
【聖哲曼Saint Germain】《1》是時候完結遊戲;《2》幻象(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起) #JamesMcConnell #CamillaNilsson #NickChan

【聖哲曼Saint Germain】有些近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔
傳導作者:James McConnell、Camilla Nilsson
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.是時候完結遊戲 (20201207)
《2》.幻象 (20201212)
#JamesMcConnell #CamillaNilsson #NickChan

傳導作者:James McConnell.

I am your Saint Germain. I have come again at this time because of a calling, a calling that is reaching out to the many. The many, not only here in this country, but across the entire planet. A calling that is raising the voices on-high, and the power coming back to all of you as you fully awaken into who you are.
For these are those times, those times you have been working for. Not just this lifetime, but for many lifetimes, working up to this time. These moments that are ahead yet, but coming on swiftly.
You all made promises long ago, volunteered for this mission. And this mission is now coming closer and closer to the final culmination. But in order to have that, in order to finish this ‘game,’ if you will, you must first release as a collective all of the darkness here on this planet. And to do so, you must bring that darkness, those shadows, into the light. And that is what is happening now in your election process in this country, and in all the ensuing changeover that occurs as a result of this throughout the planet.
People are watching everywhere on this planet now what happens here in this United States of America. Everybody is watching: watching how the corruption in this country is being overcome by a few great ones that have stepped forward and are raising their voices and bringing their power forward so that they can help to free not only those here in this country, but the entire planet.
It is not only the world that is watching, but all of those above in their ships and on other planets. And even throughout the galaxy are watching what happens here and now.
And you, all of you have front-row seats. You are all here watching this play, or this movie, unfold everywhere. And it is unfolding right in front of you. Some of you are watching. Some of you are participating as if you were able to step on stage and be a participant in the play. And then at times, you step back off the stage and sit back down and watch again. But there are those that are forever focused on being in the play, continuing within the game, and that is most of you. Most of you are here now in these moments to continue to bring this all forward to continue to reveal the truth everywhere that you are able.
There are those expressions that are coming from your mass media that are coming closer and closer now. You may not see it yet, but they are coming closer to needing to reveal the truth. And there are those that are stepping forward and sharing the truth, sharing the truth to many, many more who are awakening to it.
That is how this whole awakening process is happening now. The truth shall be revealed everywhere. Not a rock will be unturned. For everything will come through as it needs to.
And all of you, as you have been hearing for some time now, are the catalysts for this. You are the ones you have been waiting for. It is not us, those of the Ascended Ones, it is not the Galactics, it is not the Agarthans. It is all of you. Because it is all of you, you are the ones to make the difference. You are the ones to step behind the President of this country, step behind him and follow him. And give him support and your prayers, and all those that work with him.
Because again, it is not only this country that is at stake, and the Republic here, but it is the entire planet that is in the throws right now of the Great Rebellion within. You are all a part of that Great Rebellion, or revolution, if you will.
But it is not a revolution with guns. It is not a revolution outside of yourself. It is a revolution within yourselves. And as you are able to overcome the diversity within yourself and bring those shadows within yourself to the light, that will bring the light to the world.
I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to do everything that you can to bring about this Changeover. To bring it forward. To draw it to you.

傳導作者:Camilla Nilsson.

I’m St Germain, and today I will talk about the illusion. The illusion is like a dream because it is created by the power of thought. The illusion you live in physically in your waking state exists in many different aspects and nuances. All created and shaped by each individual. This is why individuals who have witnessed the same event can retell in a number of different ways and this is also why each individual can change their story after a while. The illusion is the individual’s perception of reality and this is influenced by a number of factors.
For example:
1. The individual’s past and what it carries in its baggage in the form of experiences and trials.
2. The individual’s balance for the moment. The inner balance and the moon are affected by how reality is perceived. It is also a reason why a retold experience can change. A new moon changes perspective.
3. Personal development is extremely relevant to the context. If the individual is trained to look beyond their own perceived limitations, the individual can also retell the experience in a version close to the version of reality.
Man interprets and retells according to his version. This is no difference for the individuals who have contact with their mentors as is happening at the moment. My channel in this now hears me, sees me, feels me and makes her interpretation based on what she is in in this now.
So then I come to the much-discussed question: What is illusion and what is reality?
Everything is an illusion and everything is reality. You say that what is seen does not exist. I, St Germain, for example, who does not possess a physical body right now and is therefore considered to belong to the illusion, a fantasy. But when a person recounts an event that does not match another person’s recounting of the same event, it is considered that one is lying. See instead that even in that case it is about the inner vision. I see what I want to see and I make my own individual interpretation. As much an illusion as I, St Germain, or I am as much for real as what you call physical experience.
Everything is inside the viewer’s interior. Always remember that before you judge someone, call someone a liar. Remember that the outcome of a fellow human being’s action depends on how you receive, what you choose to see or hear. A word that you may perceive as malicious may not have been meant that way at all, but it was your interpretation of it all. In this way, we all live in the illusion that few people have the absolute purity to see and interpret reality exactly as it is.
The illusion contains the trials of your life and these trials ease when you can see in your heart what it is really about, what it is in you that reacts. So continue with your development, a little at a time and understand that as you develop, your view of the illusion also changes and you get closer and closer to the truth. Closer and closer to inner peace and enjoyment of life.
See me as a friend and let me be a part of your reality.

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


