

譯者:Nick Chan
#JamesMcConnell #JENNIFERCROKAERT #RonHead #NickChan

傳導:James McConnell
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Sananda. As always, I appreciate these times that I can be with you and share with you. And be a part of these continuing expression of your awakening consciousness.
And oh! What an awakening consciousness is occurring here within each and every one of you, as well as many of your brethren across the planet, as more and more of you are awakening!
You may not think that is happening. But, as we have said many times from our vantage point, it is. More and more lights are quickening within them. The flames are quickening within them, rising, growing, expanding, that flame of remembering and knowing and higher consciousness. It is all coming back. And all of you just simply need to continue to allow the process to continue.
And as I gave to The James earlier when he asked for the topic on this day, the topic was there and ready for him: ‘keep the pedal to the metal.’ That may not sound like a spiritual statement at all to those of you. But in the essence of where it is coming from, it is a spiritual statement.
Keep on going. Keep moving. You are coming to the finish line now. This is not when you want to pull your foot off the pedal. This is when you want to step on it, and move closer and closer to that finish line, where you can then be ready to assist those of you behind that are coming behind you.
Not to finish first—that is not the message here. For those that are last will be first. And those that are first shall be last. That was said of that of myself as Yeshua long, long ago. And that is what is occurring now. You are in those moments now where those of you that appear to be last are going to be first.
You are going to be the first in the ascension waves that are coming. You are going to be the first to reunite with your families from above. Those of your brothers and sisters from the sky. You are going to be first to be ready to be those guides that assist those that are looking for the guides, just as you looked for them when you began your awakening process.
But I must tell you now that it shall yet become rocky still, even rockier than it is in this moment. Because it must.
And those of the dark forces know who you are, each and every one of you. They know you. They know this group. They know all of the groups. They know all of those that are bringing forward the messages. This is why there is so much of the censorship at this point, because they are trying to shut you up. They are trying to keep ascension from happening.
And they are doing everything that they can, everything that they know to do. As we have said many times, they keep falling back on their same playbook that has worked for so many thousands of years. But that playbook is finished.
That playbook is finished because those of your Alliance have a better playbook, a newer playbook. Something that they can use to overcome that of the old playbook. They have those levels of consciousness that are beyond what the forces of darkness can reach at this point. And they have those of the Galactics themselves that are working with them to stay not only one step ahead, but many steps ahead all at once. Steps ahead where they can foretell. They know what is coming next. And they can take the necessary steps to hold off each and every thing that those of the forces of darkness continue to pull from those old playbooks.
But as you have heard many times: the Light has already won. The Alliance has already won. It only just needs to be brought into manifestation. But again, not here on this three-dimensional illusionary realm. The illusion must fall, and it is falling. But in order for it to fall, it must first be brought into existence, or into a knowing to the awakening population.
And you have heard many times that their biggest fear, those of the forces of darkness’s biggest fear is that the population of this planet would awaken. And awakening you are! And everything that they are doing is attempting to hold you from that awakening, even to the point where they are beginning more and more to attack you. Attack you emotionally. Attack you even yet physically—they can do this. And they are doing this.
But those of you that are now in the higher vibrations, they cannot break through your barriers. They cannot break through that wall that you have set up within you, that barrier, your light mental body, the Violet Flame, your tube of light, all of these things that are being used now to hold off the forces of darkness from penetrating those barriers that you have set up. And you have set up these barriers.
And yes, there are times when your immune system seems to be a bit low. When you let your guard down just a bit, then they can penetrate through, but only briefly. And some of you are experiencing that now. And some of you will yet experience this still in the times ahead. But do not be afraid.
Do not let fear come into this at all. You have moved beyond fear. Each and every one of you have moved beyond fear incapacitating you. It cannot any longer, as long as you do not allow it to happen.
Please, each and every one of you now: continue on, continue on as you know to do. As you have been taught to do. As you have been given the tools to do, no matter what those tools might be: whether they are the use of crystals, or the use of the Violet Flame, or the calling of Archangel Michael’s Flaming Blue Sword of Truth to sever any remaining psychic ties. And you should do that, not every day, but here and there periodically utilize his sword to completely and finally, and finalize the removal of any of the psychic ties that still might be holding you down to this illusion of the 3D matrix. It cannot hold you any longer unless you allow it to hold you.
Just as I, as Yeshua, walked the Earth and did what I could to bring the message forward, the message that we are all sovereign. We are all free beings. We all had freedom of choice. So too do you now walk the Earth, and you bring that message forward that you are all free, free to be whoever you want to be, to carry the consciousness within you to match the consciousness of your Higher Self. And no one, no one, has the right to take that from you ever. And anyone that attempts to do so, then you can call upon those of us, and we will step in and step in front of you and make that barrier between that one who attempts to do so and you yourself.
For you are destined to be free, that is free from anything that you do not want to be brought into your physical body that you will not allow to happen.
I speak now of that vaccine that you have been speaking of. And yet, it is both. It has abilities, it has power within it to alter the DNA process if you allow it to do so. If those that take this vaccine within them that do not even know this, they can be detrimentally affected by this vaccine. But, as this is a big ‘but’ for all of you to understand: even if they take that vaccine thinking that it will prevent that of the virus to affect them, as long as they come to understand that it will have no effect on them, then it shall have no effect on them.

But if they believe it will, if they succumb to the fear programming, then yes, it will affect them and will very possibly have the effect of separating them from this planet. And that is unfortunate, but it is the way that they are utilizing at this time to take themselves off of the planet, as they may not, or do not even understand what ascension is, and will not be ready for this.

But, if they are ready for this, if they have made the choice to move forward in the ascension, then that vaccine, no matter what it carries within them, shall have no effect on them. And that, in essence will be neutralized within them. So have no fear, all of you.

Now, with that understanding, it does behoove you, each and every one of you who know better, to not take the vaccine. To not succumb to the fear. To not capitulate to the various fear mechanisms that the dark forces continue to use such as the wearing of masks, the distancing from your brothers and sisters, all of this is unnecessary, unwarranted, and can be detrimental to you as you continue to move through this ascension process, as you continue to move through this transitionary process.

Believe in yourselves, my brothers and sisters, my friends. Believe in the power within you to continue to rise above the illusion, the matrix all around you. Yes, become that Neo.
Each and every one of you become the Neo in ‘The Matrix.’ Every one of you can do that, where you will be able to stop, not the bullets themselves as in the movie, but stop whatever attempts to penetrate the barriers that you have and will set up to hold off anything that would attempt to penetrate it.
I am Sananda and Yeshua combined here this day in this moment. And all of my love and peace and harmony and joy goes out to each and every one of you.
And thanks, a great deal of thanks, to each and every one of you for all that you are doing in these moments in these times to bring about this Great Awakening, and to move more fully into that First Wave of Ascension that approaches now.


My beloved sisters and brothers! You have worked long and hard to come to this time. For many of you, it will feel as though you are walking on a tightrope, as you move from 3D to 5D.
The 3D world is being left behind, it no longer resonates with you; what you once loved is no longer interesting or uplifting. Yet, the 5D world you feel inside, the truth of it that resonates in your heart, is not yet grounded and manifest around you.
The resonance of the 5D is building in your heart, you recognise it in every cell of your being, yet the qualities you live by are not yet shared by those around you, and that can make living in the 3D world feel harsh and abbrasive.
Take heart! You are doing magnificently! You are lighting a path for those around you, even if they are not even aware of it…
Imagine that life in the third dimension was like living with a rocky crust around you. Your exterior was hard and rough, every time you touched someone else, you scratched them painfully, even if you did not mean to do so, ‘But that is how life is, is it not?’ you thought to yourself.
Then you saw others who had no rocky crust, around them was the finest silk. You noticed it and wondered how they were so different, so gentle, so calm, so soothing?
You began to think to yourself that perhaps you could adopt some of their ways, because their beingness resonated deep within you.
Until you met people in silk, you had no idea that it was possible to be anything other than a crusty human. They inspired you and so you began on the path to dissolve your crust and craft a sheath of silk.
This is what you are doing for others, inspiring them to reclaim their silk wings, their divine birthright, even while you are learning how to shed your crusty shell.
Every person you meet with silken wings shows you a different aspect of yourself that is waiting to be reclaimed and refined.
Without ever saying a word, once you begin on this pathway, you are demonstrating to humanity the truth and purity that resides within each and every one of you, inspiring others on their journey of freedom.

傳導:Ron Head
譯者:Nick Chan

We wish, at this time, to update those who follow our messages in order to somewhat prepare you for the revelations regarding what has been happening and what is very shortly to occur.
It has appeared to many that nothing extraordinary has been transpiring during the period of weeks since the beginning of the year. We tell you now that this is exactly how it was meant to appear, but it is also exactly not the case.
Many, or more accurately most, of the obstacles that were in the path of the changes that you have anticipated have been removed or neutralized. Quite significant change has been put in place in many of your systems. Announcements that you have waited for are more imminent than ever. The shocks that we have warned of are also imminent.
Great effort has been made to keep disruption to a minimum. However, as your entire world will be turned upon its ear, as we have said, some disruption will more than likely occur. Efforts will be made to reveal as much to celebrate as to mourn. Some things will be impossible to ignore, however. If things seem too difficult for you, do not be ashamed to look aside. Our advice is to give the wonderful more of your focus and spend time planning for an exciting future.
Maintain your equanimity. Spend time each day focusing upon peace and love. Do not become involved in anything violent or hurtful for any reason. Comfort those who need comforting.
Your time has come. Rejoice. The will of your Creator will be done.


