
【Angel Wisdom】《1》你才剛剛開始;《2》生命能量;《3》與你的世界和諧相處;《4》擴展你的視野(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.你才剛剛開始 (20200704)
《2》.生命能量 (20200705)
《3》.與你的世界和諧相處 (20200706)
《4》.擴展你的視野 (20200707)

2020年9月8日.Angel Wisdom信息;

You are have only just begun

Have patience with yourself and the process as it unfolds in its most perfect timing,and do not give up.Your angel guidance is to remember that sometimes the process takes longer than expected so be gentle with yourself.Open your heart and your mind and have compassion for yourself and life's unfolding,but most of all access the wisdom within you that recognizes the Divine in everyone and everything including and sometimes most importantly in yourself.It is often easier to see this for others and not offer the same courtesy to your own life.

Know that you,your loved ones,and your possessions are safe and protected by the angels.If you don"t feel that way already,ask Archangel Michael to surround you with his protective light and send him to also be with those you love,and those in need.Trust in yourself and the beauty that is you and know that when you are true to yourself you spread much light,joy and freedom,and empower others to find the beauty in themselves and their own power and light.

Affirmation: "My life is blossoming and unfolding at the perfect rate.I am safe and surrounded by the loving light of Archangel Michael and all is well."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月8日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:生命能量 .

Life Force Energy

You are an energy being as well as the physical being that you can see with your naked eye and it is important to rejuvenate yourself so that you can keep a positive attitude for your goals and intentions as well as your daily life.If you have been feeling fragmented lately,it is time to refocus on what is most important to you and your mission.Sometimes the distractions and drama around you draw you away and this can lead to a drop in your energy and a lack of enthusiasm for your purpose and it is time to release those feelings and direct your energy in a purposeful manner.

This is a great time to move towards completions of projects and goals.Your life force is vibrating with power and resonance and your soul is calling you to consciously direct this energy in a purposeful manner to help you achieve the desired results.Choose today to reclaim your power and take back control of your life.

Affirm: "I am radiant and filled with life force energy.I am Inspired and enthusiastic about my life and the opportunities that are coming my way."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月8日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:與你的世界和諧相處 .

Be in harmony with your world

Find your balance as you go about day,regardless as to what is happening around you.When you are balanced and centered,you are better able to handle the tasks at hand as well as see your focused intentions begin to manifest for you.It is an energy that allows you to manifest all of your desires and feel the enchantment of a joyful life.Change is always happening and nothing ever remains the same,this is one of the constants of your world.Let yourself blossom and grow in harmony with the world around.Consciously choose to be in the flow with the natural order.

Love where you are and what your doing.Let the magic that is all around you enhance your dreams and desires and know and trust that all things are possible and nothing is holding you back,except yourself,from seeing those dreams manifesting for you.Keep your focus,and keep charging ahead,you will get there.Your angel guidance is choose to be at peace with whatever comes your way and just keep going forward.

Affirmation: "I am in balance and harmony with my world.I am one with the natural flow of the Universe."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月8日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:擴展你的視野 .

Expanding your Vision

Work on expanding your vision and perception of your inner world and watch as it helps you expand your understanding of the outer world and can help you create,assist in your healing,and help you to connect with your inner guidance. As you come into your own power,events begin to occur with great momentum,so take the time to carefully review your options and what motivates you.Be open to creative solutions.Trust what you see in your mind's eye as well as your physical sight and your feelings.These are your signs and are the best tools to assist you on your path.

As you work on developing and expanding your sensitivities,your senses offer you the ability to see and feel beyond the perceived physical reality.If you are unsure which is your first best sense,choose the one that appeals to you and work on opening and expanding it and the others will come along as you continue your work and learn to trust in yourself and the messages they bring to you.

Affirmation: "I am expanding my vision,perception,and understanding,becoming more sensitive and in control of my abilities and my life."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


