

傳導者:Genoveva Coyle、Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan
#GenovevaCoyle #NatalieGlasson #釋迦牟尼 #NickChan

傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings dearest ones! I am Lord Buddha and it is with love and excitement that I am coming here to address thee this day. It is a pleasure to come and assist you with this process of effortless creating that you are so eager to move into.


Yes, effortless is the name of the game, effortless is how love works, and it is with great joy that all is intended to flow to thee when you are willing to receive the same and more. And so, are you ready? Are you willing to receive that which you have been preparing and working on for quite some time?


This is why we are saying to thee that you need to love your sweet selves first before you can truly love others. This is why we are reiterating that you need to give to yourselves first, whether that be love, or nourishment and healing, or education and money, and you can add to this list everything that you would like to share and give to others. But before you can adequately be the ones that give unconditionally, you need to give all to yourselves first so that you never need recognition or reward for your giving.


You see, when you give to yourselves first you feel that you have more than enough, you feel connected fully with the Source of abundance and love. You then let go of your fears and of the scarcity mind set and you expect nothing from others as you have no needs of any kind, and thus no conditions are imposed on others.


The joy and the love that is seen at the receiver’s side is such a nourishment to your soul that you would want to find more ways to give and spread your love and talents. But it has to start within and it has to be joy that you give to yourselves first; then everything else will flow out from you without reservation, without resentment, and without fear of being depleted.


You can allow the love and the light energy of the Mother/Father/One to flow through you and send it to everyone out there. You can send it as a thought of pure love, or you can attach an intent to it, such as wishes for the healing and well-being of the ones that are to receive it, or as peace, harmony, clarity and inspiration for them all. Or you could form a construction of light and mold the particles of love into so many beautiful shapes and forms. You can create visible and palpable gifts and surprises for your loved ones, for your family, friends, and for humanity in general. You can create simple worlds or complex universes and galaxies just as easily. You are indeed as creative and powerful as that. You are the creators and you are the sun and the center of the world that nourishes and warms up the hearts of all.


Will you take my hand now and start this fascinating part of your wonderful journey? Let’s proceed and let’s enjoy this journey at last, just the way it was meant to be!


I will leave you now with my love and peace! Farewell.


傳導作者:Natalie Glasson.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings, I, Lord Buddha, extend my energy to you from my Planetary Logos Ashram on the inner planes where I sit surrounded by my Twelve Buddhas who support my role as overseer of the energies and souls in existence within the Planetary Levels. Together we download energy, light and consciousness from the Cosmic Level through the entire Universe of the Creator into the Planetary Level to distribute to the Earth and all souls upon the Earth. We are currently connecting with the Creator’s energies of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity with the purpose of anchoring these sacred qualities into the mental body of Mother Earth and the mental bodies of all souls upon the Earth. Through our process, we are cleansing thought forms, perspectives and mental habits which no longer serve souls accelerating upon their ascension pathway. We are directing our energy especially to those who are spiritually awake and are seeking to move through the levels of their ascension process. We wish to gift these sacred qualities and energies in order to serve you in accessing peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity within your mental body and your experience of your mind.

問候,我,佛陀,從我內在平面的行星理則修道所將我的能量擴張到你,在我的身邊有著十二尊佛支持著我的角色 --- 行星層面中靈魂和能量的監督者。我們一起從宇宙層面,通過造物主的整體宇宙把能量、光和意識下載到行星層面,分配給地球和所有之上的靈魂。我們當前與造物主平和、和諧、寧靜、祥和的能量連接,伴隨著把這些神聖的品質錨定到地球母親的精神身體和其上所有靈魂的精神身體的目標。通過我們的過程,我們清理了不再服務於在揚升道路上加速的靈魂的思想形態、觀點和心理習性。我們特別地把我們的能量引導向那些精神覺醒的人,尋求通過揚升進程的人。我們希望贈予這些神聖的品質和能量,以便服務你訪問精神身體中以及頭腦體驗中的平和、和諧、寧靜與祥和

Why Does Your Mental Body Require Peace, Harmony, Tranquillity and Serenity?


I, Lord Buddha, dedicate my existence on the inner planes to supporting the inner happiness, peace and fulfilment of others by demonstrating what they seek is already an integrated presence within them. When you access your inner happiness, peace and fulfilment you are dancing in rhythm with the Creator, you are existing in the divine flow, receiving guidance and understanding the actions and reactions you create. It is my purpose to encourage souls to observe their existence from a space of meditation and observation within. Meditation is not only breathing deeply or following a technique, it is to be conscious of yourself on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. This does not mean that you need to understand the transformation and reactions which take place within your being, instead be willing to observe, to accept and to decide whether that which you are observing serves you in connecting with the Creator on a deeper level.


Remember that there are no mistakes, even if you allow yourself to energise something that separates you from the Creator, you can easily cleanse your being, change your perspectives, ask for guidance and begin upon another pathway carrying greater wisdom and strength with you.


When you are in the habit of observing or meditating your existence as you move through your daily reality you naturally activate the energies of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity within your mental body and entire being. This means that you are able to experience the fullness of life rather than the challenges and suffering that many go through. Peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity support the release of doubt, unneeded fears, judgment, unworthiness, stubbornness, blame, and the many energies that create chaos and upheaval within your being and reality. With negative chatter in the mind calmed and released through dissolving your attachment to its presence and influence so you will be able to focus with greater clarity on the essence of your soul, the guidance of your soul and the Creator. You begin to notice the beauty of the Creator and life moving through you. In consciously releasing your attachment to the presence and influence of the negative chatter within your mind, or to use another label your ego, you do not stop, ban or forbid it from being present inside your being, instead you set boundaries as to when negative chatter or the ego is appropriate and when it does not serve you. You take control and responsibility of your expression and existence upon the Earth. The energies and qualities of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity allow you to be balanced, experiencing equilibrium with your soul, the Creator and your ego. This is an essential key for all souls embarking upon ascension, in this current stage of ascension there is a need for balance within and with all aspects of your being. With balance, so you can be certain of the clarity and divine inspiration flowing through your being knowing that you are not being tainted by anything that limits your unison with the Creator. In truth it is a time of self-empowerment through alignment to the Creator, allowing your alignment to lovingly transform your being and reality on all levels.

當你有習慣去觀察或冥想自己的存在,隨著你通過日常的現實,你會自然地激活精神身體和整體存在中平和、和諧、寧靜與祥和的能量。這意味著你能夠體驗生命的圓滿,而不是許多人正在經歷的挑戰和苦難。平和、和諧、寧靜與祥和支持釋放懷疑、不需要的恐懼、評判、無價值、頑固、責備以及許多創造你存在和現實中混亂與動盪的能量。 伴隨著頭腦中消極的喋喋不休的平靜與釋放,通過溶解你對它的依附和其影響,這樣你就能伴隨著更大的明晰專注於你靈魂的本質,你靈魂和造物主的指引。你開始注意到造物主和流經你的生命之美。在有意識地釋放你頭腦中消極的喋喋不休的影響和你對其的依附之中,或者使用另一個標籤,你的小我,你不會停止、禁止或不允許它存在於你的內在,而是你設置邊界,關於什麼時候消極的喋喋不休或小我是恰當的,什麼時候它並不服務於你。你掌控和負責自己在地球上的表達與存在。平和、和諧、寧靜與祥和的能量和品質給予了你平衡,體驗你靈魂,造物主和小我的均衡。這對於所有踏上揚升道路的靈魂來說是一個重要的關鍵,在這個當前的揚升階段,內在和與你存在所有面向的平和是有必要的。伴隨著平衡,你可以擁有明晰,神聖的靈感流經你,讓你知曉你沒有被任何限制你與造物主聯合的東西污染。事實上,這是一個自我授權的時刻,通過與造物主對齊,讓你的對齊有愛地轉變你的存在和所有層面上的現實

What Is the Difference Between Peace and Silence in the Mind?


During your ascension process, you may hear of quietening the mind or thoughts, releasing the ego or experiencing the silence of the mind during meditation. Many people interpret this as releasing or removing all thoughts and all trace of the ego. They wish to experience silence in their mind and believe that this means complete silence or almost a sense of muting the mind, mental body and ego. To silence the mind and ego is not be taken literally. Your ego, thoughts and the reactions of your being to your reality whether negative or positive are a natural and needed aspect of your being, they were created for a reason, the same as your organs were. To silence the mind in many ways is not appropriate because you are denying a part of yourself in achieving what it is meant to. Creating peace within your mind, mental body and between you and your ego is far more appropriate. Peace is contentment, calmness, tranquillity and harmony, it is all aspects of your being loved, valued and working as a team in harmony. Often too much power is given to the ego, chattering mind and negative fears, when more power needs to be shared with your soul, intuition and loving heart. If power is given to your sacred self then the ego, mind and mental body back off and slot into the role they were designed to do, rather than trying to lead you through your reality.

在你的揚升進程中,你可能聽到過在冥想期間平靜頭腦或想法,釋放小我並體驗頭腦的寂靜。許多人會詮釋為釋放或移除所有小我的想法和蹤跡。他們希望體驗頭腦中的寂靜,相信這意味著完全地無聲或幾乎靜音頭腦、精神身體和小我。安靜頭腦和小我是不字面上的那樣。你的小我,對自身現實的想法和反應,無論是積極還是消極,都是你存在自然、必須的面向,它們被創造是有原因的,就像你的器官一樣。 在許多方式中安靜頭腦是不恰當的,因為你在否認你的一部分去實現它意圖去實現的。創造你頭腦、精神身體以及你和小我之間的平和更加恰當。平和是滿足、寧靜、祥和與和諧,這都是你存在的面向,被愛著,重視著,作為一個團體在和諧中運作。經常太多的力量被給予了小我、喋喋不休的頭腦和消極的恐懼,當更多的力量需要與你的靈魂、直覺和有愛的心分享。如果力量被給予你神聖的自我,然後讓小我、頭腦和精神身體後退,嵌入它們被設計成為的角色,而不是試圖引領你通過你的現實

To focus on silencing or muting the mind and ego will only cause a separation with yourself and could mean that you mute the divine inspiration flowing into your being. Your mind is gifted with divine inspiration through your causal chakra, if the mind is silenced completely then the divine inspiration cannot be received from the causal chakra.


As you walk your ascension pathway upon the Earth, one of the greatest lessons, (I, Lord Buddha, am aware that there are many) is acceptance of all aspects of your being. Acceptance allows for healing, transformation and balance to manifest within your being thus you become aware, awaken and sensitive to the presence of the Creator within and around you. Allow yourself to accept the habits of your mind or any aspect of your being. Accept these, and if you feel they require transformation, accept them and realise they are simply out of balance or not achieving the desired role within your being. Peace is your goal, it is also your natural existence. Peace will bring everything into balance and create the fullness and completeness of the Creator within your being and reality. Peace is every aspect of your being existing in balance and harmony; as all that is the Creator.


Downloading Peace of Mind


It is impossible to download peace of mind into your mind, mental body and ego. However, you can download the energies we are contemplating and sharing within the Planetary Logos Ashram. We invite you to receive the energies of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity that we are harnessing from the Creator and anchor these fully into your mind, mental body and ego in order to create balance, equilibrium and to restore power to where it is needed and required within your being.


‘Lord Buddha and the Twelve Buddhas of the Planetary Logos Ashram, I call your attention and focus to direct the energies you are contemplating now into my being. Please download the sacred qualities of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity into my being in order to activate the same qualities within me. Let this download and activation create within my being a greater awareness of my inner peace and ignite peace within my mind. Support me in becoming truly aware of my peace of mind. I am ready to receive and observe all that I am.’


Imagine a downpour of energy into and over your being from the Planetary Logos Ashram. Absorb and receive with awareness.


In peace, Lord Buddha!



