

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》感受到流動中的力量 (20210320)
《2》按下按鍵回到你們星際系統之家 (20210321)
《3》昴宿星、仙女座、天狼星、仙后座和天琴座的幫助 (20210322)
#DanielScranton #Amber #iam66

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 






Feel the Power of Being in the Flow ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to share with you the following transmission. We have been noticing the very beautiful ways that all of you who are awake have been processing your emotions, and we notice that there is a greater understanding now than there ever has been before of how powerful and significant those emotions are, as you gradually expand your consciousness and become your higher selves. You are, in many ways, freeing yourselves from the bondage of being trapped by those unwanted, low-vibrational emotions.

And we see more and more of you soaring free without the baggage that you’ve been carrying. What you are also there to do is to recognize that you are never more powerful than when you are feeling something, no matter what it is. When you are letting the energy of emotion flow through you, that is when you are your most powerful. That’s when you are in the flow, and that’s what you are there to recognize at this time. It really is not about what you think, or what you do, or what you say. It is about what you feel.

When someone is talking to the public because they are a public figure, don’t hang on every word that they are saying. Instead, notice what vibration the individual is holding and whether he or she is in the flow or offering resistance. You want to support those who are in the flow. You want to support expansion, no matter where you are on your journey. Whether you have a lot of emotions left to process or not, you are there to create the reality that is your ideal version of life on Earth, and you can only do that through feeling.

There’s not enough time or energy to do it through action. It really is about letting yourself be in the flow of that creation, that version of reality that you want to experience. Anytime you are tensing up and in resistance, you are not allowing the flow of energy to empower you. And so, if you want to be of service to yourself and others, remember this transmission. Remember the power of being in the flow of what you feel and how necessary it is at times to let go of whatever it is you are resisting, so that you can just be in the moment with whatever it is you feel. You can feel more powerful than you have allowed yourselves to, up until now, and you can let your emotions guide you on that journey.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 





就在此時此刻,這一切都在你們的內心,我們甚至一點都不開玩笑。你們還在等什麽呢?是的,讓外面的事情發生變化,把所有的東西都拱手相讓/不勞而獲(everything served up to you on a silver platter is the fantasy),這是一種幻想;這是一種簡單的方法。按下一個按鈕,這樣你們就可以傳送到其他地方,那裏的事情是更好的,當然看起來是一個非常好的主意。但如果你們這樣做了,你們將剝奪自己的旅程,因爲我們在與你們同行,我們可以肯定地說,你們會在這個時刻,這會是最好的旅程。



Press a Button & Teleport to Your Home Star System? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are loving the process of witnessing your evolution of consciousness, because we are doing it with you. We are on a journey together, and you are making the most progress of any beings of any dimension in this galaxy. That is because you have moved so far from the truth of who you really are, and the journey back to that knowing is such a giant leap from where you once were. It’s the movement forward that it’s really all about. You get to feel as though you are becoming your higher selves for the very first time, even though you have all been fifth dimensional already.

You are returning home, in a sense, and those of you who talk about going home as if home is a star system, or a planet, are missing the point. It’s not about the star system you came from or originated in, and it’s not about the planet, the moon, or the body that you once knew so well. This journey is about you returning to the you that you have always been, but have agreed to forget that you once were. You are going back to the fifth dimension, but it won’t be the same fifth dimension that you once knew, and that is because of what you’ve been living there on Earth.

You are there having such a hard time because you knew that through hardship, pain, and struggle, you would create you more, you would create something better, and you have. You have created a better version of reality than the one that you knew when you were fifth dimensional. Now, you will also get to go home in the physical sense, but that will never be what it’s all about for you. It has always been about and will always be about returning to a feeling, a state of being, a level of consciousness. That’s what you want to really achieve, and that is what’s available to you right now. You don’t have to wait for anything outside of you to happen in order to start knowing yourselves as your fifth-dimensional higher selves.

It is all inside of you right now in this very moment, and we are not even a little bit kidding about that. So what are you waiting for? Yes, having things change outside of you and having everything served up to you on a silver platter is the fantasy; it’s the easy way. Pressing a button so that you can teleport somewhere else where things are much better certainly seems like a very good idea. But if you did that, you would be robbing yourselves of the ride you are on, and because we are on the ride with you, we can say with certainty that it is the best ride that you could possibly be on at this time.

And if you could appreciate the journey just a little bit more, you could feel what we feel about your journey. In fact, you can feel a bit of who we are inside of you when you match your consciousness to the consciousness that we are offering you right now. Join us here in the lovely and beautiful experience of your joyous ascension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 








Help from the Pleiades, Andromeda, Sirius, Cassiopeia & Lyra ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are enormously satisfied with the progress we see you making there on Earth, as you have been open and receptive to the energies of the equinox and to all of the beautiful energies that have been coming in to support you during the month of March. When we see one of you accessing what is yours and free to access at any time, it brings us such joy, and it informs us as to how to serve and assist you better.

When we notice that you are taking what you are being given and using it to be of service to others, that is when the joy is overflowing here in the ninth dimension. We will always seek to help the helpers because that makes us more effective, more efficient in what we are able to offer all of you from our lofty perch here in the ninth dimension. If you want to receive more, give more. If you want to see just how much we and others like us here in the higher realms can give, then just seek to be of service in whatever way you can.

You will find that the high vibration you are in while you are being of service is its own reward, and that reward is plenty. But when you go to replenish your energy stores by opening up to us, to Pleiadians, Andromedans, Sirians, Cassiopeians, Lyrans, and all the various e.t.s from all the various star systems, you are going to get so much more than you could possibly imagine. We are all very eager to work with you, to harmonize with you, to be your colleagues and co-creators, as we know you seek to build a better world for everyone to enjoy.

As you see that there is no separation between you and anyone who is suffering, you also recognize that there is no separation between you and us. There is no separation between you and anyone or any collective that you hold in high esteem, and then you become what you were born to be. You become one who unites, one who brings people together, one who seeks always to take humanity to the next level.

This is a beautiful journey that we are all on together, and we know that we can be of even greater service to you. We know that you can take what we give you and do so much for your fellow humans, and we know that the ripple effect will be such that you will create that new Earth, that better version of society, and you will be the ones leading the way, always, because of your willingness to sit quietly, open up and feel for the energies that are present. They are coming in from all across the galaxy at this time to support you, to give you hope, and especially to help the helpers.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


