

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》為你帶來強大而積極的能量 (20210408)
《2》您的精神天賦,能力和掌握即將到來 (20210409)
#DanielScranton #Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are loving the way that humanity has been opening up to the recent energies that have been upon you. We love to see any human being stopping, getting out of their head, and resting long enough to let something that is higher vibrational influence them. It is like watching all of you grow up. We get to experience what it is like to be a proud parent to each and every one of you, because we see you all through those same loving eyes.

One difference between us and most parents is that we do not worry about you. We know that everyone is going to get it. We know that the energies are powerful enough for the truth of who you really are to sink in and have that powerful, positive influence on you that it must have when you realize that you are Source Energy Beings who are creating your reality and who are headed for an even better, less-limited version of reality.

We also see you through the eyes of unconditional love, which means that none of you can do wrong, not in a sense that anything you do could be deemed unforgivable by us. And that is just the ninth-dimensional way; it is the way of all beings in the non-physical to be free of all judgment, supportive, loving, and compassionate. We just hope that who we are, who we all are here in the non-physical, can rub off on enough of you so that you can see your role there on Earth as being an instrument of our light, love, and compassion.

In fact, you get to choose what you are an instrument of and then open yourself up to more of that. This is something we implore you to choose every single day. Ask yourself upon waking up in the morning whether today you will be an instrument of peace, joy, love, or compassion, or anything else that you want to be a conduit of for all of humanity.

You get to be influencers, even if you have zero followers, because you affect the entirety of the human collective with each intention that you hold. And the more positive and integrative your intentions are, the more inclusive you are of beings and collectives like ourselves, because we all want to help, and we are all about integrating all aspects of who you are as humans into your whole selves.

We know that every piece of you is valuable and can be used for good. We see your potential there, and we invite you to see the potential in your fellow humans, no matter what they are showing you, no matter who they have been up until now. Give everyone a chance to prove to you that they too are Source Energy Beings in physical bodies, just trying to figure out where they fit in the earthly experience you are all having together.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 






















Your Spiritual Gifts, Abilities & Mastery Are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always tempted to overstep, to offer too much assistance to humanity, even though we know that it serves you very well to face your challenges head on and to access everything that you need from within. We know that this journey you are on is often seeming as though it is much too long and with far too many twists and turns, and we have so much compassion for you when we see you struggling there on Earth. But what we have also noticed recently is how much strength you have been drawing from your previous lifetimes and the integration work that you are doing is absolutely stunning to behold.

You see, every time you access a past life memory, or you process some past life trauma, you are aware of another aspect you, and that aspect of you has something very positive to add. Now, what we have been seeing recently there on Earth are the myriad ways that you have been able to access more of who you have been in those lifetimes when you were able to take your consciousness quite far in the third dimension.

Everyone there on Earth, even those who have yet to awaken, have had past lives where they have mastered their thoughts, their emotions, or the energies of your world. You have all been masters, and now is the perfect time for you to be accessing those lifetimes, those gifts and abilities that you have already attained in those previous versions of yourselves. Now, some of you are thinking that those lifetimes are really simultaneous ones, and they do not actually exist in ‘the past,’ and you would be correct. That is how you can access these other versions of you existing somewhere else in space/time.

And by the way, you are helping them as well by what you are living and what you are becoming there in your physical bodies in this lifetime. Do not underestimate yourselves or the work you have done. It is significant, and you are helping all of humanity and these past life versions of yourselves by facing your challenges, by going within, by processing what you need to process. This is a long and arduous journey because you have so many pieces of yourselves to pick up and bring into the whole of who you are. And that is precisely what we see you doing, and that is why we are so excited about what you are accessing.

You are accessing mastery, spiritual gifts and abilities that seem like they are far out of reach from where you stand right now at this point in your spiritual evolution in this lifetime, but in fact they are well within your reach. And we see you all accessing them every single day, and we know that you are going to be able to create the great changes you want to see in your world and in your personal lives. We know it because we can see those timelines in front of you, and from where you are right now, you are already well on your way.

These are exciting times for those of you who are awake and have been doing the work on yourselves that you absolutely set out to do in this lifetime. Congratulations are in order, and we are here to hand them out to each and every one of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


