
【Angel Wisdom】《1》靈性之路不是只有一條;《2》立刻行動;《3》進行一次人生的回顧;《4》契約與業力;《5》你創造你的命運(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.靈性之路不是只有一條 (20200821)
《2》.立刻行動 (20200822)
《3》.進行一次人生的回顧 (20200823)
《4》.契約與業力 (20200824)
《5》.你創造你的命運 (20200825)

2020年9月19日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:靈性之路不是只有一條 .

There is not one spiritual path but many

There are many paths up the mountain and many trails on each path that lead you to the flow and growth that you desire to create for yourself and your life.Accept where you are at this moment and celebrate it.Growth is good but sometimes can be painful.Accept yourself and where you are as we are all one and connected to each other,regardless of the form or appearance.As you exercise self care you are also exercising care for your community and those around you—We are One.

Your angel guidance is to remember to forgive and love yourself and others,do no fear.Both light and dark are necessary on the earth plane in order for you to experience the totality of being human and spirit and remembering your true self.There is light even in the darkest of nights and darkness in the lightest of lights.Accept this as a part of the cycle of life and part of understanding expansion,deeper thoughts and feelings.It helps to open your heart and your mind to more,to the new,and to the wonders of everyday life.

Affirm: "I accept myself,my choices and my path as what is right and best for me and also that which others choose for themselves.We are One.

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月19日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:立刻行動 .

Act Now

Swift action is called for right now as the energy is ripe for manifestation.Use the powerful cycles of the earth's shifts as well as what is happening in the Universe.This is a powerful time to take the steps that are necessary for the abundance and growth you have been seeking and failure to heed this call may cause you to want to adjust your desired outcome or the length of time it will take for the desired outcome to occur.

As long as you are taking the steps each day that lead you closer,you are taking action.Some days those steps are small and some days they are big.When you are paying attention to the rhythm of the Universe,it will enhance the results you receive.Learn to trust in yourself and your feelings and act when the time feels right for you.Don"t wait for others or spend time worrying about what else is going on,just charge ahead,frontward focused,and follow your guidance.

Affirm: "I trust in the flow of the Universe to help in the creation of the manifestations that are important for my earth experience."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月19日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:進行一次人生的回顧 .

Take inventory of your life

It is time for pause,reflection and observation.Doing a life review offers profound healing.It is an opportunity to resolve to change or heal any area of your life that has been out of balance.An opportunity to allow growth and mastery on your journey as well as completing a cycle to usher in this new energy of creation.

Take that time to go within,ask your angels to join with you and have a heart to heart discussion,journal,then release and forgive.

Your angel guidance is to keep your focus on the positive,see the gift from the experience,and trust in the beauty of your creations.Change is not always easy,but as you grow,you emerge into a new vibration of you.
Affirm: "As I review my life,I can let go and see the gift from the experience and as I do I am ready to move on to something grander."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels

2020年9月19日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:契約與業力 .

Contracts and Karma

When you come to experience the realm of the physical,much happens and many plans are made and back-up plans and back-up plans for the back-up plans and choices and decisions about what it is you would like to experience.It is a very exciting time and much happens as those possibilities line up and begin to materialize on your plane.There is much to do and many beings who play their part in your life experiences.That is a contract and you make many of them before you even come to earth.

Karma is often misunderstood,even by those who think they understand and try to live the best they can.Karma is neither good nor bad,it is about cause and effect.In a world of duality,every action has a reaction.In its essence,you get back what you put out...eventually.When you see that so and so has done something bad or wrong and you say,oh well,karma will get them,you have created some of this for yourself in that process.Sometimes beings slough off karma for many lifetimes and then have one that seems particularly harsh and difficult as they choose to take on a few tasks all at once.
The best advice we can give to you is to become more conscious of your thoughts.Become more conscious and deliberate in your actions.Become more conscious Beings and then you know that you are doing the best you can at this game of life.

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月19日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:你創造你的命運 .

You Create your Destiny

What it is that you dream to create and how can you begin the process and start bringing you ideas into Creation? You have the power and the ability to create your destiny.You carry within you the greatness of those who have come before you in your body and your soul and using that energy and linage will help you bring about the changes that you seek and begin to create your destiny.

Let the magic flow through your life.Let it heal you.Your angel guidance is to remember that spiritual power takes time to develop and hone and as you are ready,the right teachers will appear.Remember that together you are stronger and to always do what is right.Create your own story.Create your life as you know it was meant to be.

Affirm: "I have power and it is real.As I exchange my gifts with the world and others with me,we create the teamwork necessary to move mountains."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


