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顯示具有 Linda Li 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


《1》深層治療和整合正在發生 (20160105)
《2》當前的能量與更多即將披露的訊息 (20180517)

《1》關於 深層治療和整合正在發生































《2》關於 當前的能量與更多即將披露的訊息
傳導作者:琳達‧黎 (Linda Li) 








你花費了大部分的時間“存在”( being)。存在於愛;存在於心;存在於當下:你來到這裡成為愛與光來實現。消除智力上的活動不僅有益於啟蒙活動,對於維持和平與和平戰士來說也是非常重要的。







【Quan Yin ~ Current Energies and More Upcoming Disclosures】

By Linda Li

Quan Yin says,

Dear heart, I am Quan Yin. I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that the planetary ascension has been doing extremely well. We have grouped quite a lot of energies, and bringing them to earth to help Gaia and humanity. Apparently, these incoming grouped energies are doing wonders. Not only for Gaia earth, but also for our light workers and humanity. As a result of these intense energies, we are able to come up fast and move the ascension up to speed. So far, we have almost caught up with the speed we have designed for Gaia and humanity, and that is very exciting news. For that, Divine and the company of heaven, are extremely happy, and we are going to continue the effort, bringing in more of these group energies. In other words, in order to assure the ascension of the masses and the planet herself, we have to group up different type of rays together so when these rays hit the planet, we have the domino effect, affecting different groups at the same time so that these different soul groups can ascend together. That is the key. So far so good.

I love you dear heart, I am Quan Yin. In this ascension process, Divine also has made a great deal of effort in terms of keeping our light workers on par with our Divine plan so that no matter what, our light workers are always ahead of the masses. And are always able to serve as the way showers and ascension leaders. That being said, we do have individual plans for different light workers. Some are on par with the Divine plan, other may not be. Some may feel that they are quite ahead of the game. But in reality, there are indeed quite a number of light workers who are still in the 3D mentality, not living in the heart but in the head. They “think” their way up and that is not possible. You cannot think your way up to the 5 dimension. You only can feel your way home by staying in the heart, love every way you choose and love your way up. That is the difference. Thinking can not get you anywhere. It is only mental activity. Thinking is necessary when you run your daily life and get things done. But on the road to enlightenment, mental activities need to be reduced and limited to the bare minimum.

A majority of the time you spend is being. Being in love. Being in the heart. Being with the present moment and being the love and light you came here to be. Eliminating the mental activities are helpful not just for the enlightenment sake, it also is critical in terms of staying in peace and being a peaceful warrior. You cannot be peaceful unless you have love in your heart and be present. And that cannot achieved by thinking. It is achieved by being in the moment, and being the love and light you are. So, thinking does not do much good in terms of ascending. But it does help when you need to run your daily life. So be careful, watch your mental activities. But when you need to just be, watch your mental activities, quite the mind, let Divine love and light to come in so that we can help to eliminate the unnecessary thought patterns. That is the message.

I love you dear heart, I am Quan Yin. In the next few days and weeks, Divine is going to continue the effort of pushing the Divine agenda forward. Divine and the company of heaven, have been doing quite a good job in terms of pushing the Divine disclosures. And so far, we have all sorts of Divine disclosures lined up, waiting to be announced. Our announcers are all ready and cannot wait for their turns. That is the scene, and that is so exciting. We do appreciate our light workers and these disclosure announcers for their efforts and dedication. Great job dear ones. I am Quan Yin. I love you. So it is

【觀音教導】《1》新的光之黃金時代;《2》當前的能量和更多即將到來的信息披露;《2》為事件做好準備 (近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

傳導作者:Elaine DeGiorgio、Linda Li
譯者: Nick Chan、荷光*凱
《1》.新的光之黃金時代 (20171129)
《2》.當前的能量和更多即將到來的信息披露 (20180507)
《3》.為事件做好準備 (20180515)
#LindaLi #ElaineDeGiorgio

傳導作者:Elaine DeGiorgio
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Children,


I Guan Yin, have come forth this day to give you great encouragement in these days of great challenge. To bring forth hope, to bring forth peace, to bring forth compassion, to bring forth mercy.


Now is the time for the earth to forgive. For the abundance of Mercy is with you all at this time.


Many timelines have surpassed the great challenges and temptations. We have embraced and we have learnt from the lessons of past.


Now it is time to move forward in love peace and compassion.


Many conflicts take place in our daily lives and around the world. These are sent to test us to try us. Now is the time to rise above this. These are lessons, this is the learning of the heart. Something you have set into motion when you made your journey to the earth plane. Now is the time for world peace. Send your thoughts and prayers around the world.


Many changes embrace you all at this time. You are being faced with a tide of great change upon your Earth. We are working with you all at this time as there will be great change facing your Nations.


We embrace the essence this day of what your earth planet needs for it’s next stage in her evolution for you have come forth to the Earth in this now to anchor and to embrace the rays of Compassion, of Mercy, and of Healing, like you have never done so before.


We are now entering into a new Golden Age of Light and Love upon your Earth.


The Earth is now ascending but there are many Souls that have much work to do to embrace these Divine Energies within.


Dear children, there is right now a great magnetic pull as you are releasing all that is past. All is as intended. Allow yourself to flow with the water going down the stream as you connect with your crystaline self. Allow this vibration to come through and to surround you with love and with light.

親愛的孩子們,此刻有著一個巨大的磁性拉力,隨著你釋放過去的一切。 一切都如意圖般。讓自己伴隨著水流向下,隨著你與水晶自我連接。讓這個振動前來,伴隨著愛與光包圍你

Know that you are on a journey and as you embark on this journey of great knowing, this journey of enlightenment, you will connect more with who you really are and what you have come forth to the Earth to do in this now.


For many of you are now on the paths of great expansion. As you connect with me and my many Goddess Names you will connect more with your inner qualities.


I invite you dear ones to create a Divine Space for yourselves – a Divine Space within your Hearts for it is there that I will connect with you, it is there that you will feel the flow of Compassion and of Mercy in these challenging times. It is there that I will show you the beauty of your Soul. It is there that I will assist you in your expansion, in your growth and in your ascension.


As you connect within you will see the new dawn is at hand, a new creation. And you have come forth to be part of this Divine Plan. Like Eons of past where we have gathered to bring forth the Ages, so be it again. We are here again to bring forth the New Golden Age of Light.


Now is the time to unite in love and healing and let that flow.


I AM Guan Yin and I speak through Elaine this day.


傳導作者:Linda Li

Quan Yin says, Dear heart, I amQuan Yin. I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that theplanetary ascension has been doing extremely well. We have grouped quite a lotof energies, and bringing them to earth to help Gaia and humanity. Apparently,these incoming grouped energies are doing wonders. Not only for Gaia earth, butalso for our light workers and humanity. As a result of these intense energies,we are able to come up fast and move the ascension up to speed. So far, we havealmost caught up with the speed we have designed for Gaia and humanity, andthat is very exciting news. For that, Divine and the company of heaven, areextremely happy, and we are going to continue the effort, bringing in more ofthese group energies. In other words, in order to assure the ascension of themasses and the planet herself, we have to group up different type of raystogether so when these rays hit the planet, we have the domino effect,affecting different groups at the same time so that these different soul groupscan ascend together. That is the key. So far so good.


I love you dear heart, I amQuan Yin. In this ascension process, Divine also has made a great deal ofeffort in terms of keeping our light workers on par with our Divine plan sothat no matter what, our light workers are always ahead of the masses. And arealways able to serve as the way showers and ascension leaders. That being said,we do have individual plans for different light workers. Some are on par withthe Divine plan, other may not be. Some may feel that they are quite ahead ofthe game. But in reality, there are indeed quite a number of light workers whoare still in the 3D mentality, not living in the heart but in the head. They“think” their way up and that is not possible. You cannot think your way up tothe 5 dimension. You only can feel your way home by staying in the heart, loveevery way you choose and love your way up. That is the difference. Thinking cannot get you anywhere. It is only mental activity. Thinking is necessary whenyou run your daily life and get things done. But on the road to enlightenment,mental activities need to be reduced and limited to the bare minimum.


A majority of the time youspend is being. Being in love. Being in the heart. Being with the presentmoment and being the love and light you came here to be. Eliminating the mentalactivities are helpful not just for the enlightenment sake, it also is criticalin terms of staying in peace and being a peaceful warrior. You cannot bepeaceful unless you have love in your heart and be present. And that cannot achievedby thinking. It is achieved by being in the moment, and being the love andlight you are. So, thinking does not do much good in terms of ascending. But itdoes help when you need to run your daily life. So be careful, watch yourmental activities. But when you need to just be, watch your mental activities,quite the mind, let Divine love and light to come in so that we can help toeliminate the unnecessary thought patterns. That is the message.


I love you dear heart, I amQuan Yin. In the next few days and weeks, Divine is going to continue theeffort of pushing the Divine agenda forward. Divine and the company of heaven,have been doing quite a good job in terms of pushing the Divine disclosures.And so far, we have all sorts of Divine disclosures lined up, waiting to beannounced. Our announcers are all ready and cannot wait for their turns. Thatis the scene, and that is so exciting. We do appreciate our light workers andthese disclosure announcers for their efforts and dedication. Great job dearones. I am Quan Yin. I love you. So it is.


傳導作者:Linda Li
譯者:Nick Chan

Guan Yin says, dear heart, I am Guan Yin. I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that all the light workers who are currently on the planet earth need to hear this message and listen to the call. Divine has given the planet and humanity the warning that the grand experiment has come to an end. It is time to wrap up and go home. Divine Mother has called all the light beings throughout the great cosmos , and let all the beings know that the planet earth is coming to a point where all souls are called to wake up to the Divinity within. It is in Divine's best knowledge that Mother Earth has agreed to the process and Gaia will come along with us. In other words, all beings on the planet need to hear Divine Mother's call and come home, so is Gaia and her children. Any one who has come to earth needs to start the process of returning home. That is the call. Any being and any soul who refuses will be facing great consequences. It is the Divine law. Divine Mother has called all beings home. No exceptions.


I love you dear ones, I am Guan Yin. It is time. The time long predicted, has come. We, the Divine and the company of heaven, have been waiting for this moment over eons of time. We have worked hard for this moment and now this special moment finally is approaching. Divine and the company of heaven, are so thrilled and cannot wait any longer. It is a long waited process, and long over due. Now, Gaia and humanity are over the waiting game. Together, we all come home together, and go home with the Divine Mother.


So, No mistakes in this, it doesn't matter who you are, and how you got to the planet. The message is the same. Every soul has to come home. All souls on the planet earth need to act and get ready. Divine Mother's flame, ascension flame is coming in a short while. Once that ascension flame reaches the planet, no matter who you are, you are going to be impacted, to say the least, and a majority of souls will literally wake up to the fact that they are souls in human body, and their divinity is within. Their soul will call them home. If a soul's mind, for some reason, is stuck in the 3D world, the soul may get confused and won't know what is happening. Otherwise, souls will literally wake up to the fact that Divine Mother is calling them home. They need to act, to start the ascension process and get on the path. And that is the goal. That is what we are expecting to see.


Besides that, Divine has also arranged a team of ascension experts who have the capacity to help most of the souls on the planet. No matter where you are and who you are, whenever you need a helping hand, these ascension experts will literally come to your aid without delays. We have arranged a team of them. And currently they are on the planet, waiting for the calls. So, don't hesitate to call for help if you have a need. Know we have called all the help possible throughout the Universes just for this special occasion. So, keep in mind dear heart. If you need help, please call us. We are here, all lined up and waiting for your call, any time, no limits. This is a given.


I love you dear heart, I am Guan Yin. In the next few days, Divine is going to make sure all sorts of experts and resources are lined up and ready to help. No matter what kind of scenarios, don't hesitate to call the Divine for help. Know we are all here, one after another, waiting to serve you and help the planet. Together, we are going to make this ascension effort very smooth and successful. Together, with Divine Mother's love and ascension rays, together, we carry each and everyone of the humanity home. We bring Gaia home. Know all is lined up. All the resources we need Divine Mother is going to get it for us. We literally have all the resources we need and that is unprecedented. The whole thing is unprecedented. We are so privileged and honored to help Gaia and humanity. Take such a monumental step and achieve such a grand awakening. That is just unheard of. But dear ones, we are doing it. You and I, together, with the Divine and the company of heaven, plus all the help from all corners of the great Cosmo, together, we achieve the unachievable and bring Gaia and humanity home. That day is here. It is coming indeed. I am Guan Yin. I love you. So it is.



傳導:Karen Vivenzio、Linda Li
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.擺脫恐懼的黑斗篷 (20180313)
《2》.讓事件開始 (20180314)
#KarenVivenzio #NickChan #LindaLi

傳導作者:Karen Vivenzio
譯者:Nick Chan

Child of light we see so many of you shedding the dark cloak of fear and walking into a brand new way of being and seeing in this game called life. What you have been waiting for is a sign from the heavens that the world you see before you is shedding also it’s cloak of fear and deception and coming into a new state of being in the higher dimensions.


What we wish to tell you dearest children of light is that there is no more reason to walk in fright. Let go the lessons of the past. It is time to focus on the goodness coming through at last. In each of your hearts and minds, focus on being at peace. This is not the way to get rid of that which creates dis-ease but to eliminate all notions of separation and anxiety by embracing and acknowledging the knowing that we are all one and the same. One body of light moving through this construct called time. Space and separation are illusions – all living creatures are full of the same Creator substance called light. Light is the elixir that creates all life. When you are in conflict or a divide, fill all involved with the most loving vibration of light – that will create the momentum to shift the vibe.


You must let go of all that you think you know. The universe is a fluid, living, breathing dimension full of hope. Your thoughts, words, actions, and deeds all contribute to the flow of this living, breathing being. The reality you see can shift easily. Do no become molded by the struggles you see constantly. Take a moment to separate your ‘self’ from the illusion, take a deep breath, and move into fluid motion. Like a blanket of stars weaving a web of light – each star, each pattern brightens all life. See yourself as one brilliant star shining in an ocean of love blanketing the Earth. Shine your light and brighten all life – keep your heart full in knowing you are doing your part for this world. Step up and into the safety of this blanket of light – one piece of the overall pie. Dare to be happy, dare to find your joy, illumine the world by the fragrance of life – that magnificent light that shines ever bright.


For you are ALL blessed children of mine and I AM your blessed Mother Divine.


傳導作者:Linda Li
譯者: Nick Chan

Divine Mother says, dear children on earth, I am your Divine Mother, Mother of all creation. In earnest, I come forward with this message.


Divine and the company of heaven, have been repeatedly telling me that the situation on the planet earth is quite unpredictable. It can go either way. Especially now, the incoming energy has been so intense, and as result, the old energy simply cannot sustain itself and is now collapsing. While the old is collapsing, the level of chaos will intensify to the point that it can be detrimental. Now, how detrimental is it and how can we let it developed to this point? You may ask.


Dear ones, yes, the situation is indeed quite intense, and as result there are indeed a few scenarios that are possible. One scenario is that the planet simply goes to chaos, countries and citizens are totally in chaos. And that scenario is not what we prefer, so, Divine will do something about it if that happens.


The other scenario is that the planet having been in the dark for so long, and now all of a sudden the light returns and rules. This scenario is possible and is something Divine is working toward. But in doing so, we may have to overcome the sudden effect. In other words, we do have to take into consideration how humanity will react, and in that reaction, what would happen. In my assessment, and Divine’s estimate, we do expect a certain level of chaos when Divine comes in to rule at that moment. That being said, Divine and the company of heaven, have repeatedly warned the planet and humanity that if the situation continues to deteriorate, Divine may have to come and rule the planet so that the planetary ascension can be assured, and humanity’s journey home can be safe and sound.


Dear ones, I am your Divine Mother. Being the Mother of the great cosmos, I have been literally watching the planet earth, watching her struggles and feeling her pains. Especially lately when the Divine team sent the intense rays of energy. The planet herself has literally come to a point that she no longer can go on as normal. There are huge amount of energy that must be released from her body. As result, natural changes have to happen, planet wide kind of changes. Only then, Gaia, your Mother Earth, can breathe a little and Divine, and the company of heaven, can rest in peace. I have been watching non stop, and till this point where I have to agree with Gaia and the company of heaven, and let the event happen, let the changes come, let humanity awaken. Together, we have to make sure Gaia’s journey home is smooth. And we have to let the natural flow of energy go where it needs to go to dig out the old and release it. That means that some areas on the planet are going to face natural events, things like earthquakes, etc. in doing so, Gaia may have a better chance and easier path.


I know Gaia has a great deal of love for the planet and her children. She has been holding the old patterns so that her children can have a safer journey. But in reality, she has come to a point where she absolutely has to let go, let go of the old energy, break away from the old. That way, she, herself, can be saved, to journey home safe and sound. Divine and the company of heaven, have repeatedly informed me that Gaia needs to let go, Gaia needs to let go, finally, Gaia feels it, and feels that time has come. She has to let the old go, let her children choose, either go home or choose to leave the planet.


The choosing process is painful. The souls who chose to stay, know what the process is like. And the souls who choose to leave, are the ones who really feel the pain. They really love the planet, the environment and the learning opportunity. But due to the need of maturity of the soul journey, they need to learn more before they choose physical ascension. So, these souls decided to leave the planet and continue their soul journey in other places. Divine is totally ok with the decision and respect their choices. It is Gaia who has a hard time letting her children go. She knows them so well. She loves them so much. She knows this is going to be the last good byes. Those children are no longer able to come back here again. And that causes great pain to Gaia. I understand the dynamic, and have had great conversations with Gaia. I have repeatedly told her that those souls will be ok. They will be just as happy in another planet as they are here on earth. The fact that they choose to leave, does not mean they are unhappy. It only means that at the soul level, they know they need time to accumulate more of the maturity and wisdom, and that is the desire of the soul. And that is what their souls have decided. So, no pain in that whatsoever.


Dear children on earth, I am your Divine Mother. I know how much Gaia loves her children, and how much Gaia has done for her children. But, nevertheless, we have to let these souls go, let Gaia go home. In order for the ascension of Gaia and humanity to go smoothly, a certain level of destruction has to happen. Divine has given the nod. Divine wants Gaia to take it, and let the releasing begin. Only in that way will Gaia’s ascension be smooth, and go home safe and sound.


Let’s send Mother Earth your greatest love and let her know how much you love her, and how much she deserves your love and respect. Let Gaia feel safe to release, and know her children will be fine. I am your Divine Mother. I love you dearly, my precious children on earth. The day has come. Let Gaia know that. Together, we bring Gaia home.



傳導作者:Linda Li、Ann Dahlberg
譯者: 荷光*凱
《1》.鬥爭結束,做好準備 (20170817)
《2》.臨界質量已達到 (20170824)
#LindaLi #AnnDahlberg

傳導作者:Linda Li


Guan Yinsays, dear heart, I am Guan Yin. I come with important news. Divine has decreedthat all the light workers on the planet, are called to be on alert. All of youwho are designated to come at this time to help Gaia and humanity. You areneeded at this moment. Listen to Divine’s call, getting ready for the bigchanges. Changes are coming. You need to be on alert, get yourself ready oneway or the other. We need you to be ready, and you need to be ready too, foryour own sake. That is the message today. It is urgent and it is necessarybecause from my observation, there are some light workers who are still in thestruggles, not mentioning getting ready. For those souls who are struggling, Iwant you to hear me now. The struggle is over. You need to go beyond thestruggles. Know all will change, including things you struggle about, and theenergies that made you struggle. Yes, changes come in many different ways. Somechanges will happen in the area of finance so you don’t have to struggle. Otherchanges will happen in the political arena so that our light workers will feelmore inclined to run for office and take charge of their country. There arealso changes in the energies which will end struggles for those who have hardtime coping with the current energies. So, upcoming changes will bemultifaceted and you will find benefit whatever your situation is, and find itis liberating on a deep level you have ever experienced before. It will be agreat experience for our light workers and humanity alike. And it will beindeed well needed and deserved by all of you.

我愛你親愛的。我是觀音。在接下來的幾天和幾週裡,這些變化將由神執行。一個接一個地,這些變化最終都將降臨到地球和人類身上。所以,保持專注,保持樂觀。要知道所有這些變化都是由你的心所帶來的。這是你應得的。你應該得到一個更好的世界。經過長時間的艱苦努力,你終於創造了一個更好的世界,為你自己和每一個人創造了更好的生活條件。這是一場艱苦的戰鬥。我們所有人都應該得到應得的獎勵。我們,神和天堂公司,已經準備好將所有這些獎勵交付給你們,他們每個都刻錄著我們的光之工作者辛勤的工作和神聖天賦的圖案。我們對結果感到滿意,我們對所有的光之工作者感到欣慰。工作真的很出色。除了即將發生的變化外,神還要我們的光之工作者知道鬥爭已結束了。相信它。享受你美好的旅程,美好的人生。從這一刻知道事情發生了變化 ,所有的鬥爭都結束了,沒有更多的鬥爭。你需要重新設定你的心態,並相信它。知道所有的鬥爭都是有目的。但時間到了。不需要更多的鬥爭,讓自己擺脫鬥爭。讓自己擺脫所有黑暗的日子。要知道新的一天的曙光已到來。新的世界已經開始。你為此準備好。你的生活將會發生戲劇性的變化。這是你應該得到的,心愛的。相信它,並生活其中。這是你的新生活,真正美好的生活。

I love youdear heart. I am Guan Yin. In the next few days and weeks, those changes willbe implemented by Divine. One by one, those changes will eventually all come totheplanet and humanity. So, stay centered and stay hopeful. Know all of thosechanges are brought here by you dear heart. And you deserve it. You deserve abetter world. After the long hard work, you finally made a better world, betterliving conditions for thyself and every one else. It is a hard fought victory.And a well deserved reward for all of us. We, the Divine and the company ofheaven, are so ready to deliver all these rewards to you, each one of themrecords the hard work of our light workers and Divine’s genius design. We aresatisfied with the result, and we are happy with all of our light workers. Jobwell done indeed. Besides the upcoming changes, Divine also wants our lightworkers to know that the struggles are over. Believe it. Enjoy your beautifuljourney, beautiful life. Know things have changed. From this point on, all thestruggles are done, no more struggles. You need to reset your mindset, and believeit. Know all the struggles served a purpose. But time is due. No more strugglesneeded. Set yourself free from the struggles. Set yourself free from all thedark days. Know that new days are dawning. The new world has come. And you areready for it. Your life will change dramatically for the better. You deserve itdear heart. Believe it, and live it. It is your new life, a beautiful lifeindeed.

我是觀音。我非常愛你,親愛的。 我迫不及待地看到你的微笑的臉,聽到我們光之工作者的歌聲。我們一起歌唱,親愛的,你們和我一起,一起慶祝我們的艱苦戰鬥的勝利。我們值得 ,我愛你。我是觀音。誠如是。

I am Guan Yin. I love you so very much dear ones. I can’twait to see the smiling face of yours, and the singing heart of our lightworkers. Let’s sing together dear heart, you and me, together, we celebrate ourhard fought victory. We deserve it. I love you. I am Guan Yin. So it is.

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg


I am Quan Yin and I have been given the permission to appear today and present my message to the world. It is a tumultuous world that slowly is recovering after thousands of year of war and misery. You have done a fantastic job and we are so proud and happy for your efforts to transform this world from a place of darkness to letting the light reappear on Gaia again. There has been many goings back and forth, but it has always advanced forward towards the goal to transform this surface to a light and loving place to live on.


The light has now reached many souls on Earth and the critical mass has been achieved so expect large changes on our world today. Maybe it will not be as you imagined. It is hard to imagine how it is going to be in the higher dimensions of light and love when one is in the lower vibrations. Nevertheless the Earth has raised its vibration a little and then I mean on its surface. The inner Earth already has a high vibration. Light is now trickling out from the Inner Earth and down from Cosmos. You are today awash with light and it affects your bodies greatly. It has the effect that changes will progress faster and it might be difficult for many to keep up with the pace. All you lightworkers that have progressed a bit along the path be ready to assist. You are all needed now by all the worried souls that are in the process of waking up. All helping hands are needed. We have a large but loving task in front of us. We all have different tasks to perform. Some of us will build and work with technology and others will help people socially in many different ways. Yet others will hold meditations and provide healing in order to get people to understand who they are and where they are going. As we go along we will form a large community where we together serve Gaia and Cosmos – our home. Gaia is our home and we love here, but we can also have another home were we feel we have our large family. Yes, there is much to take in dear friends on Earth and we will have to take it step by step. First of all it is the surface on our Earth that needs to be healed and repaired. All experts and all materials are there so you just need to get started.


The old matrix has started to fall and the construction of a new one has started. It is you dear children on Earth that deserve the credit for this. Your steady belief, and your steady light is now shining miles around and it is an impressive vision to behold. We are so grateful and happy for this. The era of light is here and the dark is disappearing at the horizon. More and more have started to find their own light and understood that they can return whenever they so wish. Others are on their way to wake up and they understand that they are a part of it all – that life is bigger than they can see with the naked eye. Everything is a process and this process has come far along the way in the march towards the light.


I, and the whole Galactic Federation, stand ready together with you now. We send you all our assistance and all our love. With the slightest sign or inquiry and we are at your side.



I leave you now with a bouquet of Lotus flowers.

Quan Yin