

《1》.源頭 (20180925)
《2》.所有存在的真理 (20181230)
#JahnJKassl #GenovevaCoyle #釋迦牟尼 #NickChan #佛陀

傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

Anger you reject, rage you refuse and hatred that leaves you untouched, will release elsewhere.


Floral wreaths you are handed, praise you receive, and affection you are presented with, will unfold their sweet fragrance elsewhere if you remain untouched by them. Because someone who has awakened knows life and knows himself – and hence does not attempt to own what is not his.


Beloved humans!


The path to enlightenment is defined by realizations coming from deep inner spiritual experiences. That is how life serves you, and every day is handing you issues on the platter of life.


Inner growth is only possible when outer circumstances are considered and respected. Respect the unpleasant and the pleasant events in your life and look at everything that touches you one way or another.




This approach demands of you an alert state of consciousness along with the realization that everything you resonate with will reach you and everything you reject will manifest elsewhere.


The awakened one knows how to relate to things. Anger is endured for the sake of not transferring anger to others, rage is accepted so that it can’t release elsewhere, and even hatred gains access to the awakened one so that it can’t disastrously spread elsewhere.


The awakened one knows when and why he brings about this or that – and so the weight resting on his shoulders is never his own heaviness but the burdens of those he loves unconditionally.


However, the awakened one also knows how to relate to praise and homage. Affection and rejection are observed by the awakened consciousness and have no effect whatsoever on the awakened one.


That is how the awakened one walks among other human beings. Without leaving a trace, he serves a world that needs him, and serves those who come to him.


While they themselves are unchanging, awakened ones enter a world that is undergoing change. While they themselves hold still, they move other people. While they themselves are non-involved, they engage in everything.


Are you ready to get to this source? Then come! Because truly:


Eternal life comes to those who look for the source and drink from the source.




傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings dearest ones! I AM Lord Buddha, your teacher, your family, and friend, and I come today to speak to you about this process of ascension and what it really means to you and to your beloved human collective.


Simply said, ascension is to “Be love!” And then when it comes to how to do this simple and straightforward thing, you – in human form – tend to get entangled in half-truths, complicating things and confusing yourselves to exhaustion, and really it should not and need not be like this.


You are saying it is ascension, and we see it as more of a descent of your higher vibrational selves into your physical forms, If we were to describe this realistically, it is a process of you, each and every one of you, reaching up and down, but by focusing your attention inwardly to release and let go of the dense parts and particles, the solidified thoughts and memories that keep you trapped at a certain level of superficiality and unsatisfied living. For when you let go of them, everything else will begin to flow easily and gracefully, taking you to your next step, or to your next level of consciousness and growth.

你說它是揚升,我們看到的更多是你更高振動的自我下降到物理形態中, 如果我們要實際地描述它,這是一個你自己的過程,你們每個人,向上和向下伸展,但通過專注於內在來釋放和放下稠密的部分與粒子、固化的思想和記憶(將你困於特定的膚淺層面和不令人滿意的生活)。因為當你放下它們,一切都會開始輕鬆、優雅地流動,帶你進入你的下一步,或者下一個意識和成長層面

The reason we are always saying that this is not meant to be work – not even light-work – is because all that there is for you to do is to be constantly alert and aware of what is heavy, dense, restrictive, and limiting to your being. Then, seeing that it is not of love, let it go, or to stop doing it!


This will result in you having more space within, and more time to be love, to be free, to do all that you have chosen to do in this lifetime. It is really simple and straightforward. But the ego and parts of the human mind want to make it complicated, so they offer you many reasons why you can’t strip away and shed all of the falsehoods within yourselves.


Most of you do say and intend every day, and in every moment, that you want to be free, but then you find millions of excuses with which to divert your attention. And so, you keep on coming back to where you are finding yourselves in this moment – really and truly working hard to maintain the status quo. All of those excuses are merely fear-based decisions and are attempts to delay your discovery of the truly magnificent selves that you are so that you do not have to step up and into your divine authority and power.


And yet your soul is in charge, for the New You has arrived, and it will show you where you, willingly or less consciously, are giving your power away: When you insist on being right, therefore implying that others are or were wrong; when you have to prove your wonderful good-willed intentions, despite having triggered your soul family members who only needed that stimulus in order to do some overdue and necessary cleansing of themselves; whether you worry about the future – personal or global, about money and bills, or health issues, or the path and the faith of yourselves, your children, parents, spouses, or humanity at large…it matters not…you are spending so much energy you are literally giving your creative stamina away.


You are trying so hard to avoid even brushing by the negative spectrum of duality in the world that you are living in, which is time and energy consuming, and can thus be quite distracting from your path and purpose. Your paths and the journeys of those you love may have to contain some negative experiences, but it is the way you react to these events that matters, not the fact that you are attempting to avoid them at all costs.


If you could keep in mind that all that you resist, or fight, and work hard to overcome, are only blockages that can be easily removed in the silence and the peace of your heart. Do not allow yourselves to go down into the old third-dimensional paradigm of drama, despair, and discontent, as you wonder who is nudging you to go there, and why they are doing so.


Be lighthearted and optimistic at all times, knowing that there are plenty of opportunities for you to experience and learn, and ultimately expand your capacity to love yourselves and others. This is what will take you faster to where your soul is directing you in every moment, and where it wants you to go.


Come and sit with me in silence in this now moment and let me give you the strength and the deep insight into the truth of all existence!



