

傳導作者:Galaxygirl、James McConnell
譯者:Nick Chan
#Galaxygirl #JamesMcConnell #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan

I am Mira, working full time on behalf of humanity, just as many of you are doing in this arduous now. It has been an exhausting week and there is more yet to be done. Know that the Pleiadian light forces are all around your planet now, nestling in more light and love most efficiently, just as you are doing on the ground. (I am seeing and feeling massive Pleiadian ships in the atmosphere all around Gaia creating an energetic hug.) It is inevitable that the light will reflect on the surface with all of the light that is being showered upon you. Try to let this light fill your countenances with hope, hope of a new day, a new world. For nothing is as it seems. Your realm has been a hall of mirrors and illusions that the dark ones have twisted in their favor. This is the untwisting, the revealing, and you are bearing witness to this.
It is a challenging time to be embodied and we thank you for your service to the light. We thank you for continuing one foot in front of the other, step after step, smile after smile, continually assisting your fellow humans. It has been a challenging week energetically. We have been hearing multiple reports of this. We are flooding your planet with light in such a way as to mitigate the ascension effects as best we can. (I am seeing moths circling candles, attracted by the light.) Remember, bright lights attract moths to the flame. The lower astral beings who are undecided or very much determined to hold onto the lower ways have been attempting attack. We are with you and well aware of this. You are more than capable and strong enough to balance these energies. Surround your spaces with light of the highest codes, of love, of truth and you shall be invisible to them energetically, so that the passing through of realms as you slumber will be quicker. And yet you serve in these times of your sleeping state. You serve and you are exhausted. Remember your Pleiadian Medical Teams. Remember to pleasantly request healing prior to sleep. As you drift off you will be further surrounded by loving hands of healing and help from the higher realms. But you must ask.
We are listening to our ground team. We know that you are exhausted. There is more to come. You are strong enough. We find that in the Pleiadies laughter is the best medicine. Try to be silly, spark some joy. (I am seeing people give each other ridiculous small gifts that make everyone laugh and valentines being exchanged. I am seeing parents laughing with children.) Yes, galaxygirl. Try to find the joy in the moment. The dimensions are more fluid now than ever before and every thought of the higher dimensions pulls you closer to your home vibrational frequency. Remember you are Source energy beings. Remember you are tremendously powerful and immensely loved. You are not alone. We are surrounding you with light, with love, and with joy. (I am seeing stormy rain clouds and hearing thunder. I am seeing steep ocean waves of dark water.) This is where you are right now. This is what you are feeling. These are the energies that have been coming to the surface to be cleared. (I am seeing now from a higher perspective through the eye of the storm above.) Send light through the eye of the storm and the waves will begin to calm and all of the boats on the water will benefit. You are healing and helping more than you know. Your brothers and sisters may never know or thank you. But we do. And we love you. We offer big hugs of encouragement today to keep going. Keep shining your light. Keep loving. Keep hoping. For all is well. View the storm from the perspective of your higher self, from your ascended galactic self. You will feel our presence in the skies when you view it from above, in this perspective. The light is here. We are honing it for your benefit.
我們在聆聽我們的地麵糰隊。我們知道你精疲力竭。還有著更多會到來。你足夠強大。我們發現在昴宿星歡笑是最好的良藥。試著去發發傻,激發一些喜悅。(我看到人們給予彼此好笑的小禮物,使得每個人歡笑。我看到父母和孩子一起歡笑)。是的,galaxygirl。試著去找到一些喜悅。現在維度比以往更加液態,每一個更高維度的想法都會拉你更加接近家的振動頻率。記住,你是源頭能量存在。記住,你無比強大,被深愛著。你不孤單。 我們伴隨著光、愛、喜悅包裹你。(我看到暴風雨的烏雲和聽到雷聲。我看到誇張的黑暗的海浪)。這是你現在的所在。這是你現在的感受。這是來到表面來被清理的能量。(我現在從更高的視角看向風暴)。通過風暴之眼發送光,海浪會開始平息,所有的船隻都會受益。你在療愈和幫助。你的兄弟姐妹可能永遠都不會知道你或感謝你。但我們知道和感謝你。今天我們提供鼓勵的擁抱。繼續閃耀你的光。繼續愛。繼續希望。因為一切都好。從更高自我的視角看向風暴。當你從這個視角看,你會感到天空中的我們。光就在這裡。我們在為了你的利益打磨它
I am Mira. I call you my friends, my brothers and sisters. We are turning this realm for the light. Love and forgiveness must be the healing that is provided. Tend to your own wounds so that you can tend to the others. Feel the energy waves wash through you, do not let them stick. And as a being of light, you are transmuting them as they go through you. You may feel wet but you are still standing. They cannot knock down. You are Source energy within a tiny human frame. Command and intend the light to fully embody you and your world and watch the changes bloom all around you. You may do this quietly or loudly. Regardless of your words, it is your energy body that speaks volumes. We monitor you from the skies. We send healing and loving energies towards you always. I am Mira.
Greetings, friends! I am Yeshi, or Yeshua, or Jesus, as many of you call me. I am with my friend Mira here, monitoring from the skies. And I must say it is beautiful. A higher perspective sometimes is in order and very challenging when you are stuck in the mud of the lower dimensional energies. (I am seeing Gaia from the bridge of the New Jerusalem. I am seeing Gaia is bubbled in immense rainbow orbs of light that are vibrating. There are many layers of bubbles that look like prisms. I am seeing ships, massive light beyond them. Looking down into Gaia it is like we are looking through dark smoke and smog, into more mist than anything. It appears that the matrix looks more like burned matchsticks than a formidable frame.) Yes! Yes, that is precisely what I was hoping you would see, galaxygirl. Tremendous. You know, we have been working on this project for thousands and thousands of years. We are all very old beings. (He is laughing). And to see this, this is such a cause for joy. (I am seeing Venetian glass balls with a world inside them. It feels like we are within this little glass sphere and cannot see that we are being held by too many hands to count.) We are holding you, galaxygirl. We are holding Gaia. We are holding this project. You are us. We are family.
I am Yeshua. This is much more pleasant than that last board meeting I attended. (I am seeing dark beings being ushered in front of a galactic court. They were offered mercy and denied it and chose to be sent sent to the great central sun.) Yes, it is hard to be near the dark when you are of the light. So my friends, my beloved family, know that you are this light. Know that you are this love that pulses and throbs with joy throughout the multiverse. You are this! Be this! This is what will shatter that which remains. You are safe, well loved.
I am your Yeshi, your brother, your friend, your comrade. I am working, and have the privilege and joy of working closely with Mira, with so many other tremendous beings as well. We are a vivaciously talented family of light and this project is nearing its end so that a new beginning, the period of peace, the galactic solar flash, and most importantly the peace that humanity has so earned, shall begin. So be of good cheer. Don’t let the waves get you down and know that we have taken an immense amount of thought, time and talent to see this through. That’s why we sent you. We sent the best of the best, the most stubborn, the strongest to be our witness from the inside. And I do hope that you will talk with me, tell me your perspective and I will listen. I’ve been told I’m an excellent listener. I am here for you. I am your Yeshi. Peace. All is well!

傳導作者:James McConnell
譯者:Nick Chan

I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time to continue to assist you in all that you are doing at this time, and all that you are doing to find yourselves out of this illusion of separation, this illusion that you yourselves long ago were part of creating.
You created this as a collective. And as a collective, you can now move beyond this and change this.
Yes, there are those that are attempting to hold onto the status quo, attempting to hold onto the life as they know it to be, which is the old 3D paradigm, the matrix. They attempt to hold onto it in every way that they can, every way that they know to do. Using that same old playbook over and over and over, which has worked for so many years and years, thousands of years even, it has worked.
But their biggest fear was always that the population would awaken and no longer follow their playbook, no longer follow their programming. And that is what is occurring now.
People are awakening everywhere. Consciousness is rising everywhere. Vibrational frequency is increasing everywhere.
And those that continue to remain in the darkness, continue to hide themselves in the shadows of that darkness, can no longer do so. They cannot hide anymore from you. So therefore, they have arisen from those shadows and shown themselves to be exactly what they are.
And you see them now for what they are. In many cases, soulless beings that have attempted to hold control over the population of this planet. For this is the planet where they have attempted to do so. They have attempted it at other planets as well. But they have fallen upon this planet, Earth, Gaia, for so long now, attempting to hold on to it as their own, to control it. But as you know, this is not being allowed.
The game is coming to an end, or at least this part of the game. And you all are a major portion, a major part, of bringing an end to this game, even though everything around you continues to seemingly be falling apart, and indeed it is.
Everything that you have known, the old normal, is no longer to be. You might say you are going to have a new normal. And that new normal is going to take you into higher vibrational frequencies, higher consciousness. And you will love how all of this comes about, how all these changes happen, even as they are happening.
Because some day into the future you will look back and you will remember these times and what you went through, what you experienced. But it will be just simply that: a glimmer, a simple memory, of what was. Because you will be so enraptured in your new life, in your new surroundings and your new abilities to create life all around you as you want to, to make it whatever you want it to be. You will be so enraptured by all of that, that you will forget the sorrow, the heartache, the tumultuousness at times. You will no longer need to hold onto that. Just as now you do not need or even want to hold onto any of that.
Your discussion earlier: ‘be out of the illusion, create your reality’–that is where you want to be right now. No longer be within the illusion. Let the illusion play out in front of you as we have said, and as many have said, as a movie playing in front of you, and just simply watch it play its way through.
Just as your movies predominantly always end with something positive happening, with the hero or the heroin winning at the end, so too will you win at the end. And you have heard many times now you will love how this movie ends. And it is coming to an ending.
But whenever there is an ending to something, there is a beginning to something else. And you are already working on that new beginning. You are already working on the new reality, creating the new reality, creating the new Gaia, following in her footsteps as she raises her consciousness and brings all of you along with her. And all of those that are not able to withstand life within that higher vibration will no longer be here. For they cannot sustain themselves within the light if they are not ready to be a part of that light.
So continue to trust. Continue to trust in everything that you have been hearing, reading, and understanding. But most importantly, be able to discern the truth from [them]. Because yes, there is much misinformation out there, many false truths. But that you do not resonate to those falsehoods, and you know that. And you know that because deep within you, each and every one of you, you feel the calling within you, the knowing within you that this is not right for you. And then this is right for you.
You can understand the difference. Discern the difference. For that knowing is deep within you. Trust in it. Trust in it to take you through these times. And knowing that these times are swiftly coming to an end.
And you have heard of announcements? They have not been forgotten. They have only been slightly postponed. But they are still coming. Count on it. Know it. For everything is about to be revealed in so many different ways and from so many different sources. Continue to use your discernment. But at some point not too far off now, the truths will be revealed and discernment as you know it now will no longer be necessary. For you will hear the truth and know the truth, just as all around you will as well.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that the Violet Flame continues to purge out all the old paradigm within you, all the old illusion of the 3D matrix that no longer holds you to it.


