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#LindaDillon #ZM #AnnAlbers #NickChan #Amber

傳導作者:Linda Dillon

You are the Champions of Change | Archangel Uriel via Linda Dillon

(Golden Age of Gaia)

A timely and timeless message from our beloved brother of silver reminding us not only who we are but why we are here. xxx Linda

Greetings, I am Uriel, Archangel of the future, bringer of the now, keeper of the time, Archangel of Divine Authority, brother, ally and friend.

Welcome, welcome my Champions of Change. Welcome my bright angels of silver. For whether you are amethyst or gold, blue or magenta, emerald or silver, you are all silver. As I have overlighted you and as I will continue to overlight you in the full awakening of your inspiration. You are magnificent and you are powerful. The Mother has chosen well.

Let me say, let me share with you what we mean when we call you the champions of change. Beloveds, champions do not sit on the sidelines. They are beings of action, even in solitude and pause and in the void and spaciousness. Champion means leader, exercising divine authority, bringing forth the reality and the dream of our Sacred Mother and of your sacred self.

I have said to you, you are the strongest of the strong. You are the wayshowers – each in your own unique and beautiful way. Each in the fulfillment of your dream, within and folded into the Mother’s dream, as her dream is folded into yours. There is no separation, there is no differentiation. You are united and conjoined in the fulfillment of this plan.

And you could not do this without the knowing and the fullness, the power, the true power, the energy, the sheer energy of knowing your inspiration, and then taking that knowing of your inspiration and bringing it forward as angel, as human, as star-seed, as earth-keeper in action, completely outside, differentiated from what you have thought of as action, exposure, vulnerability, leadership of old Earth. There is no room for that.

Do you really think or feel that I have to vie for love? That I have to jockey for position? That I have to do extraordinary things to earn the Mother’s love, to have her notice me? That I try and get a step ahead of my beloved brother Michael, or rush by Gabrielle…of course not. We are in the harmony of unity and community. And so are you.

It is the unification. Love is a unifying factor. It allows for liberation and freedom and wisdom and knowing and being the unique quality of who you are. That is to be celebrated, not dampened – brought forward, illuminated and enjoyed by everyone seen and unseen.

You step forth from the essence of who you are, and yes with the many activations. Some you know about and some you don’t. It matters not. During our time together we have activated and incorporated with you, your aspects, your divine authority, your silver throne, your knowing. But, we go forth together hand and hand, arm and arm, wing and wing. Not simply as co-creators, but in the tangible, physical anchoring of our Mother’s dream.

You are here on planet to see the fruition of this period of time of Her plan. And many of you, the strongest of the strong, have waited eons to see this, and not only to see it but to be part of it, leading the parade. Not in ways that are in control or boastful, but with a gentleness of my flame which I have gifted you again and again.

I am with you my beloveds, my Champions of Change. Go forth. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]


譯者:Nick Chan 

Greeting’s beloveds. We are the Sirian High Council. As always, we are pleased at the progress you are making. We are in joy at how you all take on these words and others that similar, then integrate and put into practice.
What we wish to share on today is; the place you are currently in. Many of you feel you need to be somewhere else. Meaning, many of you feel you should be further ahead on your journey, or the world should be further along. What this thought process does is slow you down. The reason it slows you down is because it takes you out of the Now moment.
When you focus on being elsewhere on your journey, you are not experiencing the moment you are in. You are removing yourself from the current experience, with the thought that you should be somewhere else or further along.
Dear ones, you are exactly where you need be, and progressing at the pace that is most suitable for you. This goes for all your brothers, sisters and the Earth herself. For if there is no time, how can anyone or anything be moving too slowly?
Ponder this question dear ones –
If there is only Now, the moment you are in, meaning, past, present and future are One, how can anything be moving too slowly? How can something be progressing too slow?
We ask that you ponder this question, for the truth lies not in the answer, but the question itself.
If there is no “time” how can something move too slowly?
We reiterate this because we want to you enjoy where you are at on your journey. We want you to fully embrace the experience of the moment, of the Now. Take it all in. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the feelings. Embrace the moment dear ones, for when you do this, you are in the eternal Now and you can ground much more energy when you are in the moment.
When you are totally immersed in the Now, you are free of any hindering thoughts. You are free of any distractions. You are just being. You are taking in all that is. For in the moment, that is all there is.
We ask that you all bring yourself back into the moment. Embrace everything around you with love and respect, for all that you see is part of the Divine. All you can touch, see and feel is part of Divine Creation. So, the more you can embrace and immerse yourself in the moment, the more you can embrace creation and the totality of God, of Love, of All That Is.
Return to the moment to create the shifts you want. Love where you are. Love who you are. Love every moment of your life on Earth, for this is what it is about, loving and learning from experience. But how can you do that if you are removed from the moment?
We are the Sirian High Council. We enjoy poking your brains and hearts, firing up those neurons and getting you to think outside of the box they wish to keep you in. Until next Sunday beloveds.

傳導作者:Ann Albers
譯者:Nick Chan 

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
The energies upon your planet are intense at this time, perhaps more so than ever before in human history. You have collectively prayed for a new reality. You have collectively asked the heavens for support in re-creating your lives as individuals, nations, and a global community. Each one of you has angels guiding you to experience these changes in the healthiest, happiest, and most harmonious way for your own unique and beautiful soul.
Moment by moment, day by day, we guide you with loving impulses and inspirations. We don't give you a 5-year plan or even a 5-day plan. Rather, we guide you in each breath towards the kindest and most loving path to all you have asked for.
The easiest path is the one that brings you joy in the here and now. We guide you step-by-step, constantly adjusting to the ever-changing and shifting conditions upon your earth. In every breath more than 7 billion people make different choices and emit different vibrations. In every breath your energy shifts and changes too. We try to steer you, like flowing water, to move or go around any obstacles in your path.
Consider this example. If you wanted directions to a remote destination, you would likely pull out your phone, consider the maps offered by your GPS, and decide upon the quickest, easiest, or most scenic route depending upon your objective. Now suppose you are in the car, on your chosen path, but your phone suddenly detects an accident or a road closure up ahead. If you are listening to your phone's guidance, you will be re-routed along the new best path.
Your angels are very much like the GPS on your phone and, as some of you like to joke, we are indeed your "God Positioning System!" We are always trying to guide you on a path that will assist you in elevating your vibration, and allowing what you want to flow into your reality.
In a high vibration you more easily perceive your higher guidance. In a lower vibration you will also perceive input and impulses that come from similar-vibration human beings who, like you are emitting energy and sharing opinions. As well you may feel your own fears, doubts, and conditioning in the mix of the energies you receive. Think of it this way: in a high vibe you perceive a clear signal. In a lower vibe, there is static on the line, and you must pay attention more closely to hear the signals of your higher guidance.
How do you know when you are receiving higher guidance? It is actually quite easy. Impulses and inspirations from your angels and guides feel wonderful, uplifting, fun, interesting, or inspiring. Feelings, impulses, and "inspirations" from others who might not have your best interest at heart feel like things you must do to get what you want, things that don't necessarily feel joyful to you in the moment.
For example, suppose you want a job or a relationship. Your well-meaning relatives and friends might suggest you spend hours, looking online. They might try to set you up with people you're not interested in. They might recommend jobs that don't inspire you. They may even get upset and judgmental if you don't listen. "You're never going to get what you want just sitting there!" Your own conditioned inner voice might give you similar, well-meaning, but pushy lower vibrational guidance. You know it is lower vibrational because it just doesn't resonate with your heart. It feels exhausting, uninspiring, demoralizing, or upsetting.
Suppose you truly do enjoy looking online. You may look forward to it as much as some people enjoy a treasure hunt or doing online research. If so, your angels and guides will try to give you impulses at the best possible times to "catch" the moments of opportunity.
If however, looking online feels burdensome, your angels and guides will amplify your own natural inspirations to play, explore your interests, rest, travel, daydream, or cocoon or any one of a multitude of activities that you truly feel like doing. These activities will be ones that feel easy, good, and uplifting to you, even if they seem to have no logical relationship to your goal of the new job or the new relationship.
Nonetheless, as you do these things that feel good, you raise your vibration. You are being guided to elevate yourself into a space of joy and receptivity so you are ready when the job or relationship arrives. Perhaps you will meet someone during your playtime who will point you along the next step on your path. Perhaps you'll surrender to your heart and at long last be open to the guidance you've really been waiting for. In a high vibe and space of joy, you'll interview better, come across better on your first date, or notice the opportunities when they're presented.
in every moment, given the state of the world and the state of your own energy, your angels and guides are guiding you along the path of joy. When you listen to your heart you'll either perceive their guidance, or be guided – one better feeling thought or action at a time – into a higher vibration where you can more easily perceive our guidance. Life, and your angels, never give up on trying to steer you back to joy.
For example suppose you are disappointed and sad and you're just trying to "tough it out." Your angels are guiding you to thoughts and things that will uplift you. You may have a fleeting moment of feeling like taking a walk, but given your state of being, you think, "That's too much trouble." You may receive a feeling from us to call a friend but you think, "I don't want to bother them." Nonetheless, you still have guidance. You may be inspired by your own feelings to watch a sad movie that is a vibrational match. The movie triggers your tears and after a good cry you are able to release disappointment and sadness and focus on the better feeling thought of hope. Now thinking about that walk feels better, and you take it. Now we impulse you and help you feel like calling your friend again and this time you don't think it sounds so silly.
Likewise, say you are in a difficult relationship, be it with a co-worker, spouse or other individual. You are trying to be loving and kind but deep down you're angry. Your feelings are your own guidance system, telling you that you need to change yourself or the situation.
As always, depending on your deeper desires, your guides are always trying to inspire you to the path of greatest ease, flow, and joy. Perhaps you have thoughts of a kinder and more loving job or relationship. We are showing you that you can dream of this and manifest better – either in this relationship or another. Perhaps you feel an impulse towards self-love and the desire to speak up and share your heart, but then you think, "They don't care." Maybe that's right but we see that sharing your heart, would be the next better feeling step. Perhaps you are feeling more and more like leaving this situation but instead of listening to your guidance and manifesting a way out, you think, That's just not practical." Perhaps it isn't practical, but we are inspiring you to point your mind towards feeling of freedom so we can help guide you along the path to its manifestation. If you keep ignoring your higher guidance, it might take the other person matching your angry vibe with "a straw that breaks the camel's back" to trigger your anger more strongly so you, at long last, start to manifest a kinder situation for yourself.
Sometimes the most joyful path means you have to let go of beliefs, people, or situations that don't work to make room for those that do. You can't always get from a deep dark mood to a glorious one without taking intermediate, better-feeling steps. In these denser moods, there are denser souls and situations that will match your vibration and without knowing, steer you back to better feeling thoughts. Like the canyon walls direct a river on its most natural and joyful path by blocking its flow, life and similar vibrational souls will bump into you until you choose kinder, easier thoughts and more self-loving actions.
As you become more practiced at keeping your vibration higher – one better-feeling thought at a time – it will be much easier for you to perceive and act upon higher, loving guidance. In the meanwhile you can sort out higher guidance by paying close attention to what feels best in your heart, in a given moment.
We want for you, what you want for you. We want to help you find better feeling thoughts, so you can act from inspiration rather than desperation. We want to help you when you seek comfort, so you can feel our love even when you don't see love. We want to help you embrace your natural abundance so you can trust in life's flow even when it is not yet made manifest. We guide you because we love you and we want to assist you in making all your dearest dreams come true.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


傳導作者:Linda Dillon

Universal Mother Mary: The Nature of Our New Normal and the ‘How-To’ of Balance

This beautiful channelled gem is lovingly shared by J from her personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I am Mary. I welcome thee, sweet daughter of my heart, sweet angel of blue and pink and lurion and, yes, grayelsha, for you are like a rainbow bridge. You are assisting humanity in many seen and unseen ways during this time of my transition and my Plan that comes to completion as Nova Earth and Nova Being step forth in the brilliance and humility, the joy and compassion, of who they are.

Much of the work you do, sweet one, is conducted behind the scenes, as we have mentioned to you, through your circle, which is my circle, for example, [in] your neighbourhood, spreading the rainbow light, acting as a transmitter, paving pathways that people do not always understand. But what they do understand is that as they drive by, they feel better – and sweet angel, in this time of such upheaval and transition and, yes, pandemic, what could one ask for that is more pure and clear and sweet than feeling better!

Humans do not always have the words, and even do not always have the words to express the internal workings of their being – and by this, I mean their hearts, their minds and certainly their spirits – but their mental bodies often do not make the connections between these various facets of their being. But this is what is opening.

Think of it in this way. I have spoken a great deal about rebirth, and sweet daughter of my heart, let me be very clear with you: you are already reborn. Think of the newborn baby, really quite dependent upon the mother for succour and sustenance, for care and feeding… very basic… and then the baby learns to crawl faster and faster, finally lifting itself up, beginning to walk and waddle.

I remember my Yeshi and many of my children – that was like a landmark, and it was a landmark that filled my heart, but also remember: now they can get into everything!

So it is that mixed blessing and that is where humanity is. They are crawling and learning to pull themselves up and start to walk and explore and re-explore. Because think of it, beloved, the perception, the understanding of the physical world – and I mean that in the totality of the world of mental/emotional/spiritual etc. – the perspective is very different from when you are lying in a crib, when you are crawling on the floor, than when you come to pull yourself up and begin to walk and waddle.

The downfall of humanity has been their [? false] beliefs in their own supremacy. We do not talk about this very often, but it has need to be said because this is one of the core issues that is being eliminated.

So when you give yourself permission – and I mean “you” collectively and individually – to say, “Well, I am just learning what is an entirely new perspective of my reality, of my planet, of my existence, because I am just getting upright.” So the expectation, both within and certainly from our side, is not that you are quite running marathons as yet, quite the contrary.

As I have said to this channel time and time again: “The key when you are learning to walk is pacing yourself.” You are embodying that sense of balance and re-balance. You cannot… well, you can… but we are encouraging thee – let me put it that way – to take care of your beloved, sweet self that I love, that we love, so deeply.

So often, sweet heart, you have succumbed because of your desire to please… you have succumbed to the wishes and sometimes demands of others… and there is a time and place that is right in every meaning of that word.

Let me be clear – and I want you to share this.

Your spiritual work, be it for the Cities of Light, your individual prayer/meditation/ritual and everything in between has need to feel like love and feed your very soul so that your soul, your essence, can feed you. So when it is done with a sense of rush, of requirement, of trying to meet a demand, then your energy… think of it… your life force energy is depleted.

Now, you can dust and vacuum when you feel depleted; you can even cook an omelette when you feel depleted, and there are times even when you can do your paintwork when you feel ‘not quite right’. But you don’t want to bring that sense of exhaustion to your work, your soul work – and I am speaking of Nova Being now. This is very important.
現在,你可以在耗盡時吸塵和吸塵。你甚至可以在耗盡時甚至可以煮煎蛋,有時甚至可以在感覺“不太正確”的情況下進行繪畫。但是,你不想在工作和靈魂工作中帶來疲憊感,而我所說的是Nova Nova Now。這個非常重要。

In the Pause, in the upheaval that has certainly transpired, all the emotions and [? uncertainty] that have transpired upon the planet, have resulted in quite widespread soul exhaustion that has served a purpose so people will lie down, take sabbatical, and understand that crawling, let alone getting out of the crib, can be exhausting. So they have rested. I have put them on sabbatical because there is a new way.

The pathway is a pathway of joy, of vigour, of vitality. It is not simply coming to me exhausted, lying at my feet pleading for help – and if you do, of course, I will always always respond, beloved! But what I am encouraging you to do, sweet daughter of blue and pink and lurion, is to approach this fully erect, claiming your divine right, your sovereignty, your authority and your knowing.

The key is not to stretch yourself as far as you can possibly go, but rather to pace yourself so that each step, each undertaking, each job is filled with delight and a sense of refreshment – that you are giving your totality to the undertaking and the undertaking is refreshing you.

Dearest heart, I am with you. You know that there are times as a mother that you let things go, you let it be, and there are times when you say to your children, to your friends, to your partner: “No, I can’t, I’ve had enough.” It is the balance, sweet one, and I am helping you in this.


傳導作者:Asara Adams、Linda Dillon
譯者:Nick Chan、pfcchina
《1》.你不需要弄清楚一切 (20201021)
《2》.藍色火焰之劍 (20201109)
《3》.選擇和平而不是戰爭 (20201014)
#AsaraAdams #LindaDillon #NickChan #pfcchina

《1》.關於 你不需要弄清楚一切.
傳導作者:Asara Adams.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you Blessings of LOVE and LIGHT, in this NOW Moment, and we invite you to open your Heart to our message for you...
Dear One, you are on the tail-end of this profound SHIFT of Earth.
Some of you feel overwhelmed and want to give up.
But, we are Here to tell you that you are Approaching the Victory of the LIGHT on Earth.
You are Approaching HEAVEN on Earth.
In order for this to happen, humanity has to call for HEAVEN on Earth.
In order for this to happen in your reality, you need to call HEAVEN into your Experience.
Make this call of LIGHT every day.
BEgin to feel PEACE and HARMONY entering your Experience, even if it is just for a Moment.
You came here to Experience the Mastery of your SOUL.
You came here as the Embodiment of CREATOR.
When things get difficult, surrender to the LOVE and POWER of CREATOR.
The Mastery is n figuring out what you can do, but allowing for the almighty LOVE of CREATOR to come into your Life, through you.
Then, Let CREATOR Guide you what to do next.
BE-come a Divine Force of LOVE of CREATOR in every Thought, Feeling, Word and Action.
When you get stuck: Surrender to the LOVE of CREATOR.
When you feel dis-harmony: Surrender to the LOVE of CREATOR.
When you feel overwhelmed: Surrender to the LOVE of CREATOR.
You don't have to figure it all out...
Simply allow for the Divine Plan of CREATOR to unfold in your Life.
You are Enfolded in the LOVE of CREATOR - if you Allow It.
In addition, call for the assistance from the Angels, Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings of LIGHT to carry you through this Journey.
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are Loved beyond measure. Always.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you this TRUTH.

《2》.關於 藍色火焰之劍.
傳導作者:Asara Adams.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of LOVE and LIGHT, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your Heart to our message for you...
We are Here to assist you with your Ascension journey.
As you are experiencing the many facets of this process we would like to speak on the Blue Flame Sword that is available to all.
The Blue Flame Sword has been created by Creator and we are using it to answer the call of those who request our help.
Sometimes, the Energies accumulate in your vibratory field and they can weigh some of you down...
That's when you can call on us and we will provide you with the Blue Flame Sword to cut away these heavier Energies.
Simply move the Blue Flame Sword around your Aura and Body.
Then, move it in a circular fashion around the environment you are in.
Not only will it cut away these Energies, it will also establish New and Higher vibrational frequencies to enable you to live as the pure embodiment of Creator on Earth.
It strengthens you in your alignment with the Divine Will of God.
We see that some think that, when things are not working out the way you have imagined, it must BE the Divine Will of God.
Or that the Divine Will of God might disappoint you in some way.
That is Not So.
The Divine Will of GOD is pure LOVE.
God wants you to BE Loved, experience Love, BE Healthy, Happy, Abundant, Supported and Enjoy your existence.
What gets in the way of the Divine Will of God is the free will of man to mis-qualify it with old programming, emotions and beliefs.
Then, things don't flow so easily anymore and it becomes a very limited version of creation.
If you wish to experience the open flow of the Divine Will of God, imagine the Blue Flame Sword like a Hologram around your entire body to keep cutting away the limiting beliefs and emotions that are in the way of the limitless creation of God, which is: LOVE.
Leave it there until you feel complete.
KNOW That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are Loved beyond measure. Always.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you this TRUTH.

《3》.關於 選擇和平而不是戰爭.
傳導作者:Linda Dillon.

Greetings,I AM Michael,Archangel of Peace,Warrior of Love,Bringer of News.And yes,I have been speaking a great deal of late about the creation and co-creation with each and every one of you,of peace upon this planet,of serenity,of freedom,and yes,of my friend St.Germaine's liberty.


There are times when you might feel that you must go to war.I have participated.I have witnessed.I have defended and protected.In this case beloved,in the Mother's infinite Pause,that is what She is saying…Everyone go home and take a deep breath and realize what is truly important to you.


It is not about winning,unless everybody,yes,all 8 billion win.There can be no place,in any country,any family,any society,for those who wish to assume control or ascendancy,who wish to perpetrate violence…whether it is an abusive spouse,or an abusive law enforcement person,or an abusive head of state,or an abusive society…there is no room and there can be no peace until this is eradicated.And we are giving you the opportunity,with the Porlana C,with the Mother's Tsunami of Love that has never been like this,with our love,with the Tsunami of One,from the masters.All we are saying,all we are offering,all we are trusting in is you…pathfinders,lightworkers,love-holders,showers,and way-showers of the way,of the path to love,the path to home,the path to peace.

這不是關於贏,除非每個人都贏,是的,所有80億人都贏。在任何一個國家,任何一個家庭,任何一個社會,對於那些想要控制或支配,想要實施暴力的人來說,沒有任何一個地方......不管是一個施暴的配偶,或者一個施暴的執法人員,或者一個施暴的國家元首,或者一個施暴的社會......沒有空間,也不可能有和平,直到這一切被根除。我們給你們這個機會,帶著 Porlana c,帶著從未像現在這樣的母親之愛的海嘯,帶著我們的愛,帶著來自主人之一的海嘯。我們所說的一切,我們所提供的一切,我們所相信的一切都是你們...探路者,光之工作者,愛的擁有者,沐浴者,愛的道路,回家的道路,和平的道路。

Long ago,yes,decades and eons,I have initiated and called for peace,which is possible,quite literally,within one day of your time across the planet.All it requires is a decision,a divine authority decision.Who takes this decision and communicates it all across the airwaves,across the oceans and the skies,if it is not you?


My beloveds,who have stood by me through so many battles,we are depending on you to be in alignment,to be the will of Thy Will,to be the expression of love,to be the calm in the midst of storm,to be the voice of reason and love.This is an expression of your divine authority and your spiritual,emotional,mental maturity.


There is no question on our side about whether you are ready.You have been ready for a long time.So,come with me,please,and wage peace,anchor love,and remember joy.I am with you.I am always with you.Go with my love.Farewell.
