
【Angel Wisdom】《1》反思你的處境;《2》修行的重要性;《3》新的理解和洞見;《4》耐心地守候神聖時機的到來;《5》相信你擁有宇宙的恩寵(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.反思你的處境 (20200805)
《2》.修行的重要性 (20200806)
《3》.新的理解和洞見 (20200807)
《4》.耐心地守候神聖時機的到來 (20200810)
《5》.相信你擁有宇宙的恩寵 (20200811)

2020年9月15日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:反思你的處境 .

Reflect upon your situation

Have you been feeling a bit like a fish out of water or perhaps even asking yourself "What am I doing here?" Life has been a bit challenging for some of you and you are truly wondering if the world has gone mad.Sometimes life can seem overwhelming.But remember that it is important to leave your comfort zone once in a while in order to continue to grow.Perhaps you are just unhappy with your present situation and truly not sure what to do next.

This is the perfect time to reflect upon the things you would like to change in your life and expand your horizons.It is time to have some fun and do something different to help get out of the rut of everyday life, even if it is just for a few hours.It will be a tremendous help to your overall outlook and some much needed relief from the heaviness of life.You are worth it!

The mantra for today is:"As I reflect upon my life and see things in a different light, I am able to better focus on all that I can be!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月15日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:修行的重要性 .

Importance of a spiritual practice

Create a daily spiritual practice for yourself that fits well into your life.It needn't be long or involved,it just needs to be done.Set aside time each day alone,meditating upon what you would like to know,create or experience.Visualize it,and it will come about.Negativity will block your progress,so avoid negative situations and people as much as possible to help transform your thoughts.Any thought that is less than supportive and love should be transformed into a positive one as soon as you become aware of it.

Also spend some time each day doing an activity of playing and having fun,if possible go outside.Take a walk,play in the garden,play on a swing.Playing creates joy and joy creates miracles and miracles help you to manifest on a whole new level.Take time always to include something that makes your heart sing as a part of your spiritual practice.Finding this balance in your life will help you in so many ways.

The Mantra for today is:"Taking the time to set my energy and my intention is a part of my daily spiritual practice makes life better in so many ways.I am Happy! I am relaxed!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月15日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:新的理解和洞見 .

New insights and understanding

Some profound mysteries of life are becoming clearer to you now as you have been working on expanding your vision and trusting your intuition.Also revelations in your own life may be occurring in new ways as you can see things from a different perspective through your choices and growth.These are wonderful signs of the growth of your expanding mind,body and soul.These can come as sudden insights,as flashes of wisdom,as powerful teaching experiences or as an unveiling of something so deep inside of you that you never imagined its existence.

Ask the angels to assist you in learning important things about life,the universe and everything.Call upon Archangel Jophiel to help you understand the mysteries you seek.Open your heart and ask that your angels offer you some life enhancing messages for you to assist you on your path,to help you accelerate your growth.Afterward,you may experience heightened awareness and sensitivities,have dreams and visions that provide you with more insight and understanding and feel inspired by the divine wisdom that comes through you as the angels whisper in your ear.

Affirmation: "I am expanding my understanding of life,the Universe and all that is in new ways as I am able to see the bigger picture or a broader perspective through my deeper vision and sight."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月15日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:耐心地守候神聖時機的到來 .

Relax and let the process unfold

When you set your sights on a goal,sometimes it feels that things are not happening fast enough for you.Remember that divine timing plays an important role in any dreams and desires manifesting,as well those that involves others,who also have free will to choose what is right and best for them take more time to set into action.When they involve no one but yourself,you have more control over the timing of the outcome.You also must be willing to take the steps that will lead you where you want to go,for action is a most necessary ingredient.

Your angel guidance is to relax,and enjoy the process as it unfolds.Savour the moments of satisfaction and joy like a fine wine,aged to perfection.Infuse love into each step for this enhances the flavour of any project,and make the most of each opportunity that comes your way and always remember that today is a perfect day!

The Mantra for today is:"I am relaxed! I allow for the process to unfold to in its most perfect timing and I am open to receive good in all way."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月15日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:相信你擁有宇宙的恩寵 .

Trust that you have the support of the Universe

The Universe is infinite and supports you always.When you take this as your knowing,you become more powerful and you begin to see the challenges on your path as opportunities to tap into your creativity.

Surround yourself with positive energy and positive people,this will assist your outlook and results.Believe in the possibility of all things and watch how magically things fall together to assist you with your tasks.Put your trust in yourself and your ability to tap into the power of this energy that are around you and available to all,always.

As you experience and adjust to the changes that are happening in your life,know that this energy of discovery is like an adventure to a new land,filled with awe and hope,and hold this energy as your base upon which to grow.Release any mental energy that is holding you back or in the past so you can follow your path to the happy outcomes you desire.

Your angel guidance for today is to increase your trust in the Infinite Universal energy that is available to all who choose to utilize it to make this world a better place for all to grow and blossom.

The Mantra for today is:"I am supported.There is enough for all in this abundant Universe and that includes me!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


