

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《2》新能源創造了新挑戰 (20210310)
#DanielScranton #iam66 #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 



我們會注意到甚麼是有效的,並且將繼續保持這種氣勢(go with that momentum),而不是試圖迫使你們按照我們希望你們成長和擴展的方向成長和擴張。我們建議你們也要自己做到這一點。 我們建議你們對自己保持耐心,同時也要知道自己實際上正在朝著正確的方向前進,我們還建議你們繼續以使自己朝著最終想要的方向最快的方向流動的能量繼續流動前進。

讓我們說你們想發展自己的心靈天賦和能力,並且你們發現自己可以感覺到能量,並且在與人合作作為能量治療者方面取得了一些成功,但是你們還注意到尚未釋放你們的千里眼能力(unlock your clairvoyant abilities)。與其為你們沒有睜開大眼睛而感到遺憾,我們建議你們隨身攜帶能量流,這些能量對你們來說更容易流動。我們建議你們依靠已經出現的禮物,對你們有用的東西,你們確實有信心的技能。




What If Your Third Eye Isn’t Wide Open? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are constantly tracking your progress there on planet Earth while maintaining a feeling of patience within ourselves, as we understand how hard what you are doing truly is. And we know that real growth and progress does not happen overnight. It takes time, and we know that you are always moving in the right direction, so when we look in on you, we do so with that expectation that we will notice some progress, and we will be able to build on that progress with you.

We will notice what’s working, and we will go with that momentum, rather than trying to force you to grow and expand in the directions that we would like to see you grow and expand in. We recommend that you do this with yourselves as well. We recommend that you be patient with yourselves and that you simultaneously hold that knowing that you are in fact moving in the right direction, and we also advise you to continue to flow with the energy that is moving you the fastest in the direction you ultimately want to go.

Let us say you would like to develop your spiritual gifts and abilities, and you notice that you can feel energy in your hands, and you have had some success working with people as an energy healer, but you also notice that you have yet to unlock your clairvoyant abilities. Instead of lamenting the fact that you do not have that wide-open third eye, we recommend that you go with the flow of the energies that are flowing more easily for you. We recommend that you lean in to the gifts that are already showing up, the things that are working for you, the skills that you do feel confident about.

And know that everything else is going to come in its most appropriate timing. You don’t have to force anything into place there on your journeys, but you do need to trust that everything is moving forward for you, because it is. And now that you know that we are helping you with the areas where we see you making the most progress, maybe you will be more likely to use that momentum that you have, so that you can continue to flow in that direction that is easiest for you to move in.

This experience of shifting from the third, through the fourth, and to the fifth dimension is hard enough as it is. You don’t need to make it any harder on yourselves. We, and others like us, are always attempting to make it easier for you, and we can do that, especially when we have your help.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
譯者:GOOGLE (咕狗)








The New Energies Create These New Challenges ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very aware of the challenges that you face there on planet Earth, and the difficulty you have had in facing those challenges head on. We are not talking about physical challenges, actions you would need to take. We are talking about the challenges that most adults are not even aware you are facing when you are a child. And even if they know you are facing a challenge, they don’t know how to help you. They just want you to quickly snap out of it so that they can stop feeling guilt, frustration or sadness because they see their lovely child suffering.

This is a generational issue, and one that is passed down from parents to offspring because the real challenges of life are not talked about in school or in your religions. They are more focused on whether you have the skills to survive and whether you will sin or upset God in some way. Those were the major challenges that you faced when you were operating at a lower level of consciousness. Most people were quite capable of stuffing their emotions down in order to get the job done, whatever the job may have been.

Your emotions are getting stronger, more intense and more powerful, because they have to in order for you to evolve. People are not able to ignore their emotions like they used to because of the energies that make it impossible for you to ignore those emotions that you have inside of you. They are the reason drugs and alcohol are so prevalent on your world. What is the solution then? The solution that we see is that those of you in the awakened collective must be the ones to set the healthy example to others. You must be willing to speak about your emotions, and even express them publicly.

When you share your stories and tell others about the struggles you have faced emotionally in your lives, you give others permission to do the same, and you demonstrate to them how it is done appropriately. Your world needs leaders in this willingness to be emotional and talk about emotions more than you all need any other kind of leader.

People need to know that they are not alone and that there is a way out of the pit of despair they are currently in, a way out that does not include any kind of drug or any kind of substance that will numb the pain. Once again, we call upon you as the awakened collective to lead the way and to demonstrate to others that any challenge can be faced head on if you are willing to feel what you are feeling inside.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


