

傳導:Natalie Glasson、Lynn Rondell
譯者:Nick Chan
#NatalieGlasson #LynnRondell #Nick Chan

傳導:Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, I am Mother Earth, I come forth with the deepest of love and blessings. I am greatly honoured to be in your presence and humbled to be of service as a source, an expression and to guide the Earth and all beings. It is such a beautiful ascension process we are all embarking upon now. I know many of you may see the chaos, the turmoil, the upheaval that may be present on the Earth. I see the beauty, the love, the truth, and the essence of the Creator within all beings and within the Creator, as the Creator manifests in numerous forms, ways, and creations on the Earth.
I Mother Earth, wish to share with you an insight, it is an ascension gift. I am currently calling forth many beings of light to work with me at this time, I wish to share with you the Truth of the Earth Codes and Information. If you feel guided to be present with me then the Creator is guiding you and there is much for you to receive, to accept and acknowledge. I have been holding, maintaining, protecting these codes and information concerning the truth of the Earth for some time. Now, there are many upon the Earth who are ready to receive and reactivate these codes once more within their being. It is most probable that those who hear my calling also worked with me many civilisations ago. Some of the previous civilisations on the Earth were able to access the Truth of the Earth Codes and Information available, this meant they understood how to co-create with the Earth and myself, Mother Earth in harmony and balance. It also meant that they were able to understand the purpose of the Earth, why souls incarnate upon the Earth. The connection between the ascension process and the Earth, as well as understanding how to move forward in equilibrium, in harmony and truth for all beings on the Earth, and of course with myself, Mother Earth. This is why Mahatma has gifted the multi-dimensional Law of Oneness Template, it is to support my work of gifting and reactivating the Truth of the Earth.
我希望與你分享一個洞見,這是一個楊升的禮物。當前我呼喚了許多光之存在來與我共事,我希望與你分享地球的代碼和信息。 如果你感到被指引來與我同在,那麼造物主就在指引你,有著很多東西等著你去接收、接納和認識。我一直保持、維持、保護著這些代碼和信息,與地球的真理有關。現在,地球上很多人已經準備好接收並重新激活他們之內的這些代碼。很有可能那些聽到我呼喚的人在許多文明之前就和我合作過。一些之前的文明能夠訪問地球的代碼和信息,這意味著他們明白如何與地球以及我在和諧與平衡中創造。這還意味著他們能夠明白地球的目的,為什麼靈魂化身在地球上。楊升進程和地球之間的連接,以及明白如何在平衡、和諧、真理中前進,當然和我,地球母親一起。所以甘地(Mahatma)被賜予了多維度合一法則的模版,它是來支持我贈予並重新激活地球真理的工作的
There are many beings who wish to know why they are on the Earth, why humanity is present, what the purpose is?
Why the Ascension process is unfolding?
Many wish to know how to be of service, how to support humanity, the Earth, and all beings. These questions burn within each being on the Earth, however these questions sometimes do not bring forth the necessary creations and manifestations. It all depends on one’s perspective and intentions. The beings that I am calling forth from humanity to work in harmony with me, these beings may be intrigued by what the purpose of the Earth is and how to move forward in a harmonious way. However, they have a greater desire to be of service, and to experience working with myself, Mother Earth. The knowledge, the wisdom that is activated is not essential to them.
The Truth of the Earth Codes and Information are required to begin to be activated within humanity and within the Earth because with the manifestation of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint a new clear canvas has been created. We wish to seed this clear canvas with the truth of the Earth, sharing how to move forward with Mother Earth, the Earth, humanity, and all beings harmoniously, joyously, lovingly and in peace. This is what I, Mother Earth and those who feel the calling to connect with me wish to bring forth, create and seed. A new reality, new Earth, and new Ascension.
地球的代碼和信息被要求在人類和地球之內激活,因為伴隨著新地球楊升藍圖的顯化,一塊新的乾淨的畫布被創造。 我們希望把地球的真理播種到這塊乾淨的畫布中,分享如何與地球母親、人類、所有存在在和諧、喜悅、愛、平和中前進。這是我和感到呼喚來與我連接的人希望帶來、創造、播種的。一個新的現實、新的地球、新的楊升
If you feel the calling, and you will know when you do. Come to me in meditation, ask to visit Mother Earth during meditation or quiet time. I will invite you into my sacred chamber, surround you in my motherly and sacred vibrations of the Earth, you will experience the highest, purest vibration of the Earth. As you breathe this in, it will support you in understanding that there are so many dimensions of experience within the Earth and at the purest, highest vibration for all to experience.
Allow yourself to breathe in the energies that I share with you. I will then connect with you, higher heart chakra to higher heart chakra. I will begin to send light golden bubbles through a stream of light to your higher heart chakra, which you can hold within your higher heart chakra, let these bubbles just flow and rest within your higher heart chakra. They hold the Codes and Information of the Truth of the Earth. It may be that you are unable to access these at this time, and that is fine and appropriate. It may be they begin to enlighten and illuminate you or invite you to take action in certain ways in your reality or for the Earth. Gradually, allow yourself to just be present with these bubbles, to be present with the energy that is forming within your higher heart chakra and my support and love that surrounds you.
I, Mother Earth, invite you to focus upon these codes and information each day. They will gradually reveal themselves to you and fill your entire being, activating, therefore sharing insights and guidance. They will instruct you as to how to move forth in harmony with myself, Mother Earth, and all beings. Be patient, you and I have been waiting a long time for this, so be patient with the energies as they may unfold slowly, allowing you to grasp and understand that which is needed with appropriate timing.
I thank you for being present with me, for being open to receive my gift. You will notice when you are ready you begin to give these golden bubbles into the Earth, into the ground or even sharing them with another being. This will be appropriate when you feel guided.
I am here to be of service, to work with you in harmony and truth.
I, thank you,
I am Mother Earth

傳導:Lynn Rondell
譯者:Nick Chan

It is i Mother Mary coming through this channeler with a message for all of you today. I’m so very grateful that this channeler is very excited to be channeling me as I have so much information and so many blessings and gifts to bring through to all of you down on the planet and plane.
Right now tonight’s message for channeling is going to be about peace. It’s not going only be about peace within yourselves but it’s going to be about how to actually achieve peace on a planet that is in a lot of chaos right now.
So first I’m going to talk about peace and what peace represents, what we in the high collectives, the very high realms, how we view peace and what peace actually means to us.
There’s a lot of different forms of peace. It could be peace between different nations, peace and a relationship just feeling peace, peace as a sense of calmness on the planet and peace as a sense that you can retreat back to and feel calm.
The peace that I’m going to be bringing through today and talking about with all of you is peace on your planet. It’s peace in a different way that you’ve never known before but it’s peace that is needed to come forth, it’s peace that is needed to be realized and may be felt in a different way and it’s peace that is really needed to roll all of you through what you’re going through.
So first I’m going to talk about peace within you but when you go back into peace, when you go back into your heart and your heart center, when you make the external world something that is not of you but you can participate in then it is easier to go back into your heart and into a world where you can find a feeling of peace.
It doesn’t matter what’s going on out there when you sit in silence and you sit in a meditation or you just take a meditative walk or you just calm yourself down, you can always find a sense of peace.
Peace is a feeling that can be obtained by just being quiet, peace can be a feeling that can be obtained by really going within, quieting your mind and feeling for what makes you feel good. Whatever that may be that is your sense of peace.
That is what’s needed on this planet plane right now. It is needed for all of you that are awakened, for all that you who hold a higher consciousness and for all of you especially those in human form that are of the angelic realm.
You know how to hold peace, you know how to go back into your hearts, you know how to hold a sense of calmness. So we’re going to say peace is actually a sense of calmness. This is needed now as the more of you that hold peace in your heart, the more you hold peace in your consciousness, the more of you who can sit with peace for as long as you possibly can, you’re going to roll the rest of the collective through the chaos.
For the more of you who really can center into love and peace, no matter what, the more of you can leave the external and know that the external is still there and you’re still having to play in it at some point, go back in to peace.
For when you really figure out how to navigate on this planet, in the higher dimensions, you can always retreat back into your heart, you can always retreat back into the emotions, the higher emotions, you can always leave the external. It is hard for those on the third dimension to actually leave the external because you are so immersed in it but most of you are going to the fourth dimension or the fifth dimension and are holding on the fourth dimension.
It is needed for you to disconnect, unplug from the emotions and the chaos and all the energy that’s on the planet right now and retreat to your hearts feel the peace.
For if enough of you really feel the peace you will shift the entire collective forward which is needed. It is you, those that are awoken, it is you those that came out down here to do this job, it is you the lightworkers, the starseeds, the grid workers those with the high consciousness and as i’m going to say again a lot of you did jump in from the angelic realm, the angelic high kingdom, a lot of you did jump in from a lot of very high vibrating collective to be of service.
So it is to be of service now, to hold the peace, hold the peace inside of you for when you hold the peace inside of you, for as long as you possibly can, you shift the collective to that of peace as well.
It doesn’t take very many of you doing this and really consciously doing this to help all on the planet, to help all on this plane, to really roll through this.
They can gain some sense of themselves, so they can know and feel there’s something else in what’s going on right here and so they can roll through what’s being pushed out on all of you.
I’m Mother Mary, I’m helping, I’m coming through this channeler as she does work with the angelic high kingdom and we are of the angelic high kingdom. I’m going to be bringing through messages for all of you, to really help to center, to really go back to where it is needed in your hearts, to hold the emotions that are needed, the higher emotions because you can do this with helping each and every consciousness on this planet and plane.
You are divine children of the light, you are very high beings of light. You’ve come down here to orchestrate a huge dimensional raise, you’ve come down here to take part in something that has not happened in this part of the galaxy and you are here to spread peace, you are here to spread your compassion, you are here to spread your love and your light.
I Mother Mary coming through this channel are sending you my love my light and my blessings.


