

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez、JENNIFER CROKAERT
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》佛陀-沉思真理非常重要 (20210312)
《2》耶穌-你的呼吸是你卓越的工具 (20210312)
#ErenaVelazquez #JENNIFERCROKAERT #釋迦牟尼 #NickChan #佛陀 #約書亞 #薩南達

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings,I am Buddha and I am very happy to be here today. Oh my goodness, it has been a real while since my last message. As usual, I have been very busy plus my channel was busy too.
I hope everyone is doing well and staying uplifted in this chaotic reality. I am delighted to see that your old system is falling down each day more and more. The control mechanism that lasted here for thousands years, it’s losing power, and one day you are going to wake up to a new world without any poverty and pain.
You are going to spread ‘’your wings like a bird and fly’’. Just think for a minute how great that is going to be by being completely free from worries about money. All of your dreams and desires will be fulfilled, and you will quit your boring jobs and instead you will be focusing on helping humanity to continue to grow as a civilization.
It makes me very happy that these changes are coming to Mother Earth. It took a lot of spiritual work during this transition from the old reality to the new one, from 3D to 5D to get to this point.
Long time ago, during my time being here as a human, I was clueless about the outside world. I was born to wealth, so I didn’t know anything about, what was happening in the real world. Believe me, I learned quickly about poverty and death, when I left my father’s home.
I want to bring to your attention that despite all of the control by the Negative forces, everything on this planet got evolved and reached the level needed in vibration to ascend and make a New Society here. These are amazing and joyful times for the humankind to be able to come to the place in their history, where suffering, diseases and poverty are going to completely disappear and become old memories.
Meantime, before you get to that harmionious 5th dimension, you need to participate in this process by doing daily simple steps. Please, every morning start with being grateful for being alive and having a meal on your table. The most important part before leaving your home is to do your daily meditation. The meditations will raise your consciousness, which is going to guide you through your day.
Remember, contemplating the truth is very important and rewarding for you, especially during this time. The Dark Entities don’t like to be around someone who is radiating with Light and Love from their soul. Also, your meditations are going to help you with your daily encounters by smoothing away any obstacles that come your way and by bringing flow to your life. It helped me, when I was Buddha here on Earth, it opened up possibilities and gifts in me, this is how I became a spiritual leader.
Even today, I still guide, mentor and teach as an Ascended Master. I am very happy to assist anyone who needs my help. Yes, I am supporting humanity’s transition into a higher level of existence. I hope that all of you realize how blessed you are to be able to ascend with your physical bodies and reach Nirvana, state of total bliss.
Learn how to express forgiveness and love to everyone and everything no matter what, it will help you to speed up the process of raising your vibration. I am here to reinforce this truth and show you the path to enlightenment for the ones, who got lost and need to be guided.
Please, remember you are the ones who are going to bring Light to this part of the Galaxy. I am Buddha, and I am overjoyed to delivery this message today to all of you. Please, stay strong and be well. I am sending my blessings and my love. Thank you.

譯者:Nick Chan

My beloved brothers and sisters, so many of you are finding it a struggle to allow the present energies to pass through you. These energies are old, dense energies that were locked and blocked away from humanity’s consciousness, because the pain and trauma within them were too intense for humanity to feel. Now that pain and trauma is being released and ‘purged’ through the lightworkers.
You are all familiar with Olympians, elite athelets who train to surpass what ordinary athletes can do, and to definitely surpass the physical abilities of non-athletic humans!
They undergo gruelling training, endlessly practicing although no one sees them. All the public see is a brief moment, the result of countless years of preparation and training. The discomfort and pain they endure in their day-to-day work, combined with their determination and focus, could not be undertaken by just anyone. They are elite athletes
You are Olympic Lightworkers. You work tirelessly – day and night – shining your light, allowing energies of pain and suffering to flow through you so that they may be transmuted and released, for the highest good of all.
This grueling expansion of self is beyond what most of humanity is able to do at present. You are the elite; you are in service to the Divine and to humanity. What makes you even more remarkable is that you are not seeking any glory for yourself, but to be of service.
Yes, as humanity wakes up, they will help; but they will be in need of coaches and mentors to assist them, to show them how to help humanity with compassion for themselves as well as others. You are in training to pass the baton, to become the wise elders for the next generation of awakeners. You are the Olympic atheletes of today, the star coaches of tomorrow.
So when your life programme seems too much to bear, take a breather – I mean that literally! – stop and breath.
Your breath is your instrument of transcendence, breathing in is ‘inspiration’, meaning ‘taking in Spirit’. Let the load be shared, allow divine energy to move through you consciously with your breath.
You are not alone, you too have coaches – some visible, some transcendent – you are constantly being coached and mentored, for we recognise the enormous efforts you are making, the tremendous pressure your dedication can place on your body, your personal life, you work and your finances.
We are with you in every moment, as you shine like the Olympic stars that you are.


