

傳導:James McConnell、Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.聖哲曼-2021新的展望、新的理解 (20210109)
《2》.艦隊指揮官-你既是錨定者也是散發者 (20210109)
#JamesMcConnell #BethStormont #NickChan

傳導作者:James McConnell.
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a Pleasure to BE with You.
To BE able to Share. To BE able to Open Up NEW Vistas, NEW Understandings for you to Come to.
For as you are contemplating much that is Happening NOW across your planet, as you are looking at the Scene in front of you and wondering, your third dimensional consciousness is wondering what is happening?
Why is this Happening? Why can’t we just get on with it? Many of you ask that question—why can it not just be over? Why can we not end this game now?
And the answer that comes back to you in those Moments may NOT be the answer that you were looking for, but you KNOW that It Is the TRUTH.
You KNOW that you must continue to play the Game for a little bit Longer. And to BE able to, as you said in your discussion earlier, TRUST the Plan.
The Plan is Everything. The Plan has been in motion for thousands and thousands of years, and that is just for this Planet here. That is just for this Planet.
But there is the Greater Plan, the Universal Plan, that has been in existence for millions, and even billions and billions of years.
And it is All Focused NOW, in this Moment NOW that you are in. All is coming together exactly as it needs to. As you have heard many times, everything is BE-ing Orchestrated.
So Just TRUST, Now. TRUST in That.
And look out at everything that is happening, but just look at it—do NOT BEcome involved in it. Do NOT BEcome Emotionally involved in it. Just see it for what it is.
But KNOW that so much that is Happening BEhind the Scenes still yet today is, again, part of this Plan.
And right NOW, there is a Secret Operation that is going on, that is occurring. And it is even BEyond the scope of what you could possibly come to understand at this Moment, BEcause it is so Vast.
It is so much a part of a Vaster Plan, Here, that is occurring.
And All you need to do is just TRUST.
TRUST in yourSELF. TRUST in the Knowing within each of you that you have Planned and Worked to come to this Moment in your Lives, and this Moment in your Collective Lives.
This is what you came Here to do. And you are right NOW at the Cusp of that, right NOW where you are Approaching.
We CANNOT say The Event just yet, but it is Approaching. We CANNOT give you a Date.
We CANNOT give you a Time Frame. But we can say that everything is Leading Up to that NOW, even the Announcement that you just had of the President. Even that is part of All of This.
But again, you must TRUST. You must KNOW that there is a Bigger Reason for everything, Here, NO matter what It Is.
It is All Planned. And it is all part of the Greater Plan, the Greater Operation that is in Motion NOW. Secret as of yet, but soon to BE Revealed.
Could this BE the Great Announcement that has been spoken of?
Very possibly. But there is a series of Announcements that will BE Coming. One after another. And this is the ending of One Phase NOW, and Approaching the BEginning of the Next Phase.
And the Next Phase will bring even faster Announcements, faster Developments than you’ve BEcome accustomed to. One right after another is what is going to BE Happening, Here.
So when we say for you to ‘fasten your seat-belts because the going is going to be rocky,’ we have NOT been joking about this, as you have already seen in this year that you are in NOW, in your 2020 year.
This has been quite a rocky year, and it still may yet get rockier.
But, once that happens, it will all Smooth Over, and you will BE able to unbuckle those seat-belts and give a HUGE Sigh of Relief and BE able to sit back and TRULY come to a Rest. Because you will have Earned it.
You are all in that part NOW where you are earning your keep, so to speak. You are coming to the point where you are Reaching the Level, the Awakening, that you have been Preparing and Planning for as a Whole, as a Collective Whole.
True, NOT everyone will Awaken. And all certainly NOT at the Same Time. But many, many more are in that Awakening process right NOW.
All it takes is just a little nudge here and there. And that’s where you come in: you, the LIGHT-Working Community, the LIGHT Warriors–that’s where you come in. To give that little nudge when it is called for. Even if it is just taking off the mask and showing others that you do NOT Need to Wear them, or NOT Worrying about this virus.
For you KNOW it is NOT what it Appears to BE.
Everything that is Happening right NOW is NOT what it appears to BE. If you attempt to analyze, if you attempt to use your three-dimensional mind to come to understand this part of the Plan, you will Not BE able to.
But, if you rise above it, if you raise your vibrations and rise above it, and come to it from a 5-D experience, from a 5-D outlook as we do, then you will be able to look back down at that lower vibrational dimension and BEgin to make sense of it.
It will BEcome Understandable, because you will BE looking at it from that Neutral Point, from that Point within the Moment.
Whenever you do that, then everything, and I do mean everything, makes sense to you.
Just continue to move in the direction that you are. And do NOT Give Up! No matter what it is, do NOT Give Up!
Do NOT say, “I cannot handle this anymore,” BEcause you CAN! You CAN continue to Move On. You CAN continue to Forge Ahead.
BEcause, my friends, You are the WAY-SHOWERS!
SHOW the Way, NOW!
Believing Is Seeing!

《2》.關於:你既是錨定者也是散發者 .
傳導作者:Beth Stormont.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Dear Ones, we greet you once again with much love and joy at your awakened presence. We realize how very difficult it is for those of you who have known of us from other planets and galaxies for a very long time — and yet you must remain basically silent about this knowledge because of the lack of readiness on the part of the vast majority of humanity to know or accept us.
The very same is true about your knowledge of the true realities of COVID and the vaccines, the Dark Forces, Ascension, 5D reality vs 3D illusory reality, etc. Family members even become estranged from one another because of the variance in readiness to know and/or believe. This is perhaps the hardest part for you at this time, because you so want to bring them along with you into this liberating awareness. But instead, you must leave them in the darkness of the 3D illusion that holds them in its grip.
What is perhaps even more discouraging is when spiritual people perceive recent events through the eyes of 3D spiritual moralism. It is natural to believe that if persons claim to be Spiritual or into Spirituality, they will automatically have similar perceptions of reality that you have. You are discovering that this is not necessarily true. In this required isolation, you are often left wondering if anyone else sees the reality as you do at all.
Please know that you true Lightworkers and Wayshowers are scattered all over the world…scattered for a reason. However, please know that soon will there be a true gathering of like-minded souls for working as teams, supporting one another in the various endeavors that will be revealed..
The time of ‘The Gathering’ is soon upon you… not by membership in organized spiritual groups, but by natural innate soul discoveries and connections. The timing is uncertain because it requires the full disclosures and revelations of the massive evil that has been inherent in so much of the 3D experiencing up to now. Even then, there will be many attempts at denial of what will be revealed, for that reality has been ingrained in the human psyche for eons of Earth time. What will be most asked of you is patience and tolerance throughout the waiting period, which realistically could be rather lengthy… or not.
The greater speed will come only from your lovingly and quietly holding the light and love of the higher vibrations in your daily life. You both anchor and radiate out those higher vibrations to all around you and to the entire world. That is the power with which you are endowed in this, the greatest assignment of your entire existence,
We are so very proud and pleased about the large contingency of you Lightworkers and Wayshowers. You have no idea of the strength and empowerment from just your presence on planet Earth at this time… even if you actually seemingly ‘do’ nothing. Of course that is never true, for you are working so multi-dimensionally at all times that it is no wonder that many of you are exhausted by seemingly doing nothing.
This shall soon change, as we are trying to get you into places on the planet that will give you some protection from the onslaught of 3D activities that will be attempted after COVID ‘disappears’. Be ready for the many new 3D solutions that are already in preparation for humanity’s ‘new and improved return to normal’. The seeming reality of 3D perception is very dear to a good number of humanity. They will therefore not give it up easily.
We feel so very honored to have the privilege of now working directly with so many of you great souls dwelling on planet Earth who are making Ascension finally a reality. Without you ‘ground forces’, all the aid from above would not be possible for the ascension of Earth’s humanity with the required ascension of Mother Earth at this time.
We salute you and bless you… and ever surround you with our loving protection.


