I, Lord Buddha, extend my energy to you from my Planetary Logos Ashram on the inner planes where I sit surrounded by my Twelve Buddhas who support my role as overseer of the energies and souls in existence within the Planetary Levels. Together we download energy, light and consciousness from the Cosmic Level through the entire Universe of the Creator into the Planetary Level to distribute to the Earth and all souls upon the Earth. We are currently connecting with the Creator’s energies of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity with the purpose of anchoring these sacred qualities into the mental body of Mother Earth and the mental bodies of all souls upon the Earth. Through our process, we are cleansing thought forms, perspectives and mental habits which no longer serve souls accelerating upon their ascension pathway. We are directing our energy especially to those who are spiritually awake and are seeking to move through the levels of their ascension process. We wish to gift these sacred qualities and energies in order to serve you in accessing peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity within your mental body and your experience of your mind.

問候,我,佛陀,從我內在平面的行星理則修道所將我的能量擴張到你,在我的身邊有著十二尊佛支持著我的角色 --- 行星層面中靈魂和能量的監督者。我們一起從宇宙層面,通過造物主的整體宇宙把能量、光和意識下載到行星層面,分配給地球和所有之上的靈魂。我們當前與造物主平和、和諧、寧靜、祥和的能量連接,伴隨著把這些神聖的品質錨定到地球母親的精神身體和其上所有靈魂的精神身體的目標。通過我們的過程,我們清理了不再服務於在揚升道路上加速的靈魂的思想形態、觀點和心理習性。我們特別地把我們的能量引導向那些精神覺醒的人,尋求通過揚升進程的人。我們希望贈予這些神聖的品質和能量,以便服務你訪問精神身體中以及頭腦體驗中的平和、和諧、寧靜與祥和

Why Does Your Mental Body Require Peace, Harmony, Tranquillity and Serenity?


I, Lord Buddha, dedicate my existence on the inner planes to supporting the inner happiness, peace and fulfilment of others by demonstrating what they seek is already an integrated presence within them. When you access your inner happiness, peace and fulfilment you are dancing in rhythm with the Creator, you are existing in the divine flow, receiving guidance and understanding the actions and reactions you create. It is my purpose to encourage souls to observe their existence from a space of meditation and observation within. Meditation is not only breathing deeply or following a technique, it is to be conscious of yourself on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. This does not mean that you need to understand the transformation and reactions which take place within your being, instead be willing to observe, to accept and to decide whether that which you are observing serves you in connecting with the Creator on a deeper level.


Remember that there are no mistakes, even if you allow yourself to energise something that separates you from the Creator, you can easily cleanse your being, change your perspectives, ask for guidance and begin upon another pathway carrying greater wisdom and strength with you.


When you are in the habit of observing or meditating your existence as you move through your daily reality you naturally activate the energies of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity within your mental body and entire being. This means that you are able to experience the fullness of life rather than the challenges and suffering that many go through. Peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity support the release of doubt, unneeded fears, judgment, unworthiness, stubbornness, blame, and the many energies that create chaos and upheaval within your being and reality. With negative chatter in the mind calmed and released through dissolving your attachment to its presence and influence so you will be able to focus with greater clarity on the essence of your soul, the guidance of your soul and the Creator. You begin to notice the beauty of the Creator and life moving through you. In consciously releasing your attachment to the presence and influence of the negative chatter within your mind, or to use another label your ego, you do not stop, ban or forbid it from being present inside your being, instead you set boundaries as to when negative chatter or the ego is appropriate and when it does not serve you. You take control and responsibility of your expression and existence upon the Earth. The energies and qualities of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity allow you to be balanced, experiencing equilibrium with your soul, the Creator and your ego. This is an essential key for all souls embarking upon ascension, in this current stage of ascension there is a need for balance within and with all aspects of your being. With balance, so you can be certain of the clarity and divine inspiration flowing through your being knowing that you are not being tainted by anything that limits your unison with the Creator. In truth it is a time of self-empowerment through alignment to the Creator, allowing your alignment to lovingly transform your being and reality on all levels.

當你有習慣去觀察或冥想自己的存在,隨著你通過日常的現實,你會自然地激活精神身體和整體存在中平和、和諧、寧靜與祥和的能量。這意味著你能夠體驗生命的圓滿,而不是許多人正在經歷的挑戰和苦難。平和、和諧、寧靜與祥和支持釋放懷疑、不需要的恐懼、評判、無價值、頑固、責備以及許多創造你存在和現實中混亂與動盪的能量。 伴隨著頭腦中消極的喋喋不休的平靜與釋放,通過溶解你對它的依附和其影響,這樣你就能伴隨著更大的明晰專注於你靈魂的本質,你靈魂和造物主的指引。你開始注意到造物主和流經你的生命之美。在有意識地釋放你頭腦中消極的喋喋不休的影響和你對其的依附之中,或者使用另一個標籤,你的小我,你不會停止、禁止或不允許它存在於你的內在,而是你設置邊界,關於什麼時候消極的喋喋不休或小我是恰當的,什麼時候它並不服務於你。你掌控和負責自己在地球上的表達與存在。平和、和諧、寧靜與祥和的能量和品質給予了你平衡,體驗你靈魂,造物主和小我的均衡。這對於所有踏上揚升道路的靈魂來說是一個重要的關鍵,在這個當前的揚升階段,內在和與你存在所有面向的平和是有必要的。伴隨著平衡,你可以擁有明晰,神聖的靈感流經你,讓你知曉你沒有被任何限制你與造物主聯合的東西污染。事實上,這是一個自我授權的時刻,通過與造物主對齊,讓你的對齊有愛地轉變你的存在和所有層面上的現實

What Is the Difference Between Peace and Silence in the Mind?


During your ascension process, you may hear of quietening the mind or thoughts, releasing the ego or experiencing the silence of the mind during meditation. Many people interpret this as releasing or removing all thoughts and all trace of the ego. They wish to experience silence in their mind and believe that this means complete silence or almost a sense of muting the mind, mental body and ego. To silence the mind and ego is not be taken literally. Your ego, thoughts and the reactions of your being to your reality whether negative or positive are a natural and needed aspect of your being, they were created for a reason, the same as your organs were. To silence the mind in many ways is not appropriate because you are denying a part of yourself in achieving what it is meant to. Creating peace within your mind, mental body and between you and your ego is far more appropriate. Peace is contentment, calmness, tranquillity and harmony, it is all aspects of your being loved, valued and working as a team in harmony. Often too much power is given to the ego, chattering mind and negative fears, when more power needs to be shared with your soul, intuition and loving heart. If power is given to your sacred self then the ego, mind and mental body back off and slot into the role they were designed to do, rather than trying to lead you through your reality.

在你的揚升進程中,你可能聽到過在冥想期間平靜頭腦或想法,釋放小我並體驗頭腦的寂靜。許多人會詮釋為釋放或移除所有小我的想法和蹤跡。他們希望體驗頭腦中的寂靜,相信這意味著完全地無聲或幾乎靜音頭腦、精神身體和小我。安靜頭腦和小我是不字面上的那樣。你的小我,對自身現實的想法和反應,無論是積極還是消極,都是你存在自然、必須的面向,它們被創造是有原因的,就像你的器官一樣。 在許多方式中安靜頭腦是不恰當的,因為你在否認你的一部分去實現它意圖去實現的。創造你頭腦、精神身體以及你和小我之間的平和更加恰當。平和是滿足、寧靜、祥和與和諧,這都是你存在的面向,被愛著,重視著,作為一個團體在和諧中運作。經常太多的力量被給予了小我、喋喋不休的頭腦和消極的恐懼,當更多的力量需要與你的靈魂、直覺和有愛的心分享。如果力量被給予你神聖的自我,然後讓小我、頭腦和精神身體後退,嵌入它們被設計成為的角色,而不是試圖引領你通過你的現實

To focus on silencing or muting the mind and ego will only cause a separation with yourself and could mean that you mute the divine inspiration flowing into your being. Your mind is gifted with divine inspiration through your causal chakra, if the mind is silenced completely then the divine inspiration cannot be received from the causal chakra.


As you walk your ascension pathway upon the Earth, one of the greatest lessons, (I, Lord Buddha, am aware that there are many) is acceptance of all aspects of your being. Acceptance allows for healing, transformation and balance to manifest within your being thus you become aware, awaken and sensitive to the presence of the Creator within and around you. Allow yourself to accept the habits of your mind or any aspect of your being. Accept these, and if you feel they require transformation, accept them and realise they are simply out of balance or not achieving the desired role within your being. Peace is your goal, it is also your natural existence. Peace will bring everything into balance and create the fullness and completeness of the Creator within your being and reality. Peace is every aspect of your being existing in balance and harmony; as all that is the Creator.


Downloading Peace of Mind


It is impossible to download peace of mind into your mind, mental body and ego. However, you can download the energies we are contemplating and sharing within the Planetary Logos Ashram. We invite you to receive the energies of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity that we are harnessing from the Creator and anchor these fully into your mind, mental body and ego in order to create balance, equilibrium and to restore power to where it is needed and required within your being.


‘Lord Buddha and the Twelve Buddhas of the Planetary Logos Ashram, I call your attention and focus to direct the energies you are contemplating now into my being. Please download the sacred qualities of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity into my being in order to activate the same qualities within me. Let this download and activation create within my being a greater awareness of my inner peace and ignite peace within my mind. Support me in becoming truly aware of my peace of mind. I am ready to receive and observe all that I am.’


Imagine a downpour of energy into and over your being from the Planetary Logos Ashram. Absorb and receive with awareness.


In peace, Lord Buddha!



傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle、向光之羽
譯者:Nick Chan
#NickChan #GenovevaCoyle #向光之羽

《1》.關於:新的你 - 煉金術大師和創造者
傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle.
譯者: Nick Chan.

Greetings dear ones! I am Mi-ka-el, I am Archangel Michael, Archangel of love and peace, bringer of the truth, your family, friend, and protector, your ally always.


I come here this day to reassure you that there is no moment that I am not with you on this journey you are traveling on Earth, in this universe and anywhere else, for it is my promise to the Mother and to you to overlight thee, to hold your hand, to protect thee and your loved ones at all times. There are times when you hear and see me clearly, and there are other times when you are deeply involved in your mission of light. Thus, just because you are not quite aware of our connection and presence around thee it doesn’t mean that we are not always with you and fully aware of your deeds and your most intimate thoughts.


You gave us permission a long time ago, and you have called on me and given me permission to sit close by and to intervene when there is need. And this is what I am doing despite the fact that you are not always aware of how we have designed this mission of bringing and anchoring the light into the farthest and darkest spots of the Earth. You are traveling far and wide, you are the bravest of the brave to engage in these rescuing adventures, and your only desire is to bring home as many of the lost ones as you can.


Yes, you are stepping fully into your multidimensional selves. Yes, you are embodying the master alchemist and the creator – Nova You – the founder and builder of the Nova Earth. Yes, you are working continuously at balancing the masculine and the feminine divine energies, clearing and transmuting many of the painful memories and suffering of the old Earth for both genders, but mostly for the women.


But, at the same time you are persisting in the ongoing mission we have to bring others home, by diving deeper and deeper into the darkness and lighting up the paths, showing the way of the light and truth. There are still so many engrossed in fears and lies. There are still so many that are confused and lost, entangled in the ways of the old false constructs. These false constructs have been dissolved and dismantled as you know, for we have done this type of work together. But there are brothers and sisters of yours working and functioning in ways that are based on the previous conditioning patterns who have a difficult time seeing that there are no sustaining energies left in the old fearful ways.


There is so much light and hope anchored on our beloved Earth that fewer and fewer human beings are acting out in fear and despair. There is a refusal to follow the old patterns of lashing out in anger and rage and then being manipulated into the low vibrational abyss of guilt.


Everyone can see now that there are lighter and more loving ways to deal with the imbalances and the remaining heavy baggage of the past. And this is what you are doing, this is what we are doing now together, showing others that there are easier and much better and more graceful ways to evolve and expand into your greatness and multidimensional ways of being.


Yes, there are parts of yourselves that still need some more polishing, some revision and reworking from the old dense ways of being; they still need the focus of some of your energy and attention. But you are doing it now more efficiently in increasingly masterful ways without spending extraordinarily huge amounts of energy and time.


At the same time you are paving the way, you are lighting up the path and bringing home some of the most recalcitrant ones. You are showing them the truth in your loving and gentle ways. You are allowing them to feel and experience love, that genuine and unconditional love of the Mother. You are reminding them of the happy and bright days of being home, free, playful, and at one with the Source, and that they have no other choice but to review their methods and then to drop the fears and denials of the old separation.


And this is what we have promised the Mother to do in these intense times of chaos. This is how we bring everyone back into the heart of the Mother…with love and gentle guidance, one soul at a time. And for this type of work you are greatly appreciated. I thank you most profusely and I love you more than you can ever imagine.


I will leave you now with my love, peace and fortitude. Farewell.


















