

《1》正在開始轉換時間線 (20170319)
《2》行星歷史上最偉大的改變 (20171025)
#JamesMcConnell #LeslieAnneMenzies

傳導作者:James McConnell


Archangel Michael

And I AM Archangel Michael. I Am your brother, I am your loved one just as you are my loved ones and you are my brothers and sisters. Friends together through eternity.


I have been charged with this ascension process in making sure that it all comes through. And I tell you now there is nothing that can stop it … nothing that can stand in its way! There is so much that can be shared and there is so much yet that cannot be shared. But what can be now is the moment that you are arriving at. These moments of time in your sense I have spoken of, others have spoken of this day that you are coming upon, this spring equinox. The day that is going to begin a shift of consciousness unlike anything you have felt before. It is not to say that tomorrow will bring the event, will bring the pulse from the Galactic Central Sun, but it is the precursor of this, it is the beginning of this, it is the beginning of the many things.

有一個門戶將會開放; 它現在已經在這過程中,將在20日完成。有一種能量正在到來,幾種不同類型的能量即將到來。你可以把它們稱為能量浪潮,一波一波的愛,類似於在你過去曾經來到的,但是會更多。

There is a gateway that will be opening; it is already in the process now and will complete on the 20th. There is an energy that is coming, several different types of energy that is coming. You can call them waves of energy, waves of love, similar to what came in your year past but even more so.


For those that have been acclimating to these energies will feel the energies differently than many others. Many will feel this new day, this new dawn that is approaching and it will be just like any other day for many. But for you, those of you that are aware and have been preparing for this, you will be feeling this differently. You will wake up tomorrow and you will feel a sense, a deep sense of something there, something that you cannot quite put your finger on or quite grasp but yet it will be there. You will have it, you will feel it. And it will lead to many of you having visions, having more awakening dreams, dreams that will take you into another world into another understanding. This is coming from this opening of this Gateway.

你現在正在轉變。你正在開始轉換時間線,但時間線將開始分裂,最終你有兩個(選擇)。這就是被說成小麥與麥麩分開的地方。豐盛與匱乏,光明與黑暗。所有這一切都是你正在經歷的過程的一部分。所有這一切都是過渡的一部分。你帶著愛繼續前進,專注於你的內心,注意力移動到下面的脈輪,那麼多被安置在裡面在漫長的時間裡-許多生命的週期 - 現在進入心輪,進入你內心的合一中心,再次與你的神性自我連接,並且瞭解這種關係。當那個耳語的聲音到來,就像往常一樣,你將會聽到耳語,你會轉向它說,“是的,我明白了,我明白了,我準備出發了。我已在我之內的生命中做好準備,在我內在的意識裡。”

You are shifting now. You are beginning to shift through timelines but the timelines are going to begin to split apart where eventually you will have only two. This is where it has been said the wheat will be separated from the chafe. The haves from the have-nots, the light from the dark. All of this is a part of the process that you are moving through. All of this is a part of the transition as you continue to move ahead in your advancement, your advancement of love within you, of moving back within your heart’s center, moving above the lower chakras that so many have been ensconced within for a very long time – many, many lifetimes– and now moving into the heart center, into that center of oneness within you, into that connection once again with your higher Godself and that knowing of that connection. For when that whisper comes, as so often does, you will now hear the whisper and you will turn to it and say, ‘yes, I understand. I understand and I am ready to let go. I am ready to move on within my being, within my consciousness.’


You have so much to look forward to, my dear friends, so much. But so much that you have created that you have brought into being those of you the light workers, the light sharers, the light bringers, you are the ones that are making all of this possible. You are the ones that are going to draw the ships down from above. You are the ones that are going to bring the energies from below where the Agarthan realm can begin to show themselves, can begin to announce themselves. You are the ones that are here in this moment in this now to bring all of this about.


And there is one other change that is happening: that is the reconnection of the many ley lines and the connecting structures, temples, pyramids, all of the sacred sites being connected once again on these waves of light … no longer connected by the darkness.


For so long, those of the dark have taken these spaces, these energy sites and utilized them for their own means. But they have been taken back! They are being reconnected now and tomorrow the 20th will see not the completion but near completion of all of these centers. There are still some to move ahead with, still some that need to be connected or reconnected once again but that is also coming soon.


I AM Archangel Michael and I, as Sananda, enjoy these moments that I can be with you that I can share with you that I can help you to understand what the process that you are going through, because please understand that it is not a process that has ever been done before in this way. So it is very unique to this evolution of man. And I only ask now that you continue to trust in yourselves, trust in each other to make all of this come to the fulfillment that it was always meant to be.


All my peace and love be with all of you. Take this Light and spread it far and wide.

傳導作者:Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,


Integration of the very new, never experienced before energies aresuper intense. Your bodies are re-acting in ways not experienced before. Allthat has been hidden, trapped, filed away, is coming up to be transmuted.


Be kindto yourselves and each other.




It isabout completely surrendering and allowing all to surface from within and bereleased. Then opening and allowing all to flow to you that is of the higherfaster vibration that is now permeating the Earth.


TheseDivine energies are “Light-Coded” and are assisting in the upgrading of the NewHuman Template – let go, allow, rest, breathe.


DearOnes, experiences you have never known are flowing through you. This is whatthe New Human on the New Earth is becoming. Those of you as the 1st Wavers,chose to experience and integrate these Highly charged energies are having avery intense time right now. Your body may be experiencing bouts of vertigo,nausea, lack of sleep, wanting to sleep more, no energy, headaches, heartpalpitations etc. etc. All very much required to make this evolutionarytransition into the new Light Bodies.


DearOnes, so much is happening for you and to you. Alignment with these newfrequencies is exhausting for your physical bodies BUT totally necessary. Youunderstood ‘GOD NEEDED A BODY’ for this evolutionary transition and you eagerlyvolunteered.


Now thereality of what is unfolding is truely in your awareness and you are rightlyfeeling the intensity. It was unknown how this transition would play out andhere you are the 1st Wavers experiencing all that is unfolding and flowing withthese new frequencies. You are all slowly adjusting, making the necessarychanges, knowing resistance is futile.


DearOnes, lean into where this is taking you. You and your body vehicles are movingto unknown destinies but the results will be astounding and then thosefollowing in your wake will have a much easier transition, for you have laidthe gridwork for what is to transpire.


CongratulationsDear Hearts, this ‘EXPERIMENT’ has yielded gifts not fully appreciated by you,just yet!


Takeextra care of yourselves, sleep when guided – even if that is at inconvenienttimes. You body Intelligence knows what is required and will sometimes “demand”what is needs to adjust.


Listenintently to what your body is asking of you.


Moreclean, pure water is required to allow the electrical system to function moreeasily. Less dense foods, plenty of rest, exercise, whatever your body iswhispering to you LISTEN – take notice as it will make the transition flow moreeasily.


DearHearts your TEAMS are with you every step of this incredible process and wishfor you to acknowledge them and their assistance so that they can be of evengreater service at this moment in time.


DearOnes, you are now opening to the greatest changes in your personal andplanetary history.


AllTRUTHS are now surfacing, all that is no longer of a high vibration of LIGHT iscoming up to be transformed. You see it in all the “stories” coming out. It ishappening for you personally and then the projection of the Collective is beingcleansed and cleared. Send your LOVE AND YOUR LIGHT to this darkness so that itcan be easily transformed back into the LIGHT AND LOVE of your New Earth.


DearOnes, everything you have wished for, begged for, prayed for, awaits YOU. TheCompany of Heaven and all Beings have heard your INTENTIONS for:






Dear Onesdare to dream once more.


This iswhy you chose to come into this timeline.


This isWHO YOU ARE – The Christ Consciousness has returned to Planet Earth – there isnot one Christed Being it is YOU the COLLECTIVE – THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESSINCARNATE- it is YOU.


TheCollective CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS is ready to flow forth with the LOVE YOU ARE –THE LIGHT YOU ARE.


Everythingyou have “waited” for is coming forth – BECAUSE OF YOU!!!


DearOnes, open your hearts to full breath – allow the LOVE YOU ARE to flow and thenwatch as it all unfolds in Diving Timing just as you agreed.


DearChristed Beings, it is now Divine Time and you are Divine Beings of LOVE ANDLIGHT.


All is inperfection. And so it is.





