
【Angel Wisdom】《1》探索你神奇的世界;《2》你的第三眼正在覺醒;《3》當其他的門關閉,新的大門打開了;《4》對未來充滿希望;《5》你有創造偉大事物的天賦和技能(信息收錄放在一起)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.探索你神奇的世界 (20200731)
《2》.你的第三眼正在覺醒 (20200801)
《3》.當其他的門關閉,新的大門打開了 (20200802)
《4》.對未來充滿希望 (20200803)
《5》.你有創造偉大事物的天賦和技能 (20200804)

2020年9月14日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:探索你神奇的世界 .

Explore your amazing world

Become the adventurer in your life.Take time out of your busy schedule to play,laugh and explore this beautiful world.There is so much beauty and love all around you when you take the time to look.Take some time away from your usual routine and do something that makes your heart sing.Try something new that you have always wanted to do or try and stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone.This will help you to expand and grow.

Your angel guidance is to do something different today and face life with a sense of joy and wonder.Explore the new possibilities with excitement,anticipation and courage.If your prospects seem dark,ask your angels to light the way.Then watch for the signs and signals to help guide you where you want to go.Let your angels inspire you to move forward with expectation and hope and trust that all your dreams and desires are coming to fruition.Envision yourself succeeding in your endeavours and dream big.This means don"t settle for less than you truly desire.This is the time to send out rocket ships of your desires into the Universe and trust that they will hit their intended mark or something even better.In the meantime go enjoy yourself,play and take time out to enjoy your day.

Affirmation: "I take time to explore the wonders and adventures of life and as I do,my light shines brighter and brighter."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月14日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:你的第三眼正在覺醒 .

Your 3rd Eye is Awakening

We are helping you to assist in the reawakening of your third eye and your 6th senses.Your clairvoyance may come in different forms: as fleeting mental images in your mind's eye; through your dreams; as recurring visions in the physical world; as auras and energy; or perhaps even as apparition experiences.All of the facets of clairvoyance are beautiful and varied.Work with the one that is your strongest first and then expanding the others will be easier.You are also reminded to be patient with the process,as more is not always better and if you find a sudden surge that feels too much to process,ask for your angels to dial it down to a level that is tolerable for you.

Working with clear quartz crystals magnifies clairvoyance and helps you feel closer to your guides and angels and they are in turn helping you to expand your sense and feelings to better assist you in your spiritual progress.Call upon us to assist you in developing all of senses and expanding your vision.This is an exciting time in your growth and we are here to help you through your awakening to grander aspects of yourself.

Affirm: "I am awakening my 6th senses and expanding my spiritual sight and understanding and it is happening at the most perfect pace and time for me and my growth."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月14日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:當其他的門關閉,新的大門打開了 .

New doors open as others close

This is a message about positive change.As you walk away from what was into this new beyond you can smile that sweet smile of knowing that spirit is with you always and that you are guided as you walk through this next door of personal healing and happiness.Whether you are working on some inner aspect of your journey or making some external changes,you are opening up and new opportunities are about to appear.The changes you have been working on are ready and ripe for the picking,so be sure you see your intentions through with continued action and optimistic expectations.

Remain conscious and open about how you are balancing your goals and your physical and emotional energy.Whenever you feel yourself getting off centre,or losing focus,bring your attention back to your heart space and reconnect with your higherself and your angels and then pay attention to your intuition as it will lead you in the best direction for those intentions.You will feel more in the flow and find a peaceful and balanced approach.

Affirm: "I am living a more balanced and centred life.I have the power to create wonderful opportunities in my life."

And so it is

2020年9月14日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:對未來充滿希望 .

Look to the future with hope

Believe in yourself and keep hope alive in your heart.Sometimes life deals you a hand of disappointing cards, but behold, for the next one could be just the one you have been waiting for, so don"t give up.We see many wonderful things coming your way, just don"t give up before you see all that you have put into this project come together, for it surely will.

Sometimes it is easier to just walk away and that what might be the best thing for you right now, but not if your heart is still invested in your desired outcome and it just needs a little more work to all come together.This is when it is key to tap into your heart and then act upon those deepest feelings without all the clutter of thoughts and feelings.Do a review and see if you can"t find the origin of these discordant thoughts and then make plans for a brighter tomorrow.

The Mantra for today is:"I visualize my happiest and brightest future and take the best steps possible to make this happen."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月14日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:你有創造偉大事物的天賦和技能 .

You have the talents and the skills to create great things

It is important that you believe in yourself and your abilities to create.Visualize your hopes and your dreams manifesting in your life and trust that this is so,without any doubt what so ever that this is true.This is a key to consciously creating with the Divine.You can do anything you set your mind when you take charge and remove the words "I can"t" from your vocabulary.This is not always easy at first,but it will lead you to the path of least resistance when you let go.You can manifest what you need to be successful.

Positive changes are on the way.You have much to celebrate as you feel the welcome relief from troubled times.Allow for deep feelings of peace and happiness to permeate your being and your life and know that there are far better things ahead than those you are leaving behind.Release any thoughts or feelings or even people that do not support your growth and move forward with anticipation and expectancy.You are on the right path to help you best reach your desired destination.Hold true to yourself and your ideals and keep charging ahead.

The Mantra for today is:"I am grateful for the abundant life I live and each day it gets better and better.Life is Good!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


