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傳導:Natalie Glasson、Lynn Rondell
譯者:Nick Chan
#NatalieGlasson #LynnRondell #Nick Chan

傳導:Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, I am Mother Earth, I come forth with the deepest of love and blessings. I am greatly honoured to be in your presence and humbled to be of service as a source, an expression and to guide the Earth and all beings. It is such a beautiful ascension process we are all embarking upon now. I know many of you may see the chaos, the turmoil, the upheaval that may be present on the Earth. I see the beauty, the love, the truth, and the essence of the Creator within all beings and within the Creator, as the Creator manifests in numerous forms, ways, and creations on the Earth.
I Mother Earth, wish to share with you an insight, it is an ascension gift. I am currently calling forth many beings of light to work with me at this time, I wish to share with you the Truth of the Earth Codes and Information. If you feel guided to be present with me then the Creator is guiding you and there is much for you to receive, to accept and acknowledge. I have been holding, maintaining, protecting these codes and information concerning the truth of the Earth for some time. Now, there are many upon the Earth who are ready to receive and reactivate these codes once more within their being. It is most probable that those who hear my calling also worked with me many civilisations ago. Some of the previous civilisations on the Earth were able to access the Truth of the Earth Codes and Information available, this meant they understood how to co-create with the Earth and myself, Mother Earth in harmony and balance. It also meant that they were able to understand the purpose of the Earth, why souls incarnate upon the Earth. The connection between the ascension process and the Earth, as well as understanding how to move forward in equilibrium, in harmony and truth for all beings on the Earth, and of course with myself, Mother Earth. This is why Mahatma has gifted the multi-dimensional Law of Oneness Template, it is to support my work of gifting and reactivating the Truth of the Earth.
我希望與你分享一個洞見,這是一個楊升的禮物。當前我呼喚了許多光之存在來與我共事,我希望與你分享地球的代碼和信息。 如果你感到被指引來與我同在,那麼造物主就在指引你,有著很多東西等著你去接收、接納和認識。我一直保持、維持、保護著這些代碼和信息,與地球的真理有關。現在,地球上很多人已經準備好接收並重新激活他們之內的這些代碼。很有可能那些聽到我呼喚的人在許多文明之前就和我合作過。一些之前的文明能夠訪問地球的代碼和信息,這意味著他們明白如何與地球以及我在和諧與平衡中創造。這還意味著他們能夠明白地球的目的,為什麼靈魂化身在地球上。楊升進程和地球之間的連接,以及明白如何在平衡、和諧、真理中前進,當然和我,地球母親一起。所以甘地(Mahatma)被賜予了多維度合一法則的模版,它是來支持我贈予並重新激活地球真理的工作的
There are many beings who wish to know why they are on the Earth, why humanity is present, what the purpose is?
Why the Ascension process is unfolding?
Many wish to know how to be of service, how to support humanity, the Earth, and all beings. These questions burn within each being on the Earth, however these questions sometimes do not bring forth the necessary creations and manifestations. It all depends on one’s perspective and intentions. The beings that I am calling forth from humanity to work in harmony with me, these beings may be intrigued by what the purpose of the Earth is and how to move forward in a harmonious way. However, they have a greater desire to be of service, and to experience working with myself, Mother Earth. The knowledge, the wisdom that is activated is not essential to them.
The Truth of the Earth Codes and Information are required to begin to be activated within humanity and within the Earth because with the manifestation of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint a new clear canvas has been created. We wish to seed this clear canvas with the truth of the Earth, sharing how to move forward with Mother Earth, the Earth, humanity, and all beings harmoniously, joyously, lovingly and in peace. This is what I, Mother Earth and those who feel the calling to connect with me wish to bring forth, create and seed. A new reality, new Earth, and new Ascension.
地球的代碼和信息被要求在人類和地球之內激活,因為伴隨著新地球楊升藍圖的顯化,一塊新的乾淨的畫布被創造。 我們希望把地球的真理播種到這塊乾淨的畫布中,分享如何與地球母親、人類、所有存在在和諧、喜悅、愛、平和中前進。這是我和感到呼喚來與我連接的人希望帶來、創造、播種的。一個新的現實、新的地球、新的楊升
If you feel the calling, and you will know when you do. Come to me in meditation, ask to visit Mother Earth during meditation or quiet time. I will invite you into my sacred chamber, surround you in my motherly and sacred vibrations of the Earth, you will experience the highest, purest vibration of the Earth. As you breathe this in, it will support you in understanding that there are so many dimensions of experience within the Earth and at the purest, highest vibration for all to experience.
Allow yourself to breathe in the energies that I share with you. I will then connect with you, higher heart chakra to higher heart chakra. I will begin to send light golden bubbles through a stream of light to your higher heart chakra, which you can hold within your higher heart chakra, let these bubbles just flow and rest within your higher heart chakra. They hold the Codes and Information of the Truth of the Earth. It may be that you are unable to access these at this time, and that is fine and appropriate. It may be they begin to enlighten and illuminate you or invite you to take action in certain ways in your reality or for the Earth. Gradually, allow yourself to just be present with these bubbles, to be present with the energy that is forming within your higher heart chakra and my support and love that surrounds you.
I, Mother Earth, invite you to focus upon these codes and information each day. They will gradually reveal themselves to you and fill your entire being, activating, therefore sharing insights and guidance. They will instruct you as to how to move forth in harmony with myself, Mother Earth, and all beings. Be patient, you and I have been waiting a long time for this, so be patient with the energies as they may unfold slowly, allowing you to grasp and understand that which is needed with appropriate timing.
I thank you for being present with me, for being open to receive my gift. You will notice when you are ready you begin to give these golden bubbles into the Earth, into the ground or even sharing them with another being. This will be appropriate when you feel guided.
I am here to be of service, to work with you in harmony and truth.
I, thank you,
I am Mother Earth

傳導:Lynn Rondell
譯者:Nick Chan

It is i Mother Mary coming through this channeler with a message for all of you today. I’m so very grateful that this channeler is very excited to be channeling me as I have so much information and so many blessings and gifts to bring through to all of you down on the planet and plane.
Right now tonight’s message for channeling is going to be about peace. It’s not going only be about peace within yourselves but it’s going to be about how to actually achieve peace on a planet that is in a lot of chaos right now.
So first I’m going to talk about peace and what peace represents, what we in the high collectives, the very high realms, how we view peace and what peace actually means to us.
There’s a lot of different forms of peace. It could be peace between different nations, peace and a relationship just feeling peace, peace as a sense of calmness on the planet and peace as a sense that you can retreat back to and feel calm.
The peace that I’m going to be bringing through today and talking about with all of you is peace on your planet. It’s peace in a different way that you’ve never known before but it’s peace that is needed to come forth, it’s peace that is needed to be realized and may be felt in a different way and it’s peace that is really needed to roll all of you through what you’re going through.
So first I’m going to talk about peace within you but when you go back into peace, when you go back into your heart and your heart center, when you make the external world something that is not of you but you can participate in then it is easier to go back into your heart and into a world where you can find a feeling of peace.
It doesn’t matter what’s going on out there when you sit in silence and you sit in a meditation or you just take a meditative walk or you just calm yourself down, you can always find a sense of peace.
Peace is a feeling that can be obtained by just being quiet, peace can be a feeling that can be obtained by really going within, quieting your mind and feeling for what makes you feel good. Whatever that may be that is your sense of peace.
That is what’s needed on this planet plane right now. It is needed for all of you that are awakened, for all that you who hold a higher consciousness and for all of you especially those in human form that are of the angelic realm.
You know how to hold peace, you know how to go back into your hearts, you know how to hold a sense of calmness. So we’re going to say peace is actually a sense of calmness. This is needed now as the more of you that hold peace in your heart, the more you hold peace in your consciousness, the more of you who can sit with peace for as long as you possibly can, you’re going to roll the rest of the collective through the chaos.
For the more of you who really can center into love and peace, no matter what, the more of you can leave the external and know that the external is still there and you’re still having to play in it at some point, go back in to peace.
For when you really figure out how to navigate on this planet, in the higher dimensions, you can always retreat back into your heart, you can always retreat back into the emotions, the higher emotions, you can always leave the external. It is hard for those on the third dimension to actually leave the external because you are so immersed in it but most of you are going to the fourth dimension or the fifth dimension and are holding on the fourth dimension.
It is needed for you to disconnect, unplug from the emotions and the chaos and all the energy that’s on the planet right now and retreat to your hearts feel the peace.
For if enough of you really feel the peace you will shift the entire collective forward which is needed. It is you, those that are awoken, it is you those that came out down here to do this job, it is you the lightworkers, the starseeds, the grid workers those with the high consciousness and as i’m going to say again a lot of you did jump in from the angelic realm, the angelic high kingdom, a lot of you did jump in from a lot of very high vibrating collective to be of service.
So it is to be of service now, to hold the peace, hold the peace inside of you for when you hold the peace inside of you, for as long as you possibly can, you shift the collective to that of peace as well.
It doesn’t take very many of you doing this and really consciously doing this to help all on the planet, to help all on this plane, to really roll through this.
They can gain some sense of themselves, so they can know and feel there’s something else in what’s going on right here and so they can roll through what’s being pushed out on all of you.
I’m Mother Mary, I’m helping, I’m coming through this channeler as she does work with the angelic high kingdom and we are of the angelic high kingdom. I’m going to be bringing through messages for all of you, to really help to center, to really go back to where it is needed in your hearts, to hold the emotions that are needed, the higher emotions because you can do this with helping each and every consciousness on this planet and plane.
You are divine children of the light, you are very high beings of light. You’ve come down here to orchestrate a huge dimensional raise, you’ve come down here to take part in something that has not happened in this part of the galaxy and you are here to spread peace, you are here to spread your compassion, you are here to spread your love and your light.
I Mother Mary coming through this channel are sending you my love my light and my blessings.

【阿斯塔和天使王國】20210117通過混亂來到神聖的秩序;關於 你們看到的是第三維度矩陣和網格系統逐漸分崩離析

傳導作者:Lynne Rondell.
#LynnRondell #pfcchina

Hello beloveds it is I Lord Ashtar coming through this channeler along with the Angelic kingdom.Today is a special channeling.We feel today is a day that we are going to acknowledge every each and every one of you and today is a day that we're going to talk about divine order and how special each and every one of you are and how what is going on on your planet is helping to actually birth a new civilization.


It's actually helping to birth a civilization that is far exceed the expectations of each and every one of you and a new civilization that will be founded not on fear,not on control,not with manipulation but a civilization that will be founded on love,a civilization that would be founded on unity and a civilization that would be founded with peace.


We're talking about divine order,we're talking about all of your divinity and we're talking about how these chaotic times as you see in front of you,for all your countries right now with the virus,with the vaccine mandates and with all the lies that all the governments have been pushing forward on all of you for such a very long time.


What you are seeing is the third dimensional matrix and grid system literally falling apart.It is blowing apart at the«seams».It no longer can stand,we're going to say the test of time going forward.It no longer can be part of what you're rolling forward with and all of you that are going to the fifth dimension.


This chaos that you're seeing on the external,that is out in front of you is actually the repercussions from what has happened with a very dark order.


So this is rolling out on all of you but it really is what has happened.The third dimensional matrix and grid system has actually broken apart because of what they have done to you for so very long but what they have done to you with all that has gone on on your planet for a very very very long time,generations and generations and generations they have been ruling this dark order,been ruling your planet for thousands of years.


They would incarnate back into human form and they do work with the negative ETs but they would incarnate into human form,reptilian humans,Anunnaki humans,draconian humans and they would continue this dark order over and over and over and over to maintain the control they wanted to get the resources and to have the wealth and power that they wanted and to be able to manipulate the civilization.


Well this is in the external is what you are seeing.This is the backlash of all of that,this is a systems breaking apart,this is all of you realizing now what you've been living with and realizing it is like the new world order,it is a very dark agenda that has been rolling out at you for a very long time actually but now you're able to really get a good picture of what you're seeing and you're rolling right through it.


As this is not to be your future,this is your past,the present time you have to roll through it,you have to feel it,you have to speak up against it when it is necessary and to speak your truth peacefully,compassionately and passionately so you can roll right through this and so you can actually begin to shift not only yourselves but begin to shift the collective.


For this dark order is not what is following you to the fifth dimension,this dark order is the repercussions and the fallout from what has already been done long ago.This is the breakup,this is what you're seeing as a third dimensional matrix and grid system is actually being broken apart and it seems.


Now you are able to create,able to come from chaos and bring in a divine order for there is a divine order that you're all on the path following;there is always a divine order with all things rolling out at you even with this chaos within it is divine order and from this divine order you will build a new civilization,you will birth the new earth,you will feel differently,you will push forward not only with your own gains but you will push forward for the gains of the collective.


It'll be for the greatest good of humanity not the greatest good of those few who've been in power for a very long time that think they hold the power because of the money.


So you are birthing a new civilization,you are birthing a divine order out of all this chaos on this planet.There is always a divine plan in place.Your divinity far exceeds this lower third dimensional realm and what is going on here.Your divinity is to go to the fifth dimension,your divinity is to be children of the light of a higher vibration on a higher dimension and to be children of light that are living in peace,that are living with compassion,that are living with love in their hearts and that are navigating from their hearts as well.


Out of this chaos is coming divinity,out of this chaos is divine order.You are rolling through as you are supposed to,you are rolling through as your linage is to be up on the fifth dimension.There's too many of you that are holding too much light to let this dark order and reign really be what is able to push you down.


You are rolling through it,you do need to feel it,you do need to see it and you do need to push past it,neutralize it and release it.You are going to have to speak for the truth speak up and you are going to have to speak to bring your freedom,your free will back to all of you where always should have been.It never should have been placed arm length,distance away from you.


You're going to take your freedom back,you're going to take your free will back and you're going to push through all of this very quickly.You have picked the higher timelines,you're picking the timelines to ascend as quickly as you can and you're picking the timelines that are really going to create a new earth,a new world.You're really birthing an earth that is going to be of perfection,you're birthing an earth and a world that is really going to hold so much compassion and love and justice for all.It's going to be a unified collective but a collective and a unified body of light.


Humanity is going to shift hugely.You're going to go through a lot of shifts in your consciousness,you and the entire collective to get you where you're going but we want to tell you that out of this chaos is the divine order of light,out of this chaos you are birthing a new planet,you're birthing the new earth and you are seeing to it that this that's going on now is not going to follow you where you're going to the fifth dimension.

人類正在發生巨大的轉變。 你們將經歷許多意識上的轉變,你和整個集體將你們帶到你們要去的地方,但是我們想告訴你們,走出這個混亂是光的神聖秩序,走出這個混亂,你們正在創造一個新的行星,你們正在創造一個新的地球,你們正在看著它,現在正在發生的事情不會跟著你們到達你們要去的第五維度。

I Lord Ashtar along with the entire Angelic kingdom want to remind you:you have to feel this,you have to see it,you have to push past it and want better,you have to pick the higher timelines and not only the higher timelines for you but the higher timelines for all the collective as well and you're well on your way to the fifth dimension.


We are with you,we are sending you our blessings,our love and we're sending you peace right now as it is chaotic on your planet but it you are to rule through the chaos all of you together as one big unified body of light in the divinity that you are to be living in.


You know that you're going to push past this,know that you're rolling through this chaotic order,know that the truth is coming out of all this chaos,know that you're going to take your freedom and free will and free rights back and know that you all that are supposed to ascend are going to the fifth dimension.


We're sending you such love,we're sending you such light and blessings.


【阿斯塔Ashtar】轉變你的思維;關於 我們想要談談十二月的能量、揚升症狀、五維的旅程、在一月會有很多的揭示,這個明年、來自太陽系之外的能量

關於;轉變你的思維 .
傳導:Lynne Rondell.

We are so pleased to both be coming through this channeler today.We wanted to speak to you today about things that are going on,on your planet.


We wanted to speak to you today about what you're going through is going to be propelling you forward very quickly and we also wanted to speak to you today about energies that are entering the solar system and that are energies that are within your solar system that are coming in to help you the month of December with actually progressing on your ascension.


We also like to speak about the solar flare and the solar blast December 21st so we can start off speaking about that.We want to tell you that it is not a huge solar flare or solar blast but it is a much larger amount of energy that is going to be coming from the sun and it is going to be coming in or around December 21st as you have a conjunction of planets.


They're lining up as well to support the energy shift and the energy boost we're going to say that all of you need to really push you forward in a lot of different ways but this energy boost is going to push a lot of those that are still sleeping.It's going to awaken them and it's going to actually open the consciousness of a lot of those of you that need to shift,we're going to say,out of that third dimensional matrix and paradigm.


This is going to shift your thinking,this is going to shift how you navigate,this is going to be a burst of light which is all that energy is,a very high frequency burst of light that's going to hit the planet.It's going to shift your consciousness,each and every one of you and the collective consciousness of humanity is going to shift you upward.


It's going to expand your consciousness and it's going to give you that jolt that some of you need to really get on your way with your ascension.Those of you that are listening to this channeler and other channelers and others that are bringing through messages already are awake,you already are conscious,you already are doing the work to really shift yourself on this journey of ascension.


You will have other things that come in for you,for this high frequency vibratory light that's going to come in,it's going to do something different for each and every one of you.It's really to shift the collective of humanity to open their consciousness up and to shift them to a higher dimensional frequency,we're going to say but really to open them up and shift them out of the third dimensional thoughts and that third dimensional matrix and paradigm that they've been playing in for so very long,to expand their consciousness to that of different,to let the light come in for a lot of those that are sleeping and to really help on the road with your ascension.


There is no fear with this blast December 21st or around there,there is no fear that it's going to be harmful.It is not,it is just to help shift the consciousness of humanity,the entire collective upward.It is to open a lot of people up to the knowing of what is going on as well and it is going to allow some to expand their consciousness,to start the remembrance process as well,maybe where they've been in past lives or why they're down here on this journey?


This is a really big one.A lot of you are going to be finally realizing why you're down here,on this planet,at this time because every single one of you did jump in to be of service and to be on this ride to the fifth dimension,a lot of you are light workers,a lot of your starseeds and a lot of your way showers and you are gonna come online to be of service.


There's a lot of different things that are going to happen with these December energies as they're going to be quite powerful.Another point that we want to make is you're going to start to roll forward in knowing more of the truth on your planet as well for you have been told a bunch of mistruths,you have been led down very dark roads for a very long time.


This is going to start coming to an end,this December 21st.The remembrance it is also going to start to push through the truth of what's been going on on your planet.You're going to have a lot of disclosures coming in January and coming forward this next year of what's really been going on.A lot of those who playing been playing some very dark games are going to get not only exposed but they're going to get realized for who they are and a lot of them are going to be caught and not able to continue their very dark reign.


You are in another level,we're going to say of things rolling out on the planet so that you can really start to see and believe for yourself what's really been going on.So it's going to continue rolling out,December is going to be rocky vibratory ways and energetically because there's a lot of very strong energies coming down to the planet but it's going to help all of you to shift upward.There is no need to be afraid,there is no need to think that anything bad is going to happen.It is not,it's just going to be a lot more energies hitting for your ascension.


There's also energies coming from beyond your solar system,quite far beyond your solar system as well.They are coming in to help all of you with your remembrance,they're coming in to help all of you wake up and to realize what's really going on for there's so many of the collective that are still asleep.


One of the main things,the collective of light,the high collective of light,galactic star nations and a lot of different councils of light,they're concerned about the masses waking up and that it needs to be done rather quickly rather than wait years and years and years for they do not see this ascension dragging out lifetimes and lifetimes they see it as a shorter process and they see the second and third waves could be going up very soon as well.


These energies coming in are going to be different for all of you,they're going to shift all of you upward,they're going to help all of you to realize your destiny,your journey down here on this planet plane.They're going to give a lot of you some remembrance,they're going to start to show you more in the way you feel of who you truly are.


This December has a lot of wonderful energies coming in but there's going to be a lot of peaks and valleys,you're going to have ascension symptoms,you're going to feel out of your body and lightheaded at times when the blasts come in then you may feel very tired and sleepy,you may need to rest a lot and you may not feel like eating much as well.


For the light that's going to come into your light bodies is going to come in and it's going to sit there until it can be assimilated but it's not going to be too much.Some of you are going to take in an extraordinary amount of light you've already done a lot of the purging work and you're well on your way for this ascension,others of you are going to take in a little bit of energy and you work with that.


Everyone's different here there's no right,there's no wrong,it's not the same journey for each and every one of you has a different journey of how you're going to experience this ascension as well.


There will be some symptoms this channel will come through with information about that but we'd like to tell you you have a lot of wonderful things that are going to be happening in December it is really going to be one of the biggest shifts in consciousness yet.We've been through a couple that were huge.We do see that not all of you but a lot of you have done huge purging and you have really shifted how you think and you've really shifted sort of how you look at the external out there and a lot of you are sitting more in your hearts.


This is going to enable you to really center in to that heart chakra and to your heart,this is going to enable you to actually do a vibratory raise,a raise in your frequency that is important as well as that has to go hand in hand with all the other things you're going through.


December is as we've said before a month to remember,it's going to be a wonderful month of extraordinary changes and shifts.We're looking forward to bringing through many messages through this channeler.We are right here with you,we are helping you along on your journey.The galactic federation of light and i are both policing.


We are seeing that you are all right,we are taking out of your solar system and off your planet what does not serve you.We still have that ongoing for it will be a while longer.It may get more intense as you start shifting upward as well,as the dark negative ETs don't want this ascension.They don't want all of you to have the level of freedom that you really deserve and the level of freedom that you've really always had but they've hidden from you.


There's a lot of changes going on.It is all wonderful,it is all good,there's nothing bad coming December 21st,there's no blackouts,there's no three days of darkness,there's none of that there's just wonderful energy from the sun and wonderful light pushing through to all of you.



傳導:Camilla Nilsson、Beth Stormont、Lynne Rondell
譯者:Nick Chan、pfcchina
《1》.向內關注 (20201129)
《2》.我們在你們的天空中 (20201204)
《3》.你們星球的現狀 (20201206)
#CamillaNilsson #BethStormont #Lynne Rondell

《1》.關於;向內關注 .
傳導:Camilla Nilsson.

Focus your attention inward, inward, and inward. Do not let external factors distract you. The external factors that make you humans have entered into a collective fear. You have become afraid of each other. O dear earthlings. How could you let this happen?
Look beyond all this and see how it is cunning energies that distract you and see how easy it was to fall into this trap. A whole world that hits the big drum to scare, create anxiety and hysteria. All this is a sham maneuver because the light had become so strong. So many people on earth who had woken up.
Continue to focus inward. In the inner light. Stand in the power of the inner light. In this way you can help the souls who have got lost on the path of life. Which due to external distractions has stopped living. Afraid to live because they are afraid to die. It is played on your fears. But do you see how fear of death created fear of living? Do you really think that’s why you came to this earth at this time? To be afraid to live?
Live, live, live. Be alive. Be in your life in your body.
Enjoy what is enjoyable.
Rejoice in what can be rejoiced in.
Love and let yourself be loved.
Be in your power and in the confidence that you are divinely cared for, divinely protected.
Do not go into the agendas of others, those who do not benefit you. Find your equals and live together. In true joy and love that you have seldom done before. See all the new things that are born out of this and see how you stand firm when it’s all over. When this ongoing war on earth is over. When the burnt is burning. When you can see the effects of the war. They are dark advocates who fall into their own hands. Then the war is over and it’s close now.
Hold on. Look inward, see your light and feel your power.
With love and reverence.
Your friend Ashtar.

《2》.關於;我們在你們的天空中 .
傳導:Beth Stormont.

It is with much love and joy that we greet you, Dear Ones. We have been watching over you in your skies for many years, making sure that you and Mother Earth are safe. But first, let us introduce ourselves.
We are beings from various planets who have volunteered to carry out these duties under Ashtar Command. There are now myriads of us in your skies, for you are in the final stages of the process of Ascension. Therefore the many forces of light are protecting and aiding you in this final death struggle against the Forces of Darkness…those evil ones who have kept you captive in subjugation to them and their greedy control of your lives for eons of time.
In the early 80’s there were many predictions–notably from the Mayan Calendar, Nostradomus, and Edgar Cayce–that Mother Earth would ascend, but her humanity would be destroyed in the shift during Ascension. It was necessary that Mother Earth finally ascend, since all the other planets in your Solar System had already gone through their ascension process. The Universe was literally waiting for this final planetary ascension.
Fortunately, through the Harmonic Convergence event and other means, it was discovered that there were enough ‘righteous people’ on planet Earth to allow her humanity to ascend with her.
This is now that time, Beloved Ones! Know and rejoice!
You cannot see at this moment in time what we can see from the other side of the veil. Our view of what is happening on the planet is actually a reverse of what you know and see. Those few who can see with ‘different eyes’ can see what we are seeing, but their voices are often muted by the consensus of humanity — and that is sad. Could you believe them, your lives would be filled with so much more hope and joy.
In another channeled message we shall tell you more about ourselves and Fleet Command, for we are truly not that much different from you. There were only seven of our spaceships in your skies when this channel began working with us in the 1990’s. It is now a very different scenario, and so we have once again enlisted the services of this very special channel. We might add, she likes brevity, and so we shall sign off now.
We bless and thank you for giving us a chance for our voice to be heard.

《3》.關於;你們星球的現狀  .
傳導:Lynne Rondell.

Hello beloveds it is i Lord Ashtar coming back through this channel again with another message for all of you.This is going to be a message where i'm going to talk about the state of your planet,the state that all of you are in.I'm also going to talk about what all of you are feeling that we in the high collective of light can actually feel and i'm going to bring through where that is leading you and what is actually happening because of how you're feeling and because of what's going on,on your planet and then Archangel Raphael will be bringing through some emerald green healing light,down onto the planet plane after i'm through.


I'd like to tell you the state of your planet,i'd like to tell you about what we are feeling and what we are seeing from all of you.We are seeing a lot of unrest and uncertainty,we are seeing still a lot of fear with these lockdowns,the mandates,those being forced to shut their businesses and all that is rolling out on all of you now with this virus,we are feeling your sadness,we are feeling your anger,we are feeling a confusion,for you do not seem to be able to decipher a lot of times from your media what is true and what is untrue.


You having to go into your all knowing,into intuition,to try to figure that out and we are feeling an uneasiness and an unrest as you don't know what to expect next.


We do see this external is quite severe,we do see this virus that was set down on your planet doing a lot of damage,we do see what's going on with every single one of you on this plane.


We'd like to say that although you're all immersed in the external in some way and having to deal with what is being put upon you with your closures and your lockdowns and everything that each and every one of you on this entire planet is going through,we would like to say that something magical,that something wonderful and something very amazing is actually happening through all of this:you are unifying,you are becoming a unified body of light.


It is because you all strive for the same things,you all want the truth on the planet,you all want your freedom and free will,you don't want these lockdowns and containment we're going to say put on all of you and you want to move forward in fairness and you want to move forward with justice for all and you want to move forward in peace.


You all want the same thing and because the entire human collective does want the same thing you are unifying,you are moving into a unified body of light.Now there was other ways for this to happen without a virus on the planet but this is what's rolling forward,this is what's happening because of the situation that each and every one of you are in.This is what you're doing,you're going to move forward as one huge unified body of light,you are operating as yourself but you are unifying and you are going to operate in the cloud as a huge unified body of light.


When you all want the same things,when you all have the same feelings on this planet,you are joined,you are one.You now are starting to interface all of your wants,every single person on this planet is wanting the same thing.Energetically it is we're going to say like threads are weaving all of you together.You are unifying,you are going to be this huge unified body of light that is going to be operating for the greatest good of all,not the greatest good of those few with the money.They can have that hold the power so they think.


So through all this virus,through all these lockdowns,through all this pain and sadness and fear and grief you have joined together as one big unified body of light.So where we stand this is huge,this is what is needed to go to the fifth dimension,this is what all of you had to do to ascend.


I know you are playing in the third dimensional matrix,you're having to be immersed in it,to feel it and to see it and to roll through it but those of you that are going even those of you are sleeping you're on the fourth dimension,you're holding beautifully on the fourth dimension.


Do not worry you are coming through this,you're wanting the truth,you're wanting your freedom,you're wanting the powers that be,that are so dark not to have the reign over you anymore and you're wanting to move forward in peace and in fairness for all.So this although,as painful as it is,has unified each and every one of you together we're going to say with gold strands of light beautifully as a unified body of light.


Something to think about as you move forward on your road to your ascension.This has happened because each and every one of you have felt the very same way,the very same way.There's no one that's escaped this on this planet and we don't care how much money you have,you're still feeling everything that everyone else is going through.


Something to think about for today,this is huge.I'm happy to be bringing through this information forward to you now because this is a huge part of your ascension,your journey that has been completed.You're unifying,you're going to go up still in a lot of waves,but you're going to go up as a unified body of light.Those few with the money that hold the power are no longer going to hold the power they don't have it.


You have to know they have nothing.If you think about it like that,the dark has nothing anymore but to push fear out at you.You all hold too much light,there's too many of us high collective of light along with the angelic high kingdom that have pushed so much light down on your planet.You're a huge beaming ball of white light.There's too much light for the dark to even try,to take a hold.


It's done,you have to roll through what's being pushed out at you.You have to still speak your truth and speak up not only for yourself but to speak up for the collective,for the fairness of all but that will come and you will all speak your truth and you move forward beautifully.


This is huge.I know a lot of you are feeling very down but just know this is a monumental moment.


We all on the high councils are so very happy.We're cheering you on.We are here to support your journey and to see that it is one that is bathed in love and bathed in light.


I Lord Ashtar along with the entire angelic high kingdom are sending you this message through,to all of you,we are sending you such love,light and blessings.


Archangel Raphael is going to bring through emerald healing light to this channeler now and 40 million angels are going to also send emerald green light down onto the planet.


I Archangel Raphael are so pleased to be coming through this channeler again.


I am one of her guides and i do look forward to sending all kinds of energies down to all of you,to help you on your journey,along on this planet.I'm sending emerald green healing light today for all of you through this video,for love of your journey and who you are,the love of healing your heart and any wounds that this virus has caused to any of you.


Know that you are rolling forward in love and light,know that you are so strong has a unified body of light and know that i along with the entire angelic high kingdom are sending our love,our light our blessings and today 40 million angels are sending emerald green light to heal any wounds and to help you to move forward on your journey.


I'm sending you such love,light and blessings.



**Channel:Lynne Rondell

**頻道:Lynne Rondell

Thank you Lord Ashtar,thank you entire angelic high kingdom and thank you ArchangelRaphael that ifelt great bringing that through.I was all tingling up and down and i can feel that it's anemerald green,it's a beautiful green color but it really sort of soothes and bathes and it's going to all of your hearts and just alleviating any kind of stress and helping you to feel better.


I'm happy to bring through all these channelings for all of you.I hope this one resonated with you today.I look forward to bringing through many more channelings.


I'm sending you such love,light and blessings.


【光之銀河聯邦】2020年難忘的十二月;關於 我們把這則信息命名為難忘的十二月,我們會帶來更多信息來告訴你到底在發生什麼

傳導作者:Lynne Rondell
翻譯:Nick Chan.於2020年10月30日.

We are the galactic federation of light, we are so very eager and happy coming through this channel again for all of you. We’d like to talk about a few things, the main thing we’d like to talk about is what everyone is speaking about, talking about, wondering about what is going to happen in December.
We’re titling this one a December to remember. We’re going to lay out exactly what is going to happen this December, why it’s going to happen, who brought this about and sort of how you’re going to feel after December is over.
December is a big month, December 20th, December 21st you have a lot of things going on, you have a conjunction of three planets that are going to be aligned December 21st but you have another, we’re going to say, you have four or five other very big events that are going to be happening this December. We’re going to talk about the energies now that are going to be running through from the end of October, November and into December. We’re going to tell you a little bit about those energies and what they’re doing and why.
December has been a month that was marked a long time ago by the higher councils of light that if the collective, if humanity did not get ready in time, did not reach a vibratory frequency so that means if your vibration as a collective which means all of you together if your vibration as a collective was not high enough there was going to be a very large solar flash or solar flare that would jolt your bodies upward and force your bodies to actually receive a huge burst, we’re going to say an outburst of energy.
The solar flare or solar flash, it is just a burst of energy that is coming from the sun and it’s coming toward this planet and it’s really going to look at it as just a burst of light. It’s just a burst of energy and light that is hitting the planet at a certain day and time, it’s going to be between December 20th, 21st, 22nd around in there along with the conjunction of the planets. This burst of energy from the sun this solar blast and solar flare was designed originally to give all of you, a real boost up in your vibratory field, which means in your vibration to get you up higher on your in your vibration, your frequency, we’re going to say if you had not achieved a certain point that you had to achieve.
Now this solar blast and flare it’s coming anyhow but you have achieved the vibratory, you’re holding it the vibration and the frequency that is far above what those a long time ago had thought this planet would be able to do. You are ascending for a multitude of reasons. Mother Earth has put this in a very long time ago, we’re going to say the call went out 60, 70, 80 years ago. She’s been planning this for a long time.
A fail-safe method was put in if you had not achieved this vibration, this frequency to carry you to the fifth dimension, this solar flare would have some effect, a drastic effect. It would push all of your vibrations and your frequencies in your body and around your body and along with everything on the planet, it would push it up two or three notches not just a notch.
Well we’re happy to say that you have achieved, you have far achieved where you are holding now as far above, where they anyone’s in the higher councils thought a very long time ago you would get to say with all the energies in light and all the work all of you are doing, you’re far above where you’re not supposed to be but where we thought you were going to be.
This solar event that those of you on your planet are talking about is not going to be anything more than a burst of energy that is going to rush at you, a burst of light that is going to come at you and it’s just going to do a little help, it’s just going to do a little work. It may awaken some that are not awakened, it may push some of you up a notch in your vibration. This solar flare this solar blast is designed to lift your vibration, to lift you up a notch, two notches, three notches. It also can be used to further your development and further your journey to the fifth dimension.
It can be used as a manifestation tool with this burst of energy coming, we’re gonna say it’s like a grid or portal. It’s almost we’re going to say a gateway has opened up. So this energy is going to hit Mother Earth and it’s going to be like this gateway has opened up, this portal has burst wide open and really it’s just energy coming through it, but it’s energy that you can use, to manifest, to get yourself closer to the fifth dimension, to work on purging your chakras, to align with your higher power. Those can use it that are not awakened to awaken. It’s not going to be anything more than a burst of energy, a burst of light that was designed a very long time ago to really jump start all of you we’re going to say.
This was designed a long time ago as the great awakening, this was designed a long time ago as the first huge jolt and jump to get you on your road to the fifth dimension. You are all way past that, what is going to come in for you though is a remembrance, what is going to come in for all of you is more of an enlightenment, is gonna help each and every one of you with what is needed.
We are hoping some of the collective that is sleeping will get a little bit of jolt.It’s just energy rushing at you. You might feel we’re going to say if you feel anything you’re going to feel elated, you’re going to feel like you’ve left your body and you’re up higher. You’re not going to feel bad at all, this is going to have no effect really in a bad way on any of you because you’re already holding on such a high vibration but it’s going to come in and allow you to sort of gain some more momentum for your journey to the fifth dimension.
The conjunction with the planets on December 21st is also helping with this alignment but it’s going to do another thing, it’s going to help you with your remembrance of who you are. Your remembrance of where you’ve been, like who you are in your soul’s journey. You’re going to start to have flashbacks of past lives on this planet and other planets. It’s going to open you up more to who you have been in the past.
So we’re calling this, you know this December, we’re calling it a great awakening in the sense that it’s going to be a remembrance for all of you. We’re calling it a great awakening of December to remember in the sense that you can use this energy this sort of gateway or portal that’s opened up for all of, you you can use it to help with your ascension, you can use it to manifest, you can use it to further align your higher power for that needs to be aligned.
Your angels and your guides are going to know when this energy burst comes in, they’re going to know what to help you with and they’re going to help each and every one of you as you all have guides and angels to further yourself along on your ascension.
What originally was going to be the awakening, really the awakening out of huge slumber and we mean out of a no conscious level of third dimension to really jolt humanity is going to be no more than a wonderful burst of energy and light that the sun and she’s been sending them all the time, every few days to help all of you go up and up and up. This burst of energy, this solar flare is going to be nothing more than a tool to help all of you on your ascension journey. It is nothing to fear a lot of you won’t feel the thing, some of you just feel like you’ve lifted up in your vibration, your frequency gets higher, you may feel a little out of your body, you may feel like you’re very high up on a high vibration.
This burst of energy was originally designed to awaken and lift the collective from their lower vibration up a notch two notches and three notches. This was set up some 40 or 50 years ago. So it is not needed, it’s still going to come but it’s not going to be at that level at all. It’s just going to be at a level to help all of you with the tools that you need to continue on your ascension.
We’re going to call this a December to remember. You’re all going to feel it, you’re all going to shift in some way and by feeling it it may be just that you come into a knowing more of who you are. You align with your higher power, you have a sense of remembrance of who you are, you can do more manifesting with this energy in life. This is a high frequency energy in light.
There’s different frequencies of energy and light that come in. This frequency, this energy in light is a higher frequency of energy and light, so it’s much more accessible to all of you, to really use it for what you want as it was really just designed to jolt the former humanity was down very low into some sort of awakening.
This is going to be a December to remember. You have a lot of wonderful things coming in for you, we’ll talk about. We’re going to wait and talk about the other energies. We’ll do another one with the energies that are coming in November but this is a way to ring in the new year, this is a way to really elevate, shift and lift yourself to that of a higher consciousness, to align, to purge, to manifest, to do whatever is needed and your guides and angels will tell you what is needed.
Everyone is going to get helped when this gateway and portal opens of energy, everyone is going to get help from this high energy field in light, everyone is going to change, everyone is going to have sort of the betterment of themselves, everyone is going to be able to use this gateway and portal full of high vibrating light for what is needed and as you say your guides and angels will direct you to what that is but it’s going to help you with this new year 2021 coming up. There’s a lot more things going on first and second waves are getting very near.
We’re going to do another channeling through this channel and talk about the energies coming from now until the end of December and what that holds and really when the first wave is getting ready to come. It is not determined yet because it as see and as no thing. Mother Earth is really pushing and pushing and pushing to get up. There’s a lot of other reasons for that which we’ll go into it another time but there’s enough and there’s enough ready for the first wave. So it could be coming very soon, it could be coming in December it could be coming in January.
We’re going to let you know about that as it gets closer, the second wave will follow, three to five months out the second wave is going to follow which is going to be tens of millions of you. So we’re very excited at all that’s happening, we’re very excited that all of you are really processing well. We’re really excited that you’re really shifting into that, of oneness, of unity. You’re really shifting up to that of love, fairness, compassion and equality and to really center yourself in your heart.
It is going to be a December to remember, nothing bad is happening, you’re going to get a huge burst of very, very high frequency energy coming from the sun. As we say she’s getting very excited, she’s setting bursts out now every two to three days, little burst of energies to help you raise your frequency and vibration. This one for some of you is going to be a huge of vibratory rays but each one of you is going to use this energy in a different way.
It’s very exciting for all of us, it’s not going to do anything bad, it will not be felt by a lot of the collective but it will still be used by them and some of you will just feel you’re up in the ethers almost and then you’ll settle back down.
The main thing we’re going to tell you that this energy was designed a long time ago when it was put into its order, it was to raise the collective of humanity’s frequency, it was to raise them up, raise the vibration to take them out of their slumber. Well all of you are far out of your slumber now and you’re holding on a very high vibration, so it’s just coming in to add to whatever you need.
We are the galactic federation of light, we’re going to be coming through this channel with a lot more messages on just what exactly is happening. We look forward to seeing how all of you do processes energy and light.
We are nine of the 12 councils and we’re on the 12th dimension.
We’re sending all of you such love, we’re sending all of you such blessings and light.


傳導:Lynne Rondell.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年10月17日.

Hello beloveds this is i Lord Ashtar along with the angelic kingdom coming to you from this channeler today. We're very excited to bring through this news about the first wave of ascension as it is coming close. It is literally upon you. We're looking at about nine or ten waves for your ascension to get all of you that are going actually up onto the fifth dimension but the first wave is coming very quickly and we're looking at the number to be 25-30 (people) to we're going to say as many as 200.
There's not going to be that many on the first wave, they are going up with Mother Earth. They are helping her anchor the fifth dimensional light, we're going to say, the fifth dimensional vibration and frequency and these are a lot of grid workers that are going to go up and work energetically securing the grid around Mother Earth and clearing out any energies that need to be cleared out on the fifth dimension and they're going to be sort of setting up everything for the rest of you to come up.
The second wave is going to follow. It could be as close as the next two or three months behind the first wave. We feel the second wave could be actually millions of you because a lot of you are literally doing very well with your purging, holding a lot of light. You've to let go of what doesn't serve you and a lot of you have been able to shift your consciousness even with the shifts that haven't come through yet. You've been able to shift into your heart, you've been able to shift to that of love, you've been able to shift to that of compassion and sort of fairness and equality and unity for all. So you've been able to shift how you navigate already.
As these other shifts in the consciousness are coming through for the collective you'll simply help the collective push everything through, so they can clear it. These shifts are coming through as we're saying these blocks are breaking up from the third dimensional grid that is completely broken up but these blocks are still held, they're held in, and they're not blocks as material blocks, they're blocks in energy, they’re consciousness blocks.
This one that's rolled out at you is fear and what's rolled out at use control and the manipulation and the domination. That's a huge block that's broken up and it's rolled out at you, for you to look at it, for you to feel it and for you to realize this is not what you want going forward and remove it.
The next block that's coming through is truth. Truth is really needed on your planet enough of you are screaming to hear the truth to know the truth, to see the truth and that's why the purging is still going on for your throat chakra as there's more truth that's going to be exposed. The more open we're going to say that your throat chakra is, the easier it's going to be for you to see the truth on the planet and we know this may not make sense but the more clear your throat chakra is, the wider your truth chakra is where're going to say, your voice, the more you're going to see what's really going on on the planet.
There's a lot of energies coming in right now to keep releasing any lower energies out of the throat chakra. You all are still purging your third eye and in the next few days there's going to be an energy update we're going to start going into the crown chakra purging and the chakra above that as well. So there's a lot going on.
Those that are going up on the first wave we're going to say most of them have not have many lifetimes on this planet and plan at all this channel has not had many at all, so it's quite easy to purge and get ready and a lot of them have come from higher dimensions, higher planes and different planets and galaxies, star nations so they're more equipped for actually clearing it instantaneously and a lot of them have come down just to do the work.
They're going to go up very quickly along with Mother Earth, they're going to do the work for the planet and then the second wave is going to come up ; this wave is going to be millions of you, 10 million, 20 million as many as 40 to 50 million. This could come literally on the tails of the first wave with the next two or three months out, depending on how many of these blocks we're saying are being able to be shown at you and shifted out and i guess along with how the timelines that you pick, how high the timelines that you're going to pick. So there's a lot of variablesbut we're going to tell you straight up that first wave is coming very quickly.
There's now going to be 9 or 10. You're all going up at your own pace, you're all going up as you get ready. No one is going to be better than anyone else. Everyone's ascending in their timing if that makes sense and everyone's going to get up there, that is going up there. This journey is fast tracking, this journey is not going to last as long as we thought, this journey it's not going to be done in the next six months but it could be a few years five years maybe a little bit longer than that but it's not going to be much longer than that and originally it was going to maybe take 20 years to get everybody up.
For soon as those that are going to the fifth dimension are actually up on the fifth dimension and those that are not going to the fifth dimension are still playing out, as they shift off this third dimensional matrix, this third dimension we're going to say, will dissolve and then you'll have the fourth and fifth dimensions and then the sixth dimension will start to open up.
Those of you who are very very elevated will bounce a little bit when you get comfortable. Now this is going to be years out between the fifth and the sixth dimensions as Mother Earth is going to actually stay on the fifth dimension for quite a while but she is going to ascend back to the seventh or eighth dimension that's where she feels more comfortable and that's where she's going to prefer to stay and she'll never drop down lower than that, we can say, we can tell you never again.
There's a lot of preparations that are being put in for the first wave, there's a lot of energies that have been sent down now for the first wave, for the first three waves we're saying to get ready. There's a lot of DNA activations going on, there's a lot of vibrational we're going to say uploads.
Vibrational upload is something that's lifting the vibration of the entire planet up. It's going to help, boost all of you to the fifth dimension. There's a lot of councils of light along with the angelic high kingdom that are sending all kinds of different energies down so if your ears are ringing. This is why we're going to say that you may feel a little bit thirstier and you may be really tired.
So tiredness is going to come with all these energies coming in, your light bodies are only going to take in what you can and then it's going to sit in your field until your body ; your physical body can actually simulate it along with your energy body.
As we say there's no race to the fifth dimension those that are going up in the first and second waves and there could be as little as 50 going up in the first wave. They're pulling Mother Earth up and they're really anchoring her up. A lot of those along with this channeler have already been doing a lot of grid work for Mother Earth for a very long time so they know what they're doing already they're going to go up, hold the vibration, anchor her in, anchor the frequencies, the light everything that needs to be anchored in as soon as that gets anchored in and a grid is put around Mother Earth, the second wave will start to come up.
It's very exciting for all of us in the higher collectives to watch how fast you all are really getting ready and how you're actually shifting to that of love and light. You're shifting to that of unity, you're purging the dense energies and you're seeing really laid out on your planet which you don't want. So you're going to shift into your heart center. A lot of you have already done that. You're going to be more of love and light, you're going to be more of compassion, peace, sort of actually fairness for all and being more of service.
There's a lot of transition going on with all of you right now. We're going to come through this channeler, a lot because it's going to get very close we're going to tell you exactly when it's happening and boom they're going to be up. So they're going to have a feeling that something shifted, they're going to be holding a higher frequency and vibration, their bodies are going to feel lighter, everything's going to look a little bit brighter and they're just going to know that they've shifted.
It's not going to hurt, it's painless, there's not going to be any trouble and those that are not going to shift up for a while they're going to shift up just fine as well. There's going to be no one freaking out, there's going to be no one going « oh my god i can't do this » Everyone else is going to help.
That's already up it's going to help the rest of the collective get ready. It may be by actually holding the energy and light for them, it may be by answering questions for them, that maybe for telling them what they've experienced. There's a whole lot of ways. Those that are going up the first second third waves are going to actually just be of service to humanity.
No one's going to be in pain going fifth dimension, no one's going on a craft, no one's going on a blackout for three days, no computers are going to be knocked offline.
The sun is sending solar flares and blasts all the time little increments to boost the frequency and the vibration up but everyone's going to have a wonderful journey up so we have to keep stressing this. It's all good, it's all wonderful, you're all going to feel amazing and you're all on the journey and the ride of your life.
I LordAshtar along with the entire angelic kingdom are so happy to be bringing through these messages through this channeler. We're sending you such love, we're sending you such light and blessings.