
【Angel Wisdom】《1》新的機遇正在出現;《2》時機成熟;《3》理解導致改變;《4》有備無患;《5》大自然提供了大智慧(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.新的機遇正在出現 (20200720)
《2》.時機成熟 (20200721)
《3》.理解導致改變 (20200723)
《4》.有備無患 (20200724)
《5》.許多人正在經歷巨大的變化 (20200725)

2020年9月12日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:新的機遇正在出現 .

New opportunities are on the way

Expect some movement and new opportunities to surface as the delays that have been holding you back will soon be over and so now is the perfect time to prepare for some much needed action and taking heed to the thoughts and feelings that are different from those you have had before.Be brave and be ready.This is something a bit outside the box and so you are congratulated for your ability to trust in the power of the infinite.

This is a magical time, even if it does not seem so from your particular vantage point.This is preparation for the new beginnings you have been asking for and so let the old fall away and transform any thoughts and feelings that do not support this shift in consciousness that is required for it to be so.Do not procrastinate, step up, step forward and be accounted for.After all, it is part of what you came here to understand and experience.Now is the time to just do it!

The mantra for today is:"I am Ready! I have been preparing for this! I have all that I need to make this happen!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月12日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:時機成熟 .

The time is ripe

The moment is now.Act upon those thoughts and feelings that have been playing in your heart and your mind for a while now and trust that divine timing has arrived.Oftentimes procrastination is used as a tactic by the ego because a part of you is afraid that change will shake up your world in such a way that you do not take the chance to see what beauty might be right in front of you.At the same time, your heart is longing for those changes and so you say, "When the time is right, I will act."

Do not wait for the clock to chime its bewitching hour.Act now for there is much that you want to do.Transform this energy into a determination to become all that you can be and let your every thought, feeling, and thinking be focused on this new reality you are creating for yourself and all life.Stop waiting for the right time, for it has arrived and now is the time for action to take place.

The mantra for today is:"My time has come! The time to act is now and I am ready to embrace this new consciousness and incorporate this new energy into my life."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月12日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:理解導致改變 .

Understanding leads to change

Look deeply, as this will help you to understand.Acknowledgment is the first step to initiating change. Acceptance is then the next step of what it is and then you will see the possibilities available for the change to happen.Enjoy the steps that you are taking in this process.A positive outlook and plan make the journey that much more enjoyable and since you are doing it anyway, you might as well have some fun along the way.

Also remember that you absolutely cannot change or control the thoughts, feelings, or actions of another.You are only responsible for yourself, your own integrity, and your own views of life and your world.This is a part of the Law of Acceptance, and while part of you is restricted by the free will of others, the rest of you is free to move and choose and live your life to the fullest today, and every day.

The mantra for today is:"When I think about my life, I feel joyful, happy, and excited about the prospects that are coming my way."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月12日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:有備無患 .

Be Prepared

Be ready to ask for help from others.You have had a lot on your plate and it is time to allow others to help you with your goals.You weren"t meant to walk alone as a solitary practitioner, you were meant to attract to you a group of like minded souls so you can walk together and support one another.Remember all the times you have been there for others, allow others in to be there for you.

When you face adversity with discipline, focus, and dedication to your goals and ideals, you will sail through the tough times with your head held high—and you will be stronger, healthier, and wiser because of it.Know that you are made of stronger stuff and can withstand whatever comes your way.Bend with the winds of change and you will never crack!

The mantra for today is:"I am open and allowing for support and attract to me all the people, things, and money I need to assist me on my journey."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月12日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:大自然提供了大智慧 .

Nature offers great Wisdom

There is great wisdom available to those who choose to listen to the wind.Connect with a tree at a deeper level and see what information they have to share with you.It is a collective of beautiful energies all supporting one another to help them grow.

Take time out of your busy day to talk with the trees, talk with the breeze, and talk with the streams.There is so much there for those who take the time to listen and great healing can then take place in a grander way than you can possibly imagine.

The mantra for today is:"There is so much beauty, wisdom and understanding all around me."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


