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顯示具有 Angel Wisdom 2020 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

【Angel Wisdom】《1》靈性之路不是只有一條;《2》立刻行動;《3》進行一次人生的回顧;《4》契約與業力;《5》你創造你的命運(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.靈性之路不是只有一條 (20200821)
《2》.立刻行動 (20200822)
《3》.進行一次人生的回顧 (20200823)
《4》.契約與業力 (20200824)
《5》.你創造你的命運 (20200825)

2020年9月19日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:靈性之路不是只有一條 .

There is not one spiritual path but many

There are many paths up the mountain and many trails on each path that lead you to the flow and growth that you desire to create for yourself and your life.Accept where you are at this moment and celebrate it.Growth is good but sometimes can be painful.Accept yourself and where you are as we are all one and connected to each other,regardless of the form or appearance.As you exercise self care you are also exercising care for your community and those around you—We are One.

Your angel guidance is to remember to forgive and love yourself and others,do no fear.Both light and dark are necessary on the earth plane in order for you to experience the totality of being human and spirit and remembering your true self.There is light even in the darkest of nights and darkness in the lightest of lights.Accept this as a part of the cycle of life and part of understanding expansion,deeper thoughts and feelings.It helps to open your heart and your mind to more,to the new,and to the wonders of everyday life.

Affirm: "I accept myself,my choices and my path as what is right and best for me and also that which others choose for themselves.We are One.

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月19日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:立刻行動 .

Act Now

Swift action is called for right now as the energy is ripe for manifestation.Use the powerful cycles of the earth's shifts as well as what is happening in the Universe.This is a powerful time to take the steps that are necessary for the abundance and growth you have been seeking and failure to heed this call may cause you to want to adjust your desired outcome or the length of time it will take for the desired outcome to occur.

As long as you are taking the steps each day that lead you closer,you are taking action.Some days those steps are small and some days they are big.When you are paying attention to the rhythm of the Universe,it will enhance the results you receive.Learn to trust in yourself and your feelings and act when the time feels right for you.Don"t wait for others or spend time worrying about what else is going on,just charge ahead,frontward focused,and follow your guidance.

Affirm: "I trust in the flow of the Universe to help in the creation of the manifestations that are important for my earth experience."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月19日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:進行一次人生的回顧 .

Take inventory of your life

It is time for pause,reflection and observation.Doing a life review offers profound healing.It is an opportunity to resolve to change or heal any area of your life that has been out of balance.An opportunity to allow growth and mastery on your journey as well as completing a cycle to usher in this new energy of creation.

Take that time to go within,ask your angels to join with you and have a heart to heart discussion,journal,then release and forgive.

Your angel guidance is to keep your focus on the positive,see the gift from the experience,and trust in the beauty of your creations.Change is not always easy,but as you grow,you emerge into a new vibration of you.
Affirm: "As I review my life,I can let go and see the gift from the experience and as I do I am ready to move on to something grander."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels

2020年9月19日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:契約與業力 .

Contracts and Karma

When you come to experience the realm of the physical,much happens and many plans are made and back-up plans and back-up plans for the back-up plans and choices and decisions about what it is you would like to experience.It is a very exciting time and much happens as those possibilities line up and begin to materialize on your plane.There is much to do and many beings who play their part in your life experiences.That is a contract and you make many of them before you even come to earth.

Karma is often misunderstood,even by those who think they understand and try to live the best they can.Karma is neither good nor bad,it is about cause and effect.In a world of duality,every action has a reaction.In its essence,you get back what you put out...eventually.When you see that so and so has done something bad or wrong and you say,oh well,karma will get them,you have created some of this for yourself in that process.Sometimes beings slough off karma for many lifetimes and then have one that seems particularly harsh and difficult as they choose to take on a few tasks all at once.
The best advice we can give to you is to become more conscious of your thoughts.Become more conscious and deliberate in your actions.Become more conscious Beings and then you know that you are doing the best you can at this game of life.

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月19日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:你創造你的命運 .

You Create your Destiny

What it is that you dream to create and how can you begin the process and start bringing you ideas into Creation? You have the power and the ability to create your destiny.You carry within you the greatness of those who have come before you in your body and your soul and using that energy and linage will help you bring about the changes that you seek and begin to create your destiny.

Let the magic flow through your life.Let it heal you.Your angel guidance is to remember that spiritual power takes time to develop and hone and as you are ready,the right teachers will appear.Remember that together you are stronger and to always do what is right.Create your own story.Create your life as you know it was meant to be.

Affirm: "I have power and it is real.As I exchange my gifts with the world and others with me,we create the teamwork necessary to move mountains."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

【Angel Wisdom】《1》探索你的可能性;《2》無限的潛力;《3》對生活有更深刻的理解;《4》光之工作者(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.探索你的可能性 (20200816)
《2》.無限的潛力 (20200817)
《3》.對生活有更深刻的理解 (20200818)
《4》.光之工作者 (20200819)

2020年9月18日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:探索你的可能性 .

Explore your Options

It is a good time to look at other possibilities and make some of those changes that will help you be more in the flow with your world.Look at other options and be open to the possibilities that are coming your way for there is always more than one path that leads you where you want to go.Ask an expert or someone that you respect to assist you in seeing the bigger picture if it feels like your options are not there.Ask your angels to show what the path ahead looks like and how you might be able to do this in a better way.

Raise your vibration by asking your angels to help you to shift to higher level of understanding and being.The angels will guide you to choose your thoughts and your words carefully so that they are helping you not hindering your progress.Just as you are capable of manifesting masterpieces,you are also capable to manifest chaos and problems.The good news is that you can also undo anything that you are unhappy about.Choose wisely for yourself as you are also reminded that you deserve the best.

Affirm: "I am open to possibilities and alternatives to help me see the progress I desire and I am grateful for my ability to focus my thoughts completely on joyful results and creating that which I desire into my life."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月18日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:無限的潛力 .

Unlimited Potential

There is an expansive energetic realm of spiritual awakening and new beginnings and you are poised to step through this doorway into the world of unlimited potential.Follow your guidance to a deeper understanding of Life,the Universe and all that Is.Much is happening and much is changing,even if you can"t see it yet.This is the source of your true power and it is time to take that power and and trust your intuitive self.

Don"t get distracted by worldly matters or the personal problems of others.The more you can let go of the drama,distractions and intense emotions,the more your spiritual connection can assist you in bringing about the solutions you seek.Relax and let go of what is happening around you,the more powerful and peaceful you can become.Now is the time to open up to you spirit self,unexpected guidance and the power of your authentic self.You are ready for this.You are become more aware,more intuitive,and more powerful.

Affirm: "As I allow my connection with my spirit self,my intuition,and my power to become stronger,I am tapping into the unlimited potential of the Universe and the world of spirit supports me and my growth."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月18日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:對生活有更深刻的理解 .

Gaining a greater understanding of your life

There is new beginning, a next stage, a new phase, or rebirth in progress and perhaps even in several areas of your life and that signals the perfect time to review your past and present motives so that you can plan for the days ahead.It is important to review and release what no longer serves you, such as judgments, about yourself as well as others, feelings of missed opportunities, and disappointments, and expectations that have no room to grow.

Take steps to further awaken your spiritual and psychic abilities, open your heart to love and ensure you feel secure with wise investments of time and money.Achieve a balance in your worlds and remember each day to embrace how wonderful you are!

The Mantra for today is: "I review, release and renew my intentions and aspirations so that I am clearer in my visualizations and bringing them into manifestation."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月18日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:光之工作者 .

You are a lightworker

Humanity needs you to shine your light and love everywhere you go,everywhere you are.Set your entire intention and attention to be on being in the best place to make the world a better place.The Law of Attraction will automatically bring situations and people to you that will help to make this world a place of love,that you love. Ask spirit,"How may I be in service?" and we will light the way.

Surround yourself with positive and supportive people,situations and things.Avoid negative themed activities as you become more sensitive to the energy around.You are raising your vibration ans you do,you are affected by energies in a new way. Sharing you light and love raises your vibration and helps to raise the vibration of those around you.Ask your angels to surround you in their loving light everyday so that you can continue to be a beacon that guides others towards love,light and a better way.

Affirmation: "I am surrounded by a loving light that others can sense and feel when they are around me.I spread my light to the world around me."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

【Angel Wisdom】《1》聚焦在美好的事物;《2》提升自己的振動;《3》聚集你的智慧;《4》接入豐沛的能量(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.聚焦在美好的事物 (20200812)
《2》.提升自己的振動 (20200813)
《3》.聚集你的智慧 (20200814)
《4》.接入豐沛的能量 (20200815)

2020年9月17日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:聚焦在美好的事物 .

Choose to see the Beauty

The outer world is a reflection of your inner world,so focus on the beauty within yourself,your good qualities,your kindness,your gifts and talents.The angels wish to remind us that whatever we give attention to increases and grows.Choose carefully where your thoughts are or which ones you choose to hold and own.

Everyone has some beauty in their soul,so seek it in others.Remind them of their good qualities and you will illuminate them.Surround yourself with things and people with a beautiful vibration,for we are all influenced by that which is around us.As you tune more and more into the incredible wonder of yourself,others and the planet,your resonance becomes that of beauty.Others will perceive the radiance of your soul and be touched by it.This is how you become the change you wish to see in your world.

Affirm: "I recognize the beauty within me and see it all things around me.

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月17日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:提升自己的振動 .

Each of you is raising your personal vibration

As you raise your vibration you are becoming more sensitive to your environment and new psychic and spiritual experiences are changing the way you view your world,your life,the Universe and everything.Allow your spiritual gifts to open through study,prayer,and most importantly,meditation.What you feed grows exponentially and this brings with it great opportunities.

Remember you are a powerful and creative child of the Universe and that you are supported and loved far more than you could every imagine.This is an opportunity to expand your light at an every increasing pace.

Affirm: "As I raise my vibration,I am better able to sense the subtle energy that stimulates my intuition and understanding as well as my abilities and function."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月17日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:聚集你的智慧 .

Gather your wits about you

There is much going on during this next phase and so it best to be as prepared as you can so the transition goes more smoothly.This could be that ride you have been putting off that pushes you beyond the comfort zone to ensure you take action or an opportunity to go into it more informed so that you can just enjoy the experience and grow beyond in a more comfortable fashion.In other words,it is going to happen anyway,so you might as well look with your eyes,mind,and heart wide open so that it doesn"t have to be a dreaded roller coaster ride.

You truly do have what it takes,for that it is the only reason you are here right now,doing this,if only you believe in yourself! Self confidence is the key and you are reminded that you are powerful and you have the grace and the strength needed to overcome any challenges.Get organized and use your logic and a bit of discipline to increase success and see the results of your accomplishments manifesting.

Affirm: "I am ready for this next phase and have the tools and opportunities to move through with grace and compassion."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月17日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:接入豐沛的能量 .

Tap into the abundant Energy

It is so very easy to get caught up in the mental energy that prevails all around you right now,or get lost in the realm of possibilities and not use it to your advantage and get to work.The best way for you to make use of all this excess energy right now is to take a few deep breaths,ground yourself and then release it,then channel it into energy that is productive and helps you to get things done.This helps you create miracles and manifestations,

As you take more time away from any thoughts that bog you down,you are then able to tap into the manifestation energy and you are better able to pick up new thoughts and ideas to help you do what you want to do.This high energy is the perfect energy to create windfalls of opportunities.Trust your intuition,keep your focus and intentions,and take action accordingly.You will be glad you did.

Affirmation: "I am open to all the abundant thoughts and ideas and use this opportunity of abundant energy to help me to focus and create."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

【Angel Wisdom】《1》反思你的處境;《2》修行的重要性;《3》新的理解和洞見;《4》耐心地守候神聖時機的到來;《5》相信你擁有宇宙的恩寵(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.反思你的處境 (20200805)
《2》.修行的重要性 (20200806)
《3》.新的理解和洞見 (20200807)
《4》.耐心地守候神聖時機的到來 (20200810)
《5》.相信你擁有宇宙的恩寵 (20200811)

2020年9月15日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:反思你的處境 .

Reflect upon your situation

Have you been feeling a bit like a fish out of water or perhaps even asking yourself "What am I doing here?" Life has been a bit challenging for some of you and you are truly wondering if the world has gone mad.Sometimes life can seem overwhelming.But remember that it is important to leave your comfort zone once in a while in order to continue to grow.Perhaps you are just unhappy with your present situation and truly not sure what to do next.

This is the perfect time to reflect upon the things you would like to change in your life and expand your horizons.It is time to have some fun and do something different to help get out of the rut of everyday life, even if it is just for a few hours.It will be a tremendous help to your overall outlook and some much needed relief from the heaviness of life.You are worth it!

The mantra for today is:"As I reflect upon my life and see things in a different light, I am able to better focus on all that I can be!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月15日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:修行的重要性 .

Importance of a spiritual practice

Create a daily spiritual practice for yourself that fits well into your life.It needn't be long or involved,it just needs to be done.Set aside time each day alone,meditating upon what you would like to know,create or experience.Visualize it,and it will come about.Negativity will block your progress,so avoid negative situations and people as much as possible to help transform your thoughts.Any thought that is less than supportive and love should be transformed into a positive one as soon as you become aware of it.

Also spend some time each day doing an activity of playing and having fun,if possible go outside.Take a walk,play in the garden,play on a swing.Playing creates joy and joy creates miracles and miracles help you to manifest on a whole new level.Take time always to include something that makes your heart sing as a part of your spiritual practice.Finding this balance in your life will help you in so many ways.

The Mantra for today is:"Taking the time to set my energy and my intention is a part of my daily spiritual practice makes life better in so many ways.I am Happy! I am relaxed!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月15日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:新的理解和洞見 .

New insights and understanding

Some profound mysteries of life are becoming clearer to you now as you have been working on expanding your vision and trusting your intuition.Also revelations in your own life may be occurring in new ways as you can see things from a different perspective through your choices and growth.These are wonderful signs of the growth of your expanding mind,body and soul.These can come as sudden insights,as flashes of wisdom,as powerful teaching experiences or as an unveiling of something so deep inside of you that you never imagined its existence.

Ask the angels to assist you in learning important things about life,the universe and everything.Call upon Archangel Jophiel to help you understand the mysteries you seek.Open your heart and ask that your angels offer you some life enhancing messages for you to assist you on your path,to help you accelerate your growth.Afterward,you may experience heightened awareness and sensitivities,have dreams and visions that provide you with more insight and understanding and feel inspired by the divine wisdom that comes through you as the angels whisper in your ear.

Affirmation: "I am expanding my understanding of life,the Universe and all that is in new ways as I am able to see the bigger picture or a broader perspective through my deeper vision and sight."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月15日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:耐心地守候神聖時機的到來 .

Relax and let the process unfold

When you set your sights on a goal,sometimes it feels that things are not happening fast enough for you.Remember that divine timing plays an important role in any dreams and desires manifesting,as well those that involves others,who also have free will to choose what is right and best for them take more time to set into action.When they involve no one but yourself,you have more control over the timing of the outcome.You also must be willing to take the steps that will lead you where you want to go,for action is a most necessary ingredient.

Your angel guidance is to relax,and enjoy the process as it unfolds.Savour the moments of satisfaction and joy like a fine wine,aged to perfection.Infuse love into each step for this enhances the flavour of any project,and make the most of each opportunity that comes your way and always remember that today is a perfect day!

The Mantra for today is:"I am relaxed! I allow for the process to unfold to in its most perfect timing and I am open to receive good in all way."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月15日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:相信你擁有宇宙的恩寵 .

Trust that you have the support of the Universe

The Universe is infinite and supports you always.When you take this as your knowing,you become more powerful and you begin to see the challenges on your path as opportunities to tap into your creativity.

Surround yourself with positive energy and positive people,this will assist your outlook and results.Believe in the possibility of all things and watch how magically things fall together to assist you with your tasks.Put your trust in yourself and your ability to tap into the power of this energy that are around you and available to all,always.

As you experience and adjust to the changes that are happening in your life,know that this energy of discovery is like an adventure to a new land,filled with awe and hope,and hold this energy as your base upon which to grow.Release any mental energy that is holding you back or in the past so you can follow your path to the happy outcomes you desire.

Your angel guidance for today is to increase your trust in the Infinite Universal energy that is available to all who choose to utilize it to make this world a better place for all to grow and blossom.

The Mantra for today is:"I am supported.There is enough for all in this abundant Universe and that includes me!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

【Angel Wisdom】《1》探索你神奇的世界;《2》你的第三眼正在覺醒;《3》當其他的門關閉,新的大門打開了;《4》對未來充滿希望;《5》你有創造偉大事物的天賦和技能(信息收錄放在一起)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.探索你神奇的世界 (20200731)
《2》.你的第三眼正在覺醒 (20200801)
《3》.當其他的門關閉,新的大門打開了 (20200802)
《4》.對未來充滿希望 (20200803)
《5》.你有創造偉大事物的天賦和技能 (20200804)

2020年9月14日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:探索你神奇的世界 .

Explore your amazing world

Become the adventurer in your life.Take time out of your busy schedule to play,laugh and explore this beautiful world.There is so much beauty and love all around you when you take the time to look.Take some time away from your usual routine and do something that makes your heart sing.Try something new that you have always wanted to do or try and stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone.This will help you to expand and grow.

Your angel guidance is to do something different today and face life with a sense of joy and wonder.Explore the new possibilities with excitement,anticipation and courage.If your prospects seem dark,ask your angels to light the way.Then watch for the signs and signals to help guide you where you want to go.Let your angels inspire you to move forward with expectation and hope and trust that all your dreams and desires are coming to fruition.Envision yourself succeeding in your endeavours and dream big.This means don"t settle for less than you truly desire.This is the time to send out rocket ships of your desires into the Universe and trust that they will hit their intended mark or something even better.In the meantime go enjoy yourself,play and take time out to enjoy your day.

Affirmation: "I take time to explore the wonders and adventures of life and as I do,my light shines brighter and brighter."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月14日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:你的第三眼正在覺醒 .

Your 3rd Eye is Awakening

We are helping you to assist in the reawakening of your third eye and your 6th senses.Your clairvoyance may come in different forms: as fleeting mental images in your mind's eye; through your dreams; as recurring visions in the physical world; as auras and energy; or perhaps even as apparition experiences.All of the facets of clairvoyance are beautiful and varied.Work with the one that is your strongest first and then expanding the others will be easier.You are also reminded to be patient with the process,as more is not always better and if you find a sudden surge that feels too much to process,ask for your angels to dial it down to a level that is tolerable for you.

Working with clear quartz crystals magnifies clairvoyance and helps you feel closer to your guides and angels and they are in turn helping you to expand your sense and feelings to better assist you in your spiritual progress.Call upon us to assist you in developing all of senses and expanding your vision.This is an exciting time in your growth and we are here to help you through your awakening to grander aspects of yourself.

Affirm: "I am awakening my 6th senses and expanding my spiritual sight and understanding and it is happening at the most perfect pace and time for me and my growth."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月14日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:當其他的門關閉,新的大門打開了 .

New doors open as others close

This is a message about positive change.As you walk away from what was into this new beyond you can smile that sweet smile of knowing that spirit is with you always and that you are guided as you walk through this next door of personal healing and happiness.Whether you are working on some inner aspect of your journey or making some external changes,you are opening up and new opportunities are about to appear.The changes you have been working on are ready and ripe for the picking,so be sure you see your intentions through with continued action and optimistic expectations.

Remain conscious and open about how you are balancing your goals and your physical and emotional energy.Whenever you feel yourself getting off centre,or losing focus,bring your attention back to your heart space and reconnect with your higherself and your angels and then pay attention to your intuition as it will lead you in the best direction for those intentions.You will feel more in the flow and find a peaceful and balanced approach.

Affirm: "I am living a more balanced and centred life.I have the power to create wonderful opportunities in my life."

And so it is

2020年9月14日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:對未來充滿希望 .

Look to the future with hope

Believe in yourself and keep hope alive in your heart.Sometimes life deals you a hand of disappointing cards, but behold, for the next one could be just the one you have been waiting for, so don"t give up.We see many wonderful things coming your way, just don"t give up before you see all that you have put into this project come together, for it surely will.

Sometimes it is easier to just walk away and that what might be the best thing for you right now, but not if your heart is still invested in your desired outcome and it just needs a little more work to all come together.This is when it is key to tap into your heart and then act upon those deepest feelings without all the clutter of thoughts and feelings.Do a review and see if you can"t find the origin of these discordant thoughts and then make plans for a brighter tomorrow.

The Mantra for today is:"I visualize my happiest and brightest future and take the best steps possible to make this happen."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月14日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:你有創造偉大事物的天賦和技能 .

You have the talents and the skills to create great things

It is important that you believe in yourself and your abilities to create.Visualize your hopes and your dreams manifesting in your life and trust that this is so,without any doubt what so ever that this is true.This is a key to consciously creating with the Divine.You can do anything you set your mind when you take charge and remove the words "I can"t" from your vocabulary.This is not always easy at first,but it will lead you to the path of least resistance when you let go.You can manifest what you need to be successful.

Positive changes are on the way.You have much to celebrate as you feel the welcome relief from troubled times.Allow for deep feelings of peace and happiness to permeate your being and your life and know that there are far better things ahead than those you are leaving behind.Release any thoughts or feelings or even people that do not support your growth and move forward with anticipation and expectancy.You are on the right path to help you best reach your desired destination.Hold true to yourself and your ideals and keep charging ahead.

The Mantra for today is:"I am grateful for the abundant life I live and each day it gets better and better.Life is Good!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

【Angel Wisdom】《1》內觀自省;《2》尋求靈感;《3》活在真實中;《4》靈性快速成長的時期;《5》這是一個充滿魔力的時代,跟隨你的心(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.內觀自省 (20200726)
《2》.尋求靈感 (20200727)
《3》.活在真實中 (20200728)
《4》.靈性快速成長的時期 (20200729)
《5》.這是一個充滿魔力的時代,跟隨你的心 (20200730)

2020年9月13日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:內觀自省 .

Find a quiet place for contemplation and look within.

Go within and examine your conscious thoughts and feelings. Taking time and space for yourself gives you an opportunity to recuperate from life's challenges, to reflect on the way ahead, strengthen yourself and prepare for the next phase of your life.During these times of introspection, you are better able to become aware of your talents, gifts and skills.Allow this time of healing and let your inner resolve and your wisdom become your guidance system and foundation.

Still your mind and calm your emotions.Ask for your angels wings to enfold you and provide you with a safe haven in which to relax and heal.Then from this space of timelessness you can listen to the promptings of your angel inspiring and guiding you to a better way.

The mantra for today is:"I claim time and space for myself to explore my thoughts and feelings and put life into perspective with the higher vibration of my spirit guiding me."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月13日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:新的機遇正在出現 .

Seek out your Inspiration

When you expect your creativity to flow, it does! Set your intentions towards creating the life of your dreams and dream big while you are at it.Set no limits on the bounds of creation for this is truly an unlimited universe and the sooner you make that your knowing, the faster the universe can respond to those dreams.Trust is an important part of the journey...and truly, what have you got to lose except this opportunity that is before you now.

You can choose to isolate yourself and continue to go it alone or you can take the risk of creating what you truly desire.The choice is entirely yours and the risk of vulnerability is worth it.Trust! If it is healing you desire, set your intention and watch for the signs.If it is love that you seek, set your intention and then become more loving.And so it goes, what you seek, you will find when you get out of the way and take some chances and trust in the Universe.

The mantra for today is:"I trust in the Universe to respond to my requests and assist me in creating them."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月13日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:活在真實中 .

Live in Authenticity

Be your true and natural self.So often one struggles with becoming an image of others and then learn to strive to become that unrealistic being and a cycle of external validation begins.It is time to look within at the undiscovered country that is you.It is not easy to detach from the expectations of others or society, however that is the an important step.Begin by seeing how your own thoughts and feelings about situations, people and things affects what is happening around you.This greater awareness will help you to live your truth and be your authentic self.

Make your thoughts and feelings important to you while remembering that they really aren"t important to anyone else and need not be.They are yours alone and yours to own.Become the master of you and through that truth, you will find eternal truths that will help you to shift your world.

The mantra for today is:"I am discovering and understanding more about myself each day as I explore my authentic thoughts and feelings."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月13日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:靈性快速成長的時期 .

This is a time for rapid spiritual growth.

During this time,you may feel a mixture of many feelings:confusion,excitement,fear,healing,amazement and wonder.You love your renewed connection with the Divine,and you wish you could read,study,learn,or mediate all of the time.At the same time,you may worry about the implications that your spiritual studies will have on the rest of your life.What impact will your new spiritual pursuits have on your job,relationships,families and friendships? These worries can create a fear that may erode the enjoyment of your spiritual pursuits and are often the blocks that stand in your way.

Surrender any fears to the angels! Trust that you are supported,loved,and guided each moment.Don"t worry about how your future will blend with your spiritual growth! Trust that the same power that brought you to your spiritual path will also show you the way.After all,this Power supports all of the planets in the universes,it will surely support you perfectly.Be open and allow,and always enjoy the process as it unfolds!

The Mantra for today is:"I trust in the Universe and the Divine to bring me to a path of growth that is just perfect for me and the answer to my prayers."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月13日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:這是一個充滿魔力的時代,跟隨你的心 .

This is a time of magic and following your heart

We can always be certain of change.If you tend to resist change,it just draws out the drama and the outcome of your focus or where you putting your attention.You do not need to give into believed fate—you simply need to recognize that change is possible in every small decision that you make and in the attitude in which you face your challenges.You may be having a marvelous time,or one of the saddest times:Whatever the case may be,the wheels of life keep turning,the divine forces are always at work,and that change is inevitable.Best to set your intention on a desired outcome and welcome it with open arms,as well as the liberation it can represent.

Take that first small step towards what you desire to create.Listen to the messages within your dreams and meditations,and act upon that which feels good and right to you.Let go of what others might think,or release any thoughts that stand in your way to your angels.

You are reminded that you are filled with magical creator energy,let it flow through and around you.Allow the magical energy to go to work on your behalf and cherish each moment that comes your way.

"If you are yearning for change,now is the time for action,now is the time for magic and now is the time to live your dreams."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

【Angel Wisdom】《1》新的機遇正在出現;《2》時機成熟;《3》理解導致改變;《4》有備無患;《5》大自然提供了大智慧(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.新的機遇正在出現 (20200720)
《2》.時機成熟 (20200721)
《3》.理解導致改變 (20200723)
《4》.有備無患 (20200724)
《5》.許多人正在經歷巨大的變化 (20200725)

2020年9月12日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:新的機遇正在出現 .

New opportunities are on the way

Expect some movement and new opportunities to surface as the delays that have been holding you back will soon be over and so now is the perfect time to prepare for some much needed action and taking heed to the thoughts and feelings that are different from those you have had before.Be brave and be ready.This is something a bit outside the box and so you are congratulated for your ability to trust in the power of the infinite.

This is a magical time, even if it does not seem so from your particular vantage point.This is preparation for the new beginnings you have been asking for and so let the old fall away and transform any thoughts and feelings that do not support this shift in consciousness that is required for it to be so.Do not procrastinate, step up, step forward and be accounted for.After all, it is part of what you came here to understand and experience.Now is the time to just do it!

The mantra for today is:"I am Ready! I have been preparing for this! I have all that I need to make this happen!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月12日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:時機成熟 .

The time is ripe

The moment is now.Act upon those thoughts and feelings that have been playing in your heart and your mind for a while now and trust that divine timing has arrived.Oftentimes procrastination is used as a tactic by the ego because a part of you is afraid that change will shake up your world in such a way that you do not take the chance to see what beauty might be right in front of you.At the same time, your heart is longing for those changes and so you say, "When the time is right, I will act."

Do not wait for the clock to chime its bewitching hour.Act now for there is much that you want to do.Transform this energy into a determination to become all that you can be and let your every thought, feeling, and thinking be focused on this new reality you are creating for yourself and all life.Stop waiting for the right time, for it has arrived and now is the time for action to take place.

The mantra for today is:"My time has come! The time to act is now and I am ready to embrace this new consciousness and incorporate this new energy into my life."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月12日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:理解導致改變 .

Understanding leads to change

Look deeply, as this will help you to understand.Acknowledgment is the first step to initiating change. Acceptance is then the next step of what it is and then you will see the possibilities available for the change to happen.Enjoy the steps that you are taking in this process.A positive outlook and plan make the journey that much more enjoyable and since you are doing it anyway, you might as well have some fun along the way.

Also remember that you absolutely cannot change or control the thoughts, feelings, or actions of another.You are only responsible for yourself, your own integrity, and your own views of life and your world.This is a part of the Law of Acceptance, and while part of you is restricted by the free will of others, the rest of you is free to move and choose and live your life to the fullest today, and every day.

The mantra for today is:"When I think about my life, I feel joyful, happy, and excited about the prospects that are coming my way."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月12日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:有備無患 .

Be Prepared

Be ready to ask for help from others.You have had a lot on your plate and it is time to allow others to help you with your goals.You weren"t meant to walk alone as a solitary practitioner, you were meant to attract to you a group of like minded souls so you can walk together and support one another.Remember all the times you have been there for others, allow others in to be there for you.

When you face adversity with discipline, focus, and dedication to your goals and ideals, you will sail through the tough times with your head held high—and you will be stronger, healthier, and wiser because of it.Know that you are made of stronger stuff and can withstand whatever comes your way.Bend with the winds of change and you will never crack!

The mantra for today is:"I am open and allowing for support and attract to me all the people, things, and money I need to assist me on my journey."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月12日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:大自然提供了大智慧 .

Nature offers great Wisdom

There is great wisdom available to those who choose to listen to the wind.Connect with a tree at a deeper level and see what information they have to share with you.It is a collective of beautiful energies all supporting one another to help them grow.

Take time out of your busy day to talk with the trees, talk with the breeze, and talk with the streams.There is so much there for those who take the time to listen and great healing can then take place in a grander way than you can possibly imagine.

The mantra for today is:"There is so much beauty, wisdom and understanding all around me."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

【Angel Wisdom】《1》改變是自然的;《2》重生到新時代;《3》把生活當作是個冒險;《4》一個大覺醒的時刻;《5》許多人正在經歷巨大的變化(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.改變是自然的 (20200714)
《2》.重生到新時代 (20200715)
《3》.把生活當作是個冒險 (20200716)
《4》.一個大覺醒的時刻 (20200717)
《5》.許多人正在經歷巨大的變化 (20200718)

2020年9月10日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:改變是自然的 .

Change is Natural

Change is coming and it is a natural part of the cycle of life.It is the art of life itself playing out for you in order to grow.You have choice to stay put where you are and even wallow away in self pity pinning away for brighter days.Look ahead and anticipate this change will be a pleasure to experience and embrace what lies ahead.Be prepared as this is key and make plans for tomorrow,but do not wish away today.

You have help,you have hope and it is time to be ready for movement.You are surrounded by options.Now is the time to focus your energies on a path that speaks to your heart for you just never know where it is this path may lead.Take this opportunity to invest wisely in yourself and focus on the emotional and spiritual expansion that is taking place.

The mantra for today is:"I am on a quest to expand and I am surrounded by options and alternatives as I find my perfect path."
今天的咒語: 「我追求擴張,我被選項所包圍,隨著我找到完美的道路」

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月10日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:重生到新時代 .

Rebirth into a New Era

This is a wonderful and captivating time in your growth and you are filled with some amazing new ideas that should be followed.There is a need to stay grounded during this very emotional experience,but also a desire to feel as if you are being swept off your feet in the joy of the newness that is coming your way.

Some of you will feel as if you are falling in love for the very first time,others a resolution of difficulties,as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders or even perhaps the end of an addiction or codependency.Regardless where you are at,the most important remember is to communicate clearly and accurately and to stay optimistic.Be true to your heart and follow your path.

Affirm: "When I make choices from my heart,I know just what to do and when to do it and that I am not alone on my path."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月10日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:把生活當作是個冒險 .

Treat Life like an Adventure.

Set your intention for an unexpected adventure and make the most of all the opportunities that come your way because you are ready to see your world through new experiences.The angels suggest you get out of any habits or ruts if you are feeling stuck.Do things that are different and face life with a sense of wonder,like you did when you were a child.

If the path ahead seems dark,do as you would if you were exploring a dark place and shine your light.Ask your angels to light up the way ahead.Then watch for the signs and signals that show you where to go next and trust that it is so.

Explore the new with excitement and courage.These are magnetic qualities and can help you attract what you need to assist you,like attracting money and career opportunities or to add zest to your life and relationships.Embrace the changes that come your way,and go beyond you comfort zone for that is how your spirit grows.

Affirm: "I am eager for life's adventures."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月10日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:一個大覺醒的時刻 .

A time of great awakening

Much has been changing and this transition brings with it many opportunities,new projects and renewal of your passions.Like the winter passing,the spring within you is awakening to grander aspects,broader horizons,and a renewed sense of purpose.Embrace these moments and cherish the opportunities for expanding your awareness and understanding of life,the Universe,and all that is.

Know that you are supported and guidance is always available to you from your guides and angels.They can help to lend you courage,to give you guidance,strengthen you and give you hope when you need some extra support.They cannot do the journey for you,they can support and guide you.It is up to you to see the opportunities and act upon the projects that speak to your heart and to your soul.Tune into your senses,both physical and metaphysical,and know that you will be guided to the best choices for you and your expansion.

Affirmation: "I am awakening and evolving to grander aspects of myself and my life.As I grow,so too does the way I sense and see my world."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月10日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:許多人正在經歷巨大的變化 .

Many of you are experiencing enormous change

Although it doesn"t always feel pleasant at the time,the changes bring you great blessings and are truly answers to your prayers.Change means that you are evolving as you should be.Ride the wave with the focused intention of opening yourself up to whatever is before you and trusting that it is all unfolding as it should,for now is the perfect time to act upon your inspirations and make those dreams come to life.

Use desired affirmations of what it is you would like to create and keep them with you during these time of transformation.They can help you keep your focus on creating what you desire,not what you don"t.Angel wisdom reminds you that everyone and everything are on your side,supporting you many different ways.If the current path you are on seems particularly arduous,know that you are being asked to release something that no longer serves you and as this energy is released,a beautiful new you will emerge,like a butterfly from its cocoon to face a brave new world of your creation.

Affirmation: "I give thanks for shedding the old and I welcome the newness and the gifts that are emerging as the transformation completes it cycle of life."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

【Angel Wisdom】《1》翱翔在夢的宇宙;《2》期待豐盛的到來;《3》神聖的時機;《4》能量療癒;《5》斷開戲劇(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.翱翔在夢的宇宙 (20200708)
《2》.期待豐盛的到來 (20200709)
《3》.神聖的時機 (20200710)
《4》.能量療癒 (20200712)
《5》.斷開戲劇 (20200713)

2020年9月9日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:翱翔在夢的宇宙 .

Dream Messages

Your angels love to communicate messages and answers to your prayers through your dreams.Dream time is a tool to help you to adjust your earthly journey and is a busy time indeed.Learn to interpret the messages and teachings you remember from this most auspicious time and you will receive valuable information,guidance,and love from those on the other side of the veil.

Create some personal and sacred space for yourself to explore your dream time.Set aside time to journal what you can remember from your travels and record them in a journal to help you return to that space out of time.Allow the power of this experience to wash over you and come back to your mind and re-remember what you already know within you in the silence of the void.Waves of insight and knowledge are awaiting your beck and call.

The more you work with your dream time,the more vivid your dreams will become as you will have expanded your understanding and abilities to recall so much more.

Affirm: "I allow the wisdom and guidance of my dreams to seep into my being and join with my waking world creating a bridge to potent and powerful insights and understanding upon which I can draw."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月9日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:期待豐盛的到來 .

Look forward to Prosperity

The biggest hurdle to overcome on your journey to experiencing a more prosperous life is your belief in your worthiness to receive.Do you believe in the infinite supply of the universe? or do you believe in the energy of lack and insufficient supply?

It is important for you to understand your underlying motives and true beliefs.This is the fastest way to understand your process of creation and also how to transforms those thoughts and feelings that are working against you seeing the results you desire.

The mantra for today is:"My long-term goals and chosen path work together to help me accomplish all that I intend.I am prosperous!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月9日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:神聖的時機 .

Divine Timing

It is time to think about the seeds you wish to plant and plan your garden.Timing is an important issue of consideration and so taking time to contemplate,meditate,and day dream about what your desired creations are.Use a bit of logic and structure,and a bit of whimsy and let the juices flow.

When it is time to take action,be fearless in your pursuit of happiness.There are amazing new opportunities available and so get organized to increase your success.Hone your skills and get ready,for when it is time to awaken from this self imposed slumber,you will know exactly what to do.

Affirm: "I know what to do and when to act to make the most of the amazing new opportunities that are coming my way."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月9日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:能量療癒 .

Energy Healing

Everything has an opportunity to heal and it will be okay,regardless of appearances.Trust that all is in perfection and as it should be.However you take certain steps to ensure a desired outcome for yourself and your life.Avoid situations,places,or relationships with harsh energy.You have healing abilities that you can direct thought your hands,through you thoughts and the most powerful of all,through your heart.Send loving energy to elevate any situation to its highest good.Your experiences with energy healing may be so powerful that you decide to conduct healing sessions with others as a profession.

Take an energy-healing course such as Reiki,Qi Gong,Pranic Healing or Healing Touch or any other energy modality that appeals to you that is based in Love.Clear the space in your home or office through feng shui,burning sage,or other energy clearing techniques.Send love to any situation or person.

The flow of energy through you will enhance and raise your vibration as well,so give this loving energy as much as you can,and call upon us to increase and enhance that energy.

Affirm: "I am an open conduit of Love and this energy flows to me and through me to those in need."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月9日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:斷開戲劇 .

Detach from the Drama

During times of great shifts and energy fluctuations it can be difficult to keep your focus and loose sight of what it is you are working towards.Don"t put off working at your life's purpose or your personal and spiritual growth by getting caught up in the drama of others,what is happening around you and in your world.It only distracts you from the tasks at hand and getting on with your own life.If you find yourself being drawn into the world of the human egos,clear yourself completely with an energy bath and transform it back into pure energy with no attachments and return it to the earth or the energy grid to be utilized by all who know of its usage and power.Send those around you love and let it go.

If you need a good dose of getting lost in a story and pulled into the various plot twists and turns,find yourself a good book to read or a movie that you enjoy.It can be like a mini vacation without the costs or time of leaving home.When you are done you can just close it up and put it away or pass it on to someone else.If you find yourself pulled into the drama of someone else's story,view it like you are reading that book again and imagine it has a happy ending for all,pull yourself out of it and release it back to the Universe.
如果您需要在故事中迷失方向,並陷入各種曲折中,為自己找一本好書或電影去閱讀去享受。這就像是一次迷你假期,不用花費金錢或離開家。當你完成,你可以關閉它,把它放到一邊或交付給另一個人。如果您發現自己陷入了其他人的故事的戲劇中,請像重新閱讀該書一樣想像它 所有人的幸福結局,將自己拉出來,把它釋放給宇宙

Affirmation: "I focus my attention on what is most important for me,my purpose and my life.Wherever my focus goes,that grows and I can consciously choose what thoughts I hold."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

【Angel Wisdom】《1》你才剛剛開始;《2》生命能量;《3》與你的世界和諧相處;《4》擴展你的視野(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.你才剛剛開始 (20200704)
《2》.生命能量 (20200705)
《3》.與你的世界和諧相處 (20200706)
《4》.擴展你的視野 (20200707)

2020年9月8日.Angel Wisdom信息;

You are have only just begun

Have patience with yourself and the process as it unfolds in its most perfect timing,and do not give up.Your angel guidance is to remember that sometimes the process takes longer than expected so be gentle with yourself.Open your heart and your mind and have compassion for yourself and life's unfolding,but most of all access the wisdom within you that recognizes the Divine in everyone and everything including and sometimes most importantly in yourself.It is often easier to see this for others and not offer the same courtesy to your own life.

Know that you,your loved ones,and your possessions are safe and protected by the angels.If you don"t feel that way already,ask Archangel Michael to surround you with his protective light and send him to also be with those you love,and those in need.Trust in yourself and the beauty that is you and know that when you are true to yourself you spread much light,joy and freedom,and empower others to find the beauty in themselves and their own power and light.

Affirmation: "My life is blossoming and unfolding at the perfect rate.I am safe and surrounded by the loving light of Archangel Michael and all is well."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月8日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:生命能量 .

Life Force Energy

You are an energy being as well as the physical being that you can see with your naked eye and it is important to rejuvenate yourself so that you can keep a positive attitude for your goals and intentions as well as your daily life.If you have been feeling fragmented lately,it is time to refocus on what is most important to you and your mission.Sometimes the distractions and drama around you draw you away and this can lead to a drop in your energy and a lack of enthusiasm for your purpose and it is time to release those feelings and direct your energy in a purposeful manner.

This is a great time to move towards completions of projects and goals.Your life force is vibrating with power and resonance and your soul is calling you to consciously direct this energy in a purposeful manner to help you achieve the desired results.Choose today to reclaim your power and take back control of your life.

Affirm: "I am radiant and filled with life force energy.I am Inspired and enthusiastic about my life and the opportunities that are coming my way."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月8日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:與你的世界和諧相處 .

Be in harmony with your world

Find your balance as you go about day,regardless as to what is happening around you.When you are balanced and centered,you are better able to handle the tasks at hand as well as see your focused intentions begin to manifest for you.It is an energy that allows you to manifest all of your desires and feel the enchantment of a joyful life.Change is always happening and nothing ever remains the same,this is one of the constants of your world.Let yourself blossom and grow in harmony with the world around.Consciously choose to be in the flow with the natural order.

Love where you are and what your doing.Let the magic that is all around you enhance your dreams and desires and know and trust that all things are possible and nothing is holding you back,except yourself,from seeing those dreams manifesting for you.Keep your focus,and keep charging ahead,you will get there.Your angel guidance is choose to be at peace with whatever comes your way and just keep going forward.

Affirmation: "I am in balance and harmony with my world.I am one with the natural flow of the Universe."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月8日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:擴展你的視野 .

Expanding your Vision

Work on expanding your vision and perception of your inner world and watch as it helps you expand your understanding of the outer world and can help you create,assist in your healing,and help you to connect with your inner guidance. As you come into your own power,events begin to occur with great momentum,so take the time to carefully review your options and what motivates you.Be open to creative solutions.Trust what you see in your mind's eye as well as your physical sight and your feelings.These are your signs and are the best tools to assist you on your path.

As you work on developing and expanding your sensitivities,your senses offer you the ability to see and feel beyond the perceived physical reality.If you are unsure which is your first best sense,choose the one that appeals to you and work on opening and expanding it and the others will come along as you continue your work and learn to trust in yourself and the messages they bring to you.

Affirmation: "I am expanding my vision,perception,and understanding,becoming more sensitive and in control of my abilities and my life."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

【Angel Wisdom】《1》這是一個黃金時刻;《2》正在發生的新覺醒;《3》世界因你而改變;《4》身心排毒(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.這是一個黃金時刻 (20200630)
《2》.正在發生的新覺醒 (20200701)
《3》.世界因你而改變 (20200702)
《4》.身心排毒 (20200703)

2020年9月7日.Angel Wisdom信息;

This is a golden moment in time...

There is so much that is changing so quickly,it is sometimes hard to keep up. Humans are awakening so quickly now,the planet is awakening and transforming to the point that is sometimes peaceful and comforting,and at other times volatile and frigh`tening,and it is our hope that you begin to see this as a dynamic and exciting time,as it truly signifies that the shift is happening. This can be a time of greatness in your life. The shift is changing consciousness to that of 'power with' not 'power over',and the old guard does not always go away quietly.

Your guidance is to remember that you are connected to the Divine. The more you know this,the more you realize that you are the Divine,the more you behave in Divine ways. Keep your vision alive! It is time to strike the balance between selflessness,and the self-actualized self who is operating out of love,not out of desire to seek greatness outside of you. This is an inner journey of self-discovery and it takes great courage indeed!
Allow yourself to rise! Allow yourself to be Golden! You have everything that you need to excel,so set your sights high and aim for the infinite. You are always connected to the Divine and you are the Divine itself as a human exp`ression and are worthy of great things.

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月7日.Angel Wisdom信息;

You are surrounded by Omnipresent Support

Today's message is from the guardians of our world and it is about a new awakening that is taking place.There is an awakening of Spirit,a yearning for adventure and experiences,an awakening of divine expression,bold expansion and generosity within you.This is an opportunity for expansion and change in big ways and you are surrounded by support as you venture into places previously unexplored.Your Divine Mother/Father God wish so much for you and it is time to see your true magnificence and that which surrounds you and all that you do.

This is also a sensual awakening as you find yourself becoming more sensitive to the world around you in new ways of taste,touch,smell and experience.Be open to these changes and know that there will be change,and yes,you are out growing what once was,so you will be prepared to receive that which is more suited for your next stage of growth and experience.Awaken your keen spirit and feel the freedom as you learn to soar to new heights as your guardians await your arrival at this next stage of you.

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels

2020年9月7日.Angel Wisdom信息;

The world changes as you change

Allow your physical world time to catch up with the new you that has been emerging through all the work you have been doing to expand your light and power.It is the densest or all your bodies and therefore takes the most time to see the results of the new energy that you have been utilizing.Have patience with the process of awakening.This movement ushers in positive new energy.You a powerful being of light.We are so happy to watch you step up and take your place.

Be ready for adventure,light and laughter and expect more of the same to come to you.Your angel guidance is to remember that you have made tremendous progress and any efforts to do things differently brings you different results.Do things that are different and face life with a sense of wonder and awe.The angels are inspiring you to move forward with anticipation,expectancy and most of all,hope in your heart for the bright new world that is emerging.

Affirmation: "I face the future with enthusiasm,anticipation and excitement as there is so much more to discover about my life,the Universe and everything,every day."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月7日.Angel Wisdom信息;

Detoxification of mind, body, and spirit

This is an ideal timefor a cleansing and detoxification of your physical body as well asyour mental and emotional bodies and become more aware of thethoughts and feelings you hold and carry as your truth. Treatyourself with the care and put in the time it takes as you areworth it. Nourish yourself and your soul withobjects and activities that mirror this new you that has beenemerging. Spend some time near water, such as a lake or a stream,or the ocean as this will help to clear you, as well as get yourfocus and recharge your batteries with new ideas and outlook as youare about to enter a new phase in your life.

Learning to monitoryour thoughts and feelings and becoming aware of the affirmationsyou are using about yourself, your life and your projects to see ifyou are not sabotaging your efforts to create a better life. Keepyour thoughts, feelings and actions focused on supporting you andyour growth. As you become more conscious of yourself and yourlife, you may find any areas that were not previously working nowhave the room to grow. Often times it is the thoughts that you arekeeping about yourself and your goals that are blocking theirmanifestation.

Affirmation: "Bymonitor my self-talk, thoughts and feelings and using the processof transformation to assist me, my life is changing and I am seeingthe desired results manifesting for me."

And so itis

You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides