

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》.2021年3月的能量 (20210227)
《2》.這樣做可以從壓迫中釋放自己 (20210228)
#DanielScranton #iam66 #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 





如此之多的人類已經經歷了一種清楚的認識,即他們已經有一段時間不了解自己了,或者在這一生或任何其他人生中從未認識過。現在,你們已經賦予自己清晰地感覺自己內在和外部發生了什麼的能力,越來越多的人看到分裂和爭論誰是好人及壞人(wearing a white hat and who is wearing a black hat)的徒勞無益。你們有能力收回自己的力量,現在是時候了有更多的信心面對自己以及對團結的能力。

現在是時候放下武器(put down your torches and your pitchforks),成為一個人類,團結起來了,知道你們都有著深厚的淵源,可以追溯到許多前世,而且在大多數情況下,它們甚至比第一個更遠你們在地球上所經歷的生命。你們是一個合一的集體,但是大多數人還不知道,所以我們看到,從3月即將到來的巨大能量下載開始,這一切都會改變。


The March 2021 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of exploring all of the various timelines that are in front of you now there on Earth in 2021, and we are very impressed by the timelines that you are currently creating and that you have been creating so far in this calendar year of yours. You are looking for opportunities to go deeper in your connections, and that is of paramount importance to the unification of the human collective.

Now, as you start coming together in more powerful ways because of the connections that you feel to one another, you are going to see powerful co-creative councils forming there on Earth. We are talking about councils and collectives made up of human beings, and these groups will not just be affiliated with one government, or even one political party. These groups are not going to form based on race, religion, or economic status. The groups that you will be forming there in 2021 will be about your desire to raise the level of consciousness there on Earth and your desire to reach out to the e.t.s that are present and available to you right now.

The desire for more unity has been birthed by the divisiveness that you have all experienced in one way or another there on your world, and the coming together will occur because of the energies we have told you about that are already beginning to come in as you begin the month of March and get closer and closer to the March equinox. You all are beginning to experience less and less of the distortions that have plagued humanity for far too long. Your energy fields are already beginning to operate as the beautiful filters that they were always meant to be.

And so many humans are already experiencing a clarity that they have not known within themselves for quite some time, or ever in this or any other lifetime. You now have granted yourselves the power to feel clearly what is going on inside of yourselves and outside of yourselves, and more and more of you can see the futility in being divided and in arguing over who is wearing a white hat and who is wearing a black hat. You have the ability to take back your power to have more faith in yourselves and in your ability to come together, and now is the time.

Now is the time to put down your torches and your pitchforks and to come together as one human race, united with the knowing that you all have these deep connections that go back many lifetimes, and in most cases they go back even further than the first lifetimes that you experienced there on planet Earth. You are one unified collective, but most people just don’t know it yet, and we see that beginning with the tremendous download of energies that is coming in for the month of March, that is all about to change.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 








Do This to Release Yourself from Oppression ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in seeing what humanity will do when you have freed yourselves from the limiting beliefs that we can feel weighing humankind down in these times you are living in right now. We know that life is not easy there on Earth, and we don’t wish to make it seem as though we feel that it would be very simple for you to just let go of those limiting beliefs we are referring to right now. But the truth is that we do feel so many humans are anchored at this time to the belief that they are more oppressed than they are empowered. So many on your planet feel more victimized than they do empowered by the truth that they are Source Energy Beings.

And we invite those of you who are truly awake, who absolutely know that you are Source Energy Beings, to lead humanity into this new golden age, an age where everyone will know who they really are, and everyone will also know who all of their fellow humans are. That will be the time when we can see what you are truly capable of creating, being, and doing there on Earth, and that’s exciting to us.

But in the meantime, we will encourage those of you who understand who you really are to demonstrate what is possible to your fellow humans by sitting in your power, activating your Divinity, and living a life of freedom, a life of joy, a life of unconditional love. Many on your world at this time believe that knowledge is power. So many have put their faith in a story, a narrative that has been cooked up by one or more other humans, and we want to tell you that even if all the stories presented right now on the Internet were true, your power would still lie in your ability to love unconditionally all the villains, all the people wearing the black hats, all of the enemies of the people.

They are your assignments. You are there to love them back into alignment, and no, they will not all choose to come back into the light, and that’s okay too. That is their free will, but we are always going to recommend that you use your free will to demonstrate to yourselves and others how powerful you are, and to tell the world that your power comes from your heart and not your mind.

Your power comes from your ability to vibrate on purpose, not your ability to march or protest. You have the ability to bring about the massive changes that you see promised by the same individuals who will continue to point fingers at the causes of the problem without offering the only solution. Those massive changes will come because the awakened collective will choose love time and time again. That is your assignment, and we know that you are up to it, because when we see you, we only see who you really are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


