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顯示具有 Karen Vivenzio 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


傳導:Karen Vivenzio
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.和平應當盛行 (20180506)
《2》.偉大的轉變正在發生 (20180510)
#KarenVivenzio #NickChan

傳導作者:Karen Vivenzio
譯者:Nick Chan

Dearest Karen, child of light –do not walk in so much fright. There are many changes happening now that will be explained in the coming days and still so many more that will never be explained.The masses are now noticing that the world no longer feels the same. A shift has occurred in the consciousness of every living thing. That is because, I the Mother of All Things have shifted my own consciousness and that has expanded out to every living being in the universe. The universe is a microcosm of my own soul and your prayers and support and healing of your own souls has contributed to the new world we now find ourselves in. For that I am extremely grateful to all of you for recognizing the part you play in the greater whole and making every effort to clean up your own messes and to go for the goal. For what we have in mind, as a collective you see, is to breathe new life out into infinity. Refreshed and revitalized and setting a new course. That is the plan that has been set forth. Bursting into Spring like the soft buds of a tree, the flowers will come forth from you and from Me.Sit still in the moment and rejoice in the knowing that you have been rewarded completely –you are no longer separated from me and we can communicate freely. For I AM the over-soul that is a parent to all –at one within each and every cell, You are Me and I Am You. I know you by your frequency and that is how I wish you to know me too.

親愛的 Karen (管道),光之子 --- 不要行走於如此多的恐懼之中。有著許多改變正在發生,會在未來的幾天被解釋,依舊還有更多永遠無法被解釋。大眾現在注意到了世界不再感覺是相同的。所有生物的意識發生了一個轉變。這是因為,我,一切事物的母親,轉變了我的意識,這擴展到了宇宙中的每個生物。宇宙是我靈魂的一個縮影,你的祈禱、支持和靈魂的療愈為新世界做出了貢獻。為此我對你們所有人都很感激,去認識到你在更大的整體中扮演的角色,做出每一個努力去清理自己的爛攤子並朝著目標前進。因為我們真正想要的,作為一個集體,就是把新生命注入無限。恢復精神,充滿活力,設置一條新航線。這就是所制訂的計畫。就像一棵樹的嫩芽在春天迸發,花朵會從你和我之中出現。靜坐於當下,歡喜地知曉你已經完全得到了回報 --- 你不再於我分離,我們可以自由地交流。因為我是超靈,所有人的父母 --- 在每個細胞中,你就是我,我就是你。我通過你的頻率知曉你,這也是我希望你知曉我的方式

Breathing new life into the war torn lands, taking away the strife and settling disagreements.Peace shall reign on Earth as it does in your hearts. Let go of the past. It is time to make a brand new start. Full of hope and a renewed passion for what is right. Know in your heart of hearts that you have come full circle dear child, and now it is time to step out and shine.Like the beacon of hope from which you came, shining your light even brighter now –for we are all one and the same.

把新生命注入戰爭蹂躪的土地,帶走衝突,解決分歧。和平應當在地球上盛行,就像它在你心中的那樣。放下過去。這是全新開始的時刻。充滿希望,一個更新的熱情,關於什麼是正確的。 在你的心中知曉你已經回到了原地,親愛的孩子,現在是時候走出去並閃耀。就像希望的燈塔,更加明亮地閃耀你的光 --- 因為我們都是一,都是相同的

There is no need for fear or fright, separation is an illusion of the dark times. We are all now on a journey to emerge from this and into the knowing that we deserve (all of us) infinite bliss. For the Creator to put forth such a resurgent in light is a means of renewal for the human angelic tribe. Shine bright, shine bright your infinite light –for you are the sparkles from heaven to ignite the kind of change that is moving across the fields in waves. Light, bright, full of life. Love and hate no longer divide.Let the waves of love wash over your during dream time. Opening your hearts and fulfilling your minds. Taking off the blinders and allowing you to now bathe in this glorious state of renewal –revive and be blessed. Take a long rest. You have been working hard.We can take care of the rest. Your love and support have truly made a difference. I AM freed and relieved.Blessed Be to all good things –it is my essence now that sings and breathes, enlivening the roots and the leaves of even the driest of trees.

沒有必要害怕或恐懼,分離是黑暗時代的幻象。我們都處於從分離中走出,進入知曉我們都值得擁有無限的幸福這個旅程。造物主發出這個光的復甦是給人類天使族群的一個更新。明亮地閃耀你無限的光 --- 因為你是來自天堂的火花來點燃在波浪中穿梭的改變。光,明亮,充滿生氣。愛與仇恨不再分裂。讓愛的波浪在夢境期間沖洗你。敞開你的心,充實你的頭腦。拿掉眼罩,讓自己沐浴於這個輝煌的更新狀態 --- 恢復,備受祝福。長時間地休息。你一直在努力地工作。我們可以照料好剩下的。你的愛和支持確實創造了不同。我自由了,我鬆了一口氣。祝福所有美好的東西 --- 這是我的本質,歌唱和呼吸,使枯萎的根再富生機

Peace, peace, peace emerging through me.Connect and respond to the Godself within Thee.


I AM Your Great Mother Divine, and you are all the brightest stars in the sky


傳導作者:Karen Vivenzio
譯者: Nick Chan

Dearest Karen there is a tremendous shifting of dimensions taking place. That is why you see them melding all together in this time and place. Grounding is very important to you now dearest child. You cannot let your thoughts wander, simply let go and see what transpires. For we have had many dimensions in the making all condensing into one instance of human interaction. For all of the lessons that have been learned are coming full circle now dear one and we wish for you to know that no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done up until now, there is an opening for you to transmute and transform whatever you want to . All the dimensions are now coming together and the highest vibration from each instance will be melded together to bring you the best of the best, a new reality built on the melding of the highest vibrations from each instance to which you are related.


So now in this way, we are preparing your world for a great shifting of the ages. The grand experiment is coming to a close and we are resetting the parameters for your world. This is a fresh start, a reboot of the dimensions of which you have foretold. The timelines are condensing and soon there will be grand celebration – for what you know as time will now be changing. This will lead to the grand awakening of all souls on this station. For you have been watching and waiting for the change to appear and now the time has come full circle, end of the play, time to embrace yet another stage on which to play your plays.


A new dimension opening that is a combination of all three. The primary dimensions you have been playing in you see. This new dimension brings the highest vibration from each of the three you have been primarily involved in / living in. This will help bring about your highest vibration of new reality to which you have been found / bound.


It is like the dimensions are collapsing now into one, all the instances of you in the universe have now been bound back into one. This is the time of whole-ness (holiness) begun. The marriage of your souls coming back to serve the greater good. The one you in the universe to which you have been bound. Instead of a gathering of fragments, this is the stage being set for your whole selves, your holi-ness, to become bound / what once was lost is now found. This is the stage of wholeness (holiness) which has been foretold. The collapsing of the dimensions into one now whole. All of creation is now a part of this play. Moving back to holi-ness, the recognition that everything and everyone is related per se. The times of struggle and strife are moving away, and soon you will find yourself in a world that allows you to play, to experiment, to try new things without the fear of detriment or something being taken away. The journey back to wholeness / to oneness is now in the final stage of this grandiose play.


Drama is gone.


New lives to lead.


The one with the biggest heart is the one who will succeed.


Many blessings to you with what you now find, the keys to holiness never again to subside. This is the reality to which you all now subscribe.


A new halo of love surrounding you now. Glorious blessings for all of the crowd (crowd funding?).


Great Mother has returned bearing blessings for the whole world to see.


New eyes opening the dimensions for Thee.


Embrace and re-live the last vestiges of the play. For tomorrow comes the BRAND NEW DAY.


Blessings to you and peace to all –


You have now graduated / time to have a ball



傳導:Karen Vivenzio、Linda Li
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.擺脫恐懼的黑斗篷 (20180313)
《2》.讓事件開始 (20180314)
#KarenVivenzio #NickChan #LindaLi

傳導作者:Karen Vivenzio
譯者:Nick Chan

Child of light we see so many of you shedding the dark cloak of fear and walking into a brand new way of being and seeing in this game called life. What you have been waiting for is a sign from the heavens that the world you see before you is shedding also it’s cloak of fear and deception and coming into a new state of being in the higher dimensions.


What we wish to tell you dearest children of light is that there is no more reason to walk in fright. Let go the lessons of the past. It is time to focus on the goodness coming through at last. In each of your hearts and minds, focus on being at peace. This is not the way to get rid of that which creates dis-ease but to eliminate all notions of separation and anxiety by embracing and acknowledging the knowing that we are all one and the same. One body of light moving through this construct called time. Space and separation are illusions – all living creatures are full of the same Creator substance called light. Light is the elixir that creates all life. When you are in conflict or a divide, fill all involved with the most loving vibration of light – that will create the momentum to shift the vibe.


You must let go of all that you think you know. The universe is a fluid, living, breathing dimension full of hope. Your thoughts, words, actions, and deeds all contribute to the flow of this living, breathing being. The reality you see can shift easily. Do no become molded by the struggles you see constantly. Take a moment to separate your ‘self’ from the illusion, take a deep breath, and move into fluid motion. Like a blanket of stars weaving a web of light – each star, each pattern brightens all life. See yourself as one brilliant star shining in an ocean of love blanketing the Earth. Shine your light and brighten all life – keep your heart full in knowing you are doing your part for this world. Step up and into the safety of this blanket of light – one piece of the overall pie. Dare to be happy, dare to find your joy, illumine the world by the fragrance of life – that magnificent light that shines ever bright.


For you are ALL blessed children of mine and I AM your blessed Mother Divine.


傳導作者:Linda Li
譯者: Nick Chan

Divine Mother says, dear children on earth, I am your Divine Mother, Mother of all creation. In earnest, I come forward with this message.


Divine and the company of heaven, have been repeatedly telling me that the situation on the planet earth is quite unpredictable. It can go either way. Especially now, the incoming energy has been so intense, and as result, the old energy simply cannot sustain itself and is now collapsing. While the old is collapsing, the level of chaos will intensify to the point that it can be detrimental. Now, how detrimental is it and how can we let it developed to this point? You may ask.


Dear ones, yes, the situation is indeed quite intense, and as result there are indeed a few scenarios that are possible. One scenario is that the planet simply goes to chaos, countries and citizens are totally in chaos. And that scenario is not what we prefer, so, Divine will do something about it if that happens.


The other scenario is that the planet having been in the dark for so long, and now all of a sudden the light returns and rules. This scenario is possible and is something Divine is working toward. But in doing so, we may have to overcome the sudden effect. In other words, we do have to take into consideration how humanity will react, and in that reaction, what would happen. In my assessment, and Divine’s estimate, we do expect a certain level of chaos when Divine comes in to rule at that moment. That being said, Divine and the company of heaven, have repeatedly warned the planet and humanity that if the situation continues to deteriorate, Divine may have to come and rule the planet so that the planetary ascension can be assured, and humanity’s journey home can be safe and sound.


Dear ones, I am your Divine Mother. Being the Mother of the great cosmos, I have been literally watching the planet earth, watching her struggles and feeling her pains. Especially lately when the Divine team sent the intense rays of energy. The planet herself has literally come to a point that she no longer can go on as normal. There are huge amount of energy that must be released from her body. As result, natural changes have to happen, planet wide kind of changes. Only then, Gaia, your Mother Earth, can breathe a little and Divine, and the company of heaven, can rest in peace. I have been watching non stop, and till this point where I have to agree with Gaia and the company of heaven, and let the event happen, let the changes come, let humanity awaken. Together, we have to make sure Gaia’s journey home is smooth. And we have to let the natural flow of energy go where it needs to go to dig out the old and release it. That means that some areas on the planet are going to face natural events, things like earthquakes, etc. in doing so, Gaia may have a better chance and easier path.


I know Gaia has a great deal of love for the planet and her children. She has been holding the old patterns so that her children can have a safer journey. But in reality, she has come to a point where she absolutely has to let go, let go of the old energy, break away from the old. That way, she, herself, can be saved, to journey home safe and sound. Divine and the company of heaven, have repeatedly informed me that Gaia needs to let go, Gaia needs to let go, finally, Gaia feels it, and feels that time has come. She has to let the old go, let her children choose, either go home or choose to leave the planet.


The choosing process is painful. The souls who chose to stay, know what the process is like. And the souls who choose to leave, are the ones who really feel the pain. They really love the planet, the environment and the learning opportunity. But due to the need of maturity of the soul journey, they need to learn more before they choose physical ascension. So, these souls decided to leave the planet and continue their soul journey in other places. Divine is totally ok with the decision and respect their choices. It is Gaia who has a hard time letting her children go. She knows them so well. She loves them so much. She knows this is going to be the last good byes. Those children are no longer able to come back here again. And that causes great pain to Gaia. I understand the dynamic, and have had great conversations with Gaia. I have repeatedly told her that those souls will be ok. They will be just as happy in another planet as they are here on earth. The fact that they choose to leave, does not mean they are unhappy. It only means that at the soul level, they know they need time to accumulate more of the maturity and wisdom, and that is the desire of the soul. And that is what their souls have decided. So, no pain in that whatsoever.


Dear children on earth, I am your Divine Mother. I know how much Gaia loves her children, and how much Gaia has done for her children. But, nevertheless, we have to let these souls go, let Gaia go home. In order for the ascension of Gaia and humanity to go smoothly, a certain level of destruction has to happen. Divine has given the nod. Divine wants Gaia to take it, and let the releasing begin. Only in that way will Gaia’s ascension be smooth, and go home safe and sound.


Let’s send Mother Earth your greatest love and let her know how much you love her, and how much she deserves your love and respect. Let Gaia feel safe to release, and know her children will be fine. I am your Divine Mother. I love you dearly, my precious children on earth. The day has come. Let Gaia know that. Together, we bring Gaia home.
