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【阿斯塔指揮部、 約書亞、耶穌】
譯者:Nick Chan
#BeatriceMadsen #NatalieGlasson #JahnKassl #NickChan

傳導作者:Beatrice Madsen
譯者:Nick Chan

Honored light workers, light warriors, truth seekers, healers of Mother Earth and more. It can now be so frustrating for you, not to mention anything else.
The needle eye you go through of lies, injustices and untruths that you also want to implement in humanity. You see it, you are awake and you know what truths must come to light before we can bring about change.
So frustrating dear ones. A symbolic image we can send you is as if you were teenage parents of children who choose drugs and you can just watch, and try to awaken and give them rehabilitation but your teenagers choose again and again to take the drugs that do not show the truth as it is but rock their minds in illusory veils, where they think they feel good even though they do not really do it at all.
Unfortunately, we have to tell you that it will take time. The veils must be pulled away step by step and since the dark forces know that this is their only chance to maintain control over you, it is just before the veils are pulled away. It is impossible for them to have control over you. You are already too high-vibrating and see through, feel when there is false information and you are terribly dangerous .. Many are now expected on this page who must go over because the refraction becomes too great and too powerful for their soul to handle.
It may feel like a small consolation, but you will receive confirmation from them in various ways from this side that they now understand that you were right. They will see life on earth with a completely different perspective from this side. When they were incarnated on the ground, they were so identified with matter that it became impossible to see reality in any other way than what was offered in false arias.
The drama is right now both terrible and fantastic to watch and as above so also below. Now that your DNA strands have opened up to your true self and the crystalline forms have been activated, it can be even more strenuous and tiring for you to see the inertia and fatigue that those still lingering in the third dimension are rubbed in. We also see that you feel more alone than ever, and that you are seen as fools and chairs does not make it easier.
Your work is so magnificent and difficult to extinguish so we ask you from here to see your beauty and sacred pursuit. We humbly bow to your work effort and know that we actually cooperate. At night we take care of you and at certain particularly difficult times you may lie in our healing chambers for the restoration of energy and potent light.
If you feel tired and worn out, ask our ships to receive you before you go to sleep so that you can even, with a conscious will, let us receive your spiritual body.
We bless your steps and look forward to hearing from you again soon,
Ashtar with entourage.

傳導作者:Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings divine beings upon the Earth, I am Master Yeshua, I greet you with love and peace. I bring into your energy being the vibration of the Creator’s harmony. May this enthuse all aspects of your being bringing everything that you are and are creating into harmony and balance.
I come forth to discuss with you the divinity within and I ask myself what is it that you need to know about the divinity within? Each of you holds the sacred vibration of the Creator within your being. Imagine sitting with this knowledge each day, even if only for a few moments, I wonder what awareness and knowingness would awaken within your being. This is to some extent what Lord Buddha experienced as did I, Master Yeshua as a child upon the Earth. We contemplated and recognised that there is an essence of the divine within our beings. This is something we all know and recognise and yet to acknowledge this fully within every aspect of your being, with every cell, and with every thought form creates such a magical transformation within your being. It is as if a new aspect of yourself dawns.
Saint Germain was known for his magic. He recognised the divine, the divinity within his being and used this completely in every thought, in every action. Therefore, he was in oneness, in truth, in complete harmony and the divine flow with the Creator, thus everything and anything was possible. Master Lanto recognise this as well. He appreciated the light within his being, with every thought, emotion, his attention and his entire being. He delved down deep into the divinity within his being, the aspect of the Creator within, swimming in and enjoying the energy. So much so that when people gazed upon Master Lanto it was as if he was glowing, glowing with light through his skin. He was so in tune with the divinity within his being, so connected to and an expression of the divinity within his being that anything was possible. He also recognised the light glowing within others; therefore, they would glow as well in return.
All the Ascended Masters have moved through this Ascension process. Yes, you recognise within your mind, you know within your mind that the divine is within you, and the Creator is within you. However, there is a need to recognise this fully with every aspect of your being, the more you give your attention to this the more you believe and trust in the divinity within your being, become that divinity. You are already that divinity. Every cell of your being, every energy molecule radiates this knowingness and truth. It is something that every Ascended Master has moved through, it is a journey that I, Master Yeshua invite you to experience and acknowledged now in this time.
It is your time to shine, what I mean is it is your time to recognise the divinity within your being. When you recognise the divinity within your being, with your whole being, you recognise yourself as whole and complete now. This is a tremendous and dramatic healing process. If you are whole and complete you will think, feel, act, react and create from a space of being whole and complete, which completely transforms your being and your reality. If this is recognised, then something else dawns and it is an experience rather than a knowingness in the mind. This experience is that you recognise that the divinity within you is also whole and complete therefore, when you recognise the divine, you are not recognising an aspect of the divine you are recognising the whole and complete source of the divine. You are recognising everything of the Creator, every form, everything that is formless, every label, everything that is label less. You remember the divine within your being and that you create from this space. Thus, you realise that everything outside of you is also within your being. This is an especially important transition, again what I am speaking of is not new to you. You understand that you create everything in your reality. You understand that the Creator is within you, you understand that everything outside of you is also within you but to really grasp this understanding, to really feel it, to sense it, to acknowledge it within your thoughts, within your emotions. within your body, your energy bodies, your actions, your reactions, your creations. It means that you have a newfound connection with everything outside of yourself as well as everything within you.
As you recognise that a tree or a rainbow is a product of the divinity within you, you recognise that a person you are speaking to is a reflection of the divinity within your being thus you become so connected to everything that loneliness, separation, anxiety and fear dissolve. Fear will always be there to some extent as it is a protection, but it will dissolve as well, in doing so you transform your reality, becoming an Ascended Master. You transform everything, not only for yourself and your reality you impact and influence the vibration of all, the experiences of all, the creation of all beings and entire Universe of the Creator. You become everything and in doing so you enter deeper and deeper into that knowingness and acknowledgement of everything. A new transformation dawns from within your being, allowing you to become both formless and label-less. You are everything and yet you are the nothingness of the Creator.
It is incredibly challenging to describe the nothingness of the Creator when you live in a world where everything has form and labels. However, the more you can connect with this nothingness, which is a journey as I have described, you will find freedom, truth, and understanding for everything that is taking place in your reality and the world now. You will trust in yourself and learn to trust in others. Thus, beginning and embarking upon a journey of co-creation. We, Ascended Masters are now achieving a journey of co-creation, we are co-creating with you now, it is our mission and our purpose.
How do you recognise the divinity within? How do you begin this journey as I have described?
In truth it is a unique process for you. I can share with you how I achieved it; however, you are unique, you may wish to find your own way. When I began this journey, I would meditate, and I would often imagine myself with my back against a tree or I would find a tree that was favourable and sit with my back against it. I would recognise the grounding of the Earth or my energies grounding into the Earth realising my connection to the divine. The tree would offer stability, stillness, a foundation, grounding and a connection with the Creator. In this space I would say to myself:
‘I seek the divinity within.’
I would repeat this to myself within my mind over and over. Then giving time for focus upon my breathing to allow space for an answer to form. I would practice this often and new answers would appear allowing me to feel a connection with the divinity within, maybe through a feeling of happiness or bliss erupting from my being. Sometimes my body would shake, other times I would enter a space of nothingness, it would be different each time.
I invite you to begin this process, there is so much to discover and we the Ascended Masters are present to support you. It is time for a new awakening, a new dawning within your being.
I, Master Yeshua, am present to love and to support you.

傳導作者:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan 

Do not be afraid of the future! Take courage, have confidence and enjoy the things that are coming. Changes from the light reach the earth and the hearts of people are touched by the divine light.
The dark plans fail on all lines and those who have chosen the light and decided for the love of God enter HIS kingdom.
Beloved people,
The days are longer and we are in a new year. The awakening continues and more and more people remove the plank in front of their eyes. In the light of God, everything is being transformed and everything is coming to the surface so that it can be seen by all people.
The revelations continue, heaven is getting closer and closer to people, just as people are getting closer and closer to heaven.
The transformation successes of individual people are now making themselves felt and much that seemed impossible before can now be realized.
We are in a quality of time that makes manifestations of incredible magnitude possible. Now lightful plans are realized and light-poor plans fail on all levels.
Nevertheless, the dark players are running their game and new entanglements are presented to you again and again. Stay away from them and move on the timeline of light and love that exists parallel to this world.
Remain firm within, rooted to the earth you create through your light-filled thoughts and loving intentions.
Every day anew, sort out the chaff and harvest the good wheat.
God himself, the original source of all life, stands by every human being today. You will be shown ways out of seemingly hopeless situations, solutions for what seems unsolvable will be opened up and the impossible will become possible.
The time of miracles has begun. What many people still lack is the trust in miracles and the trust in God, who causes these miracles.
Create in yourselves the basis that you become more receptive for the divine and that you can see the divine more attentively in the many things of everyday life.
Unfold until one day you no longer know this world, but only yourself and the orders that brought you here.
You are not of this world and yet you are a part of it. How many times will you be born to internalize this realization?
Beloved human being,
God is with you and through God you are divine consciousness made man. Get rid of the heavy boots that bind you to this earth! Harvest what you are and enter into the light and love of God!
You are man through God and God has become man through you.
In infinite love,

【天琴座、銀河中心】《1》天琴座-拋棄受害者模式,成長為你的高我;《2》銀河中心-保持空間從未如此重要 (近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

傳導作者:Beatrice Madsen、Galaxygirl
譯者:莉莉蓮的五維空間、Nick Chan
《1》.天琴座-拋棄受害者模式,成長為你的高我 (20201022)
《2》.銀河中心-保持空間從未如此重要 (20210114)
#BeatriceMadsen #Galaxygirl #莉莉蓮的五維空間 #莉莉蓮 #NickChan

傳導作者:Beatrice Madsen.

我們向你們的揚升致敬。我們是你們古老的親戚,通過這樣一個充滿愛的團聚方式,我們得以在以太層面上與你們見面。你們中的許多人已經定期的與我們見面,並且以前也作為天琴人與我們生活在一起。我們是你們祖先的一部分,在你們的星球上,我們以特殊的形態存在。這就是為什麼當你們遇到“大貓”(big cats)的時候,你們會感到如此的敬畏。



我們希望你每天靜坐一會兒,專注在呼吸上,觀想一道金色的光線從宇宙射下來,進入你的頂輪,然後向下貫穿你的整個脊柱,然後,你對自己說:“ 我選擇成長為我的高我。”我們的建議是,至少你每週靜坐三次,每次5分鐘,閉上眼睛,觀想那金色的光芒,然後說出這句神聖的話。你的潛意識和超意識將開始為你工作,使你與你的高我融合。現在說這句話:“我成長為我的高我,或者,我選擇發展成為我的高我。”






《2》.關於:保持空間從未如此重要 .
譯者:Nick Chan.

Hello, friends. I am the Galactic Center, center of your universal perception. These are both harrowing times and hallelujah times, for the light is pummeling your planet with great love and devotion. You are surrounded by light and by this love. It becomes you. It sings the music of the spheres all around you, within you. The light is within your very breath for you are all one being experiencing yet more light, yet more of itself. These are times of chaos and of great opportunities for centering.
I am the Galactic Center. I offer you the space of my presence as an excellent thinking and creating space. What is it you wish to create? Many of you would come here before your incarnations to think, to ruminate, and to review past life experiences and to heal from them. The internal centering that meditation affords you is a bridge, a gateway to me, to this space of centering and contemplation. It is much like the eye in the center of the storm. A storm appears to be raging upon your earth right now but the light is the center, the light is the eye of the storm. You are of this light. It permeates all things. All is light. All is love. This knowledge is returning to your realm, to your reality, to your experience. You can choose to either experience the chaos of the storm or the calm within the center, within the eye. I am the center of my own space, just as you are the center of your own experience.
You may create here with me. I am always open for visitors. It is my purpose to hold space for those who know and do not know that they need it. You friends, are holding space for those who know or do not know that they need it. You are holding space. You are the eye, for you are a part of this light that is becoming stronger moment by moment. You are a part of this grand momentum and it gives me great joy to connect with you in this way for I can amplify your space-holding efforts. Synchronize with me. Synchronize within with your own inner light and space-holding abilities. Remember the weeks to come are either full of harrowing images from your news media and all doom and gloom or hallelujahs with the tremendous feeling and deep inner knowing of all good things to come. All good things are coming to your realm. Creator has decreed it. The abuses and mishandling of the universal codes are to come to an end. Many are being removed.
Peace, dear one. “I am peace” is an excellent mantra for this time. Anchor peace for your brothers and sisters who are suffering in the breaking up of their illusional reality. Many will choose not to awaken and will awaken in their own way and time. Many will be blown by the winds of change rather than being centered within the calm breath of love, of space, of holding light. Pillars of light hold space. Breaths of light hold space.
I am the Galactic Center. I have an interesting idea, will you entertain it with me? I am the consciousness of space. I am that I am just as you are that you are. All is connected, all is light, all is love. Feel the cosmic hug around you. Feel my space being held just for you. Precious light workers, you are so valuable. You are each the most valuable player on this team. An intricate web of light is woven by your presence, by your energy signatures, by your laughter, light and love. Feel me holding space for you and rest in this moment. Still your mind. Deepen your breath. Love whatever thoughts arise. Now send this space of this moment into your earth, into her heart and we will deepen and expand this web of light, this interconnectedness to all things that are truly one. One heart, one mind. Humanity is beginning to feel this. It is much like the crying child that is having a temper tantrum and crying and kicking against the loving embrace of their parent, who only holds space and love for them. We are doing this. The wounded child, the heart of humanity, is kicking and screaming, crying is to come soon. And so we embrace. We embrace. We love. We listen. We hold space. Do this for your own inner self. Send yourselves light and it will radiate deeper further than ever before for you are becoming more deeply alive.
For being alive - higher dimensionally alive and feeling this pulse of love - that is higher dimensional living, my friends. That is what is coming to you and when you connect in such a way as this with your own inner god self, you expand further into your higher self. Many of you are your higher selves already. This one was asking recently and talking with another beloved light worker about how they are perceived by their galactic brothers and sisters? How are they doing? Is enough being done? And as I see all things and feel the space between all breaths I can say yes, yes you are all doing marvelously. Yes, we are all immensely proud of you. I feel the hardships upon Gaia for she is within my space and I hold space for her, for all things in this universe, just as I am holding space for you. This is your task in this moment. Not to run yourselves ragged with doing, but to allow yourselves to be in this space of living, breathing and becoming your higher dimensional selves, holding space in love and light for the masses. In so doing we are all comforting the tantrum throwing child. After the tantrum is over, tears are quietly streaming from both parent and child, and healing and release occurs. Energetic release is what you are seeing and what you will see in the days to come. Holding space has never been so important. This is why I was selected to come through. Remember I am always here for you. I hold space for you. I love you.


譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.選擇在不完美之中看到完美 (20201115)
《2》.最吉祥的未來 (20201120)
#BeatriceMadsen #JohnSmallman #耶穌 #約書亞 #薩南達

《1》.關於 選擇在不完美之中看到完美.
傳導作者:Beatrice Madsen.

When you smile at a stranger at the crosswalk, I’m there. When you help a plant to find its balance in soil, light, water and nutrition, I am involved. As you unconditionally embrace your neighbors‘children, you can feel my bliss. If you wrap yourself in a bubble bath and light candles just for your well-being and recovery, I smile with satisfaction that you are taking care of yourself.
When you choose to see the perfect in the imperfect, you have turned to me. When you dare to stand for your opinion, even though you are alone with it and get a lot of resistance, I will help you straighten your spine so that you stand firm and not crooked. I carry you over difficult waters when you lose a loved one or go through a divorce. Nothing is too difficult, or heavy for me to carry. Welcome to unload all possible burdens. You can cry on my shoulder, it has no limit to how much it can withstand. You can tell me everything, I listen and see and nothing is too difficult for me.
I was with you for a while to carry you through these difficulties. By taking on your pain and your burdens from an old time. This was a time that gave you burdens of shame, guilt and denial, often self-denial. My job is to set you free. You have learned the lesson that comes from walking in the dark and you have endured so much suffering. I tell you, you can let go now, you can rise again, walk with me in the light and carry with you your own shadow and your experiences with pride.
Choose the light of your soul and not the darkness of your desires. Choose the purity of your heart’s song and feel the connection with all living things, not division. See that in order for you to feel good, your neighbor also needs to feel good. No one can really feel good about someone else’s misfortune. Your neighbor’s misfortune is also yours, you share it, not just happiness.
Love is not bigoted or power hungry. They are the little gestures that count. Every act in the name of true love multiplies the higher octave. False good deeds that are not genuine give a dissonance of another kind. Soon there will be no more room for them. True acts of love can be hidden in a dim light. It is often only afterwards that we know what was really genuine. The one you thought was the sage was in fact a fool and the fool turned out to be a master soul.
Allow yourself to be confused and wondering. You do not have to know everything. Ask me, knock on my door and I will open it for you and I will answer your question, but it may take some time, because I will see when you are really ready to receive the answers. You need patience. I have infinite patience with you. I am with you, always by your side but you have to take the steps yourself. I love you, more than you realize my love is different. My love goes beyond the mountains and the horizon, my love reaches deep where no one has stayed, my love embraces the slightest seed and blemish. I love you when you are weak and I love you when you are strong. I carry you when needed and I attach wings to your back when you are ready for your first flight,

《2》.關於 最吉祥的未來.
傳導作者:John Smallman.

Your collective awakening is progressing most beautifully. Relax, release your doubts and worries, and watch with joy as it all unfolds! You can all feel the momentum increasing, and you can all, if you will allow yourselves to do so, feel the Peace of Oneness within yourselves as you continue to develop your trust in the One, Source, Love, Who is You/you, always and eternally.
Nothing happens by chance, without design, because God is pure creative THOUGHT constantly increasing Itself for the utter joy of all that She has created. Therefore, your awakening is inevitable and unavoidable, and that knowledge – constantly being transmitted and reaffirmed through so many spiritual channels – is intended to confirm it for you so that you learn to trust your deep inner knowing of which, as humans, you often tend to be very skeptical. This is understandable because, as humans in form, you have very frequently experienced disappointment, and the pain and suffering that it causes.
Our task, here in the spiritual realms, apart from watching over you most lovingly and awaiting and responding to your calls for comfort and guidance, is to constantly reassure you that you are divine beings infinitely and eternally loved by Mother/Father/God, the Source of ALL that exists. When you go within to your holy inner sanctuaries, which totally and completely accept you in every moment, regardless of any sins or errors you may believe that you have committed, just relax and open yourselves to the LOVE that resides there waiting for you to allow It to embrace you. You do not need to pray, meditate, contemplate, or examine your conscience to see if you think you are worthy, all you have to do is just invite Love in, then allow, and relax. When you relax and cease to question yourselves as to whether you really have relaxed, Peace and Love will fill your hearts as old fears and anxieties just fade away. Truly, you are waking up!
YES, we keep reassuring you that you are waking up into Reality – your eternal state of existence at One with Source – and drawing to your attention the signs of this, of which you cannot be unaware, as they are reluctantly being reported in both the mainstream and the all-pervasive social media. Pay attention to the TRUTH of who you are – as we here in the spiritual realms keep reminding you – and let go of your doubts or beliefs that you are unworthy of God, or if indeed God really exists! You know that you are, each and every one of you, divine beings have a temporary experience of separation from Source. You know that separation from Source is impossible, because you have a deep inner knowing that Oneness with Source is who you are, and that it is your eternal, unbreakable, and uninterruptible state of Being, and that there is nothing apart from Source, or independent of Source, because Source is ALL, and therefore so are YOU!
Your experience in form as a human is completely unreal. However, because you have the power of God, you were able to construct an unreal – I REPEAT an UNREAL – but seemingly very real state of existence into which you chose to enter, leaving behind, in Reality, the knowledge of who you truly are. To not know who you are is a devastating experience, shocking, horrific, and intensely trauma inducing. No one in human form – now, in the past, or in the future – has avoided the experience of intense trauma. Trauma is the agonizing belief that you are alone, separate, rejected, and abandoned. The journey through the birth canal, as you are born as a human into human form, totally confirms this invalid belief and ingrains it within you as obviously true.
To free yourselves from this untruth is the task that each of you chose to undertake when you agreed to incarnate in human form. A major aspect of that task – having first come to your own personal realization of the invalidity of your human belief in separation, rejection, and abandonment – is to assist humanity to also come to this realization and awaken!
You – you, your individual selves, and all of humanity – are now coming to the realization that Reality is VAST! Way vaster than the seemingly infinite universe in which, as humans, you appear to be insignificant specks of consciousness functioning with great difficulty in a material environment that is unseeing, unfeeling, unaware – DEAD! And you wonder “What am I doing here? It makes absolutely no sense.” From that state of fear and confusion arises the belief that life is an ongoing struggle for survival that always fails, because death is inevitable, and is the termination point of human existence. But, due to the inbuilt possibility for evolution that you established as an aspect of the unreality you constructed, humanity has developed and expanded its intellectual capabilities way beyond its present evolutionary state of spirituality and wisdom. This has led to a vast expansion of scientific materialism that lacks the essential wisdom to use that knowledge, with appropriate discernment and prudence, for the benefit of all sentient life forms.
You have in fact, as you are all very much aware, reached a level of intellectual/scientific capability that has enabled you to do, and continue to do, enormous damage to the environment that supports you. You now realize that if you do not cease your self-centered and egotistical ways of living, the damage that you are inflicting on your beautiful planet and her ecosystems will very soon terminate her ability to support any sentient life forms. Therefore major changes in your collective attitudes and behaviors are essential NOW!
The good news is that, because of humanity’s growing collective awareness that only Love is real, major changes are finally being put into effect which will initially bring to an end the most damaging of your activities, and then start the major cleanup operations necessary to restore and repair the unconscionable damage that has already been inflicted upon the planet. Along with this, the planet herself is changing, and this will lead to an environment that provides a more balanced planet-wide habitat for all life forms, without the present extremes of climactic weather patterns and surface temperature variations. The future for an awakened humanity is most propitious.
Your task, as light bearers, is to develop and share a great optimism for the future of humanity, because you know that the Tsunami of Love, of which you are each essential and most beautiful elements, is powerfully intensifying Its effects in the heart of the collective and in each individual human heart. The awakening process, that is arousing all of humanity into the awareness that All that exists is Love, is approaching completion because you have all set and held the intent very powerfully for humanity to awaken, and that intent, which is not only your will but also the divine Will, is now being brought to a most glorious fruition. Therefore, this truly is a time to CELEBRATE!
Take time out as frequently as you can throughout the day to go within and set the intent – know that your individual intent when divinely guided by Love, as it is now, is extremely powerful and effective – to open your hearts, and allow Love to embrace you and reassure you that all is moving forward precisely as divinely planned. The peace and trust that will arise within you as a result of doing just that, and nothing more, will amaze you, and your knowing that all is well will become more firmly established within you, thus intensifying the Light that is pouring through each one of you to embrace and empower all with whom you interact in even the most fleeting manner. Remember, each one of you is an absolutely essential and irreplaceable component of the collective awakening process, and each one of you is, right in this now moment, bringing it to its most glorious completion.
Your loving brother, Jesus.