

【天使】傳導:Ann Albers 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.聚焦在一個更美好的世界 (20200524)
《2》.敞開心(沒有人能掌控你的內心世界) (20200524)
#AnnAlbers #NickChan

傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We have good news! You get to choose your news! You get to choose your views! Will you focus upon the worlds ills, deceits, manipulations, greed, and problems or… will you choose to set your sights on all the good that happens all around you, every day.

Every morning the birds are singing. Every day, there are people helping one another and quietly going about their very loving days. There a people working to create a more environmentally friendly future. There are people working to grow and cook healthier foods. There are people assisting those in need. You are alive, breathing, and have a roof over your head…

Why waste your time giving the darkness your attention?

Some of you will argue with us. You have been deeply programmed to believe that your outer world has power over you. This is an almost universally accepted misconception.
You feel you have to"be aware"of what is going on"out there."However dear ones, we reassure you that the way the universe works is purely vibrational and what you set your sights upon is the reality you will experience more and more with each passing day. Shift your focus, shift your life.

The concept is simple. However, because you have brains that have been programmed  to"watch out"and"be informed"it may take some time and effort to shift your focus towards better realities.

You can start in small ways, until you develop the ability to focus more consistently on thoughts that make you happy.  Focus on all that is working in your lives, all that is good, and all that is there to appreciate and enjoy.  No matter what your heath, finances, or state of mind, there is always something to be grateful for. There is always something good to notice. As you shift your attention more and more to the good, you will begin to experience it. As you shift your attention to the abundant universe you will experience it. As you shift your attention to the loving human beings, you will find more and more of them.

We are not asking you to pretend the dark is light. We're not asking you to say bad behavior is Ok or that you'll tolerate it in your life for another second. We're simply saying (in metaphorical terms),"Don't dignify the devil no matter who it comes through."

If your news is dark, turn it off. If someone is spouting off with anger and you can't get away, point a hand to the ground and let it drain off you then turn away without another word. If your bank account (or lack of it) has you in abject terror, look for evidence of an abundant universe. One apple tree can supply an entire neighborhood! People share all the time."Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened."

"In truth"what is going on out there"is yesterdays news!  It was created by the vibration of your collective consciousness in the past.  It is a dead energy – an out-picturing of what"was." It has nothing to do with what"will be." Your vibration in the here and now is what dictates your future.

What is going on"in here"– within you right here and now – is creating your tomorrow

Choose to focus upon that which gives you delight and joy. If you see something you do not like, immediately use that to focus on what you would like. You don't like the deceit, manipulations, and greed in the world, so imagine a reality where people feel safe to be honest, and abundant enough to live in integrity. You don't like unkindness so imagine a world where people treat one another with love and respect. You don't like feeling lack so focus on what it would feel like to feel abundant.

These so-called"fantasies"are blueprints for your future, and open you to receive guidance that will help you get there!

Dear ones, we have only one news"channel"in our hearts and it is always"Good news."We have faith in you. We know that even a small fraction of awakened human beings focusing on a bright, happy, abundant and kinder future can affect the whole world.

You already have!  What has one been hidden is being revealed to be healed. We see the children coming in with a passion for creating a better world. We know that no matter what things look like now, you and your world are evolving into a much greater and more beautiful light.

You can change your own life by focusing on all that is good right here, right now. As you do so, you give yourself, and the world, the gift of a new and brighter future!

God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels

《2》.關於:敞開心(沒有人能掌控你的內心世界) .
傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Center yourselves in an open heart, for as your society begins to open up once again, your heart will be your guide for staying safe, happy, loving, and even joyous as the human race continues to rebirth itself into greater love.

It may not be an easy birthing in the short term. There are going to be a wide variety of opinions expressed in the months ahead – some kindly, some loudly, and some gently, and some in rather obnoxious and offensive ways. Nonetheless you can sail through this time, buoyed by love and guided by grace.

Everyone has been diving deeper, feeling more deeply, and getting to know themselves better – for better or for worse – during this pandemic. Some of you ran straight into your hearts and discovered your huge compassion for humanity. Some of you ran straight into your creative spirit and discovered new passions, talents, businesses, and contributions. Some of you ran deep into a profound loneliness, or anxiety and fear. Some of you ran into your anger, frustration, and feelings of helplessness. Some of you ran into your judgments. Some of you discovered a greater tolerance for one another. Some of you discovered you loved the life you’ve created. Many of you experienced a mixture of emotions. Whatever you found within, you got to know yourself better.

You also discovered new gifts and ways of coping with adversity, discomfort, and the unknown. In trying times, new strengths emerge. When you couldn’t change your outer world, many of you went within to create change in the vibrational world, thus setting yourselves up for a glorious future. Many of you who faced financial challenges had to rely on the kindness of others, or fall back into the arms of faith. Those of you who were out serving the masses had no choice but to place your faith and trust in the power that loves you and gives you life. You have all been growing tremendously. You are birthing a new, more loving world.

So, as you move forward, and “open up” society, be gentle with yourself and keep your heart wide open. Pray to see the world through the eyes of the Divine and the eyes of your angels.

Maintain the positive changes you have made during the pandemic. Continue to feel your feelings deeply, instead of getting so busy once again that you forget to feel. Keep connecting more deeply with friends and family, for in isolation many of you found deeper and more authentic ways of relating to each other than superficial conversation. Continue to be resourceful. Use your God-given creativity. Waste less. Get out in nature more. Honor your earth and your fellow human beings. Go forth with an open heart, in love with yourself, in love with life, and in love with your fellow human beings.

Especially choose to send love, prayers, and light to the members of your human family that are feeling fearful, helpless, and angry. You don’t have to dance or dialogue with them, but please don’t judge them. They too, are just struggling – perhaps more than most – to birth themselves in a greater love.

When you see someone acting in a way that seems threatening – perhaps they are not wearing a mask and you wish they were – instead of falling into fear and judgment, stand in the power of love. Open your heart to streams of well-being and grace. Use intention and imagine light pouring through you and outward in all directions. Not only will you feel safe in its flow, you will be a blessing to all those around.

If you have to go back to work and you are fearful, remember that your guidance will tell you if and when it is right for you to do so. Some of you will quit and move on. Some of you will gladly return. Some of you will need to take some much needed time off after working on the front lines.

Listen to your hearts. Keep your hearts open by being kind to yourself first. Then, no matter what anyone else does, be kind. Be loving… or at least refuse to engage in lower vibrational interactions that serve no one.

There is no one “right answer” as to how to re-open an entire planet, dear friends. Everyone, without exception is attempting to do their best according to their patterns, programming, and level of awareness. Everyone is learning. Trust your open, loving, heart to know what is right for you in a given moment. Live and let live. No one can harm you if you exist in love. No one can “make” you sick if you abide in a mentality of well-being. No one else ever has any authority over your inner conditions, and as you all know, your inner conditions either attract or allow what you experience in your outer lives.

So, keep your hearts open for that is more important – now and always – than when your business, your stores, your concerts, and the rest of your world opens up.

This too shall pass. Enough of you are moving beyond the fear that has empowered this virus to become the monster it did, as it fed off the fears and mass hysteria. Of course, we encourage you to follow your guidelines for health, hygiene, and courtesy to your fellow human beings, but do so with an open heart and a commitment to be kind and loving to yourself and one another.

An open heart can heal a person, a group, a society and indeed your entire world, for in each open heart the Divine finds an open window through which it can pour Love into your life and into the entire human race.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels


