
【Angel Wisdom】《1》這是一個黃金時刻;《2》正在發生的新覺醒;《3》世界因你而改變;《4》身心排毒(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.這是一個黃金時刻 (20200630)
《2》.正在發生的新覺醒 (20200701)
《3》.世界因你而改變 (20200702)
《4》.身心排毒 (20200703)

2020年9月7日.Angel Wisdom信息;

This is a golden moment in time...

There is so much that is changing so quickly,it is sometimes hard to keep up. Humans are awakening so quickly now,the planet is awakening and transforming to the point that is sometimes peaceful and comforting,and at other times volatile and frigh`tening,and it is our hope that you begin to see this as a dynamic and exciting time,as it truly signifies that the shift is happening. This can be a time of greatness in your life. The shift is changing consciousness to that of 'power with' not 'power over',and the old guard does not always go away quietly.

Your guidance is to remember that you are connected to the Divine. The more you know this,the more you realize that you are the Divine,the more you behave in Divine ways. Keep your vision alive! It is time to strike the balance between selflessness,and the self-actualized self who is operating out of love,not out of desire to seek greatness outside of you. This is an inner journey of self-discovery and it takes great courage indeed!
Allow yourself to rise! Allow yourself to be Golden! You have everything that you need to excel,so set your sights high and aim for the infinite. You are always connected to the Divine and you are the Divine itself as a human exp`ression and are worthy of great things.

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月7日.Angel Wisdom信息;

You are surrounded by Omnipresent Support

Today's message is from the guardians of our world and it is about a new awakening that is taking place.There is an awakening of Spirit,a yearning for adventure and experiences,an awakening of divine expression,bold expansion and generosity within you.This is an opportunity for expansion and change in big ways and you are surrounded by support as you venture into places previously unexplored.Your Divine Mother/Father God wish so much for you and it is time to see your true magnificence and that which surrounds you and all that you do.

This is also a sensual awakening as you find yourself becoming more sensitive to the world around you in new ways of taste,touch,smell and experience.Be open to these changes and know that there will be change,and yes,you are out growing what once was,so you will be prepared to receive that which is more suited for your next stage of growth and experience.Awaken your keen spirit and feel the freedom as you learn to soar to new heights as your guardians await your arrival at this next stage of you.

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels

2020年9月7日.Angel Wisdom信息;

The world changes as you change

Allow your physical world time to catch up with the new you that has been emerging through all the work you have been doing to expand your light and power.It is the densest or all your bodies and therefore takes the most time to see the results of the new energy that you have been utilizing.Have patience with the process of awakening.This movement ushers in positive new energy.You a powerful being of light.We are so happy to watch you step up and take your place.

Be ready for adventure,light and laughter and expect more of the same to come to you.Your angel guidance is to remember that you have made tremendous progress and any efforts to do things differently brings you different results.Do things that are different and face life with a sense of wonder and awe.The angels are inspiring you to move forward with anticipation,expectancy and most of all,hope in your heart for the bright new world that is emerging.

Affirmation: "I face the future with enthusiasm,anticipation and excitement as there is so much more to discover about my life,the Universe and everything,every day."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月7日.Angel Wisdom信息;

Detoxification of mind, body, and spirit

This is an ideal timefor a cleansing and detoxification of your physical body as well asyour mental and emotional bodies and become more aware of thethoughts and feelings you hold and carry as your truth. Treatyourself with the care and put in the time it takes as you areworth it. Nourish yourself and your soul withobjects and activities that mirror this new you that has beenemerging. Spend some time near water, such as a lake or a stream,or the ocean as this will help to clear you, as well as get yourfocus and recharge your batteries with new ideas and outlook as youare about to enter a new phase in your life.

Learning to monitoryour thoughts and feelings and becoming aware of the affirmationsyou are using about yourself, your life and your projects to see ifyou are not sabotaging your efforts to create a better life. Keepyour thoughts, feelings and actions focused on supporting you andyour growth. As you become more conscious of yourself and yourlife, you may find any areas that were not previously working nowhave the room to grow. Often times it is the thoughts that you arekeeping about yourself and your goals that are blocking theirmanifestation.

Affirmation: "Bymonitor my self-talk, thoughts and feelings and using the processof transformation to assist me, my life is changing and I am seeingthe desired results manifesting for me."

And so itis

You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


