

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》.星際種子,你們將可以回家了 (20210217)
《2》.為什麼大多數浪漫關係並不會持續 (20210218)
#DanielScranton #iam66

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 






Starseeds, You Will Get to Go Home ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have so much respect for those of you who are willing to be yourselves in a world that often seeks conformity. We have noticed that those of you who are starseeds are quite willing to tell others that truth about yourselves in spite of the fact that many people would, and do, mock you for believing that extra-terrestrials are in fact real. When you come out as a starseed, that really puts you in a vulnerable position for so many to ridicule you and even exclude you from your group, or your families. It hasn’t been easy for many of you there on Earth for a very long time, and for some of you it hasn’t been easy for your entire life, because you have felt different.

Once you stumbled on the concept of the starseed, many of you wept, because something finally made sense of how you have always felt, being there on Earth. Now, from our perspective, you don’t have to be living your first lifetime on Earth to be a starseed; you are just awake to the truth that you had to travel through other star systems, and higher-dimensional planes, to get to Earth. And now that you are awake, you know that extra-terrestrials not only exist, but you also know that you are related to all of the e.t.s throughout the galaxy.

Your roots go back a long way and spread a tremendous distance, and that is all very helpful to bring humankind into the galactic community, officially. Many of you have been waiting for that official invitation for quite some time, and you are growing impatient. So many there on Earth are very eager to go home to be a part of their galactic family once again, but you did want to be on Earth, and we invite you to do your best to remember why you wanted to be on Earth at this time of great changes, shifting energies, and ultimately the ascension of the consciousness throughout this universe of ours.

Trust us when we say that you will be able to go home, but please do your best to consider Earth your home for now, because Earth and your fellow Earthlings need you there. They need you to normalize their experiences with e.t.s, which will be coming. You will help them feel ready for those encounters, and you will help them to understand who they really are. And all throughout the galaxy will be able to come together once again and be united, even before the shift in consciousness is complete.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 



這是黃金法則,我們正在談論的第二部分。是的,你們想要像對待他人一樣對待他人, 但是你們還必須像對待他人一樣對待自己。宇宙是一面巨大的鏡子,它總是向你們揭示內在的事物,而不是你們希望世界思考或看到的事物。無論你們希望別人對你們進行如何思考和說什麼,請思考這些想法並向自己說這些話。告訴宇宙,並向宇宙展示,你們希望看到的事物從你們的同伴身上反射回來。




Why Most Romantic Relationships Don’t Last ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are giving ourselves everything that we need in order to be the best versions of ourselves for all of you and all of the other beings that we are helping in this universe of ours. We do not hold back when it comes to giving ourselves the love and compassion that we enjoy receiving so much from others. One of the greatest secrets that you are not taught in schools or in religions is that if you want others to treat you a certain way, then you must first treat yourselves the way that you want to be treated.

This is the golden rule, part two that we are talking about. Yes, you want to treat others the way you would love to be treated, but you also have to treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. The universe is a gigantic mirror, and it always reveals to you what’s going on inside of you, rather than what you want the world to think or see. Whatever you want others to think and say about you, please think those thoughts and say those things to yourselves. Tell the universe, and show the universe, what you want to see reflected back to you from your fellow humans.

You have so much more to give others when you first feel whole and complete in yourselves. This is the key reason why most relationships that are romantic in nature do not work out or do not last until death do you part. It is because at least one of the individuals in the relationship is looking to the other to give them something that they’ve never been able to give themselves. And at first, it is easy for the other person to do that, but eventually, they will get caught up in other aspects of life and forget to give their partner what the partner needs and wants. And that is usually when the relationship fizzles out.

But if you make the way you relate to yourself a priority, then there is no end to the amount of love, praise, and adoration you can receive from your fellow humans. This is something we would love to see being taught in your public school systems, but sadly, it is not even spoken about in the curriculum. And most of you have to wait until you are adults to realize what has been missing from your lives for decades. We are here to give you permission to give yourselves everything that you want and need from your fellow humans, and let everyone else off the hook, for now. Just trust that they will start to reflect to you that self-love that you will dedicate yourselves to from this point forward in your lives.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


