

傳導作者:Dianne Robbins、Beth Stormont、Asara Adams
譯者:Nick Chan
#DianneRobbins #BethStormont #AsaraAdams #NickChan

傳導作者:Dianne Robbins
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Mikos, speaking to you from the Library of Porthologos, where I am the Head Librarian. I reach out to you today, in harmony and goodwill toward all surface dwellers on Earth.
We extend our friendship to you with open arms, to receive you into our lives, into our homes, and into the Inner Earth where we dwell. Harmony surrounds us all inside the depths of the Earth, and soon harmony will surround the entire Earth, as she rises in consciousness, as an ascending Star in the Heavens.
As Earth floats through space, her weary travelers climb the ascension ladder that will bring all souls into the knowingness of their beings. Due to the enormous amounts of energy being directed to Earth, a flame has been ignited in the hearts of people, a flame so great, that all humanity has caught the fire of God’s spark of consciousness blazing in their hearts. This Light is awakening all people to the remembrance of who they are, and the knowledge of the Universe contained in each tiny body cell.
We see the Light as it pours forth onto Sacred Mother Earth’s body, igniting her atmosphere into a blazing Light that penetrates the body cells of all life on her surface. We, too, feel the intensity of this Light as it revs our vibration to speeds beyond Light. All on Earth are being blessed by the luminous Light show as Earth’s aura gleams through the density that once kept her hidden in darkness.
Now her Light is seeping through the vast expanses of space, where all eyes are focused on her amazing birth into Light. She is ignited and fanned by God’s Love, and all Ascended Beings, Angels, and Cetaceans carry the torch of Love that keeps her Light blazing through all life everywhere. No one can escape her Light now. Even the darkest of souls, who refuse to budge in their positions of power and destructiveness, are feeling the Light invade their space to reveal their intent to control the Earth’s populations. They love the dark, and the Light is exposing all facets of their true character for all to witness. This is creating an uncomfortable environment for them, and causing them to step up their operations and react more intensely to situations in government and politics. They will do themselves in, and bring about their own demise.
We are all in for exciting times ahead, as all knowledge that has been kept from you will be revealed. You will bask in the Light of “who you are”, and remember your purpose for being here. As Unity Consciousness envelopes the Earth, she will rapidly rise in frequency to burst through the third dimensional barrier of density into the Light of the fifth dimension, carrying you all with her.
These are remarkable times, never before experienced on Earth. Soon you will be discovering hidden ancient knowledge, tablets and ancient writings that will remind you all of your heritage, and free you from life’s struggle. All you need is free.
We, in the Inner Earth, are free people living free lives. And this freedom is what keeps us perpetually young in heart and young in body. For we have resolved to never deviate from God’s laws. For it is God’s laws that keep us in health and wealth, and that perpetuate our life spans.
All is quickening on Earth. In the Inner Realms, where all is Light and all is Love, we watch in amazement as more and more humans awaken to the call of their souls daily, and opt for peace, opt for life, opt for all that is their birthright. The Earth is the Showcase of the Milky Way Galaxy, for it is bringing all life back to the heart of God, to be reunited in one great Wave of Ascension.
We remain hidden in the Earth’s core until Unity Consciousness prevails on the surface, at which time you will find us in the midst of you, guiding you and loving you and welcoming you home.

傳導作者:Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones, we greet you with much love. We are going to attempt to make this message brief, because it speaks to one main purpose. The channel has always been concerned that she has received our message with correctness.
She does read regularly the messages from the other channels as well, and of course she sees discrepancies between the varying facts presented… especially in speaking about outer world events.
What we would say here is that there are as many differing views about those events as there are people with different backgrounds of experiences and personal human qualities. The channel has recently written a poem for publication on Medium.com in which she highlights the point that everyone sees the same sky but gets a different view of it depending on the time and space of the viewing. In other words, there are many varied facets to one thing (like the sky)… and they can all be correct. Our channeled message was one of many varied expressions of what actually happened about that important event in America on the 20th of January.
We channeled beings are all in agreement about the happenings on this side of the veil: … about the love and light flooding the planet… about your skies being filled with aid from the many lighted beings, spaceships, etc…. and about Ascension and the 5D world of reality.
We just encourage that you focus on this inner world information in the days ahead, rather than on the dissent and chaos currently present in the outer world… and especially about disturbing 3D views constantly being expressed with closed-minded ‘authority’.
Also, please remove the thought of timing. Emphasis on timing can cause great confusion and disappointment, thus weakening the power of the wonderful message of the future reality we all know is in process at this very moment of your linear time.
Be of courage, Dear Ones. We know there can be setbacks when you have great faith in some event that has a different outer result than expected.
Just know that all is happening for a reason according to Divine Plan — and the victory has already been achieved in the true 5D reality that has not yet become manifested in your current 3D reality world. When the timing is right, you will definitely know that new reality!
We bless you and hold you in the Love and Light of the Cosmic Christ.
We are nearly all in total agreement when expressing about what is happening from this side of the veil. . . about the love and light flooding the planet, and the reality of Ascension and the 5D world of reality.

傳導作者:Asara Adams
譯者:Nick Chan

We are Here NOW.
We LOVE You.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
As everything is rapidly changing in the world, the only constant is your connection to SOURCE.
What is playing out on the world's stage is in constant flux.
Many are unsettled and uncertain about the current reality...
Just remember that everything in the third dimensional world is not really "real."
It is part of the "matrix" which is simply a reflection of the Collective and the Individual Consciousness.
This matrix is responding to the thoughts, feelings, words, and actions of each individual, as well as that of humanity as a whole.
The only way to change the reflection in the matrix and ultimately leave the matrix into the Higher Dimensions, is to forge a strong connection to SOURCE.
The more attention you are paying to your connection to SOURCE, the less attention you'll pay attention to the reflection in the matrix.
The more attention you are paying to your connection to SOURCE, the more you are able to feel the Divine Perfection of SOURCE.
The more you are feeling the Divine Perfection of SOURCE, the more you are able to bring it into your Emotional, Mental, and Physical body.
Once you have accomplished that, you are BEginning to create a Powerful Momentum that will then in turn, change your experience of the world.
You are BEginning to change your experience from the inside outwards into your reality.
The more you are radiating the Divine energies of SOURCE into the matrix, it BEgins to change.
Eventually, the lower energies of the third dimensional world will leave your reality, because they cannot sustain themselves in your Higher Vibrational Energy Field.
You are NOW connecting to the Higher Dimensional Reality and every day, you are making this connection stronger.
All of a sudden experiences are entering your reality that are New and of a Higher vibration of Love, Joy, Ease, Abundance and Wellbeing.
Without Physically leaving your place, Energetically, things BEgin to Shift HIGHER, your Divine Connection to SOURCE BEcomes stronger and you are BEcoming a NEW Person in a NEW Reality.
Welcome to the Divine New Earth!
We are Holding the vision of the Divine New Earth with you and from our vantage point it is Glorious.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are Loved beyond measure.
We are with you... Always. We LOVE you. WE are YOU.


