

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) .
譯者:iam66、GOOGLE (咕狗)
《1》.同理心:使你們觸及全人類的靈魂 (20210126)
《2》.新的仙后座人類聯盟 (20210127)
#DanielScranton #GOOGLE #咕狗 #iam66

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) .




你們中的許多人不時地探索(dip your toes into the hot bathwater),這是第五維度,並且你們會在其中停留盡可能長的時間。每當你們這樣做時,你們就會將其中一些能量帶回到第四維度。即使你跌倒了,但是你的經歷使你改變了,你正在投射出一種不同類型和不同程度的意識,而其餘的人類則感受到了這一點。




Empaths: You Reach the Souls of All Humans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in this for the long haul with all of you; we are very patient as we walk alongside you on this very significant journey you are on there on planet Earth. We consider it to be an honor to be invited to your little party, and we are so excited to be on the path with you for all of the wonderful twists and turns that you have coming up in order to bring you into a higher frequency state.

As many of you know, the fifth dimension is not a place you go to; it is a state of being that you maintain. It is a vibration that you continuously offer, and when your shift in consciousness is completed, you won’t have to try to get into the fifth-dimensional state. It will be automatic, but it will be automatic because of what you are doing right now.

Many of you dip your toes into the hot bathwater that is the fifth dimension from time to time, and you stay there for as long as you can. Whenever you do that, you bring some of that energy back with you to the fourth. You come down, but you are changed by the experience, and you are projecting a different type of consciousness, a different level of consciousness, and the rest of humanity feels that.

You do realize that you can help others shift just with your presence. Just by emanating love from your being-ness, you are helping everyone there on Earth. This shift is not about doing, and we think we’ve established that it’s not about things happening outside of you, but it is about you and the vibration you offer. Offering a high vibration more consistently has a bigger impact than anything you could do right now. This is what those of you who are truly awake recognize, even without beings and collectives like ourselves telling you. In fact, many, many of you who are part of the new age community just emanate love because you know that’s how you want to feel.

You were born sensitive; you were born empaths. And therefore, you could not stand to be around anything that was of a lower vibration for very long. And the world needs you now more than ever to shine that light, to exude that high vibration, and to set that example for the rest of your fellow humans who are still of the belief that what’s happening outside of them is more powerful and more influential than what’s coming out of their own energy fields. You set the tone for this shift every time you achieve a higher-vibrational state, and you invite your fellow humans to join you.

You are there to not only make it to 5D; you are there to enjoy the journey that you are on. And we are here to help and to support; we are here to remind you of what you already know but that you sometimes forget because you got caught up in someone else’s idea of what the shift is all about.

Now is your time to shine because you are needed so very much by people who will never meet you, never read a book or a blog that you’ve written, and never watch a video that you’ve made. And we say that because we want you to know that your impact is bigger than your reach into the ears and eyes of those that you are capable of reaching. You are reaching the souls of your fellow humans because your souls always feel that connection to each and every other human that exists on planet Earth right now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:新的仙后座人類聯盟 .
傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) .
譯者:GOOGLE (咕狗).






我們從我們的朋友仙后座中學到了很多東西,我們知道他們也從與我們的交談中受益。最重要的是,我們在這些討論中不斷提到的是,我們知道您的真實身份,並且我們知道您會選擇愛。 我們只想成為促進這些選擇的過程的一部分,坦率地說,這就是我們與您達成的協議。這是一項協議,當我們在星體飛機上與您會面時,我們會不斷地不時地出現,但這也是我們在所有這一切開始之前達成的協議。


A New Cassiopeian Alliance for Humankind ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of exchanging ideas with a nonphysical collective of Cassiopeians, and this exchange between us and the Cassiopeians is all about how to get humankind to live more in your hearts than you currently are. The Cassiopeians know all about being heart-centered because the theme of their star system is love, just as the theme of our star system is spirituality, and the theme of your system is all emotion.

We are strategizing with the Cassiopeians to find new ways of opening the hearts of each human there on Earth. It is our desire for all of you to speak from your hearts, to think with your hearts, to lead with your hearts, and to live your lives according to your heart’s desire. When you are able to do those things, you will be closer to your true self, which is Source Energy, and Source Energy is of course, unconditional love. Unconditional love is not a concept to be contemplated in your heads; it’s not mind-oriented. It’s something that you are but that you do not always allow yourselves to be.

And it is usually your minds that get in the way, and so we are discussing with this beautiful Cassiopeian collective the possibilities that exist to bring you all into your hearts in a way that also makes it your decision to do so. We are not here to force you to evolve and become your higher selves, but we are here to encourage you to do so, and we’re always looking for new opportunities to get you to decide for yourselves that you want to be the unconditional love that you truly are.

We are always telling you about the energies that we are sending and the portals that we are opening, but this time we know that this Cassiopeian alliance we have formed will result in something even bigger, perhaps a massive wave of energy that strikes you all in just the right way. On your world right now, there are plenty of opportunities for you to choose love, to choose your hearts over your minds, to choose compassion over condemnation, but you could always do with some more encouragement along those lines.

We are learning quite a bit from our friends, the Cassiopeians, and we know they are also benefiting from conversing with us. The bottom line is, and the thing we keep coming back to in these discussions, is that we know who you really are, and we know that you will choose love. We just want to be a part of the process of facilitating those choices, and quite frankly that is our agreement with you. It’s an agreement that we continue to come to time and time again when we meet up with you as individuals in the astral plane, but it’s also an agreement that we had before all of this began.

That’s how long we have known each other, and yet, we have evolved, and so have all of you. And that is why we don’t always know precisely what to do, and we seek help. We seek collaboration, because we know that more perspectives are always welcome when you’re dealing with a topic as grand as the ascension of all beings within this wonderful universe of ours.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


