

傳導者:Genoveva Coyle、Kerstin Eriksson
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.耶和華-你是勇敢的先驅 (20180107)
《3》.阿波羅-你真誠的愛有著振奮人心的影響並改變了一切 (20180111)
#GenovevaCoyle #KerstinEriksson #NickChan #Yahweh #Zeus #Apollo

傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings my dearest ones! I am Yahweh, your Father, and I come to thee on this end day as a new one arises offering you new opportunities for new beginning, to speak to you about gentleness and to encourage you to be more loving and forgiving, first of yourselves, and then of everyone else.


I am here to say to thee that you are doing wonderfully well and that being in human form is not as easy a journey as you might have expected it to be. So be gentle and love yourselves unconditionally, regardless of what is happening or not happening in your lives, especially in these times of chaos and transformation of all of humanity.


Never before in Earth’s history were changes and the need to adapt and accommodate happening so rapidly, and for the brave forerunners like you there are times when it becomes quite difficult to bear.


Whenever you feel low and under the weather, turn to me my children! Come to me for reassurance and for strength, for there is never a good reason to feel that I would see you as less than you are, precious and perfect children of mine, perfectly courageous and beautiful in every single way.


Let me show you that whenever you feel that you are failing somehow it is because you have been testing yourselves greatly, and perhaps the load that you are attempting to carry in the moment might be unexpectedly heavy for you. It is not baggage that is unbearable or too heavy, for that is not possible, because I made you in my image, and therefore your power is indeed unlimited.


But when you try, all of a sudden, to take care of an entire village or of a big community at the same time, for instance, whereas previously you used to be in charge of only one or two souls, or just few people asking for your assistance, then the increase in the weight of the load may just take you by surprise, and therefore you need to become accustomed to this new increase in the complexity of your responsibilities.


There is nothing more to it dearest ones, this is not failing by any means, this is just pushing your limits and stretching your comfort zone in so many ways, just as you love to do and in fact have been doing for quite some time. Your physical vessel and brain, your human mind, needs to catch up with that ever changing and growing New You, and as you usually do, you will be flying high, wide, and far afield in no time at all.


Do not allow these few moments of doubt to undermine all that you have accomplished so far. See how much you have grown in your awareness and in your ability to hold and share with so many such a tremendous amount of loving energy. You have become such wonderful healers of souls and hearts, you are giving hope and love to children of mine who have been lost and wandering in darkness and fear for thousands and thousands of years.


You are constantly opening pathways of love in spaces that were deeply immersed in the density of the third. Your bright light is seen from afar and there are many coming to you, and to your sweet and peaceful heart song, because you are so close to the pure heart of the Mother and of course, Me.


Just by you sitting quietly and in stillness, others can also remember the way and then find Me, for I am with and in everyone.


The Mother blessed you just recently! She gave you a vision of Herself, so you that could see the light and beauty that exists in everyone. You can perceive and understand that no matter what one does or says to you, or to another child of Mine, and especially when it seems to be not of love, that there is only one way to respond to them. And that is to respond with the utmost love, compassion and kindness, for even when they are angry or in rage, that means they are hurting and in pain.


What they are really saying to thee, and to the entire world, is that they are desperately looking for acceptance and love. They are looking for peace and harmony.


I am here to give you and bestow upon you the strength and the power to follow that gentle voice of the Mother’s love that it is anchored within you, so that you respond and act only with kindness and compassion, regardless of the way in which you are being addressed. In truth, others are simply asking for assistance, whether it is in a respectful manner, or in a fearful and angry manner.


I am giving you the power to choose only love and compassion instead of the old ways of making defensive and fearful responses. Take my word and my light into your world! Take my strength and the power of my love wherever you go my dearest ones! Take my smile and joy everywhere, for I am with thee always!


Go with my infinite love and fortitude! Go in peace and start new worlds of light! Farewell.


傳導作者:Kerstin Eriksson
譯者:Nick Chan

The terrain changes as you walk through different landscapes!


You walk on narrow roads and also into deep walleys and up to high mountains.


And sometimes it rains and you can’t get any glimts of the clear blue skye.


And other times there are so much sunlight that you find yourself to be very thirsty.


This is a part of your life, your path, that you walk, where the scenery changes constantly.


Sometimes you carry burdens, of different feelings, and now I say, take it easy, sit down for a while. See your path as a beautiful road, and you have 2 sides to your road. Sit down in the green grass beside your path, and take your time, to smell the flowers that grow there. You have planted them there yourself but you have forgotten about them! Now you put your bagage down, you don’t have to carry all those bags of worries, guilt and more, just for now, take your time to smell the loveliest of flowers for a while.


Give yourself time, to feel joy, to enjoy your own path! Along the way you have planted so many beautiful seeds and they are in full bloom right now. They have the loveliest scent of divine radiance. And they await your presence and your joy.


When you meditate you can always sit in your beautiful garden just by the side of your path, life path, it is there, it is your private paradise. You have it in your heart and it is a living place, you visit it in your dreams!


I am Zeus and I love you dearly


I hold you to my heart always!




阿波羅Master Apollo信息:
傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings dearest ones! I am Master Apollo and come to greet you today in love and appreciation for the wonderful work of love that you are doing.


You see, there were some that saw and perceived me as a god but I do not introduce myself as such, for I do not want you to feel that I consider myself in any way, shape or form, on a higher or different level than you. I am a teacher, I am your close friend and family, I am here as much as the rest of the Council of Love to assist and send you that loving energy of the One, the Source, to bring you some encouragement until you completely and permanently align yourself with the knowing that you are Gods and Goddesses, that you are masters in your own right, just as much as we are.

你看,一些人視我為神,但我並不如此介紹我自己,因為我不想讓你感到我在任何方式中認為自己,處於比你更高的層面或不同的層面,形態或形狀。我是一名教師,我是你親密的朋友和家人,我在這裡就像愛之委員會的其他成員,是來協助,發送你一,源頭的愛之能量,帶給你一些鼓勵,直到你完全,永久地將自己和你就是神 / 女神的知曉對齊 --- 你就是自身權利中的大師,就像我們

You know that the Mother and Father will not bring into manifestation anything less glorious then the perfection and the beauty that mirrors the One, and this is who you are, you just need to gently remind yourselves of this truth. And even though you are intending, declaring and willing to be that love and that perfection, you are still saying to me, “ Dear brother, I can’t seem to feel this truth in my heart, and as much as I want to be and respond only with love, there are times when I feel so depleted and so numb that all I want to do is retreat and be left alone.”


And this is what I am here to talk to thee about dear ones: You do need to remember to come home often to be replenished, and to be filled with love and joy.


You need to understand that it is your nature to go overboard doing so much at every level, helping everyone, giving all of your energy and more, and then feeling that you have not given enough or that you could have helped more. You feel that the entire world is sitting on your shoulders and that should not be the case. While you are immersing yourselves and working within the lower densities there is a great expenditure of light and love energy, for this is in great demand, and there are few that give it so freely and to everyone as you do.

你需要明白這是你的本質,在每個層面上過度地從事,幫助每個人,付出你所有的精力等等,然後感到你沒有被充分地給予或者你本可以幫助更多。你感到整個世界都坐落在你的肩膀上,這不應該是這樣。當你沉浸 / 工作於較低的密度時,有著一個巨大的光與愛能量的消耗,因為這是被極大地需要,有著一些人和你一樣大量地給予它,給每個人

The world that you are working with in this now moment, your beautiful Gaia, is lightening up, no question about it, but there is still need of more and more anchoring of the light so the newly awakened souls can see through their fears and veils. Most of them are taking huge amounts of light from you dearest ones, and you are attracting and bringing close to thee more and more of them every day because you are so diligent in this work of growing and expanding yourselves, thereby increasing your light quotient and the amount of love that you can anchor and transmit to others.


And this is exactly what you should be doing! Give love, and give light, and give blessings to everyone the same, both to loved ones and to the ones who are reacting with fear and anger, without discrimination. Let go of the judgements and of trying to predict or figure out when your loved ones, or the ones not so close to thee, will shift and see the truth! Your genuine love has uplifting effects and works regardless of your awareness of this fact, it doesn’t need you to focus on it and spend more energy on this kind of detail to make it do what it’s supposed to be doing. Love knows what it is doing, and indeed it changes everything.


Also, let go of the worries of not being able to fulfill this minor task, because indeed this is only a part of what and who you are. You have that wonderful capacity to refill your energy in an instant, so do not worry about how much it is appropriate to give to others, knowing that however much you give – love, time, support, or money – you always have enough left for yourselves.

還有,放下擔憂無法完成這個小小的任務,因為確實,這只是你所是的一部分。你有這個奇妙的能力在瞬間補充你的能量,所以不要擔憂給予他人多少才是恰當的,知曉無論你給予了多少 --- 愛,時間,支持或金錢 --- 你總是有足夠地留給自己

Those worries are of the old paradigm of fear, separation and limitation. But you dearest ones, know that this is not the case, that the truth is that everyone has unlimited access to the abundance of all sorts from heavens.


Your hearts are wide open and it takes only a moment to come home and receive all that you need. Better then, that endeavor to see yourselves and your hearts as the source of that abundance, as the sun of your reality and of the world, and that it is constantly renewing, replenishing, faster and faster, so there is always more sunshine, smiles, love, and abundance to be sent out.


Whenever it seems to take longer to manifest anything in your realities it is because you are still having some subconscious blockages and fears, and that needs to be acknowledged and neutralized. And you are already addressing these fears with patience and love for your powerful selves.


Endeavor to be the source and the sun in your home, in your circle of friends and family, in your entire community, and in the world in which you live!


We are here with thee to support you and hold you in our hearts with limitless love!


Until next time, farewell.



