
【Angel Wisdom】《1》翱翔在夢的宇宙;《2》期待豐盛的到來;《3》神聖的時機;《4》能量療癒;《5》斷開戲劇(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.翱翔在夢的宇宙 (20200708)
《2》.期待豐盛的到來 (20200709)
《3》.神聖的時機 (20200710)
《4》.能量療癒 (20200712)
《5》.斷開戲劇 (20200713)

2020年9月9日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:翱翔在夢的宇宙 .

Dream Messages

Your angels love to communicate messages and answers to your prayers through your dreams.Dream time is a tool to help you to adjust your earthly journey and is a busy time indeed.Learn to interpret the messages and teachings you remember from this most auspicious time and you will receive valuable information,guidance,and love from those on the other side of the veil.

Create some personal and sacred space for yourself to explore your dream time.Set aside time to journal what you can remember from your travels and record them in a journal to help you return to that space out of time.Allow the power of this experience to wash over you and come back to your mind and re-remember what you already know within you in the silence of the void.Waves of insight and knowledge are awaiting your beck and call.

The more you work with your dream time,the more vivid your dreams will become as you will have expanded your understanding and abilities to recall so much more.

Affirm: "I allow the wisdom and guidance of my dreams to seep into my being and join with my waking world creating a bridge to potent and powerful insights and understanding upon which I can draw."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月9日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:期待豐盛的到來 .

Look forward to Prosperity

The biggest hurdle to overcome on your journey to experiencing a more prosperous life is your belief in your worthiness to receive.Do you believe in the infinite supply of the universe? or do you believe in the energy of lack and insufficient supply?

It is important for you to understand your underlying motives and true beliefs.This is the fastest way to understand your process of creation and also how to transforms those thoughts and feelings that are working against you seeing the results you desire.

The mantra for today is:"My long-term goals and chosen path work together to help me accomplish all that I intend.I am prosperous!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月9日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:神聖的時機 .

Divine Timing

It is time to think about the seeds you wish to plant and plan your garden.Timing is an important issue of consideration and so taking time to contemplate,meditate,and day dream about what your desired creations are.Use a bit of logic and structure,and a bit of whimsy and let the juices flow.

When it is time to take action,be fearless in your pursuit of happiness.There are amazing new opportunities available and so get organized to increase your success.Hone your skills and get ready,for when it is time to awaken from this self imposed slumber,you will know exactly what to do.

Affirm: "I know what to do and when to act to make the most of the amazing new opportunities that are coming my way."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月9日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:能量療癒 .

Energy Healing

Everything has an opportunity to heal and it will be okay,regardless of appearances.Trust that all is in perfection and as it should be.However you take certain steps to ensure a desired outcome for yourself and your life.Avoid situations,places,or relationships with harsh energy.You have healing abilities that you can direct thought your hands,through you thoughts and the most powerful of all,through your heart.Send loving energy to elevate any situation to its highest good.Your experiences with energy healing may be so powerful that you decide to conduct healing sessions with others as a profession.

Take an energy-healing course such as Reiki,Qi Gong,Pranic Healing or Healing Touch or any other energy modality that appeals to you that is based in Love.Clear the space in your home or office through feng shui,burning sage,or other energy clearing techniques.Send love to any situation or person.

The flow of energy through you will enhance and raise your vibration as well,so give this loving energy as much as you can,and call upon us to increase and enhance that energy.

Affirm: "I am an open conduit of Love and this energy flows to me and through me to those in need."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月9日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:斷開戲劇 .

Detach from the Drama

During times of great shifts and energy fluctuations it can be difficult to keep your focus and loose sight of what it is you are working towards.Don"t put off working at your life's purpose or your personal and spiritual growth by getting caught up in the drama of others,what is happening around you and in your world.It only distracts you from the tasks at hand and getting on with your own life.If you find yourself being drawn into the world of the human egos,clear yourself completely with an energy bath and transform it back into pure energy with no attachments and return it to the earth or the energy grid to be utilized by all who know of its usage and power.Send those around you love and let it go.

If you need a good dose of getting lost in a story and pulled into the various plot twists and turns,find yourself a good book to read or a movie that you enjoy.It can be like a mini vacation without the costs or time of leaving home.When you are done you can just close it up and put it away or pass it on to someone else.If you find yourself pulled into the drama of someone else's story,view it like you are reading that book again and imagine it has a happy ending for all,pull yourself out of it and release it back to the Universe.
如果您需要在故事中迷失方向,並陷入各種曲折中,為自己找一本好書或電影去閱讀去享受。這就像是一次迷你假期,不用花費金錢或離開家。當你完成,你可以關閉它,把它放到一邊或交付給另一個人。如果您發現自己陷入了其他人的故事的戲劇中,請像重新閱讀該書一樣想像它 所有人的幸福結局,將自己拉出來,把它釋放給宇宙

Affirmation: "I focus my attention on what is most important for me,my purpose and my life.Wherever my focus goes,that grows and I can consciously choose what thoughts I hold."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


