

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》.這才是真正的心靈大師 (20210305)
《2》.行星地球外星人計畫 (20210306)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 




如果你們能夠接受與想要的相反的體驗,因為它們使你們有機會體驗自己想要的東西,則可以更快地遍歷這些體驗。當你們沒有立即得到想要的東西時,在向蒼天咆哮呐喊:“為什麼是我?!” 你們會延遲更多時間。在那一刻,你們不能自然地將想要體驗的東西傳遞給你們,但這沒關係。即使是這種經驗也有其積極的方面。

在尖叫的那一刻,你們的慾望得到了增強。你對獲得你想要的東西的理解, 有一種傾向於增加,,因為你們去了那絕望的深淵。通常,你們會聽到僧侶或智者長者的故事,而在這些故事中,個人對好消息或壞消息的反應不大,故事的重點是表明你不必這樣做。故事中的智者意旨在成為一個意識更加進化的人的榜樣。

但是,從我們所處之地,我們會發現你們對某事產生了事情的真相和真實存在的情緒,然後通過處理來清除該情緒,甚至使自己置身於平靜與和平的內心中,而對情況毫無疑問,已經改變了。那是真正的大師。這些就是你們需要講述的故事,因為你們內心充滿了情緒,生活的目的不是超越自己的感受。它是要有你們的感受,並認識到可以被擁抱那些任何讓你擁有這些感受的東西。(whatever is causing you to have those feelings can also be embraced.)

你們可以學會感到被賦權。你們會知道,外在的任何事物沒有比你們真正所是更強大和有力量了,因為即使你們受到了情緒上的打擊,將自己帶到了內心的平靜與安寧的地方,並且你們可以繼續過生活(get on with your life)。你們可以繼續創建自己想體驗的過程。當我們看到其中的你們這樣做時,我們知道我們正在觀察一位真正的大師。


This Is True Spiritual Mastery ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the ability to be everywhere, all at once, and also to be nowhere in the sense that we are non-physical. We are non-local and non-dualistic. You are living in a dualistic, polarized dimension where you often feel restricted, confined to a physical body. You even need permission to travel to another country, and are usually only allowed to stay for a certain amount of time before you are legally obligated to leave.

You are having a very different experience from the one that we are having, but you also have the ability to feel so much more relief than we will ever know again. The way that your reality is set up gives you the opportunity to experience getting hungry and then eating. You get to feel tired and then have a restful night’s sleep. You get to feel cold and then warm up. You get to know chaos and then peace.

If you can embrace the experiences that are the opposite of what you want because they are giving you the opportunity to then experience what you want, you can move through those experiences much more quickly. When you don’t get what you want right away and shake your fists at the heavens and scream, ‘Why me?!’ you delay the process a bit more. You are not, in that moment, allowing what you want to experience to flow to you naturally, but it’s all right. Even that experience has its positive aspects.

Your desire is heightened in that moment of screaming. Your appreciation for getting what you want has the tendency to be increased because you went to that pit of despair. Oftentimes you hear stories of monks or wise elders, and in those stories, the individual doesn’t react to a great deal of emotion to either good news or bad news, and the point of the story is to show that you don’t have to. The wise one in the story is meant to be an example of someone who is more evolved.

However, from where we sit, we find it more impressive to see you having a true and real emotional reaction to something and then to clear that emotion by processing it and to even bring yourself to a place of calm and peace while nothing about the circumstance has changed. That is true mastery. Those are the stories you need to be telling because you have a lot of emotions inside of you, and the purpose of life is not to transcend your feelings. It is to have your feelings and to recognize that whatever is causing you to have those feelings can also be embraced.

You can learn to feel empowered. You can know that nothing outside of you is stronger or more powerful than you are, because you take the emotional hit, bring yourself to that place of calm and peace inside of you, and you get on with your life. You get on with the process of creating what you do want to experience. When we see one of you doing that, we know we are observing a true master.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 


當涉及到你的意識的揚升以及你在揚升方面的表現時, 我們同意了這裡的許多其他存有和集體. 我們已經就我們的參與意識水平達成了許多協議。我們已經就我們的參與程度以及如何在不干涉的情況下提供幫助達成了許多協議,並且我們也同意你們在我們和我們其他人所給予你們的幫助方面所取得的進展。我們可以肯定地說,你們當前世界上的意識水平比以往任何時候都高。

現在,你們可能會環顧四周,想知道這是怎麼回事,因為有些人們仍在從事暴力行為,彼此憎恨並持有種族主義的信念。這些只是你們的世界上仍然存在的較低振動意識的一些示例。但是,你的整體意識水平是通過把所有更高的思想, 信仰, 情緒和行動與其他人結合來計算的。這的真正含義是,那些有意識和覺醒的人正在將其餘人類完全帶入更高的領域,進入第五維度頻率範圍。

這始終是你們意識揚升的計劃;這一直是地球上的計劃。人們總是注定要成為大多數人的工作,以提高全人類的意識水平。為什麼會這樣,你們可能想知道?好吧,我們很高興你們提出這問題。源頭,地球的每個人都是源頭個性化的代表,他們都想要多樣性和差異性(diversity),而不僅僅是相同性,而當有人在低振動意識的水平上工作時,獲得一體意識是一項更大的壯舉(bigger feat)。你們還將體驗到通過愛與光的牽引光束將那些人意識抬起來的感覺,而是值得擁有的體驗。



The Plan for PlanE.T. Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in agreement with so many other beings and collectives here in the higher realms when it comes to your ascension and how you are doing in regards to your ascension. We have come to so many agreements about what our level of involvement should be and how we can help without interfering, and we are also in agreement about the progress that you are making there with what we and others like us have been giving you. We can state with certainty that the level of consciousness on your world right now is higher than it ever has been.

Now, you might look around and wonder how that can be, given that people are still engaging in acts of violence, hating one another, and holding very racist beliefs. These are just a few examples of the lower vibrational consciousness that also still exists on your world. But your overall level of consciousness is calculated by putting all of the higher thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions together with all the rest. And what this really means is that those of you who are conscious and awake are completely pulling the rest of humanity up with you into the higher realms, into the fifth-dimensional frequency range.

This was always the plan for your ascension; this was always the plan there on planet Earth. You were always meant to be the ones doing the majority of the work on raising the level of consciousness for all of humankind. And why is that, you might wonder? Well, we are happy you asked. Source, and everyone there who is an individuated representation of Source all want variety and diversity so much more than sameness, and it is a much bigger feat to attain unity consciousness when there are those who are operating in that low-vibrational level of consciousness. You also get to experience what it is like to lift those human beings up through the tractor beam of your love and light, and that right there is an experience worth having.

It is an experience that is so worth having that you would be willing to create the chaos and the terrible circumstances that exist there on your world in many corners of Earth. This is your time to not only rise up, but it is also your time to take so many with you and to feel the feelings that come along with being of service in that most profound way that you are. And in case you are wondering, yes, we are speaking directly to you as a member of the awakened collective. You are doing your fair share just by holding a higher vibration, just by being in that higher level of consciousness that you have been able to attain in this lifetime. It is enough, you are enough, and you are doing enough, so now go and relax so you can vibrate even higher.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


