

譯者:Nick Chan
#ValerieDonner #Galaxygirl #NickChan

傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am still working full-time with the EarthCouncil. We are quite busy, as you can well imagine. The energies on yourplanet are chaotic right now. This requires intense focus for what isoccurring. Nothing is happenstance. It is purposeful in this part of realigningthe earth energies for ascension.


The same applies to you andyour physical bodies. They are messengers of what you need to heal and releasein order to rise and take in more light. Some of this clearing is karmic and isfrom past lives. The more problematic that it seems, could mean that you haveto work a little harder and listen more closely to the body for healing. Everysituation, even though it seems dire, carries with it a gift, the opportunityfor renewal, miracles, and blessings.


Just like the earth, you are ascending and reassessing what you need todo to rise into the light. Thisinvolves raising your consciousness, which also assists the earth. The more youbecome responsible for your consciousness, your words and your actions, youincrease the collective consciousness. We understand how challenging this canbe when you are going through something major in your lives. Many are challengeddeeply right now and are stressed.


Please be assured that thiswill change as you move into the light and the fifth dimension. Things will getmuch better and you will have new technologies that will assist you in everyaspect of your life. You will all have the abundance you deserve and you willbecome free! Begin to claim your sovereignty and your freedom now.


You are deserving of themany gifts our Creator wants you to have. You were designed to have fulfilledlives with joy, peace, harmony and balance. You’ll begin to see how much easier it will be tomanifest everything that you need. Each day will bring you magic and abundancein every way. Synchronicity will delight you. Beauty will surround you.Happiness and heart energy will lead you on your path. Love will be thespiritual energy upon which you thrive. You will be in deep gratitude because you will be free asyou were intended to be.


Please let go of the past, for it is over. It will only take you back to something you can’t change regardless if it is positive or negative.Let it be complete. Letting go is in preparation for living in the now moment.Higher consciousness is a fluid state and you are beginning to see that youmust adjust to being adaptable and fluid these days.


We are a part of yourascension team and you are a part of ours. We work together to achieve ourgoal, for it is the same. We watch over you, we bless you, and participate inyour healing and your guidance. You have already taken back the planet and justhave a little longer to realize that.


I am Mira and I love you.


譯者:Nick Chan

Hello, students. My, what eager pupils we have today! What brightfaces! Many of you have been enjoying your night classes with me. We are andhave been learning manifestation and shattering old dogmas that no longer serveyour current realities and purposes. You are not your old story, or defined byit, unless of course you want to be and enjoy misery. No. You are your ownever-evolving-always-eternal story of one who is realizing their own part ofthe great cosmic play. Manifestation of a new world is what we have beenworking on. In order to manifest the new, the old must be removed. We can nolonger hold onto the old energy strings that try to entwine and attach. We arerecreating the new. Magic is in the eye of the beholder, quite literally!Intention, purpose, thought. Then the thought creates a form and a form createsa reality. Many thoughtforms are running amuck on your planet and they are being dissolved into thelittle puffs of smoke that they are. (I am seeing that holograms and thoughtforms are similar energetically.)


The intensity of human creation isastonishing. It is so easy to createwithin the human template. This is what you were created to do, to be. To becreator-gods. Many other beings cannot do this with such little effort. And sosome beings took advantage to use your own creativity against you. This isbeing remedied. But you - you - pupils. Now pay attention. This is why you areawake now. You are breaking this self sabotage. And I expect as my studentsthat you will no longer self sabotage your own creative abilities. Higherdimensional flow is where you will naturally be if you are vibrating in thisnow, in this height of expanded glory. You are glorious, a glorious soul on avast adventure. The sin and death and all of that rot is pure indoctrination.Throw it off. Throw it away. Those old strings need not attach and tangle youup. It tangles with creative ability when you think you are a limited what - 80years or so? Rubbish. You are an eternal being. I don’t even want to calculate how many years I would be.Good heavens.


Good heavens! Oh, I love that phrase. The heavens are good andthis knowledge is returning. Of course I was there in the beginning when Gaiawas seeded by many lovely and pleasant home worlds. You have so many soulfamily rememberances to remember. (I am seeing beautiful Pleiadians and Lyransseed Gaia with meticulous care and love.) You will remember. You will meetthem. Of course, many of you probably had an aspect of yourself doing theplantings! And yet humans have been cleverly indoctrinated to be afraid ofalien invasions. When in truth the aliens that infiltrated your world long agoare the ones who fear the “alien invasion”. It is such a backwards plot twist, is it not? Sodon’t beafraid. Really, pupils. You have outgrown such sensibilities. Be fearless, bestrong.
Create the reality that you want and you shall have it. But how else isthere any other way? You are divine, yes, you are in process of discoveringthis more and more like our friend the Milky Way just talked about. (My,galaxygirl you have been quite busy this morning, perhaps a nap?) Where was I? Create fearlessly. Createlovingly. Create a grid of love around your world and heal it.


I am Merlin. One of my aspects isembodied in this time. I assist from above and in my night school classrooms.(He is smoking a long wizard’s pipe. He is blowing pictures in purple glitterysmoke. I am seeing a picture form of Nova Gaia being held up by two hands.)Intentions of firm foundations create firm support.


I am Merlin. I hope you enjoyed my class and return promptly on time foranother lesson. But rememberevery day holds many lessons. True mastery lies in that realization. Oh, yes, taking notes can betedious which is why you came to experience it all first hand. And thereyou are.



