

【阿斯塔Ashtar】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.成為光之戰士 (20200906)
《2》.進展報告 (20201017)

《1》.關於;成為光之戰士 .
傳導:James McConnell.
譯者:Nick Chan.

I am Ashtar. I come at this time to continue to bring you news, yes, but more and more experience, more and more love that we generate and bring to you, our brothers and sisters.
For as we have said many times, we are all in this together. As your saying is traveling now more and more across the world, “where we go one, we go all.” That is not an Earth saying, that is a Galactic saying that comes to you from far outside of your planet. We have brought this to you. For we all go together through this.
因為就像我們說過很多次的,我們都是同一條船上的。就像你們的話,正在世界各地越來越多地傳頌,“where we go one, we go all”。這不是地球人的話,這是銀河存有的話,從地球之外而來。我們把它帶給你。因為我們在一起經歷這些
Yes, you are the Boots on the Ground. You are the ones that have to deal with the emotional strains, the stress that comes about as this great division is occurring which, of course, is leading into the Great Awakening that is in process right now in these moments.
All is according to plan, to the great plan that the universe, the Prime Creator, has established here, and that you are all a part of. You are becoming a greater and greater part of this plan as you continue to believe in yourselves, as you continue to take the guidance that we give you, to take that guidance deep within you and begin to express it outside of yourself, as you begin more and more to leave the sense of just being the Lightworker to being the Lightwarrior, the ones that are going forward and spreading the Light wherever you can, wherever it is called for.
That is your mission at this time as a group, to spread the Light wherever and whenever, and however you are able to. It is no longer that you are to sit back and watch the world evolve around you. But rather, you are now to move out and have yourself evolve around the world. There is a major difference with that. To spread the Light, and not simply to hold and anchor the Light. To share it. To be it. To be the example, the ideal that others can look up to and look toward, to know and understand the way.
Just as Yeshua, when he walked the Earth, he spread the Light wherever and whenever and however he could. He did not shy away from his mission. He was not simply a Lightworker that anchored the Light. But he shared it. He became it wherever he could. And he taught whenever and wherever he could. He taught the mission that he was there for.
Just as you are here to teach the mission that you are here for, both individually and as a group. And it is a grand mission that you are all a part of. For you see, yes, you are the Boots on the Ground. But you are all part of the Alliance as well, all of you.
Each one of you has a part to play within the Alliance, within the resistance. And it is important now for you more and more to put up that resistance, to not capitulate, to not go along just because others have told you to do so. It is up to you to be that ideal, to show that you will not capitulate. That you will not go gently into the night. That you will spread the Light. That is your mission. Do not give in. Say always within yourself, “Enough is enough! And I will not give in, I will not go along just because someone somewhere is saying ‘wear the masks, watch your distance from another.’” Do not go along with that.
Show others your Light as you take those masks off, as you instead of finding yourself separate from others, find yourself together with others, clasping hands, hugging each other.
Did you not notice when you all came together at your last Advance and all of the togetherness that you had and showed? Not a one of you left with the virus. Not a one of you were ones who would take it in. Not one of you contracted it. Because you are not meant to.
You are meant to show the way, to be the example. Again, to be that ideal. So do that now each and every moment of your lives as you practice being in a neutral state with all the craziness that is around you. Be that shining light, that shining example for others to follow, that beacon that reaches out to others, that they can now come out of their dark spaces and reach out to the Light that you are sharing with them. Be that beacon. Be that Light. For you never know who or when that Light will shine upon another and help to awaken at that moment.
I am Ashtar, and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness. That you will continue to reach out and share with each other and with all of your brothers and sisters, and know that we are so close now to coming to you, to being there with you in a physical manner, not so much at your third dimensional level, but at the higher fourth dimension.
As you rise up, we will come down to meet you and be there in a physical expression with you. And that is much closer than many of you can possibly imagine at this moment. And those various announcements that have been spoken of by Saint Germain and others are also very, very close now, much closer, again, than you can imaging at this point. ‘Imminent’ would be your word to use now.
Peace and love be with all of you. I am Ashtar.

《2》.關於 進展報告 .
傳導:Erena Velazquez.
譯者:Nick Chan.

I am Ashtar Commander of Galactic Federation of Light, Finally, I am here, I have been trying for a couple days to deliver my message. It was interrupted a few times by different events. One of them, I would like to share with you, it was a battle with the Dark Ones. I received a report from one of our Commanders that the Negative Ones where stationed on one of the planets near by and their forces were quite large. I made the decision with my fleet to attack them unexpectedly, as that was a lot of ships in one area, which were planning to go to Earth. They would interfere with our plan for Ascension on Mother Earth.
We attacked them and destroyed their fleet, we also captured and delivered many of them to Prime Creator. He is going to make a decision, on what he will do with the survivors. We usually try to preserve life, unless we don’t have a choice, if they don’t surrender and keep firing at us, then we have no choice, but to destroy their ships and they unfortunately lose their lives. Most of the time we try to capture them alive, if we can. Prime Creator tries to bring the Dark Ones back to the light, if they continue to resist, then they can be stripped from their soul.
I am happy that this battle is over and that we won. Afterwards, we needed to remove all of the debris and to clean up all of the area around the planet where the battle took place. My fleet almost daily has encounters with the Negative Forces. This is why my message got delayed a few times.
As you know from Prime Creator’s last message, we started The Final Phase for Ascension on Mother Gaia. We have a lot of work still to do, and we are expecting more battles and encounters with the Dark Side. Their agenda for planet Earth has changed, they no longer want to keep the humans alive and use them as a slave labor. Now, they just want to completely destroy Gaia and all life on it.
Before, if you remember, the Negative Ones were planning to eliminate 95 percent of the human population by using vaccinations and other negative means, and only 5 percent of the survivors would be left from the whole population, which would have been used as their labor force, now they lost any interest of keeping this planet for themselves, and they don’t want anyone else to have it either, so they are trying to blow up Earth and eliminate everyone on it.
We, The Galactic Federation of Light and all of the Light Forces are doing our best to prevent that from happening and we are making sure that none of the Dark Fleet Forces make it here to your world. This is why it’s important for everyone on this planet to do your daily meditations, it will speed up your Ascension Process.
As a Commander, I have been lately very busy with a lot of different events going on behind the scenes. My crew and I are doing our best trying to keep Terra Christa and you safe. We have been reminding many times to the Ground Crew and Alliance that they also have responsibilities and duties to fulfill. The Alliance has been delaying the progress on your planet for too long, so our new Grand Counsel Queen An-Rareplaced the person in charge of releasing the funds to humanity.
I would like to ask all of you please, take seriously your tasks and duties, because the progress of your Ascension depends on it. My crew, I and our fleets have been stationary around Mother Gaia for a very long time and we would like to finish this assignment and move on to a new one. The human beings on Gaia receive daily blessings from Prime Creator, Galactics and etc. Now, we need your help to finish this process here, all of you have missions to accomplish here.
Millions of beings are involved in this Process of Ascension, which is very important for us and all of you. We want to see through this to the end, which has been long over due to be finished, so this is why Prime Creator announced about The Final Phase of Ascension, so he gave a timeframe for the Alliance to redistribute the wealth to humanity, so they can’t give anymore excuses on why they can’t get it done and not fulfill their duties.
As you know, Prime Creator is very serious about it, and he is not going to let go of anything without consequences, because it’s effecting too many people on this planet, so he and we will make sure that Alliance follows through and delivers the wealth to humanity in a timely manner.
Also, regarding Light Workers, Light Warriors and Twin Flames, all of them need to reunite and start doing their missions, and the ones, who will try to run away from their responsibilities and missions, we, The Galactics are going to make sure that they will be brought back to fulfill their duties. We are not going to let anyone escape from their commitments, which are expected from them. A long time ago before coming to this planet, they took a vow to help Mother Earth and humankind. We are not going to allow anymore delays with this Ascension Process.
另外,關於光之工作者,光戰士 ,雙生火焰,所有這些人需要團聚,開始進行他們的使命,試圖逃避自己責任和使命的人,我們,銀河存有會確保他們回去履行他們的職責。我們不會讓任何人逃避自己的承諾。很久以前,在來到這個星球之前,他們宣誓會幫助地球母親和人類。我們不會再允許任何的延遲
My message and other messages by other beings coming through this channel are very important and are going to have only the truth. Please, learn how to accept the truth and don’t run away from it, because it’s very crucial and important time for you and your planet now. As we mentioned before, Gaia already ascended and she is only keeping this 3D version alive, because humanity, animals and nature are still here in this 3D reality.
Millions of Light Forces are working together very hard making sure that this Ascension happens. Terra Christa is constantly beaming with high energies to help you with the process. We are all watching over you, even if you don’t see us in a physical form, we are always connected with all of you. Please, raise your consciousness by doing your daily meditations 3-4 times a day, to lift your energies from 3D to 5D. You want to transform yourself to a Galactic Human Being. If you don’t know yet what is your mission, then meditation is your mission.
As I said before, many things are taking place out of site and in secret for now, until the right moment comes to reveal everything to you on what’s really going on behind the 3D curtain, so please, don’t worry about what’s is happening there, just focus on yourselves, your daily tasks and on your day to day work that is expected from you, which is going to help us and all of you to come closer to the finish line. Please, remember you are here to help Mother Terra Christa and everyone in this world to ascend and move to The Golden Age, where there will be no more suffering, only peace, harmony and immortality.
This is why we put so much effort and time as The Galactic Federation of Light now is working together with our new Grand Counsel Queen An-Ra. She is very much involved in this Process now. Queen An-Ra is doing a lot of incredible and amazing work for us. At this moment she is focusing her attention on one of the Twin Flames, who is causing us a lot of problems by avoiding the responsibilities and missions that individual, who swore an oath to do before coming to Earth, so she is in charge of that issue, and she will take care of that matter, so we are very grateful for her stepping in and helping us with this problem.
Please, Alliance, we cannot specify enough of how important it is for you to do your part in this Ascension Process, like the announcement of Nesara Gesara Republic, redistribution of wealth, mass arrests and etc. I understand that everything here works at much slower pace, because of the density of 3D energies. I, Ashtar and the rest of us have faith in you with your dedication, time, effort and diligence that you are going to be successful in delivering the expected results in this long overdue Process of Ascending to 5th dimension.
···聯盟,拜託,我們無法再強調去進行你們在這個揚升進程中的角色有多重要了,比如宣佈Nes·ara Ges·ara共合國,才富的重新分配,大規模逮捕等等。我明白在這裡一切運作起來有點慢,出於稠密的3D能量。我,阿斯塔和其他人相信你,伴隨著你的奉獻、時間、努力、勤奮,你會成功交付預期的結果,在這個遲遲未兌現的揚升進程中
The Ground Crew, your contribution and all of your hard work is very much appreciated. We are coming to the end of this Process, so please don’t get discouraged, we are following the divine plan, which was created by Prime Creator, so trust yourselves and trust us, we are going to meet one day in person with you as a new Galactic Human in 5D. I am Ashtar and I was happy to be here today with all of you and give you on update on your Ascension Process. Thank you


