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傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》感受到流動中的力量 (20210320)
《2》按下按鍵回到你們星際系統之家 (20210321)
《3》昴宿星、仙女座、天狼星、仙后座和天琴座的幫助 (20210322)
#DanielScranton #Amber #iam66

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 






Feel the Power of Being in the Flow ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to share with you the following transmission. We have been noticing the very beautiful ways that all of you who are awake have been processing your emotions, and we notice that there is a greater understanding now than there ever has been before of how powerful and significant those emotions are, as you gradually expand your consciousness and become your higher selves. You are, in many ways, freeing yourselves from the bondage of being trapped by those unwanted, low-vibrational emotions.

And we see more and more of you soaring free without the baggage that you’ve been carrying. What you are also there to do is to recognize that you are never more powerful than when you are feeling something, no matter what it is. When you are letting the energy of emotion flow through you, that is when you are your most powerful. That’s when you are in the flow, and that’s what you are there to recognize at this time. It really is not about what you think, or what you do, or what you say. It is about what you feel.

When someone is talking to the public because they are a public figure, don’t hang on every word that they are saying. Instead, notice what vibration the individual is holding and whether he or she is in the flow or offering resistance. You want to support those who are in the flow. You want to support expansion, no matter where you are on your journey. Whether you have a lot of emotions left to process or not, you are there to create the reality that is your ideal version of life on Earth, and you can only do that through feeling.

There’s not enough time or energy to do it through action. It really is about letting yourself be in the flow of that creation, that version of reality that you want to experience. Anytime you are tensing up and in resistance, you are not allowing the flow of energy to empower you. And so, if you want to be of service to yourself and others, remember this transmission. Remember the power of being in the flow of what you feel and how necessary it is at times to let go of whatever it is you are resisting, so that you can just be in the moment with whatever it is you feel. You can feel more powerful than you have allowed yourselves to, up until now, and you can let your emotions guide you on that journey.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 





就在此時此刻,這一切都在你們的內心,我們甚至一點都不開玩笑。你們還在等什麽呢?是的,讓外面的事情發生變化,把所有的東西都拱手相讓/不勞而獲(everything served up to you on a silver platter is the fantasy),這是一種幻想;這是一種簡單的方法。按下一個按鈕,這樣你們就可以傳送到其他地方,那裏的事情是更好的,當然看起來是一個非常好的主意。但如果你們這樣做了,你們將剝奪自己的旅程,因爲我們在與你們同行,我們可以肯定地說,你們會在這個時刻,這會是最好的旅程。



Press a Button & Teleport to Your Home Star System? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are loving the process of witnessing your evolution of consciousness, because we are doing it with you. We are on a journey together, and you are making the most progress of any beings of any dimension in this galaxy. That is because you have moved so far from the truth of who you really are, and the journey back to that knowing is such a giant leap from where you once were. It’s the movement forward that it’s really all about. You get to feel as though you are becoming your higher selves for the very first time, even though you have all been fifth dimensional already.

You are returning home, in a sense, and those of you who talk about going home as if home is a star system, or a planet, are missing the point. It’s not about the star system you came from or originated in, and it’s not about the planet, the moon, or the body that you once knew so well. This journey is about you returning to the you that you have always been, but have agreed to forget that you once were. You are going back to the fifth dimension, but it won’t be the same fifth dimension that you once knew, and that is because of what you’ve been living there on Earth.

You are there having such a hard time because you knew that through hardship, pain, and struggle, you would create you more, you would create something better, and you have. You have created a better version of reality than the one that you knew when you were fifth dimensional. Now, you will also get to go home in the physical sense, but that will never be what it’s all about for you. It has always been about and will always be about returning to a feeling, a state of being, a level of consciousness. That’s what you want to really achieve, and that is what’s available to you right now. You don’t have to wait for anything outside of you to happen in order to start knowing yourselves as your fifth-dimensional higher selves.

It is all inside of you right now in this very moment, and we are not even a little bit kidding about that. So what are you waiting for? Yes, having things change outside of you and having everything served up to you on a silver platter is the fantasy; it’s the easy way. Pressing a button so that you can teleport somewhere else where things are much better certainly seems like a very good idea. But if you did that, you would be robbing yourselves of the ride you are on, and because we are on the ride with you, we can say with certainty that it is the best ride that you could possibly be on at this time.

And if you could appreciate the journey just a little bit more, you could feel what we feel about your journey. In fact, you can feel a bit of who we are inside of you when you match your consciousness to the consciousness that we are offering you right now. Join us here in the lovely and beautiful experience of your joyous ascension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 








Help from the Pleiades, Andromeda, Sirius, Cassiopeia & Lyra ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are enormously satisfied with the progress we see you making there on Earth, as you have been open and receptive to the energies of the equinox and to all of the beautiful energies that have been coming in to support you during the month of March. When we see one of you accessing what is yours and free to access at any time, it brings us such joy, and it informs us as to how to serve and assist you better.

When we notice that you are taking what you are being given and using it to be of service to others, that is when the joy is overflowing here in the ninth dimension. We will always seek to help the helpers because that makes us more effective, more efficient in what we are able to offer all of you from our lofty perch here in the ninth dimension. If you want to receive more, give more. If you want to see just how much we and others like us here in the higher realms can give, then just seek to be of service in whatever way you can.

You will find that the high vibration you are in while you are being of service is its own reward, and that reward is plenty. But when you go to replenish your energy stores by opening up to us, to Pleiadians, Andromedans, Sirians, Cassiopeians, Lyrans, and all the various e.t.s from all the various star systems, you are going to get so much more than you could possibly imagine. We are all very eager to work with you, to harmonize with you, to be your colleagues and co-creators, as we know you seek to build a better world for everyone to enjoy.

As you see that there is no separation between you and anyone who is suffering, you also recognize that there is no separation between you and us. There is no separation between you and anyone or any collective that you hold in high esteem, and then you become what you were born to be. You become one who unites, one who brings people together, one who seeks always to take humanity to the next level.

This is a beautiful journey that we are all on together, and we know that we can be of even greater service to you. We know that you can take what we give you and do so much for your fellow humans, and we know that the ripple effect will be such that you will create that new Earth, that better version of society, and you will be the ones leading the way, always, because of your willingness to sit quietly, open up and feel for the energies that are present. They are coming in from all across the galaxy at this time to support you, to give you hope, and especially to help the helpers.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》導致事件/太陽閃耀的必要條件 (20210318)
《2》春分能量,您的能量場和新地球 (20210318)
#DanielScranton #iam66 #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 








What Must Happen to Bring About the Event/Solar Flash ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been feeling the excitement that humanity feels for all of you to get back to a sense of normalcy on your world. You have moved past frustration, anger, fear, sadness, anxiety, and a host of other emotional states to get to this place where you can actually fathom co-creating a new Earth with a new society. You are ready for something new and something different, however, not just going back to the way things were on your world.

You are ready to take yourselves to that next level of your consciousness, where you can feel the evolution of consciousness and see it reflected back to you in day-to-day life there on Earth and in the way that people treat one another. Ultimately, your evolution of consciousness rests on your ability to be kind, compassionate, and forgive one another. It doesn’t all rest on an event or a solar flash; it’s not about what’s going on in your skies with spaceships and e.t.s.

Everything that people want to happen to bring about the great changes on planet Earth can and will only happen when you all make the necessary changes within yourselves. Then that reflection can come back to you and show you what a peaceful and beautiful galaxy and universe you are a part of. You have been challenged over the past year, challenged in ways that you never expected to be challenged. What you are asking of yourselves now is to rise above the pettiness of your disagreements, your different perspectives, and the variety of points of view that exist there on Earth at this time. None of what you all believe should ever get in the way of your ability to open your heart and be love.

You are there to choose love, to choose to be Source Energy in the flesh. And when you all do that, then what you have is a true second coming of the Christ Consciousness, and that is what you need there on your world. And you need it much more than you need a singular being to descend from the heavens to tell you who was bad and who was good, who was right and who was wrong. You need to be the Christ Consciousness in action to one another, to save yourselves from fear, hate, and judgment, because those states of being, when allowed to fester inside of you, create a toxic environment, one that makes it more difficult to love thy neighbor.

Ascension is all about rising above, and it’s never been about being on the right side of something. So remember that the next time you feel yourself getting sucked into a debate about politics or the way that you all should be behaving, and remember to rise up to become your higher selves, which are just aspects of who you already are. And those aspects of who you already are will always be calling you forth from within.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 








Equinox Energies, Your Energy Fields & the New Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with how you all have been acclimating to and utilizing the energies of the equinox. The equinox energies are upon you, and they will continue to be upon you because of the openness of those of you who are awake. You are grounding these energies into the physical reality for yourselves and others. Others who are not awake and have a bit of resistance within them that is preventing them from accessing these energies fully are going to be benefitting from their interactions with you.

You offer others permission to open up and receive because you have already done just that. Subconsciously, other people know that there is something about you that is right, that is whole, that is tuned in to what they want to be tuned in to, and you exude high-frequency energies as well. Those high-frequency energies are offering you something you’ve never had before; it is a filter, and the filter is preventing others from being able to project anything into your field that is lower vibrational in nature. These equinox energies are also purging from your energy field that which you have picked up and that which has been projected into your fields throughout your time there on Earth.

And so, this is a time of great freedom, greater sovereignty, and it is an opportunity for you all to create like you have never created before, because you can do so without interference. And you can inspire others who will see you operating from this free state with less baggage and less limitations. This is one of the many ways in which you are there to lead your fellow humans into a higher state of consciousness. You do so by your example much more so than you do with words. You help so many other humans just by being yourselves, just by being as open as you are, and just by being willing to change.

You are there to create a better world, a world for everyone to live in harmony with each other in, and there is no better time than now to start actualizing this new world into your experience. And from that higher-frequency state, you can invite others to join you, others who may not share your beliefs, but do know that they want to feel better, that they want to feel freer and more sovereign. You are living in a time of great change, and it is change for the better; it always will be.

You are being given an opportunity to experience yourselves as powerful creator beings, but you have to believe that you can create a better reality, a better Earth for all, and that means some of you still have to let go of the idea that you are victims who are being oppressed. People can and will try to oppress you, try to make you into victims, but you don’t have to go along with any of that. The first step is recognizing that you create your reality, that you are powerful beings, and now you can create your reality with less interference than you have ever had. We are very excited to see what you will do with that freedom.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

【大角星】《1》啟用你們身體內的大角星 DNA; 《2》2021年的大規模覺醒及其在其中的作用(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》啟用你們身體內的大角星 DNA (20210313)
《2》2021年的大規模覺醒及其在其中的作用 (20210314)
#DanielScranton #iam66 #GOOGLE #咕狗

《1》.關於:啟用你們身體內的大角星 DNA
傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 


我們從許多人那裡了解到,我們被認為是你們世界上啟迪的心靈大師。我們目睹了如此眾多的人,他們充分地啟用了大角星 DNA,結果,他們追求的是將他們帶到越來越高的心靈意識,一體意識和無條件的愛的高度。這些人不等待任何事情發生。他們並沒有試圖將任何事物或任何事物展現給他們的生活。他們只是被存在和感受的能力所吸引。


現在,我們告訴你們這一點,是因為我們希望你們知道,即使你們的生活中沒有任何事情和你們的世界上的任何事情在鼓舞人的存在狀態,也有可能過上快樂,自由,和諧,和平與愛的生活在你內心被啟用。是的,這些人除了選擇啟用更多的大角星 DNA外,還為自己的一生選擇了一條道路,這就是為什麼他們追求生活的地方,他們尋求越來越高的心靈體驗,而不是尋找名利,財富並受到別人的崇拜。


同樣,我們只希望你們知道可能的事;我們想讓你們知道,如果你們想做的話,有可能成為地球上一個開明的靈性導師,並啟用更多的大角星 DNA。當然,如果你們願意,我們會在這裡為你們提供幫助。



Activate Your Arcturian DNA ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have learned from many humans who we consider to be enlightened spiritual masters there on your world. We have witnessed so many individuals who have that Arcturian DNA fully activated, and as a result, they pursue that which is taking them to higher and higher heights of spiritual awareness, of unity consciousness, and of unconditional love. These individuals are not waiting for anything to happen. They are not trying to manifest anything or anyone into their lives. They are simply fascinated by existence and their ability to feel.

They have desires, just like the rest of you, but they are wired in such a way that their desires are all about the expansion of their consciousness. They want to feel good just like the rest of you want to feel good, but they have taken a more direct path. They are not going to let a circumstance determine how they feel. They are not going to let an insult or a letdown determine how they feel.

Now, we tell you this because we want you to know that it is possible to live a life of joy, freedom, harmony, peace, and love, even if nothing in your life and nothing in your world is inspiring those states of being to be activated within you. And yes, these individuals chose a path for themselves in this lifetime, in addition to choosing to have more of their Arcturian DNA activated, and those are the reasons why they pursue a life where they are seeking higher and higher heights of spiritual experiences, rather than looking for fame, fortune, and to be adored by others.

Trust us when we say that these individuals have all done that previously, and they chose to be who they are in this lifetime because living a life in pursuit of spiritual mastery is yet another experience for the soul. You might think we are telling you this because we think everyone should aspire to be like these individuals, but believe us when we say that we know you are right where you are supposed to be and that your desires are perfect as they are.

Again, we just want you to know what is possible; we want you to know that it is possible to be an enlightened spiritual master there on Earth and to activate more of your Arcturian DNA, if that’s something you want to do. And of course, we are here to help you with that if you want to do it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 









Mass Awakenings in 2021 & Your Role in Them ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are placing a great deal of emphasis at this time on helping you all access more of your own spiritual gifts and abilities because we can see so many mass awakenings coming in the year 2021. And as the mass awakenings occur, there will be so many individuals who will be looking for guidance, healings, and to better understand the experiences they are having. They are going to need more teachers, more healers, more channelers, more psychics, more intuitives, more people just like you who have recognized that you do have so much to offer.

And when you have so much to offer, but you don’t know it yet, you need a little help. You need a nudge from your friends in the ninth dimension. Now, we are always looking to give more to you, but we need you to be open and receptive to what we are giving. That is why we are telling you about this emphasis of ours at this time; it is because we want to see more of you putting your attention on accessing the gifts and abilities that you have inside of you. And we know that so many of you have attempted to do so previously, but to no avail.

Now you are standing in a time where there is much more available to you energetically and so much more support around you, including the support of your past life selves who have accessed those gifts and abilities. And when you integrate them, you get the good with the not-so-good, but you also have the unique opportunity to feel what it feels like to become more whole and complete.

The not-so-good we are referring to is what you have to face and clear from those past lives, but it is worth it to release those traumas and tragedies. And you will feel the relief, you will benefit from the integration, and you will get to know parts of yourself that are very wonderful and helpful, parts of you that have been hanging around and waiting for just the right time to be integrated.

This is something else we will be helping you with, of course. We are the ones who help the helpers, and you are the ones who will be helping the newly awakened who will be a part of the class of 2021. They will be those who awaken from their long time of sleeping, and you will be there to welcome them with open arms, because that is what an awakened person does.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》進入美麗宇宙的鑰匙 (20210311)
《2》震撼你們的世界 (20210313)
#DanielScranton #iam66

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 


我們傾向於在一個人,一個情況,一個事件,甚至我們自己的歷史中尋找積極正面的方面。當我們回顧我們以物質形式生活時,我們確實傾向於看到一切對我們的生活體驗都是積極的。有時候,沒有得到想要的東西是在某種情況下反而是最好的結果,但是很難看出當你們正站在那種情況下,甚至因此而在情感上受到傷害時。 但是一年之後,你們有可能會回顧這段時間,意識到自己想要的東西並不如最終得到的那樣好。

然而,令人難忘的是,在經歷令人失望的時刻。希望在地球上有足夠的經驗,你們會意識到,當你們沒有得到想要的東西時,這可能是為了你們的最高利益,甚至無法想像,也可能意味著隨之而來的是很多更好的事情。利用物質頭腦(physical mind)的最糟糕的方法之一就是執著(get attached)。你們的想像力是奇妙的工具,因為它們可以將你們指向多個方向,但是當你們對自己的思想固執己見,並且對之執著不解時,那麼你們實際上就是在試圖超越自己的高我。




The Keys to Our Beautiful Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have a tendency to look for the positive in a person, a situation, an event, and even in our own history. As we look back at the lives we lived in physical form, we do tend to see how everything was a positive in our life experiences. Sometimes not getting what you want is the best possible outcome in a situation, but it can be very hard to see that when you are standing right in the middle of that situation and even hurting emotionally because of it. But then a year later, you might look back and realize that what you wanted was not as good as what you eventually got.

It is hard to remember that in the moment of a disappointing experience, however. Hopefully, with enough experience there on Earth, you do come to realize that when you don’t get something you want, it can be for your highest good, and it can also mean that something much, much better is coming along, something you could not have even imagined. One of the worst ways of utilizing your physical mind is to get attached. Your imaginations are wondrous tools because they can point you in so many directions, but when you get fixated on something with your mind, and you get attached to it, then you are really trying to outsmart your higher self.

If you can trust that your higher self always knows what is best, and always delivers to you eventually what you want and what you didn’t even know you wanted, then you can start to live happily ever after, then you can start to appreciate the moment you are in, even if it’s not the moment you would have chosen for yourself. Be flexible and know that everything serves you in some way. Everything in your life and everything that isn’t in your life truly is positive, but you have to look for the positive. And you do that after you have your meltdown, your temper tantrum about not getting what you want. You are allowed to experience those intense emotions.

And we are also quite certain that those emotions are serving you. So if you can just guide your mind ever so slightly into recognizing that what you are experiencing is perfect as it is, and is serving you in some way, then you will hold the keys to this beautiful universe of ours.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 








Let Your Worlds be Rocked ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are beginning to recognize the tendency within humanity to come to conclusions rather quickly. We see you all making assumptions based on very little bits and pieces of information, and the assumptions that you make fit in very nicely with your judgments. It is easier for you to believe in something when it’s a confirmation of what you already believe. It is much harder for you to accept information when it runs contrary to a long held belief system, and that is unfortunate because you are going to have experiences in the coming years that are going to rock your worlds.

It’s going to be necessary for you to let go of that tendency to jump to the conclusion that supports your pre-existing beliefs. You are going to want to open yourselves up to completely new ideas, ways of experiencing and knowing reality. That is one of the reasons you have created a world for yourselves right now where there is so much contradiction, where you will always have opposing belief systems co-existing. It’s necessary. It’s good for you because you don’t want to get complacent.

You don’t want to ever think that you have it all figured out. You want to remain open, but with a healthy amount of skepticism as well. And we say that because we don’t want you to believe anything and everything that comes into your awareness. We still want you to run everything through your hearts, see if it resonates, feel into it, and then still don’t come to a conclusion right away. Part of the problem there on Earth is that you were taught in school that these are the facts, these are the truths by which you all need to live. And then once you were done with school, you started to learn that most of what you were taught was false, or unnecessary, or just one perspective on something.

We are talking mostly about your history, but other subjects as well. There is room for creation. There is room for spontaneity. You don’t have to follow all the rules, and you don’t have to adhere to facts that you hold onto tightly, like a treasured toy that you never let out of your sight as a child. You are creator beings, and you are also explorers. You are there to create, but you are also there to expand.

And so, we suggest that you hold back from jumping to conclusions and just let in more of your own energy and information. Let yourself have a personalized experience of this beautiful universe of ours, and never think that your experience has to be repeatable to be true. That is the way to live a fifth dimensional life.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《2》新能源創造了新挑戰 (20210310)
#DanielScranton #iam66 #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 



我們會注意到甚麼是有效的,並且將繼續保持這種氣勢(go with that momentum),而不是試圖迫使你們按照我們希望你們成長和擴展的方向成長和擴張。我們建議你們也要自己做到這一點。 我們建議你們對自己保持耐心,同時也要知道自己實際上正在朝著正確的方向前進,我們還建議你們繼續以使自己朝著最終想要的方向最快的方向流動的能量繼續流動前進。

讓我們說你們想發展自己的心靈天賦和能力,並且你們發現自己可以感覺到能量,並且在與人合作作為能量治療者方面取得了一些成功,但是你們還注意到尚未釋放你們的千里眼能力(unlock your clairvoyant abilities)。與其為你們沒有睜開大眼睛而感到遺憾,我們建議你們隨身攜帶能量流,這些能量對你們來說更容易流動。我們建議你們依靠已經出現的禮物,對你們有用的東西,你們確實有信心的技能。




What If Your Third Eye Isn’t Wide Open? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are constantly tracking your progress there on planet Earth while maintaining a feeling of patience within ourselves, as we understand how hard what you are doing truly is. And we know that real growth and progress does not happen overnight. It takes time, and we know that you are always moving in the right direction, so when we look in on you, we do so with that expectation that we will notice some progress, and we will be able to build on that progress with you.

We will notice what’s working, and we will go with that momentum, rather than trying to force you to grow and expand in the directions that we would like to see you grow and expand in. We recommend that you do this with yourselves as well. We recommend that you be patient with yourselves and that you simultaneously hold that knowing that you are in fact moving in the right direction, and we also advise you to continue to flow with the energy that is moving you the fastest in the direction you ultimately want to go.

Let us say you would like to develop your spiritual gifts and abilities, and you notice that you can feel energy in your hands, and you have had some success working with people as an energy healer, but you also notice that you have yet to unlock your clairvoyant abilities. Instead of lamenting the fact that you do not have that wide-open third eye, we recommend that you go with the flow of the energies that are flowing more easily for you. We recommend that you lean in to the gifts that are already showing up, the things that are working for you, the skills that you do feel confident about.

And know that everything else is going to come in its most appropriate timing. You don’t have to force anything into place there on your journeys, but you do need to trust that everything is moving forward for you, because it is. And now that you know that we are helping you with the areas where we see you making the most progress, maybe you will be more likely to use that momentum that you have, so that you can continue to flow in that direction that is easiest for you to move in.

This experience of shifting from the third, through the fourth, and to the fifth dimension is hard enough as it is. You don’t need to make it any harder on yourselves. We, and others like us, are always attempting to make it easier for you, and we can do that, especially when we have your help.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
譯者:GOOGLE (咕狗)








The New Energies Create These New Challenges ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very aware of the challenges that you face there on planet Earth, and the difficulty you have had in facing those challenges head on. We are not talking about physical challenges, actions you would need to take. We are talking about the challenges that most adults are not even aware you are facing when you are a child. And even if they know you are facing a challenge, they don’t know how to help you. They just want you to quickly snap out of it so that they can stop feeling guilt, frustration or sadness because they see their lovely child suffering.

This is a generational issue, and one that is passed down from parents to offspring because the real challenges of life are not talked about in school or in your religions. They are more focused on whether you have the skills to survive and whether you will sin or upset God in some way. Those were the major challenges that you faced when you were operating at a lower level of consciousness. Most people were quite capable of stuffing their emotions down in order to get the job done, whatever the job may have been.

Your emotions are getting stronger, more intense and more powerful, because they have to in order for you to evolve. People are not able to ignore their emotions like they used to because of the energies that make it impossible for you to ignore those emotions that you have inside of you. They are the reason drugs and alcohol are so prevalent on your world. What is the solution then? The solution that we see is that those of you in the awakened collective must be the ones to set the healthy example to others. You must be willing to speak about your emotions, and even express them publicly.

When you share your stories and tell others about the struggles you have faced emotionally in your lives, you give others permission to do the same, and you demonstrate to them how it is done appropriately. Your world needs leaders in this willingness to be emotional and talk about emotions more than you all need any other kind of leader.

People need to know that they are not alone and that there is a way out of the pit of despair they are currently in, a way out that does not include any kind of drug or any kind of substance that will numb the pain. Once again, we call upon you as the awakened collective to lead the way and to demonstrate to others that any challenge can be faced head on if you are willing to feel what you are feeling inside.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》.來自天狼星,仙女座和昴宿星的幫助 (20210307)
《2》.你太重要了,不能讓別人降低您的情境 (20210308)
#DanielScranton #iam66 #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 






我們都希望看到你在旅途上採取接下來的步驟,踏上旅途的下一步。我們愛你; 我們關心你; 我們尊重,尊敬和崇拜你們,我們將一如既往。更高境界的存有也期待著你們知道我們與你們同在的一天,並且我們希望所有交流都是雙向的。我們很高興與已經觀察了很長時間的這麼多人類進行第一次對話,我們只是想向所有覺醒著的人保證,被喚醒的人類的人數每天都在繼續增加。


Help Coming from Sirius, Andromeda & the Pleiades ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have our arrangements other ninth-dimensional collectives from other star systems to ensure that we are covering all the bases, so to speak, for humankind there on Earth. We work together as one gigantic team in the sky. And working together has proven to be very effective.

We have been communicating a ninth-dimensional collective from the Sirius star system about how to disrupt your habits of thought when they do not serve you. We have also been working with the Pleiadian High Council of 7 on some theories about how we can all help you to recognize the importance of feeling your emotions. And an Andromedan group has been assisting us with these enormous energetic downloads that we have been putting directly into your energy fields throughout your month of March.

And there are others who are helping in myriad ways to assist you in the evolution of your consciousness, not because we feel that you need the help, but because we love coming up with new ways to help all of you there on Earth, and we are also up here in the ninth dimension to answer your prayers. When you ask for something, or when you cry out for it, we always hear you and we look for the most appropriate ways to give you what you are asking for. Therefore, we hope that you know that your prayers and requests are never falling on deaf ears.

We are also constantly recruiting more helpers because of the number of requests that we hear and feel coming from humanity. The number has increased steadily, as more and more humans are waking up, and more of you know that you can count on your helpers from other star systems. You know that you can count on the Archangels and the ascended masters as well, because we are all here in the higher realms with nothing better to do than to help you all grow and expand, to raise the level of your consciousness, and to complete the shift in consciousness with as much fun and joy as you can possibly have along the way.

We all want to see you taking the next steps on your journeys with a spring in your step.
We love you; we care about you; we respect, honor and adore you, and we always will. All beings in the higher realms also look forward to the day when you will know that we are with you, and we look forward to the time when all communication is two-way. We are excited to have our first conversations with so many humans that we have been observing for so very long, and we just want to assure all of you who are awake that the number of awakened humans continues to get bigger every single day.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 




有時,您必須做出艱難的選擇,並自己決定人生中最合適的人。如果您以比其他人更快的速度成長,擴展和發展,並且您可以感覺到該是時候以某種方式,形狀或形式與該人說再見了,那麼這就是您需要做的。現在,另一個人可能真的不想體驗這種距離或距離。在戀愛關係中,他們可能不想經歷分手,但這可能是因為您以較高的頻率振動,並且它們被您吸引,並且您內在的能量振動更大。 。

有時您必須與人建立界限以保持較高的振動,因為當他們沒有發現自己有能力以較高的頻率振動時,他們將盡可能多地尋求您的時間和注意力。 。即使您愛那個人,也總是可以在舒適的距離內愛他們。你可以發送愛;你會感到同情;您可以為他們提供所需的空間,以便他們開始以更高的頻率振動,並在更高的頻率範圍內與您保持聯繫。



You’re Too Important to Let Others Lower Your Vibe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are aware of ourselves and aware of our relationship to all other beings and collectives in this vast universe of ours. We know what our purpose is in regards to every single other being and collective, and that is a very good feeling to have within ourselves. We have ascended to the ninth dimension, which is a frequency range that makes it easier for us to hold that awareness within us. We understand that it is harder for you to hold that awareness in the fourth dimension.

You don’t often recognize how it is you are supposed to relate to someone else that you come across in your day, and you don’t always know how to relate to those who are more permanent fixtures in your lives. So we suggest that you stop and ask yourselves the question, ‘Who am I to this person, or this group, and who are they to me?’ You want to be able to understand what your relationship is really all about, and you also must at times understand that it is okay to relate to someone else, or some group of people from afar.

Sometimes you have to make those hard choices and decide for yourselves what is most appropriate when it comes to the other people in your lives. If you are growing, expanding, and evolving at a faster rate than someone else, and you can feel that it is time to say goodbye to that person in some way, shape or form, then that is what you need to do. Now, the other person may not really want to experience that separation or distance. In the case of a romantic relationship, they may not want to experience the break-up, but that is all probably because you are vibrating at a higher frequency, and they are attracted to you and that higher vibration of energy that you hold within yourself.

You sometimes have to set boundaries with people in order to maintain that higher vibration, because they will seek as much of your time and attention as they can get when they haven’t discovered that they have the power within themselves to vibrate at a higher frequency. Even if you love that person, you can always love them from a comfortable distance. You can send love; you can feel compassion; you can hold space for them to get what they need so that they can start vibrating at a higher frequency and join you in that higher-frequency range.

You can never cut someone out completely, because they will always exist inside of you, and when you have a relationship to someone else that feels powerful at any time, you can rest assured that you will be together again when you are on the same wavelength. We tell you this because of how important it is for you all to maintain that higher vibration for the entire collective. You are doing so much more for all of humanity than you are ever doing for one or two individuals. So remember that and take care of yourselves, set healthy boundaries, and trust your feelings. They will always tell you whether someone is a match to you or not.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》.這才是真正的心靈大師 (20210305)
《2》.行星地球外星人計畫 (20210306)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 




如果你們能夠接受與想要的相反的體驗,因為它們使你們有機會體驗自己想要的東西,則可以更快地遍歷這些體驗。當你們沒有立即得到想要的東西時,在向蒼天咆哮呐喊:“為什麼是我?!” 你們會延遲更多時間。在那一刻,你們不能自然地將想要體驗的東西傳遞給你們,但這沒關係。即使是這種經驗也有其積極的方面。

在尖叫的那一刻,你們的慾望得到了增強。你對獲得你想要的東西的理解, 有一種傾向於增加,,因為你們去了那絕望的深淵。通常,你們會聽到僧侶或智者長者的故事,而在這些故事中,個人對好消息或壞消息的反應不大,故事的重點是表明你不必這樣做。故事中的智者意旨在成為一個意識更加進化的人的榜樣。

但是,從我們所處之地,我們會發現你們對某事產生了事情的真相和真實存在的情緒,然後通過處理來清除該情緒,甚至使自己置身於平靜與和平的內心中,而對情況毫無疑問,已經改變了。那是真正的大師。這些就是你們需要講述的故事,因為你們內心充滿了情緒,生活的目的不是超越自己的感受。它是要有你們的感受,並認識到可以被擁抱那些任何讓你擁有這些感受的東西。(whatever is causing you to have those feelings can also be embraced.)

你們可以學會感到被賦權。你們會知道,外在的任何事物沒有比你們真正所是更強大和有力量了,因為即使你們受到了情緒上的打擊,將自己帶到了內心的平靜與安寧的地方,並且你們可以繼續過生活(get on with your life)。你們可以繼續創建自己想體驗的過程。當我們看到其中的你們這樣做時,我們知道我們正在觀察一位真正的大師。


This Is True Spiritual Mastery ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the ability to be everywhere, all at once, and also to be nowhere in the sense that we are non-physical. We are non-local and non-dualistic. You are living in a dualistic, polarized dimension where you often feel restricted, confined to a physical body. You even need permission to travel to another country, and are usually only allowed to stay for a certain amount of time before you are legally obligated to leave.

You are having a very different experience from the one that we are having, but you also have the ability to feel so much more relief than we will ever know again. The way that your reality is set up gives you the opportunity to experience getting hungry and then eating. You get to feel tired and then have a restful night’s sleep. You get to feel cold and then warm up. You get to know chaos and then peace.

If you can embrace the experiences that are the opposite of what you want because they are giving you the opportunity to then experience what you want, you can move through those experiences much more quickly. When you don’t get what you want right away and shake your fists at the heavens and scream, ‘Why me?!’ you delay the process a bit more. You are not, in that moment, allowing what you want to experience to flow to you naturally, but it’s all right. Even that experience has its positive aspects.

Your desire is heightened in that moment of screaming. Your appreciation for getting what you want has the tendency to be increased because you went to that pit of despair. Oftentimes you hear stories of monks or wise elders, and in those stories, the individual doesn’t react to a great deal of emotion to either good news or bad news, and the point of the story is to show that you don’t have to. The wise one in the story is meant to be an example of someone who is more evolved.

However, from where we sit, we find it more impressive to see you having a true and real emotional reaction to something and then to clear that emotion by processing it and to even bring yourself to a place of calm and peace while nothing about the circumstance has changed. That is true mastery. Those are the stories you need to be telling because you have a lot of emotions inside of you, and the purpose of life is not to transcend your feelings. It is to have your feelings and to recognize that whatever is causing you to have those feelings can also be embraced.

You can learn to feel empowered. You can know that nothing outside of you is stronger or more powerful than you are, because you take the emotional hit, bring yourself to that place of calm and peace inside of you, and you get on with your life. You get on with the process of creating what you do want to experience. When we see one of you doing that, we know we are observing a true master.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 


當涉及到你的意識的揚升以及你在揚升方面的表現時, 我們同意了這裡的許多其他存有和集體. 我們已經就我們的參與意識水平達成了許多協議。我們已經就我們的參與程度以及如何在不干涉的情況下提供幫助達成了許多協議,並且我們也同意你們在我們和我們其他人所給予你們的幫助方面所取得的進展。我們可以肯定地說,你們當前世界上的意識水平比以往任何時候都高。

現在,你們可能會環顧四周,想知道這是怎麼回事,因為有些人們仍在從事暴力行為,彼此憎恨並持有種族主義的信念。這些只是你們的世界上仍然存在的較低振動意識的一些示例。但是,你的整體意識水平是通過把所有更高的思想, 信仰, 情緒和行動與其他人結合來計算的。這的真正含義是,那些有意識和覺醒的人正在將其餘人類完全帶入更高的領域,進入第五維度頻率範圍。

這始終是你們意識揚升的計劃;這一直是地球上的計劃。人們總是注定要成為大多數人的工作,以提高全人類的意識水平。為什麼會這樣,你們可能想知道?好吧,我們很高興你們提出這問題。源頭,地球的每個人都是源頭個性化的代表,他們都想要多樣性和差異性(diversity),而不僅僅是相同性,而當有人在低振動意識的水平上工作時,獲得一體意識是一項更大的壯舉(bigger feat)。你們還將體驗到通過愛與光的牽引光束將那些人意識抬起來的感覺,而是值得擁有的體驗。



The Plan for PlanE.T. Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in agreement with so many other beings and collectives here in the higher realms when it comes to your ascension and how you are doing in regards to your ascension. We have come to so many agreements about what our level of involvement should be and how we can help without interfering, and we are also in agreement about the progress that you are making there with what we and others like us have been giving you. We can state with certainty that the level of consciousness on your world right now is higher than it ever has been.

Now, you might look around and wonder how that can be, given that people are still engaging in acts of violence, hating one another, and holding very racist beliefs. These are just a few examples of the lower vibrational consciousness that also still exists on your world. But your overall level of consciousness is calculated by putting all of the higher thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions together with all the rest. And what this really means is that those of you who are conscious and awake are completely pulling the rest of humanity up with you into the higher realms, into the fifth-dimensional frequency range.

This was always the plan for your ascension; this was always the plan there on planet Earth. You were always meant to be the ones doing the majority of the work on raising the level of consciousness for all of humankind. And why is that, you might wonder? Well, we are happy you asked. Source, and everyone there who is an individuated representation of Source all want variety and diversity so much more than sameness, and it is a much bigger feat to attain unity consciousness when there are those who are operating in that low-vibrational level of consciousness. You also get to experience what it is like to lift those human beings up through the tractor beam of your love and light, and that right there is an experience worth having.

It is an experience that is so worth having that you would be willing to create the chaos and the terrible circumstances that exist there on your world in many corners of Earth. This is your time to not only rise up, but it is also your time to take so many with you and to feel the feelings that come along with being of service in that most profound way that you are. And in case you are wondering, yes, we are speaking directly to you as a member of the awakened collective. You are doing your fair share just by holding a higher vibration, just by being in that higher level of consciousness that you have been able to attain in this lifetime. It is enough, you are enough, and you are doing enough, so now go and relax so you can vibrate even higher.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》.地球行星的遊戲規則 (20210303)
《2》.您不合邏輯的精神道路 (20210304)
#DanielScranton #iam66 #咕狗 #GOOGLE

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 



我們希望所有人都知道人生目標的一部分是為自己決定自己想成為誰,想要做什麼,你的真相是什麼,以及你認為應該為人生決定的許多其他方面你。這些事情在你們化身之前並沒有為你們決定,你們也無法找到可以告訴你們做什麼,不做什麼,吃什麼,不吃什麼的完美教義,等等。你們作為“源頭能量存有”,應該嘗試全部嘗試,以察覺當下的感受。(what feels right in the moment)







The Rules of the Game on Planet Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been waiting for the most appropriate moment to bring you the following transmission, and it just so happens that the proper moment is now. We have been watching you as you struggle there on Earth to figure out what it is that you are supposed to do, how it is you are supposed to live, and in what you are supposed to believe. You have been looking for answers for a very long time there on Earth to these questions, and even bigger ones that you face, as human beings.

We want you all to know that part of your life’s purpose is to decide for yourselves who you want to be, what you want to do, what your truth is, and so many other aspects of life that you think are supposed to be decided for you. These things are not decided for you before you incarnate, and you are not there to find the perfect teachings that will tell you what to do, what not to do, what to eat, what not to eat, and so on. You, as Source Energy Beings, are supposed to try it all on for size and see what feels right in the moment.

You definitely don’t have to decide today what you are going to do tomorrow, and you definitely don’t have to have the same beliefs from one day to the next either. You’re not there to get anything right; you are there to experience everything and to experience yourselves as everything. And you can even decide whether you want to follow your feelings or follow your mind. You even get to decide whether you want to listen to your heart or listen to some guru who is telling you what the rules are of this game you are all playing.

The reason you cannot all agree on what the rules are is because there were never meant to be any rules, and every rule that you have made there on Earth has been broken because that is the way you decided you would be able to experience everything there on Earth. And that is how you knew you could get the most expansion, experience the most creative ideas. That is how you knew you could be All-That-Is.

Being All-That-Is is something you wanted to experience fully, rather than just knowing intellectually. You don’t have to listen to what anyone else tells you is true. You do get to decide for yourselves, and we invite you to exercise that free will, because that’s the only way you are ever really going to feel as though you are living your life, rather than someone else’s.

Your perception of reality is your reality, and since everything is changing all the time, so will your perception of it. Please do not worry about chiseling anything in stone there on Earth. Our suggestion is that you go with the flow and that you let yourselves be everything, and you grant yourselves the freedom to choose which aspect of everything you want to be from one moment to the next.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 







Your Illogical Spiritual Path ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always attempting to find just the right combination of energies and galactic light codes to send to all of you, and when we find a combination that works, we stick with it for a while. We want to see whether there is a cumulative effect when you are bombarded with the same energies and galactic light codes over and over again. But there always comes a time when we have to make a change in the formula, and by mixing it up, we give you something new, something different, something that will tickle you in just the right way, or at least that is always the desire on our part.

We invite you to do the same with yourselves. You might find that you are outgrowing something, even if it is something that once gave you great pleasure or once was a spiritual practice that you got so much out of, it doesn’t mean that you will always get the same results, and that is because you are expanding and growing all the time. You have something there on Earth called rituals, and rituals can be effective when they are needed and when they are used appropriately. But you can also stop benefitting from them and not even realize it, or you might fear that if you let go of the ritual you will somehow regress spiritually.

We want you to know that you will never regress spiritually. You will always remain on an upward spiral until you ascend, and there will be paths that you take that will be short and paths that you will take that will be longer, and at the end of all of it, you can lump them all together and call them your spiritual path, even if it doesn’t seem to make any logical sense. The thing about life that is hard for an ego or a mind to understand is that it’s never going to make sense when you look at the bigger picture, and it doesn’t have to make sense, and it’s okay if your life isn’t making sense to you. It’s okay if your spiritual path is not clearly laid out in front to you.

Please remember that you get to make course corrections all the time, and you don’t have to explain yourself or your decisions to anyone. We in the higher realms understand because we can see how life on Earth is very chaotic, and we can see how much variety you have there to choose from, and you are supposed to explore as much of that variety as you possibly can. Be consistent in your grounded-ness, in being present, in checking in with your feelings, and in being heart centered, but otherwise, let your path be spontaneous, and let it emerge in front of you in every moment of every day, and don’t worry what anyone else thinks about it because it is your journey and yours alone.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》.覺醒本能的開關 (20210301)
《2》.覺醒集體的巨大能量清除 (20210302)
#DanielScranton #iam66

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 




你將從人類的其他人中受益很多, 決定把他們的靈性放在第一位,並且你們將有足夠足夠可以給同胞,因為他們仍然需要你們的幫助。他們仍然需要知道如何應對自己的覺醒經歷。他們將需要知道如何處理一種情緒,如何提高自己的振動以及如何體驗一體。你會站出來, 因為你一直在訓練自己的一生, 甚至在等待這一刻, 這一刻你將不再是怪咖無法理解的人(weird one at the dinner table)。



The Awakening Instinct Switch ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuously amazed by humanity because you have a willingness to endure so much in the name of your survival, and we know that if you could take that same approach to your emotions and your spirituality, you could grow exponentially as individuals and as a collective. Wanting to survive is built in; you don’t have to be convinced that it is a good idea for you to eat, hydrate, clothe yourselves, put a roof over your heads, and so on. What you need is to have that awakening instinct turned on within you so that you all have the desire to grow spiritually. And when that desire eclipses the desire to just survive, you are going to see massive changes within individuals who you had previously given up on.

Activating the instinct for awakening is something that we and our colleagues here in the non-physical are working on right now. We are working with your higher selves, and we are working with e.t.s in physical bodies to determine the best way to activate this instinct that will help others in recognizing that they are a spirit and that they are expanding as that spirit. And when enough people on your world truly want to experience spiritual evolution, you are going to feel the tidal wave of energies coming in, because now your fellow humans who had been asleep will be opening up to the energies that you and others like you are so familiar with receiving.

You are going to benefit so much from the rest of humanity deciding to put their spirituality first, and you are going to have more than enough to give your fellow humans, because they will still need your help. They will still need to know how to deal with their awakening experiences. They will need to know how to process an emotion, how to raise their vibration, and how to experience oneness. You will step up because you have been training your whole lives and even waiting for this moment, a moment when you will no longer be the weird one at the dinner table.

You will no longer be the outcast or the black sheep in your family. You will be the one that everyone turns to because they will know that you have already gone through what they are experiencing and that you know how to help. This glorious time is coming there on planet Earth, and we just wanted to let you know that we are doing our part. We are working on the awakening instinct switch.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 







The Awakening Instinct Switch ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuously amazed by humanity because you have a willingness to endure so much in the name of your survival, and we know that if you could take that same approach to your emotions and your spirituality, you could grow exponentially as individuals and as a collective. Wanting to survive is built in; you don’t have to be convinced that it is a good idea for you to eat, hydrate, clothe yourselves, put a roof over your heads, and so on. What you need is to have that awakening instinct turned on within you so that you all have the desire to grow spiritually. And when that desire eclipses the desire to just survive, you are going to see massive changes within individuals who you had previously given up on.

Activating the instinct for awakening is something that we and our colleagues here in the non-physical are working on right now. We are working with your higher selves, and we are working with e.t.s in physical bodies to determine the best way to activate this instinct that will help others in recognizing that they are a spirit and that they are expanding as that spirit. And when enough people on your world truly want to experience spiritual evolution, you are going to feel the tidal wave of energies coming in, because now your fellow humans who had been asleep will be opening up to the energies that you and others like you are so familiar with receiving.

You are going to benefit so much from the rest of humanity deciding to put their spirituality first, and you are going to have more than enough to give your fellow humans, because they will still need your help. They will still need to know how to deal with their awakening experiences. They will need to know how to process an emotion, how to raise their vibration, and how to experience oneness. You will step up because you have been training your whole lives and even waiting for this moment, a moment when you will no longer be the weird one at the dinner table.

You will no longer be the outcast or the black sheep in your family. You will be the one that everyone turns to because they will know that you have already gone through what they are experiencing and that you know how to help. This glorious time is coming there on planet Earth, and we just wanted to let you know that we are doing our part. We are working on the awakening instinct switch.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》.2021年3月的能量 (20210227)
《2》.這樣做可以從壓迫中釋放自己 (20210228)
#DanielScranton #iam66 #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 





如此之多的人類已經經歷了一種清楚的認識,即他們已經有一段時間不了解自己了,或者在這一生或任何其他人生中從未認識過。現在,你們已經賦予自己清晰地感覺自己內在和外部發生了什麼的能力,越來越多的人看到分裂和爭論誰是好人及壞人(wearing a white hat and who is wearing a black hat)的徒勞無益。你們有能力收回自己的力量,現在是時候了有更多的信心面對自己以及對團結的能力。

現在是時候放下武器(put down your torches and your pitchforks),成為一個人類,團結起來了,知道你們都有著深厚的淵源,可以追溯到許多前世,而且在大多數情況下,它們甚至比第一個更遠你們在地球上所經歷的生命。你們是一個合一的集體,但是大多數人還不知道,所以我們看到,從3月即將到來的巨大能量下載開始,這一切都會改變。


The March 2021 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of exploring all of the various timelines that are in front of you now there on Earth in 2021, and we are very impressed by the timelines that you are currently creating and that you have been creating so far in this calendar year of yours. You are looking for opportunities to go deeper in your connections, and that is of paramount importance to the unification of the human collective.

Now, as you start coming together in more powerful ways because of the connections that you feel to one another, you are going to see powerful co-creative councils forming there on Earth. We are talking about councils and collectives made up of human beings, and these groups will not just be affiliated with one government, or even one political party. These groups are not going to form based on race, religion, or economic status. The groups that you will be forming there in 2021 will be about your desire to raise the level of consciousness there on Earth and your desire to reach out to the e.t.s that are present and available to you right now.

The desire for more unity has been birthed by the divisiveness that you have all experienced in one way or another there on your world, and the coming together will occur because of the energies we have told you about that are already beginning to come in as you begin the month of March and get closer and closer to the March equinox. You all are beginning to experience less and less of the distortions that have plagued humanity for far too long. Your energy fields are already beginning to operate as the beautiful filters that they were always meant to be.

And so many humans are already experiencing a clarity that they have not known within themselves for quite some time, or ever in this or any other lifetime. You now have granted yourselves the power to feel clearly what is going on inside of yourselves and outside of yourselves, and more and more of you can see the futility in being divided and in arguing over who is wearing a white hat and who is wearing a black hat. You have the ability to take back your power to have more faith in yourselves and in your ability to come together, and now is the time.

Now is the time to put down your torches and your pitchforks and to come together as one human race, united with the knowing that you all have these deep connections that go back many lifetimes, and in most cases they go back even further than the first lifetimes that you experienced there on planet Earth. You are one unified collective, but most people just don’t know it yet, and we see that beginning with the tremendous download of energies that is coming in for the month of March, that is all about to change.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 








Do This to Release Yourself from Oppression ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in seeing what humanity will do when you have freed yourselves from the limiting beliefs that we can feel weighing humankind down in these times you are living in right now. We know that life is not easy there on Earth, and we don’t wish to make it seem as though we feel that it would be very simple for you to just let go of those limiting beliefs we are referring to right now. But the truth is that we do feel so many humans are anchored at this time to the belief that they are more oppressed than they are empowered. So many on your planet feel more victimized than they do empowered by the truth that they are Source Energy Beings.

And we invite those of you who are truly awake, who absolutely know that you are Source Energy Beings, to lead humanity into this new golden age, an age where everyone will know who they really are, and everyone will also know who all of their fellow humans are. That will be the time when we can see what you are truly capable of creating, being, and doing there on Earth, and that’s exciting to us.

But in the meantime, we will encourage those of you who understand who you really are to demonstrate what is possible to your fellow humans by sitting in your power, activating your Divinity, and living a life of freedom, a life of joy, a life of unconditional love. Many on your world at this time believe that knowledge is power. So many have put their faith in a story, a narrative that has been cooked up by one or more other humans, and we want to tell you that even if all the stories presented right now on the Internet were true, your power would still lie in your ability to love unconditionally all the villains, all the people wearing the black hats, all of the enemies of the people.

They are your assignments. You are there to love them back into alignment, and no, they will not all choose to come back into the light, and that’s okay too. That is their free will, but we are always going to recommend that you use your free will to demonstrate to yourselves and others how powerful you are, and to tell the world that your power comes from your heart and not your mind.

Your power comes from your ability to vibrate on purpose, not your ability to march or protest. You have the ability to bring about the massive changes that you see promised by the same individuals who will continue to point fingers at the causes of the problem without offering the only solution. Those massive changes will come because the awakened collective will choose love time and time again. That is your assignment, and we know that you are up to it, because when we see you, we only see who you really are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”