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#耶穌 #約書亞 #Sananda #薩南達 #CamillaNilsson #JamesMcConnell #NickChan

《1》關於 從心說話
傳導作者:Camilla Nilsson
譯者:Nick Chan

My Dear Friends,


It is me again, Jesus-Sananda, who is coming through this channelCamilla. I and other members of the Council would like to give some, let us call it, opinions. We are observing you, Mankind of Mother Earth and sometimes, if not often, we fall silent seeing the way your words differ from your actions.


When you are speaking from your heart, you possess an enormous amount of power. Your words can fill up your being entirely, and your conviction is total. That is when you are well connected with All That Is. You can see what is happening on your planet. You know.


But what’s next?


What are you in fact doing to make a change?


You let yourselves be overshadowed by the deeds of the non-believers– The non-believers, who rob you of your convictions. It is the same non-believers who raise questions, and who often e·xp·ress themselves in judgmental ways.


When I say ‘non-believers’, I mean those who do not look beyond time and space. Those who do not see the whole of humanity, but who just see everything in a flat way. What matters is the now, and the individuals heading straight forward. Often with big egos, which help them, they elbow their way forward. It is no matter of this one of you, and that one of you, or that you should change these people, it is a matter of not letting yourself get pushed aside.


It is not a matter of convincing anyone else but yourself.


It is a matter of you working within your power in your unique way. To dare to stand up for what you believe in. Your words may plant a seed of inspiration in someone else. To plant a seed means to spread the light. When you are planting a seed, you are showing us that you are walking on our mutual path. The more of us we become, the stronger we will get. Our mission is to spread light and illumination to those who are willing to receive it. Accept the light, and the illuminations, and make use of this in your life. Use those physically, and not just within your body.


Make use of the assets, to become the best of you and what you can contribute in these times, when the population of Earth is shaken up. Things happen so that you will be shaken up, to open your eyes. Not because you should live in fear, but because you will come to an understanding that many of your ways of living are not sustainable in the long run. Mother Earth and your physical bodies are raising their frequencies and you, within your consciousness, need to do the same. Your consciousness can manifest physical actions.


Dear Earthlings. You are not shaken up in order to live in fear, you are shaken up in order to discover how life on Mother Earth needs to be governed. The power needs to be distributed and given to those who can handle it. The power needs to be distributed to many people. You can never get away from the fact that some people are chosen to lead the way. Let them do their job and let yourselves become inspired.


My words today might have seemed harsh, but all I have said is spoken with love. Do not let the light remain inside your heart. Spread it out and let it loose.


With gratitude for having had my voice heard, I will now withdraw.


With Love to all of you, Jesus – Sananda


傳導作者:James McConnell
譯者:Nick Chan

I AM Sananda. Always wonderful to be with you.


As these energies continue to rise continue to accumulate across the planet and all of you feel these energies in different ways. Some of you are feeling the bliss, some of you are feeling the doldrums that come from this at times for it is a tax, you might say, on your central nervous system. It begins to work on your body as you have not been used to before. But as I have said many times and others you are acclimating to these energies. You are working through them and being a part of the change, the shift that is going on across the planet.


You are those ones: the catalyst for all of this. And these energies are now beginning to shift and change and morph into other energies that are going to bring about a shift and a change in those external things you see here as well. You hear of events you hear of many mini events that are going to happen and are beginning to already happen. You hear of the dominoes that are going to fall or have already begun to fall. All of this is in process now. All of this is in motion. And you are going to begin to hear certain announcements that are going to come forth; certain things that are what have been said for a very long time here that are going to begin to climax now, come to a shift, a change that is going to move you and all of the planet to the next level. All of this is in motion. You are the ones that are bringing this about.


You are the ones that have been anchoring this energy and are now spreading this energy more and more.


And it is all about energy folks. It is all about energy and shift and change and consciousness and love.


Love is all that there is; all that there ever was; all that there ever will be… and you are the love. You are the ones that are spreading this love.


So as this love continues to spread, people across the planet will also begin to change and shift their consciousness. And as their consciousness begins to shift more and more, it will overtake the consciousness of the dark ones — those ones that have been attempting to hold this back as much as they can, attempting to hold on to the old paradigm because this is what they’ve known. This is what they’ve always known. This is what they always thought they would have.


But even they are beginning to realize that their time is up. The jig is up you might say. And they know this and are preparing for this as well. But they are not going out without a struggle. They’re not going out with a whimper. They are doing everything they can to hold on and go out with a shout.


But go out they will and go out they are because it has been determined, it has been decreed that this is the end. This is the end and the beginning of the next Golden Age. And there is nothing anyone anywhere can stop it now because it has been decreed by Prime Creator by Source Itself, has been decreed that this is to be so.


So all of you now sit back, relax, but do not take your foot off of the pedal. And we say this purposely now so that as you can continue to know that you are the ones, you are the catalyst, you are the ones that need to continue this whole process, this awakening process. This is all about helping more and more people to awaken to who they are, to realize that this is just an illusion, has been an illusion for so long.


And, as my dear consort Lady Nada has said, there is no veil. It has not been there for a very long time and it is only in your mind yet, only in the programmed mind that the veil still exists. So let it go now. Let it all go and realize that you are moving into the higher dimensions now. You are moving into the higher vibration. And as you continue to move into the higher vibrations all that has been a part of the old illusion will be gone.


I AM Sananda. I leave you now in all of my love and peace and tell you now to share wherever you have the opportunity to share and help others grow just as you have.


All of my peace and love be with all of you.



#耶穌 #約書亞 #Sananda #薩南達 #JamesMcConnell # CamillaNilsson #NickChan

傳導作者:James McConnell
譯者:Nick Chan




隨著你繼續期待這些改變,我們談及很多次的轉變 --- 很多人已經談及了 --- 知曉在當前時刻,你在這裡是最重要的。處於當下。成為你的所是。隨著你繼續成為你的所是,在每個時刻中找到喜悅,一切都會好起來,甚至在你眨眼之前。因為述說上千年的意識轉變,就要在你們之中覺醒

許多東西開始取得成果。許多東西就要轉變,進入新的意識層面。你就要進入新的意識層面,在 DNA 方面。在意識轉變方面,你就處於這個轉變中。你處於意識轉變的時刻,因為你在從內在轉變。你意識到自己的所是。你覺醒至你所是的全部存在,那精神存在。不再是人類體驗而是精神體驗

我們 每天都觀察著你。我們觀察著你們所有人。我們觀察你如何轉變日常的活動,你如何被新的意識所裝飾。非常多的人感到了這個意識,很多人感到這個轉變正在到來,你開始聽到我們對你的低語,越來越多地,隨著你聽到這些低語,你意識到意識的改變正在你之內發生。一切都是關於意識的改變










傳導作者:Camilla Nilsson
譯者:Nick Chan

My Dear Friends,


I beg you. Still yourself. Listen to the inner voice that speaks to you – The inner voice that many times asks for attention. Dear Friends, give yourself time to listen. You are so full of thoughts, you are busy, you do not have time. Time you have in abundance. Allow yourself to stop. Listen.


What does the inner voice tell you?


It sometimes shows the way. Comfort sometimes. It gives answers sometimes, but only if you still yourself.


When I walked the Earth I was an observer. I studied people. I could see their soul in their eyes. The soul that told me who was in front of me. This way I knew how to meet the person – The person with its ego, the defender of its body – Ancient knowledge that you seem to have forgotten to use.


We have sent people to Earth to spread the knowledge, give it new life. Camilla is one of them. Dear Friends, I ask you over and over again: Listen to the inner voice. Use your ability to find your own way. You have all the answers within you.


When you meet other people watch who you meet, not whom you think you are meeting depending on how the physical body is viewed. Look the person in the eyes – the eyes mirror the soul. Look the person in the eyes and share the information from the soul. Feel and understand where the person is in his/her development. Regardless of if it is better or worse, but with the information you get help with how you best meet each other.


Dear friends. You are all different, but this does not mean that you cannot understand each other – quite the opposite. Through understanding you increase the speed of your spiritual development.


Through understanding you see beyond time and space.


Through understanding you can be united.


Through understanding you can put your protection aside.


Through understanding peace can be created.


Understanding is one the golden words in order for you humans to move forward in your development. Understanding help you live side by side in harmony. Love is another golden word that I must take the opportunity to remind you of. Love is a magic force that you all have access to. Remember that the force starts in your self, each and every one of you – The love that has different size spaces in each of you. Some resist love. It can be a resistance that among other things comes from fear of being hurt. Sometimes it comes from the fact that you would rather be led by your intellect. Some trust the brain more than the heart. I remind you of the fact that both are needed, both heart and mind, but dear friends meet each other in love.


Everything starts with each one of you. Show the way. Dare to open up to see and feel whom you have in front of you. Feel and understand, surrender and let yourself be led by the inner voice as I did. I knew everything, I understood and I felt love. Thus, I could also forgive those that did not know better. I was sent to teach humanity love. In many ways the result was the opposite, until now. You are now sufficiently numerous to turn the energies on Earth. Together you make a difference. Never lose hope – see what is possible rather than what is not. Stand united side by side. Understand each other and feel love.


With much gratitude to you for having listened I will now pull back for now.


Sananda – Jesus


【聖哲曼Saint Germain】《1》是時候完結遊戲;《2》幻象(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起) #JamesMcConnell #CamillaNilsson #NickChan

【聖哲曼Saint Germain】有些近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔
傳導作者:James McConnell、Camilla Nilsson
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.是時候完結遊戲 (20201207)
《2》.幻象 (20201212)
#JamesMcConnell #CamillaNilsson #NickChan

傳導作者:James McConnell.

I am your Saint Germain. I have come again at this time because of a calling, a calling that is reaching out to the many. The many, not only here in this country, but across the entire planet. A calling that is raising the voices on-high, and the power coming back to all of you as you fully awaken into who you are.
For these are those times, those times you have been working for. Not just this lifetime, but for many lifetimes, working up to this time. These moments that are ahead yet, but coming on swiftly.
You all made promises long ago, volunteered for this mission. And this mission is now coming closer and closer to the final culmination. But in order to have that, in order to finish this ‘game,’ if you will, you must first release as a collective all of the darkness here on this planet. And to do so, you must bring that darkness, those shadows, into the light. And that is what is happening now in your election process in this country, and in all the ensuing changeover that occurs as a result of this throughout the planet.
People are watching everywhere on this planet now what happens here in this United States of America. Everybody is watching: watching how the corruption in this country is being overcome by a few great ones that have stepped forward and are raising their voices and bringing their power forward so that they can help to free not only those here in this country, but the entire planet.
It is not only the world that is watching, but all of those above in their ships and on other planets. And even throughout the galaxy are watching what happens here and now.
And you, all of you have front-row seats. You are all here watching this play, or this movie, unfold everywhere. And it is unfolding right in front of you. Some of you are watching. Some of you are participating as if you were able to step on stage and be a participant in the play. And then at times, you step back off the stage and sit back down and watch again. But there are those that are forever focused on being in the play, continuing within the game, and that is most of you. Most of you are here now in these moments to continue to bring this all forward to continue to reveal the truth everywhere that you are able.
There are those expressions that are coming from your mass media that are coming closer and closer now. You may not see it yet, but they are coming closer to needing to reveal the truth. And there are those that are stepping forward and sharing the truth, sharing the truth to many, many more who are awakening to it.
That is how this whole awakening process is happening now. The truth shall be revealed everywhere. Not a rock will be unturned. For everything will come through as it needs to.
And all of you, as you have been hearing for some time now, are the catalysts for this. You are the ones you have been waiting for. It is not us, those of the Ascended Ones, it is not the Galactics, it is not the Agarthans. It is all of you. Because it is all of you, you are the ones to make the difference. You are the ones to step behind the President of this country, step behind him and follow him. And give him support and your prayers, and all those that work with him.
Because again, it is not only this country that is at stake, and the Republic here, but it is the entire planet that is in the throws right now of the Great Rebellion within. You are all a part of that Great Rebellion, or revolution, if you will.
But it is not a revolution with guns. It is not a revolution outside of yourself. It is a revolution within yourselves. And as you are able to overcome the diversity within yourself and bring those shadows within yourself to the light, that will bring the light to the world.
I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to do everything that you can to bring about this Changeover. To bring it forward. To draw it to you.

傳導作者:Camilla Nilsson.

I’m St Germain, and today I will talk about the illusion. The illusion is like a dream because it is created by the power of thought. The illusion you live in physically in your waking state exists in many different aspects and nuances. All created and shaped by each individual. This is why individuals who have witnessed the same event can retell in a number of different ways and this is also why each individual can change their story after a while. The illusion is the individual’s perception of reality and this is influenced by a number of factors.
For example:
1. The individual’s past and what it carries in its baggage in the form of experiences and trials.
2. The individual’s balance for the moment. The inner balance and the moon are affected by how reality is perceived. It is also a reason why a retold experience can change. A new moon changes perspective.
3. Personal development is extremely relevant to the context. If the individual is trained to look beyond their own perceived limitations, the individual can also retell the experience in a version close to the version of reality.
Man interprets and retells according to his version. This is no difference for the individuals who have contact with their mentors as is happening at the moment. My channel in this now hears me, sees me, feels me and makes her interpretation based on what she is in in this now.
So then I come to the much-discussed question: What is illusion and what is reality?
Everything is an illusion and everything is reality. You say that what is seen does not exist. I, St Germain, for example, who does not possess a physical body right now and is therefore considered to belong to the illusion, a fantasy. But when a person recounts an event that does not match another person’s recounting of the same event, it is considered that one is lying. See instead that even in that case it is about the inner vision. I see what I want to see and I make my own individual interpretation. As much an illusion as I, St Germain, or I am as much for real as what you call physical experience.
Everything is inside the viewer’s interior. Always remember that before you judge someone, call someone a liar. Remember that the outcome of a fellow human being’s action depends on how you receive, what you choose to see or hear. A word that you may perceive as malicious may not have been meant that way at all, but it was your interpretation of it all. In this way, we all live in the illusion that few people have the absolute purity to see and interpret reality exactly as it is.
The illusion contains the trials of your life and these trials ease when you can see in your heart what it is really about, what it is in you that reacts. So continue with your development, a little at a time and understand that as you develop, your view of the illusion also changes and you get closer and closer to the truth. Closer and closer to inner peace and enjoyment of life.
See me as a friend and let me be a part of your reality.

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


傳導:Camilla Nilsson、Beth Stormont、Lynne Rondell
譯者:Nick Chan、pfcchina
《1》.向內關注 (20201129)
《2》.我們在你們的天空中 (20201204)
《3》.你們星球的現狀 (20201206)
#CamillaNilsson #BethStormont #Lynne Rondell

《1》.關於;向內關注 .
傳導:Camilla Nilsson.

Focus your attention inward, inward, and inward. Do not let external factors distract you. The external factors that make you humans have entered into a collective fear. You have become afraid of each other. O dear earthlings. How could you let this happen?
Look beyond all this and see how it is cunning energies that distract you and see how easy it was to fall into this trap. A whole world that hits the big drum to scare, create anxiety and hysteria. All this is a sham maneuver because the light had become so strong. So many people on earth who had woken up.
Continue to focus inward. In the inner light. Stand in the power of the inner light. In this way you can help the souls who have got lost on the path of life. Which due to external distractions has stopped living. Afraid to live because they are afraid to die. It is played on your fears. But do you see how fear of death created fear of living? Do you really think that’s why you came to this earth at this time? To be afraid to live?
Live, live, live. Be alive. Be in your life in your body.
Enjoy what is enjoyable.
Rejoice in what can be rejoiced in.
Love and let yourself be loved.
Be in your power and in the confidence that you are divinely cared for, divinely protected.
Do not go into the agendas of others, those who do not benefit you. Find your equals and live together. In true joy and love that you have seldom done before. See all the new things that are born out of this and see how you stand firm when it’s all over. When this ongoing war on earth is over. When the burnt is burning. When you can see the effects of the war. They are dark advocates who fall into their own hands. Then the war is over and it’s close now.
Hold on. Look inward, see your light and feel your power.
With love and reverence.
Your friend Ashtar.

《2》.關於;我們在你們的天空中 .
傳導:Beth Stormont.

It is with much love and joy that we greet you, Dear Ones. We have been watching over you in your skies for many years, making sure that you and Mother Earth are safe. But first, let us introduce ourselves.
We are beings from various planets who have volunteered to carry out these duties under Ashtar Command. There are now myriads of us in your skies, for you are in the final stages of the process of Ascension. Therefore the many forces of light are protecting and aiding you in this final death struggle against the Forces of Darkness…those evil ones who have kept you captive in subjugation to them and their greedy control of your lives for eons of time.
In the early 80’s there were many predictions–notably from the Mayan Calendar, Nostradomus, and Edgar Cayce–that Mother Earth would ascend, but her humanity would be destroyed in the shift during Ascension. It was necessary that Mother Earth finally ascend, since all the other planets in your Solar System had already gone through their ascension process. The Universe was literally waiting for this final planetary ascension.
Fortunately, through the Harmonic Convergence event and other means, it was discovered that there were enough ‘righteous people’ on planet Earth to allow her humanity to ascend with her.
This is now that time, Beloved Ones! Know and rejoice!
You cannot see at this moment in time what we can see from the other side of the veil. Our view of what is happening on the planet is actually a reverse of what you know and see. Those few who can see with ‘different eyes’ can see what we are seeing, but their voices are often muted by the consensus of humanity — and that is sad. Could you believe them, your lives would be filled with so much more hope and joy.
In another channeled message we shall tell you more about ourselves and Fleet Command, for we are truly not that much different from you. There were only seven of our spaceships in your skies when this channel began working with us in the 1990’s. It is now a very different scenario, and so we have once again enlisted the services of this very special channel. We might add, she likes brevity, and so we shall sign off now.
We bless and thank you for giving us a chance for our voice to be heard.

《3》.關於;你們星球的現狀  .
傳導:Lynne Rondell.

Hello beloveds it is i Lord Ashtar coming back through this channel again with another message for all of you.This is going to be a message where i'm going to talk about the state of your planet,the state that all of you are in.I'm also going to talk about what all of you are feeling that we in the high collective of light can actually feel and i'm going to bring through where that is leading you and what is actually happening because of how you're feeling and because of what's going on,on your planet and then Archangel Raphael will be bringing through some emerald green healing light,down onto the planet plane after i'm through.


I'd like to tell you the state of your planet,i'd like to tell you about what we are feeling and what we are seeing from all of you.We are seeing a lot of unrest and uncertainty,we are seeing still a lot of fear with these lockdowns,the mandates,those being forced to shut their businesses and all that is rolling out on all of you now with this virus,we are feeling your sadness,we are feeling your anger,we are feeling a confusion,for you do not seem to be able to decipher a lot of times from your media what is true and what is untrue.


You having to go into your all knowing,into intuition,to try to figure that out and we are feeling an uneasiness and an unrest as you don't know what to expect next.


We do see this external is quite severe,we do see this virus that was set down on your planet doing a lot of damage,we do see what's going on with every single one of you on this plane.


We'd like to say that although you're all immersed in the external in some way and having to deal with what is being put upon you with your closures and your lockdowns and everything that each and every one of you on this entire planet is going through,we would like to say that something magical,that something wonderful and something very amazing is actually happening through all of this:you are unifying,you are becoming a unified body of light.


It is because you all strive for the same things,you all want the truth on the planet,you all want your freedom and free will,you don't want these lockdowns and containment we're going to say put on all of you and you want to move forward in fairness and you want to move forward with justice for all and you want to move forward in peace.


You all want the same thing and because the entire human collective does want the same thing you are unifying,you are moving into a unified body of light.Now there was other ways for this to happen without a virus on the planet but this is what's rolling forward,this is what's happening because of the situation that each and every one of you are in.This is what you're doing,you're going to move forward as one huge unified body of light,you are operating as yourself but you are unifying and you are going to operate in the cloud as a huge unified body of light.


When you all want the same things,when you all have the same feelings on this planet,you are joined,you are one.You now are starting to interface all of your wants,every single person on this planet is wanting the same thing.Energetically it is we're going to say like threads are weaving all of you together.You are unifying,you are going to be this huge unified body of light that is going to be operating for the greatest good of all,not the greatest good of those few with the money.They can have that hold the power so they think.


So through all this virus,through all these lockdowns,through all this pain and sadness and fear and grief you have joined together as one big unified body of light.So where we stand this is huge,this is what is needed to go to the fifth dimension,this is what all of you had to do to ascend.


I know you are playing in the third dimensional matrix,you're having to be immersed in it,to feel it and to see it and to roll through it but those of you that are going even those of you are sleeping you're on the fourth dimension,you're holding beautifully on the fourth dimension.


Do not worry you are coming through this,you're wanting the truth,you're wanting your freedom,you're wanting the powers that be,that are so dark not to have the reign over you anymore and you're wanting to move forward in peace and in fairness for all.So this although,as painful as it is,has unified each and every one of you together we're going to say with gold strands of light beautifully as a unified body of light.


Something to think about as you move forward on your road to your ascension.This has happened because each and every one of you have felt the very same way,the very same way.There's no one that's escaped this on this planet and we don't care how much money you have,you're still feeling everything that everyone else is going through.


Something to think about for today,this is huge.I'm happy to be bringing through this information forward to you now because this is a huge part of your ascension,your journey that has been completed.You're unifying,you're going to go up still in a lot of waves,but you're going to go up as a unified body of light.Those few with the money that hold the power are no longer going to hold the power they don't have it.


You have to know they have nothing.If you think about it like that,the dark has nothing anymore but to push fear out at you.You all hold too much light,there's too many of us high collective of light along with the angelic high kingdom that have pushed so much light down on your planet.You're a huge beaming ball of white light.There's too much light for the dark to even try,to take a hold.


It's done,you have to roll through what's being pushed out at you.You have to still speak your truth and speak up not only for yourself but to speak up for the collective,for the fairness of all but that will come and you will all speak your truth and you move forward beautifully.


This is huge.I know a lot of you are feeling very down but just know this is a monumental moment.


We all on the high councils are so very happy.We're cheering you on.We are here to support your journey and to see that it is one that is bathed in love and bathed in light.


I Lord Ashtar along with the entire angelic high kingdom are sending you this message through,to all of you,we are sending you such love,light and blessings.


Archangel Raphael is going to bring through emerald healing light to this channeler now and 40 million angels are going to also send emerald green light down onto the planet.


I Archangel Raphael are so pleased to be coming through this channeler again.


I am one of her guides and i do look forward to sending all kinds of energies down to all of you,to help you on your journey,along on this planet.I'm sending emerald green healing light today for all of you through this video,for love of your journey and who you are,the love of healing your heart and any wounds that this virus has caused to any of you.


Know that you are rolling forward in love and light,know that you are so strong has a unified body of light and know that i along with the entire angelic high kingdom are sending our love,our light our blessings and today 40 million angels are sending emerald green light to heal any wounds and to help you to move forward on your journey.


I'm sending you such love,light and blessings.



**Channel:Lynne Rondell

**頻道:Lynne Rondell

Thank you Lord Ashtar,thank you entire angelic high kingdom and thank you ArchangelRaphael that ifelt great bringing that through.I was all tingling up and down and i can feel that it's anemerald green,it's a beautiful green color but it really sort of soothes and bathes and it's going to all of your hearts and just alleviating any kind of stress and helping you to feel better.


I'm happy to bring through all these channelings for all of you.I hope this one resonated with you today.I look forward to bringing through many more channelings.


I'm sending you such love,light and blessings.
