

傳導作者:Daniel Scranton 譯者:iam66
《1》.你們的第三隻眼正在開啟 (20201014)
《2》.我們正在為你們提供的當前能量 (20201015)
《3》.你們正在喚醒更多 (20201016)

《1》.關於:你們的第三隻眼正在開啟 .


我們非常渴望看到你們所有人都獲得更多的千里眼能力(clairvoyant abilities),ESP(超感覺力)和第六感。我們知道,你們中有些人是在開啟這些天賦和能力的情況下進來的,而你們中的其他人自覺醒後就已經發展了這些天賦。但是,仍然有許多人尚未發揮這些力量,並且對此毫無疑問,它們確實使人變得更強大。




The Opening of Your Third Eyes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very eager to witness all of you gaining more access to your clairvoyant abilities, your ESP, your sixth sense. We know that some of you came in with those gifts and abilities turned on, and others of you have developed those gifts since you’ve awakened. But there are still so many who have yet to tap in to these powers, and make no mistake about it, they do make a person more powerful.

A person who is clairvoyant can perceive things that others cannot, which at first can come across as a curse to many who possess that power, but they are the trailblazers. They are the ones who decided to develop those abilities sooner than most so that they would be able to show all of you the way to have more control over your gift.

And now we see that more and more people are getting the upgrades, the activations, and the attunements necessary to have a very wide open third eye. For many, it’s not because of anything that they have done. It is just time for more humans to awaken, and this is one of the easier ways to get those who have been asleep to wake up. And so, the opening of the third eye of so many humans is what will be taking place over these next several months. The mass awakenings that you have already experienced on your world are just the beginning, and there is a need for more.

Some of you who are receiving this transmission right now will be the perfect ones to help your fellow humans who have those newly-opened third eyes. And you will answer the call, because you have wanted to be of service for so long, and it is also fun to have a gift and then to see someone else develop their gift. It gives you something to talk about. It gives you something to have connect about, and that is something else that humanity needs at this time. You need to feel more connected to one another, because those who seek to separate you are continuing to put forth that agenda in a variety of ways.

But no one can stop a human being from waking up, and these third eye openings, these activations of clairvoyant abilities, are a long time coming. For many, it will be a reawakening, a reopening, as they had the gift when they were a child, and then lost it for one reason or another. There are many. But nothing can stop the avalanche of energies that is coming in at this time to support so many in the opening and awakening of their third eyes.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:我們正在為你們提供的當前能量 .


在某些時候,我們正在談論,你們在自己身上承擔了過多的責任。你們只能通過身體動作來做很多事情,而當你們開放,放鬆和接受時,你們可以做更多的事情,因為在那一刻,你們會得到一些啟發(inspiration),然後你們就會變得爆發性(go off)收穫。不用吹灰之力就可以成就很多。或者,你們將下載一些能量,這些能量將給你們一些升級和啟動觸發,而這些升級和觸發將使你們在所做的工作和採取的行動中更加有效。




The Current Energies We’re Putting in Your Fields ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been giving you opportunity after opportunity to rest and relax, to let us and others do some, if not all, of the heavy lifting for you, as you move forward as a collective. But there is still something inside of most humans, some bit of programming that tells you that you are responsible for getting it all done and getting it all done through hard work. Now, of course, there are times that you work hard, and there are times when you get lost in your work, because you love it so much.

And then there are the times that we are talking about, where you overburden yourselves with too much responsibility. You can only get so much done through physical action, and you can get so much more done when you are open, relaxed and receptive, because in those moments, you will receive a bit of inspiration, and then you will go off and take very little action and get a lot accomplished. Or you will download some energies that will give you some upgrades and activations, and those upgrades and activations will make you more effective in the work that you do, in the actions that you take.

We want you to know that the energies coming in from this collective, and from all of the other beings and collectives that we know, are meant to make your lives easier and better, not harder and filled with more struggle and strife. We want you to know that you are not there to do in this lifetime. You are there to become, and what you are there to become is not just an author, or a speaker, or an architect. You are there to become your higher self, and to do that requires no action on your part, but it does require you to feel everything.

Have you noticed how often you take action to compensate for a feeling that you don’t want to feel, that you don’t want to even admit exists within you? Well, we have. We love to see you taking action from that place of being in the flow, riding a wave of inspiration, of downloads of ideas. And when we see you toiling away out of a feeling of despair, we send you even more energy, we send you even more inspiration, and we put out into the human collective consciousness a desire to co-create with you a better world for all, a world where everyone gets to pursue their passion projects, to do what they truly desire to do.

That is the new way. That is the new age that we see dawning at this time, and we are happy to be a part of it with you, but we are always looking for more of you to partake consciously in receiving all the gifts, all the beauty, and all of the wisdom that we have to put right there in your energy fields, where you can access all of it at any time.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



我們對你們的精神進化非常感興趣,因為它與我們在《 大角星星系》中所經歷的完全不同。我們沒有遇到大家都決定承擔的同樣的艱辛和挑戰。因此,我們不僅給人留下深刻的印象,而且也讓你們著迷。



You Are Awakening So Much More ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very interested in your spiritual evolution because it is so different from what we experienced here in the Arcturian Star System. We did not experience the same hardships, the same challenges that you have all decided to take on for yourselves. And so, not only are we impressed by humanity, but we are also fascinated by you.

As we witness you moving through your ascension process, we are frequently amazed by what you have been able to endure emotionally and psychologically. You have taken on more than your fair share as a collective. You agreed to take on the conflict and the trauma that had yet to be resolved from all star systems in the galaxy. You are a melting pot of beings with various levels of e.t. DNA, struggling just to co-exist. We cannot imagine what it must be like to have to struggle just to co-exist.

We also recognize that you exist within us, just as we exist within you. You are helping to give us an experience that we did not have while in physical bodies, and we are eternally grateful to you for that because we know that all parts of ourselves are necessary in order to know ourselves as Source Energy Beings. Remember that the next time you are hard on yourselves for some aspect of you that you do not like, that you do not think is very Divine. That part of you is also necessary in order for you to become who you really are.

That’s why it is so important for you to drop your judgments of yourselves and others. You know on the level of your higher selves that you need all aspects of you and that all aspects of you are to be loved and embraced. And many of you are getting that now. You receive those higher thoughts, those downloads.

You are awakening so much more of who you are as you move forward. And all of it is to be loved, accepted, forgiven, and embraced, if you are going to become your fifth-dimensional higher selves. And we know that you are destined to become your fifth-dimensional higher selves. So you might as well start right now with dropping your resistance to any part of you that you’re currently fighting against, whether that part of you inside your physical body or in another human being. Letting go is liberating, and it is necessary to allow yourselves to float up into the higher frequency range of the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


