

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》進入美麗宇宙的鑰匙 (20210311)
《2》震撼你們的世界 (20210313)
#DanielScranton #iam66

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 


我們傾向於在一個人,一個情況,一個事件,甚至我們自己的歷史中尋找積極正面的方面。當我們回顧我們以物質形式生活時,我們確實傾向於看到一切對我們的生活體驗都是積極的。有時候,沒有得到想要的東西是在某種情況下反而是最好的結果,但是很難看出當你們正站在那種情況下,甚至因此而在情感上受到傷害時。 但是一年之後,你們有可能會回顧這段時間,意識到自己想要的東西並不如最終得到的那樣好。

然而,令人難忘的是,在經歷令人失望的時刻。希望在地球上有足夠的經驗,你們會意識到,當你們沒有得到想要的東西時,這可能是為了你們的最高利益,甚至無法想像,也可能意味著隨之而來的是很多更好的事情。利用物質頭腦(physical mind)的最糟糕的方法之一就是執著(get attached)。你們的想像力是奇妙的工具,因為它們可以將你們指向多個方向,但是當你們對自己的思想固執己見,並且對之執著不解時,那麼你們實際上就是在試圖超越自己的高我。




The Keys to Our Beautiful Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have a tendency to look for the positive in a person, a situation, an event, and even in our own history. As we look back at the lives we lived in physical form, we do tend to see how everything was a positive in our life experiences. Sometimes not getting what you want is the best possible outcome in a situation, but it can be very hard to see that when you are standing right in the middle of that situation and even hurting emotionally because of it. But then a year later, you might look back and realize that what you wanted was not as good as what you eventually got.

It is hard to remember that in the moment of a disappointing experience, however. Hopefully, with enough experience there on Earth, you do come to realize that when you don’t get something you want, it can be for your highest good, and it can also mean that something much, much better is coming along, something you could not have even imagined. One of the worst ways of utilizing your physical mind is to get attached. Your imaginations are wondrous tools because they can point you in so many directions, but when you get fixated on something with your mind, and you get attached to it, then you are really trying to outsmart your higher self.

If you can trust that your higher self always knows what is best, and always delivers to you eventually what you want and what you didn’t even know you wanted, then you can start to live happily ever after, then you can start to appreciate the moment you are in, even if it’s not the moment you would have chosen for yourself. Be flexible and know that everything serves you in some way. Everything in your life and everything that isn’t in your life truly is positive, but you have to look for the positive. And you do that after you have your meltdown, your temper tantrum about not getting what you want. You are allowed to experience those intense emotions.

And we are also quite certain that those emotions are serving you. So if you can just guide your mind ever so slightly into recognizing that what you are experiencing is perfect as it is, and is serving you in some way, then you will hold the keys to this beautiful universe of ours.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 








Let Your Worlds be Rocked ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are beginning to recognize the tendency within humanity to come to conclusions rather quickly. We see you all making assumptions based on very little bits and pieces of information, and the assumptions that you make fit in very nicely with your judgments. It is easier for you to believe in something when it’s a confirmation of what you already believe. It is much harder for you to accept information when it runs contrary to a long held belief system, and that is unfortunate because you are going to have experiences in the coming years that are going to rock your worlds.

It’s going to be necessary for you to let go of that tendency to jump to the conclusion that supports your pre-existing beliefs. You are going to want to open yourselves up to completely new ideas, ways of experiencing and knowing reality. That is one of the reasons you have created a world for yourselves right now where there is so much contradiction, where you will always have opposing belief systems co-existing. It’s necessary. It’s good for you because you don’t want to get complacent.

You don’t want to ever think that you have it all figured out. You want to remain open, but with a healthy amount of skepticism as well. And we say that because we don’t want you to believe anything and everything that comes into your awareness. We still want you to run everything through your hearts, see if it resonates, feel into it, and then still don’t come to a conclusion right away. Part of the problem there on Earth is that you were taught in school that these are the facts, these are the truths by which you all need to live. And then once you were done with school, you started to learn that most of what you were taught was false, or unnecessary, or just one perspective on something.

We are talking mostly about your history, but other subjects as well. There is room for creation. There is room for spontaneity. You don’t have to follow all the rules, and you don’t have to adhere to facts that you hold onto tightly, like a treasured toy that you never let out of your sight as a child. You are creator beings, and you are also explorers. You are there to create, but you are also there to expand.

And so, we suggest that you hold back from jumping to conclusions and just let in more of your own energy and information. Let yourself have a personalized experience of this beautiful universe of ours, and never think that your experience has to be repeatable to be true. That is the way to live a fifth dimensional life.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


