
【大角星】《1》啟用你們身體內的大角星 DNA; 《2》2021年的大規模覺醒及其在其中的作用(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》啟用你們身體內的大角星 DNA (20210313)
《2》2021年的大規模覺醒及其在其中的作用 (20210314)
#DanielScranton #iam66 #GOOGLE #咕狗

《1》.關於:啟用你們身體內的大角星 DNA
傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 


我們從許多人那裡了解到,我們被認為是你們世界上啟迪的心靈大師。我們目睹了如此眾多的人,他們充分地啟用了大角星 DNA,結果,他們追求的是將他們帶到越來越高的心靈意識,一體意識和無條件的愛的高度。這些人不等待任何事情發生。他們並沒有試圖將任何事物或任何事物展現給他們的生活。他們只是被存在和感受的能力所吸引。


現在,我們告訴你們這一點,是因為我們希望你們知道,即使你們的生活中沒有任何事情和你們的世界上的任何事情在鼓舞人的存在狀態,也有可能過上快樂,自由,和諧,和平與愛的生活在你內心被啟用。是的,這些人除了選擇啟用更多的大角星 DNA外,還為自己的一生選擇了一條道路,這就是為什麼他們追求生活的地方,他們尋求越來越高的心靈體驗,而不是尋找名利,財富並受到別人的崇拜。


同樣,我們只希望你們知道可能的事;我們想讓你們知道,如果你們想做的話,有可能成為地球上一個開明的靈性導師,並啟用更多的大角星 DNA。當然,如果你們願意,我們會在這裡為你們提供幫助。



Activate Your Arcturian DNA ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have learned from many humans who we consider to be enlightened spiritual masters there on your world. We have witnessed so many individuals who have that Arcturian DNA fully activated, and as a result, they pursue that which is taking them to higher and higher heights of spiritual awareness, of unity consciousness, and of unconditional love. These individuals are not waiting for anything to happen. They are not trying to manifest anything or anyone into their lives. They are simply fascinated by existence and their ability to feel.

They have desires, just like the rest of you, but they are wired in such a way that their desires are all about the expansion of their consciousness. They want to feel good just like the rest of you want to feel good, but they have taken a more direct path. They are not going to let a circumstance determine how they feel. They are not going to let an insult or a letdown determine how they feel.

Now, we tell you this because we want you to know that it is possible to live a life of joy, freedom, harmony, peace, and love, even if nothing in your life and nothing in your world is inspiring those states of being to be activated within you. And yes, these individuals chose a path for themselves in this lifetime, in addition to choosing to have more of their Arcturian DNA activated, and those are the reasons why they pursue a life where they are seeking higher and higher heights of spiritual experiences, rather than looking for fame, fortune, and to be adored by others.

Trust us when we say that these individuals have all done that previously, and they chose to be who they are in this lifetime because living a life in pursuit of spiritual mastery is yet another experience for the soul. You might think we are telling you this because we think everyone should aspire to be like these individuals, but believe us when we say that we know you are right where you are supposed to be and that your desires are perfect as they are.

Again, we just want you to know what is possible; we want you to know that it is possible to be an enlightened spiritual master there on Earth and to activate more of your Arcturian DNA, if that’s something you want to do. And of course, we are here to help you with that if you want to do it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 









Mass Awakenings in 2021 & Your Role in Them ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are placing a great deal of emphasis at this time on helping you all access more of your own spiritual gifts and abilities because we can see so many mass awakenings coming in the year 2021. And as the mass awakenings occur, there will be so many individuals who will be looking for guidance, healings, and to better understand the experiences they are having. They are going to need more teachers, more healers, more channelers, more psychics, more intuitives, more people just like you who have recognized that you do have so much to offer.

And when you have so much to offer, but you don’t know it yet, you need a little help. You need a nudge from your friends in the ninth dimension. Now, we are always looking to give more to you, but we need you to be open and receptive to what we are giving. That is why we are telling you about this emphasis of ours at this time; it is because we want to see more of you putting your attention on accessing the gifts and abilities that you have inside of you. And we know that so many of you have attempted to do so previously, but to no avail.

Now you are standing in a time where there is much more available to you energetically and so much more support around you, including the support of your past life selves who have accessed those gifts and abilities. And when you integrate them, you get the good with the not-so-good, but you also have the unique opportunity to feel what it feels like to become more whole and complete.

The not-so-good we are referring to is what you have to face and clear from those past lives, but it is worth it to release those traumas and tragedies. And you will feel the relief, you will benefit from the integration, and you will get to know parts of yourself that are very wonderful and helpful, parts of you that have been hanging around and waiting for just the right time to be integrated.

This is something else we will be helping you with, of course. We are the ones who help the helpers, and you are the ones who will be helping the newly awakened who will be a part of the class of 2021. They will be those who awaken from their long time of sleeping, and you will be there to welcome them with open arms, because that is what an awakened person does.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


