

傳導作者:Galaxygirl 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.被黑暗包圍的星星 (20201028)
《2》.不要害怕改變 (20201109)

譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年10月28日.

I am Source. I am that I am. I am the in-breath and the out-breath and the space in between. My spark is present within all life, even anti-matter life who denies me. Out of my will and my direction all life is birthed. Spark-lights of me in form are present throughout the multiverse, as well as creations of creations with light further diluted. But all life originally begins with me. (I am seeing Elohim and Archangels being given tools of creation and them each having their own projects. I am seeing barren planets being planned and protected, seedlings created and crafted with care for the unique environment per planetary form. I am seeing how each planet has a plan, its own life path and the intentions of the colonizers are an intricate part of this. I am seeing that Gaia has been heavily influenced by negative colonizers which changed her direction and stunted her growth for a long while). This is being remedied.
I am Source. I see and feel your angst and pain. I also feel your joys and excitements. For I am within you. I am experiencing this alongside you. We are together in this grand experiment. The dark ones are being removed. Those who do not chose the light are being repurposed by it, by myself and recycled into yet more light. This project is ending so that a new one can emerge, resplendent and beautiful, victorious in the light. Do not despair, but be courageous of heart. The tide is turning rapidly for humanity. No more shall Gaia be abused. My fingerprints are on each of your hearts. You are my own selves and you are well protected and loved. (I am seeing geometric shapes of all sizes and colors being intricately placed and fit together into an enormous puzzle. Each has sacred geometry and is unique and beautiful in itself). You are unique and beautiful to me. You are my creation. You are not forgotten or alone. (I am feeling the tremendous sense of community and joy when a puzzle piece is reunited with the neighboring shapes. I am seeing this is an infinite living cosmic breath of creation, a moving stream of solid and yet very fluid energy fabric that bathes the universe in light.
The puzzle pieces feel alone when they do not feel connected but they glow with light when they realize their connection). You are all connected to me. The cosmic photon belt which you are deep within is having tremendous positive effects. You are deep within this positively charged space quadrant. (I am seeing half of Gaia begin to glow and the glow is spreading all across her. I am seeing that solar systems are like tiny gears in a gigantic clock of the Milky Way which is yet another tiny gear in the universal clock. It is infinitely organized down to the tiniest detail, mathematical and exceptionally precise). Yes, just as you are seeing the mechanics of the larger picture, know that such care is equally being made within your inner body systems as they transmute forms from the lower carbon based into the higher crystalline form. Breathe in and in so doing you will be moving deeply more energy into your forms.
I am Source. You are all aspects of myself. You can never be divorced from your origin. We are one. Gaia’s liberation is being meticulously orchestrated. You have been immersed within chaos where rules serve the few not the many. Universal law is fair and just, reliable and true. This is being returned into your realm. The disharmony will be replaced with harmony for creation is harmony in its truest form. Balance will be restored. Just as intricately as the cells in a flower petal orchestrate its color, so too has everything been meticulously planned for your joy and freedom. Do not lose hope. Feel my strength within you. We are of the same light, the same essence. You are immeasurably loved. I am love. I am light. I am restoring this realm into love and light. Just as each planetary rotation and spin is mathematically precise to continue order in the heavens, so too are my angels and higher dimensional galactics who are aligned with me, so too does everyone have a purpose, a duty within certain frameworks. It is a delicate operation, a delicate task and I am immeasurably proud of them and of all of you. I am so delighted in my aspects, who are choosing the light of their own true being to shine most brightly in these harrowing times upon your world. They need not be harrowing. (I am hearing the hallelujah chorus). The dawn is upon you now. The sky is being filled with rosy light of a new era. Feel this rosy dawn within you and be at peace in this moment of rebirth and renewal.
I am Source. Your rebirth, planetary and personal alignments are in the process of tremendous upgrades. I am here with you always. We are together, one. I love you as myself. We are growing exponentially through this experience which will create a ripple effect of blessing for all future planetary creations and ascension processes. Just as you love and value your own children so too do I treasure you. Thank you for being a part of the liberation of Gaia.
I am Source. I applaud your efforts and I solidify you with strength, hope and love. Breathe me in and feel our oneness. There is nothing you cannot do. Feel the hope in these words and be at peace. Be comforted. You are a critical cog in the wheel of this divine plan unfolding. Shine your light as the divine star beings of love-light that you are. Stars in the sky are surrounded by darkness so that their light can shine most radiantly. You are shining radiantly. I am Source. Let us shine through this time together as one.

譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年11月16日.

I am seeing light, only light. I keep hearing “In the beginning there was the light of myself.” I am Source. I am the space between the in-between. I am the love-light fabric of the All. I am the everything and yet I am the nothing in-between the spaces of reality that you know and that you do not know. This reality has been much distorted and yet there I remain, for I am you, I am within you.
I am Source. I come though this one today for she is beloved by me, just as you are all beloved by me. You are my aspects, my fractals in form having a unique earthly sojourn into the density of the lower realms. You will rise again just has you have risen before. You rise with each ending of life. But every ending is also a beginning. A new chapter, a new book of the fate of Earth is being written and you, beloved children, are the ones doing the writing.
I am Source. This has been a heavy energy day for many for the realignment is taking place. This realm is realigning into the higher realms and of course the dark aspects of myself who have tried to forget and shut out my light, they are grasping at straws. Pay them no heed. See them as extensions of yourselves, of the wounded parts and pieces of you, of the you that you wish to forget. Instead of forgetting send that part of yourself love and in so doing you will be sending an energy wave current of healing to these who have forgotten me. The Christed light blazes strong in the hearts of men and women upon Gaia. It warms my heart. Do not fear the massive social changes that are coming. Know that all will be most well. I am Source. Children lean into me and hold on. Hug each other and feel the warmth of the loving hearts beside you. We are one in this forward momentum towards peace and liberty for Gaia and her kingdoms.
I am Source. I offer you all that I have. I offer you the peace of deep inner knowing that the light has won. Children you have seen so much. You have suffered so much, and yet you remain. I see you. I know you. I love you. I truly know all of the hairs of your head and all of the cells and DNA particles within them. For we are one entity of love. There can be no division. Unity Consciousness is the order of the day. The day of division and conquest over others is long past. You will see it attempt to play out. Send it light. Send those misguided energies light and understanding as one who has experienced internal conflict and chosen peace. Peace is not passivity. To chose peace one must stand for the truth in one’s own heart. Truth is returning to this realm of smoke and mirrors. The fog is lifting. The images will be clear. Hold your light high.
I am Source. I am both the in-breath and the out breath and the in-between. I am all-knowing and yet I am always expanding, searching, growing. I grow and expand through you. You are having grand adventures through myself. We are one. There is no judgement. Judgement comes from within. An understanding heart is not divided against itself. Forgive what you perceive as mistakes and send them love and realize they formed your path. The mistakes and pains in your lives were the boulders in your paths that forced a different angle of looking at things, forced growth and a change in direction. How is this blame worthy? I see you and I see myself. The Christed light has come to this realm. Those who wish for healing shall have it. Sometimes healing is painful. (I am seeing a band-aid being ripped off and a wound underneath that needs cleansing.) Wounds will need to be cleansed, galaxygirl. That is where the light workers come in. This community is so strong. I am so immensely proud of you.
I am Source. Let us roll up our sleeves and join forces. The light has won. You shall think otherwise in the coming days but know deeply in your truth that the light has won and this reality shall be allowed to shift. (I am seeing the Star Network from around the galaxy beaming light to Gaia in a special way, like hands extended for handshakes. I am seeing they are now each holding onto one of the branches of the Christed light tee that blooms within Gaia’s crystal heart. The tree glows brighter.) Invoke the Christed light into this realm. Invoke the crystalline networks to join also with Gaia’s crystal heart and she shall feel the support from all around her. Truly there is massive support and love around you in this moment. Such a tender project that requires such careful planning.
I am Source. Feel my love for you. I love you as myself. We are one. We are one. No illusion can make this otherwise. Remember no matter how things appear I am with you. What a glorious knowing. WE are ONE! I love you. I am Source.


