

【阿斯塔指揮部、 約書亞、耶穌】
譯者:Nick Chan
#BeatriceMadsen #NatalieGlasson #JahnKassl #NickChan

傳導作者:Beatrice Madsen
譯者:Nick Chan

Honored light workers, light warriors, truth seekers, healers of Mother Earth and more. It can now be so frustrating for you, not to mention anything else.
The needle eye you go through of lies, injustices and untruths that you also want to implement in humanity. You see it, you are awake and you know what truths must come to light before we can bring about change.
So frustrating dear ones. A symbolic image we can send you is as if you were teenage parents of children who choose drugs and you can just watch, and try to awaken and give them rehabilitation but your teenagers choose again and again to take the drugs that do not show the truth as it is but rock their minds in illusory veils, where they think they feel good even though they do not really do it at all.
Unfortunately, we have to tell you that it will take time. The veils must be pulled away step by step and since the dark forces know that this is their only chance to maintain control over you, it is just before the veils are pulled away. It is impossible for them to have control over you. You are already too high-vibrating and see through, feel when there is false information and you are terribly dangerous .. Many are now expected on this page who must go over because the refraction becomes too great and too powerful for their soul to handle.
It may feel like a small consolation, but you will receive confirmation from them in various ways from this side that they now understand that you were right. They will see life on earth with a completely different perspective from this side. When they were incarnated on the ground, they were so identified with matter that it became impossible to see reality in any other way than what was offered in false arias.
The drama is right now both terrible and fantastic to watch and as above so also below. Now that your DNA strands have opened up to your true self and the crystalline forms have been activated, it can be even more strenuous and tiring for you to see the inertia and fatigue that those still lingering in the third dimension are rubbed in. We also see that you feel more alone than ever, and that you are seen as fools and chairs does not make it easier.
Your work is so magnificent and difficult to extinguish so we ask you from here to see your beauty and sacred pursuit. We humbly bow to your work effort and know that we actually cooperate. At night we take care of you and at certain particularly difficult times you may lie in our healing chambers for the restoration of energy and potent light.
If you feel tired and worn out, ask our ships to receive you before you go to sleep so that you can even, with a conscious will, let us receive your spiritual body.
We bless your steps and look forward to hearing from you again soon,
Ashtar with entourage.

傳導作者:Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings divine beings upon the Earth, I am Master Yeshua, I greet you with love and peace. I bring into your energy being the vibration of the Creator’s harmony. May this enthuse all aspects of your being bringing everything that you are and are creating into harmony and balance.
I come forth to discuss with you the divinity within and I ask myself what is it that you need to know about the divinity within? Each of you holds the sacred vibration of the Creator within your being. Imagine sitting with this knowledge each day, even if only for a few moments, I wonder what awareness and knowingness would awaken within your being. This is to some extent what Lord Buddha experienced as did I, Master Yeshua as a child upon the Earth. We contemplated and recognised that there is an essence of the divine within our beings. This is something we all know and recognise and yet to acknowledge this fully within every aspect of your being, with every cell, and with every thought form creates such a magical transformation within your being. It is as if a new aspect of yourself dawns.
Saint Germain was known for his magic. He recognised the divine, the divinity within his being and used this completely in every thought, in every action. Therefore, he was in oneness, in truth, in complete harmony and the divine flow with the Creator, thus everything and anything was possible. Master Lanto recognise this as well. He appreciated the light within his being, with every thought, emotion, his attention and his entire being. He delved down deep into the divinity within his being, the aspect of the Creator within, swimming in and enjoying the energy. So much so that when people gazed upon Master Lanto it was as if he was glowing, glowing with light through his skin. He was so in tune with the divinity within his being, so connected to and an expression of the divinity within his being that anything was possible. He also recognised the light glowing within others; therefore, they would glow as well in return.
All the Ascended Masters have moved through this Ascension process. Yes, you recognise within your mind, you know within your mind that the divine is within you, and the Creator is within you. However, there is a need to recognise this fully with every aspect of your being, the more you give your attention to this the more you believe and trust in the divinity within your being, become that divinity. You are already that divinity. Every cell of your being, every energy molecule radiates this knowingness and truth. It is something that every Ascended Master has moved through, it is a journey that I, Master Yeshua invite you to experience and acknowledged now in this time.
It is your time to shine, what I mean is it is your time to recognise the divinity within your being. When you recognise the divinity within your being, with your whole being, you recognise yourself as whole and complete now. This is a tremendous and dramatic healing process. If you are whole and complete you will think, feel, act, react and create from a space of being whole and complete, which completely transforms your being and your reality. If this is recognised, then something else dawns and it is an experience rather than a knowingness in the mind. This experience is that you recognise that the divinity within you is also whole and complete therefore, when you recognise the divine, you are not recognising an aspect of the divine you are recognising the whole and complete source of the divine. You are recognising everything of the Creator, every form, everything that is formless, every label, everything that is label less. You remember the divine within your being and that you create from this space. Thus, you realise that everything outside of you is also within your being. This is an especially important transition, again what I am speaking of is not new to you. You understand that you create everything in your reality. You understand that the Creator is within you, you understand that everything outside of you is also within you but to really grasp this understanding, to really feel it, to sense it, to acknowledge it within your thoughts, within your emotions. within your body, your energy bodies, your actions, your reactions, your creations. It means that you have a newfound connection with everything outside of yourself as well as everything within you.
As you recognise that a tree or a rainbow is a product of the divinity within you, you recognise that a person you are speaking to is a reflection of the divinity within your being thus you become so connected to everything that loneliness, separation, anxiety and fear dissolve. Fear will always be there to some extent as it is a protection, but it will dissolve as well, in doing so you transform your reality, becoming an Ascended Master. You transform everything, not only for yourself and your reality you impact and influence the vibration of all, the experiences of all, the creation of all beings and entire Universe of the Creator. You become everything and in doing so you enter deeper and deeper into that knowingness and acknowledgement of everything. A new transformation dawns from within your being, allowing you to become both formless and label-less. You are everything and yet you are the nothingness of the Creator.
It is incredibly challenging to describe the nothingness of the Creator when you live in a world where everything has form and labels. However, the more you can connect with this nothingness, which is a journey as I have described, you will find freedom, truth, and understanding for everything that is taking place in your reality and the world now. You will trust in yourself and learn to trust in others. Thus, beginning and embarking upon a journey of co-creation. We, Ascended Masters are now achieving a journey of co-creation, we are co-creating with you now, it is our mission and our purpose.
How do you recognise the divinity within? How do you begin this journey as I have described?
In truth it is a unique process for you. I can share with you how I achieved it; however, you are unique, you may wish to find your own way. When I began this journey, I would meditate, and I would often imagine myself with my back against a tree or I would find a tree that was favourable and sit with my back against it. I would recognise the grounding of the Earth or my energies grounding into the Earth realising my connection to the divine. The tree would offer stability, stillness, a foundation, grounding and a connection with the Creator. In this space I would say to myself:
‘I seek the divinity within.’
I would repeat this to myself within my mind over and over. Then giving time for focus upon my breathing to allow space for an answer to form. I would practice this often and new answers would appear allowing me to feel a connection with the divinity within, maybe through a feeling of happiness or bliss erupting from my being. Sometimes my body would shake, other times I would enter a space of nothingness, it would be different each time.
I invite you to begin this process, there is so much to discover and we the Ascended Masters are present to support you. It is time for a new awakening, a new dawning within your being.
I, Master Yeshua, am present to love and to support you.

傳導作者:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan 

Do not be afraid of the future! Take courage, have confidence and enjoy the things that are coming. Changes from the light reach the earth and the hearts of people are touched by the divine light.
The dark plans fail on all lines and those who have chosen the light and decided for the love of God enter HIS kingdom.
Beloved people,
The days are longer and we are in a new year. The awakening continues and more and more people remove the plank in front of their eyes. In the light of God, everything is being transformed and everything is coming to the surface so that it can be seen by all people.
The revelations continue, heaven is getting closer and closer to people, just as people are getting closer and closer to heaven.
The transformation successes of individual people are now making themselves felt and much that seemed impossible before can now be realized.
We are in a quality of time that makes manifestations of incredible magnitude possible. Now lightful plans are realized and light-poor plans fail on all levels.
Nevertheless, the dark players are running their game and new entanglements are presented to you again and again. Stay away from them and move on the timeline of light and love that exists parallel to this world.
Remain firm within, rooted to the earth you create through your light-filled thoughts and loving intentions.
Every day anew, sort out the chaff and harvest the good wheat.
God himself, the original source of all life, stands by every human being today. You will be shown ways out of seemingly hopeless situations, solutions for what seems unsolvable will be opened up and the impossible will become possible.
The time of miracles has begun. What many people still lack is the trust in miracles and the trust in God, who causes these miracles.
Create in yourselves the basis that you become more receptive for the divine and that you can see the divine more attentively in the many things of everyday life.
Unfold until one day you no longer know this world, but only yourself and the orders that brought you here.
You are not of this world and yet you are a part of it. How many times will you be born to internalize this realization?
Beloved human being,
God is with you and through God you are divine consciousness made man. Get rid of the heavy boots that bind you to this earth! Harvest what you are and enter into the light and love of God!
You are man through God and God has become man through you.
In infinite love,


