

傳導:Erena Velazquez、Ann Albers
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.阿斯塔-勝利很快就會到來 (20210216)
《2》.天使-挑戰還是機遇?你來選擇 (20210216)
#ErenaVelazquez #AnnAlbers #NickChan

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Ashtar commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, connecting to all of you today with updates on our progress behind the veil.
I would like to mention to you about the differences between your and our realities. Your 3D reality and our 5th dimension and up are very different. For humanity at the moment, it’s hard to understand and apprehend our high dimensions. There has been a lot of misunderstandings about our time frame and your Earth time frame. In our world everything manifests immediately and effortlessly. On your planet everything happens very slowly and it takes a long time before manifestation comes to fruition.
Your process of moving from 3D to 5D was too slow, so Prime Creator readjusted the time lines to speed up your Ascension. Please, stay patient with the transformation that is happening now on Mother Gaia. It’s coming, nothing and no one can’t stop it anymore. Father Prime says “Stay Firm and Be Strong”.
As a Galactic Commander I carry a lot of heavy duty responsibilities, and I am happy that my fleet is helping your planet to regain her freedom. Our ships have daily encounters with the Dark Forces that continue to resist and fight with Light Forces. It has been a long journey for us and for you to your liberation in this Ascension Process. We are almost done of completing our mission on Earth. We are constantly destroying the Dark Ones ships and successfully reducing their numbers. Most of the battles are occurring above Washington DC and in Texas.
Queen An-Ra of the Grand Council and Saint Germain continue to keep removing any Negative Entities that penetrate the system and try to stop the Nesara Gesara funds distribution to humanity.
A lot of turmoil and chaos is taking place in your world. Your governments continue to impose restrictions in your daily life by claiming and scaring you to death with the Coronavirus, which you know by now that in reality, it doesn’t have any threat to your health. Their fear tactics so far are only working on the ones who are not awake. These masks you are wearing are not stopping this false virus, instead it’s only creating breathing issues for everyone. Also, the COVID-19 vaccines have nanotechnology in them, anyone who will get vaccinated will be mind controlled by the Negative Ones.
Your government officials have been engraving in your memories indoctrination and fear to the point that anything the media or they say, many human beings across the globe believe them without questioning it, if this is the truth. Please, use your discernment on what is the real truth and what is not. They are manipulating and brainwashing everyone to disturb the real perception of this reality. The Human Civilization needs to understand that they need to stand up for themselves and get their freedom back.
Remember, all of you came here from different Star Systems and you are powerful beings with incredible powers, which you lost after the DNA manipulations. Your purpose here is to bring Light and free Mother Earth from the Darkness, which stayed here for thousands and thousands of years. Now is the moment for you to fight back and end this enslavement.
The Galactic Federation and I are fighting for your freedom on your behalf behind the scenes. Now, it‘s your turn to liberate yourselves and others from this 3D Matrix. You have enough power inside you to remove all of these indoctrinations and control from the corrupted souls who enslaved you for many years, and now it’s finally time for you to free your world and create a Paradise on Terra Christa.
In the upcoming months a lot of hidden truth is going to surface and shock many of you. Prepare yourself to handle this new information that was kept from you for a long time. It’s going to be unexpected and terrifying on how much it was lied to the people. Please, stay calm and be composed. These news are going to open a new chapter on Gaia.
I am Ashtar, it was my honor to be here today and delivery this message. Your victory is Coming Soon. I am sending to all of you my Love and Courage. You carry Light and Love inside of you, it’s the key to your freedom. Thank you.

傳導作者:Ann Albers
譯者:Nick Chan.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
When you came to earth you knew that you were entering into a world of variety and contrast. You knew that you would encounter people and circumstances that would challenge you to deepen your awareness of who you really, strengthen your ability to love, and motivate you to use your minds in a way that draws a more loving reality into your physical experience.
Why would you do this?
Consider this analogy. If you wanted to learn a subject, would you take the easiest class you could find – one that gave you a diploma without any challenges and also without any deep understandings? Or would you rather sign up for a class that might challenge you but one in which you'd learn all you wanted to know if you were wiling to do the exercises and apply yourself to the process.
Likewise if you were to play a game, how much fun would you have if there were no challenges? You'd start, follow easy steps, and win every time. Would there be greater satisfaction in that, or would you prefer the challenges of a game you've not yet mastered, and one that presents opportunities to strengthen your skills and awareness?
When you are in heavenly dimensions, the energetic universe is apparent. You think of something and it appears. You have all you ever could desire. You understand that although you have a form, you are united with and never separate from the Source. All of life looks like a beautifully coordinated dance.
There are few challenges in heaven. Unlike earth where you are granted free will to embrace or block the Divine love that is always attempting to surface within you, in the heavens, you don't block this love. Things come easily. You can, in your words, coast for all eternity. You enjoy that for some time... and then, like a tree at the end of winter, you long to grow into something more. You can choose new lives in any number of realities. You can be a guide for others.
You can come back into a new life to this planet earth, knowing 100% that its challenges were only meant to be incentives and launching pads from which your will expand your soul's experience of, and ability to love. The challenges motivate you to align with love and create. Through your willingness to create, you become part of the expansion of love in the universe.
Next time you encounter a challenge, breathe. You arrived here because something in your depths wanted to grow. Perhaps you knew your life wasn't exactly as you wanted it but you fought change until life started to insist on change. Perhaps you were in a dead-end job and got laid off, or maybe you were in a job that was wonderful but not aligned with your heart of hearts. Maybe that relationship you were in needed attention, or keener observation. Suddenly it falls apart to help you love yourself more, learn more compassion, or simply because it is no longer a vibrational match.
Sometimes challenges seem to come out of the blue, but if you look back you can see how they caused you to grow in ways you wanted to grow; motivated you to create things you wanted to create; and, inspired you to get out of situations that were merely "OK." They propelled you into situations that were ultimately so much better... if you were willing to embrace these challenges as opportunities to grow in love.
You can grow through joy. You can embrace expansion by eagerly anticipating the fulfillment of your dreams while living each day in love. When you slip out of this vibration of love and unwittingly create challenge, you can quickly recognize it as only an opportunity to find and deepen your vibration of love.
When you feel lack you can inwardly tune into abundance by appreciating anything and everything. When you feel unloved you can love yourself of share kindness with others until you feel that flow of love. When you feel abandoned, you can refuse to abandon yourself. When you are sick you can find joy in simple pleasures and practice deepening your connection with peace and relaxation until you receive the guidance as to how to best heal the body. You can love your doctors and health care providers and that love will be reflected right back to you.
This dear ones is why you are here – not to suffer, but to love, expand, and create here upon this playground and school called earth. You knew you would have challenges, but like a school, these challenges are only there to motivate you to create and grow. Like challenges in a game, they inspire you to expand your awareness and deepen your ability to love for that is the only game there upon the earth.
You are embodiments of the Divine. You wish so dearly to expand, grow, love, and become more, for this is the nature of your very being.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels


