

傳導:Ann Dahlberg、Erena Velazquez、Ann Albers
譯者:Nick Chan
#AnnDahlberg #ErenaVelazquez #AnnAlbers #NickChan

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Judas and I have come today to sow some seeds here and there. Everyone who listens and takes in different messages can sow a seed in their inner self. A plant is already there, it depends on whether you have cared for it or not as it can grow strong and so its seeds, which in turn germinate and form a new plant etc. We can call these plants your gifts, your vitality and your life task in this life. You all went down with open eyes, but it can be difficult to harbor the energy that vibrates on Earth today.
我是猶大,今天我前來播種一些種子。 每一個聆聽和接收不同信息的人可以在他們的內在自我中播種一個種子。一顆植物已經在那,取決於你是否關照它,這樣它可以成長和播種,進而生長和形成一顆新的植物。我們可以稱這些植物為你的天賦、生命力和此生的使命。你們都睜開了眼,但會很難保持今天地球上的能量
Many of you have had a challenging life and you have had to fight to keep yourself above the surface. However, you have managed it and moved on strengthened in your life. The energy on Earth is now more easily absorbed by you, you can find your gifts and do what is closest to your heart. It can be a job, family, children, grandchildren, or something bigger that you have longed to do.
There are many of you now who can embrace your inner voice and have begun to take a few steps after the guidance you have received. We would like to praise you for that, because that is the most important thing you can do right now. It is good if you also take care of yourself and make sure you get the nutrition you need. When you take care of your body, you take care of yourself and it can provide the energy you need to be able to perform your task here on Earth. You are all needed and you all have a task to take on, if only to find the light within yourself. It spreads in your collective consciousness and does great good there. Mother Earth needs a lot of light and many of you came down, just to give her light to her. All tasks small and large are needed today for the energy of love now flows so slowly across the Earth. Take it to your heart, dear children, and let it radiate within you, let it awaken everything that has been hidden and forgotten, let sorrow and pain disappear, let only love and joy remain.
I would like you to try to enjoy every day a little of what is around you, of things that make you happy, hopeful, and that strengthen your mind in a positive way. That is when you begin to see the possibilities and that is when you can discern the change that you and the Earth are currently undergoing. It is from the totality of light and love that you see and understand what steps to take. It is the light that moves you forward, it is only in your own light that you can find the right way home. Seek to find the peace and quiet within you and spread it like the wind that spreads all the small seeds. Seeds that have been captured so that they can fall down where they can germinate most easily. Not all seeds may fall into good soil but many of them do. Be a bearer of light, dear Earthlings, and you carry your destiny in your own hands. It is one of your most important tasks today, it is to seek and find your light so that it can shine like a bright star in the darkness.
We go with you and help you find your light, in many different ways we try to direct your attention there. You may hit a little on the road, but your light will shine all the clearer once you have found it.
I would just like to end by saying that we are extremely proud and grateful for the great work you are now doing on Earth. It is not an easy task that you have taken on, but you do it with great love and brilliance.
A big THANK YOU and and a lot of light and love we now send to the entire population of the Earth. We also send you strength, courage and power so that you can complete your work during this reincarnation.
Great love

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, and I am pleased to be back through this channel. I have a message today for humankind.
I just want to remind to all of you who you are and why you are here. As you know by now that your memories were erased by the Dark Entities long time ago. Everyone, who resides as a human on this planet, came from different Star Systems, Galaxies and Universes. You made a promise before arriving here to help liberate Mother Earth from the Reptilians and Dracos.
Now, new energies and timelines are aligning in a Divine Order to help you regain your abilities by moving into higher frequencies. Humanity as a Collective Consciousness didn’t realize yet about their own true power, which can change the outcome of this world and remove the corrupted souls effortlessly, because they are afraid of the Light, and they can’t be in the high vibrations.
Everything is coming together into a perfect alignment, the human race needs to take their power and their destiny back into their own hands to free themselves from this enslavement, which lasted for too long as all of you know.
Meantime, you need to resist the New World Order on what they are trying to force on you and please, be aware that vaccines are dangerous for humans, as it contains nanotechnology set up to destroy the human body.
This is why, it’s very important to take control of your own lives now and don’t wait too long as each minute is crucial for this New World. All of you have the inner strength within you to accomplish this task of freeing yourself from this 3D prison.
It’s very important to regain and understand that you are a Divine Being of Light and you came here to this part of the Galaxy to serve a higher purpose. The mission is very simple to bring Light and Love to Gaia and become leaders to others who are still asleep and help them see the Light.
I am from the Pleiadian High Council, so I am briefed all of the time about the situation on Earth. I have been selected to be in charge of the High Council, so I am making plans and preparations for our Pleaidian Fleet to land after the liberation of Mother Gaia. My team of councils are going to help to establish Light Centers globally and help with other humanitarian projects.
I am excited that we are going to be able to assist our sisters and brothers in person. New times are coming and we are feeling very happy about the upcoming transformation that is already happening like the rescuing of many children, cult members are being captured, the removal of the Dark Ones who committed crimes against your civilization, arrests of Negative government officials. Also, no new Dark Forces can enter this planet, they are banned and are cut off by our Galactic Fleets.
Your media is going to be completely dismantled for not being truthful and lying to the people, and will be replaced by the truth, and there will be no more need for the mass media anymore. Old times are going to dissolve and a new bright future will arrive.
Please, be prepared for your lives to change so drastically and that you are going to feel like your living in a science fiction movie. You are going to forget about your old 3D Matrix life very quickly like it never existed before, only adventures and joy are going to be part of your daily life.
I am joyful for humanity and reminding you to be patient and don’t get discouraged if the changes don’t come fast enough. You need to believe us, that this reality is getting crushed with each day more and more, and nobody can’t stop it or repair it anymore, you can be sure of that it. Thank you.
Please, Always Stay In The Light
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

傳導作者:Ann Albers
譯者:Nick Chan

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Take a moment. Look around. What is happening in your world right here and now? What room are you in? Are you in your car? Outside? Take a moment to appreciate your computer, phone, tablet, or the device with which you are reading our words. Take a moment to appreciate your environment. Take a moment to appreciate yourself for taking a few minutes to connect with those of us in the heavens who love more than we can possibly ever convey with worlds. After reading this paragraph shut your eyes, breathe for a minute or two and simply open to receive our love for you. Do it now, if you like.
It is in this place, this moment, this very perfect time that you call now, in which you can access the Divine, your angels, and the miraculous power that creates worlds. For just a moment, after you read this paragraph, shut your eyes, breathe, and receive our love once again. This time, after you feel us, play with us. Imagine yourself in a future where you already have something you deeply and dearly want, be it a situation, a feeling, or a thing. As you receive our love and imagine your future, we are sending our energy to empower your creations. Just take a moment, in this moment, and then come back when you are ready.
We are often asked, "How can I be present here and now while imagining my happy future?" This of it this way. Here and now, you can watch a futuristic show on your TV. Here and now, you can watch a historical documentary. Here and now, you can watch the news, the movies, the cooking channel, or a variety of other programs. Here and now, you get to tune into anything you please.
When you tune into the past, you are asking the universe to recreate the past. The higher dimensions will always and only match your loving vibrations, but there are plenty on the earth who will unwittingly cooperate with the lower ones. That's why we recommend you only tune in only to what you love about the past, and when painful memories seem compelling, slowly and gently steer your thoughts to ones that feel better. Tell yourself, "I am strong. I am capable. I made it. The past is over. Here I am now and now is better. In this moment I am safe. In this moment, as a I read this, all is well. Now is new." In this fashion, by focusing on better feeling thoughts in the present moment, you release the unpleasant past's grip on your future.
Likewise, when you think about the future, imagine the best and you will bring those good vibrations into your here and now.
It is your energy, not your words that dictate what you are tuned into. You can’t shout at the TV, “I want to watch channel 5!” You have to tune into it. You can’t tell your voice activated control, “I don’t want to watch channel 3!” It will likely either ignore you or say, “OK, I’ll tune into channel 3!” Your devices, dear ones, are starting to teach you more and more about the 5D universe! You can only tune into one channel, one vibration at a time. It is either something you want to tune into, or something that blocks what you want.
So, as you sit in your here and now, you can focus with appreciation on something pleasurable from the past and thus call more of that to you. You can focus on the best possible future and draw that to you as well. You can simplify all of this and appreciate life and all that it offers right here and now. In so doing you are tuning into good feelings, higher vibrations, and therefore drawing unto you absolutely everything you desire!
The simplest thing you can do is to breathe, and open to receive our love. Appreciate what is around you. Appreciate yourself. Then go enjoy your day, one moment at a time, knowing that in a vibration of love and appreciation the entire universe is assembling the sum total of all your dreams and guiding you towards them… one beautiful moment at a time.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels


